50.27% Hogwarts: The Unscientific Wizard / Chapter 93: Chapter 93: Analyzing the Mind from the Perspective of Dark Magic

章 93: Chapter 93: Analyzing the Mind from the Perspective of Dark Magic

Dumbledore walked over to the window and looked up at the moon outside.

"Severus...you could offer Voldemort a little help if you get the chance." Dumbledore's tone was a little hard.

"Do you realize what you're saying?" Snape looked incredulous.

Dumbledore was silent.

Voldemort would inevitably be resurrected, and Snape was the best eye to plant around Voldemort.

After a long time, Dumbledore's voice sounded slowly, "Of course I can stop Voldemort from coming back to life. As long as I want to, Voldemort will not be able to make a comeback in my lifetime."

"But...I will inevitably die!"

Dumbledore had only one wish now, and that was: to end Voldemort while he was still alive.

Snape looked at Dumbledore with a complicated gaze.

This old man in front of him could actually ignore all of this, he was already over a hundred years old, and even if he had deep magic power, at most he would only live for a few more decades.


Wizards usually live longer than muggles, and it's not unusual for many wizards with deep magic to live for over a hundred and fifty years.

While Dumbledore is only one hundred and ten years old this year.

Snape: "..."

Damn, this old man isn't trying to swindle me, is he?

"... I'll find a chance." Snape didn't refuse.

As long as Voldemort was resurrected, Snape would have to go back undercover, whether he wanted to or not.

Speaking of this, Snape suddenly frowned, "If I find out that the Dark Lord is still alive, but I didn't go to him ..."

What's the difference between that and betrayal?

Dumbledore's tone was calm, "If he asks in the future, you push to say that you don't know. As for this time... just give me some trouble!"

Snape's expression shifted.

He hadn't met Malfoy tonight, and Dumbledore's excuse...could actually fool him.

Snape stopped dwelling on the matter, "Have you checked the Forbidden Forest? Can you confirm that the Dark Lord has left?"

"Don't rule out the possibility of him going and returning."

Dumbledore thought about it, "There are really only a few places he could hide if he wanted to enter the castle ..."

"Hm?" Snape looked at Dumbledore, why didn't he continue?

"There's Slytherin Chamber of Secrets!"

Dumbledore said seriously, "Voldemort had opened the Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets when he was a student. A student died that year and the school almost closed because of it."

If Voldemort was hiding in the Chamber of Secrets, that would be bad.

He simply didn't know if Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets had a secret passage that led to the outside of the castle.

"Where exactly is the Chamber of Secrets?" Snape asked.

"Even I am not sure how many secrets are hidden in this castle." Dumbledore was a bit helpless.

Snape 'grunted', what a senile old fool to ask a question.

"If there's nothing else, I'm going to make my rounds at the castle." Snape was going to go squat outside the Gryffindor common room for a while, in case Harry came out for a night out, it would be a bloody good night.

"It's been a pleasure, Severus," Dumbledore said in a slow voice.

Without a word, Snape turned and left the Headmaster's office.


Ravenclaw Common Room.

Andy sat on the couch and did a set of eye exercises with his eyes closed.

'Got a little impulsive tonight!'

In fact, Andy could have completely ignored this, but Malfoy was only an eleven-year-old after all, and it was more or less because of Andy that he got into this mess.

But the good thing was that it didn't end badly.   

At least Malfoy was saved, and it kind of ruined one of Voldemort's plots.

Most importantly, Andy saw the book "Secrets of the Darkest Art" in the Headmaster's office, and even though he had only read one chapter, Andy felt that he had benefited a lot.

Analysing the power of the mind from the perspective of dark magic.

Ancient dark wizards did many cruel and inhuman experiments in order to study mind power.

Torture and abuse were just child's play, controlling others to kill their loved ones and friends so that they could experience despair, or breaking down a person's inner self from all aspects.

Experiment after experiment, naturally, numerous useful conclusions were drawn.

Even for muggles without magic, their emotions can affect their physical health. If a person was constantly angry and depressed, it would even affect their longevity.

Andy had heard a saying in his previous life: a smile is worth ten years.

From this, it could be seen that the power of the mind had an impact on human beings.

And for wizards, emotions, or rather mind power, it is even more important.

If magic power is the root of all magic, then mind power is not only the controller of magic but also the amplifier of magic.

Andy took out his parchment and quill, and while recalling, he scribbled down the contents of the book silently.

It was a pity that Andy did not have an unforgettable memory, even though he had just read it not long ago, he could only memorize a few key points mentioned in the book.

After writing it down, Andy put the parchment away, got up and walked to the Ravenclaw's library.

It was still early and Andy was not sleepy, so it was just the right time to read a few more books and enrich his brain.

In the past, Andy was not too fond of these legends and stories.

It was hard to tell if these stories were true or not, even if they were true, they were modified by later generations and differed from the real stories by an unknown degree.

But ever since learning that Lady Ravenclaw had left something behind here, Andy had been interested in these storybooks.

When he had nothing else to do, he would always come over and read a few books.

The book that Hermione had mentioned last time, Andy had already read it.

That book recorded some ancient Egyptian myths, in addition to the ancient Egyptian wizards, the book also recorded a lot of hieroglyphics, as well as the legends of various gods in Ancient Egypt.

That book even said: Ancient Egypt was the birthplace of magic knowledge.

Of course, this was also a viewpoint recognized by many scholars today.

After reading that book, Andy read many more books related to Ancient Egypt, but it was a pity that he gained very little.

"Reaching the level of the Big Four, if they want to go further in magic, the only way out is actually to study the essence of magic power."

Andy was convinced of this.

According to the clues that he had grasped so far, the Big Four's research directions were not the same, but their endpoint was always magic power itself.

"Magic power ..."

Andy pondered, what was the direction of Lady Ravenclaw's research again?

"It can't be historical lore, can it?"

Andy took out a piece of parchment from his pocket, which recorded the titles of all the books here.

Andy checked them out in turn.

If Lady Ravenclaw did leave something here, then the most likely thing would be the results of her research.

The results of her pursuit of the origins of magic.

"It can't be in these poems and prose, can it?"

Putting poetry and prose in the magic school's library was indeed a bit unusual.

Andy walked over to the bookshelf where the poetry and prose were placed and swept his eyes over the title and author.

Author: Rowena Ravenclaw?


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Crazy_DarkSide_Cat Crazy_DarkSide_Cat

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