Honkai Impact: Life Simulator Honkai Impact: Life Simulator original

Honkai Impact: Life Simulator

作者: evity2k

© WebNovel


Inside a certain highrise in Nagazora City, Theo sat on the sofa, looking at the phone in his hand, and couldn't stop sighing.

Why! Why did things turn out like this?

Theo threw his phone aside and sank helplessly onto the sofa, rubbing his black hair, helplessness flashing through his red eyes.

Transmigrating into my favorite game and having the opportunity to meet my favorite characters.

But, why, why did it turn out this way?

Putting down the phone in dismay, Theo's gaze fell to the knife not far away and looked down at himself.

Shaking his head, Theo decisively gave up this completely unreliable idea.

As a very logical transmigrator, he quickly adjusted his mind and took the student card he just found at the bedside.

"Theo Elrod...an international student from the Heavenly Dynasty...a second-year student of Chiba Academy."

Looking at the picture of the clean-cut teenager in his hand, Theo stroked his chin.

Just as he was about to book a flight to run away two months before the Third Eruption began, an electronically synthesized voice rang in his ears.

[Ding! Host awakening detected, "Life Simulator" has been activated.]

[This simulator will send the host back to the past or future, to engage with the world in various actions and experience different lives.]

[At the end of each simulation, the host can receive rewards based on performance.]

[Reminder, due to transmigrating into this world, your body only has ten days left before it collapses.]

[The Life Simulator can help you get rewards in which you can not only strengthen yourself but also get more life span to prolong your life.]

[So host, you don't want to die early just after your new life has started, right?]

[Note: Based on Article 3 of the Host Protection Law, death in the Life Simulator does not result in the host's real death.]

[Please answer "Yes" or "No" if you accept the help of this system?]

"Yes, I agree."

Theo nodded, since he would not die for real, he was relieved.

[A wise choice, the Life Simulator has officially opened]

Looking at the floating screen in front of him, Theo hesitated for a moment, and then after making sure that the screen was not an illusion, he resolutely pressed the "Choose Your Talents" button.

He closed his eyes, put his hands together, and wished that he could get a powerful talent in his mind.

Just then, the slot machine emitted a 'ding' sound, signifying that his talents have been chosen.

Theo took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes with the mindset that he had to die sooner or later

The first talent: Lucky Scientist (You have an IQ beyond that of ordinary people in the Simulator, the success rate of experiments you do will be slightly increased as well.)

Looking at the light screen that suddenly appeared in front of him, Theo blinked his eyes.

Although I don't know if this talent is good or bad according to the system, it shouldn't be considered a bad talent.

Thinking this way, Theo took a deep breath and chose to start the simulation.

When he didn't react, the environment around him suddenly shattered, as the mirror-like shattered reality dispersed, dark tentacles coming from seemingly nowhere dragged him into the darkness.

[Congratulations to the host for taking the first step to change his life, given that this is the host's first experience, this simulation will not involve the Thirteen Flame Chasers.]

[Hint: This simulation will not have any impact on the host's current life.]

[Current simulation scenario: Tower of Babylon before the second eruption.]

[You are a young doctor who graduated from a well-known university. You are young and talented causing you to receive an invitation from your seniors and went to Babylon Tower for an internship.]

[On your way there, you were asked to participate in several high-end research sessions where you learned about the tip of the iceberg of the dark side of this world...The Honkai.]

[They told you that the Honkai is the origin of all disasters, and to fight against it, they have to do whatever it takes, just to save humanity.]

[After experiencing several seminars about the Honkai, your heart was overwhelmed and you were determined to contribute to the fight against the Honkai]

[When you stepped into the institute with this belief, you were shocked by the dark side of this lab.]

[As you witness the desperate screams of the young girls brought into the lab, your hands and feet go cold and you begin to wonder if you have made the right choice.]

[The moralistic researchers take them away in the name of 'hope', only to push them into hell afterward, to meet a fate worse than death.]

[Sirin, Bella, Avrora, Agata ..., countless names pierce into your heart like sharp claws, tearing it apart.]

[A voice in your heart tells you 'What do you feel? Anger? Despair? Accept my power, crush those hypocritical scumbags, and finally, offer your heart to welcome the birth of a Divine God']

['Lucky Scientist' hidden trait activated, you resisted the temptation of the Honkai.]

[Although you have escaped the Honkai, a seed of rebellion has sprouted in your heart.]

[You knew that you couldn't escape from here with all the children by yourself alone, so you had to hold back to prepare.]

[You begin to concentrate on your research, trying to find ways to alleviate the children's suffering and the number of experiments.]

[You start going in and out of the cells more often, cooking nutritious and delicious food and telling them stories.]

[The children are repulsed by you, your colleagues laugh at your behavior, and the higher-ups become increasingly upset with you.]

[But, your excellent ability makes them let your behavior go.]

[You stayed up late and sewed dolls for each of the children, and gave them to the appropriate children the next day.]

[Time after time you sewed dolls, and time after time you discarded dolls.]

[With your persistence, one day, a child named 'Sirin' accepted your dolls and asked for your name.]

[You hesitated and gave a pseudonym, Elpis, which means 'hope.']

[This was the first time you lied to these kids because the name 'Theo' was not worth remembering for them.]

[Time passes, the concentration of Honkai Energy in the laboratory gets higher and higher, and the preparations you have set have increased rapidly.]

[However, your preparations could not keep up, and the second eruption broke out.]

[Sirin became a Herrscher, and Galina, Avrora, and Agata became Seraphims]


[That day, the laboratory was slaughtered by the children he had cared for, and only you were left.]

[The children said that they hoped you can live with them.]

[But you contracted the Honkai disease, and knowing that you would not live long, you opened the door of the Babylon Tower.]

[You, who was about to become a dead man, held Sirin and told her not to fight against the humans and to take the children away and hide where no one could find them.]

[You are trying to persuade them to let go of their hatred because if the hatred continues, they will be killed by the Valkyries.]

[They agreed.]

[And you look at them with a long-lost, heartfelt smile, and die.]

[This survival time is 241 days, the ending 'Atonement' has been achieved]

[Congratulations to the host for the reward 'Honaki Adaptiblity', Tarot Card - The Fool (can only be used in the Life Simulator), and life extension for 3 days.]

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


