
Chapter 2

Chapter 2


Upon entering the store, I immediately noticed Madame Malkin. She appeared to be a stocky, smiling wizard dressed in pinkish purple robes.


- Going to study at Hogwarts? - she asked before I could even explain to her the purpose of my visit.


- Yes, ma'am.


- You've come to the right place: I've got a couple more clients here getting ready for school.


Following her gaze, I immediately saw two red-haired boys. I recognized them easily as descendants of the Weasley family, and if I wasn't mistaken, they were Fred and George.


And I knew them because every time their father met my father, they would have an altercation, and it was in another altercation that I saw them.


One of the twins was standing on a high bench right now, and the other sorceress was twirling around him, adjusting his long black robes to his height.


Madame Malkin placed another bench nearby and gestured for me to stand on it.


- Hi, I'm Fred, and this is my brother George. - quickly introduced himself to the guy who was standing on the bench as soon as I stood up.




- Hi, I'm Draco. I take it you're going to Hogwarts too? - I greeted them.


- Yes, first year! We're finally going to get there. Our older brothers have been praising it so much that we can't stand it anymore. - The brothers spoke in unison, which made it look funny. It was like they had one brain for two.


The brothers wanted to talk about something else, but then the sorceress informed them that the measurements were off, so they left the store, saying that they would see you at school.


A few minutes later my measurements were taken off too, so after thanking the woman I left the store, remembering that I should come back for my uniform in a few days....


When I went outside, I immediately saw my mother talking animatedly with a woman I didn't know. But at the sight of me, she quickly said goodbye to her interlocutor and came over to me.


- Is everything ready, Draco? - She asked briefly.


- Yes, mother, Madam Malkin said to come back for the uniforms in a week.


- Good, then let's go get my wand. - Mom pulled me towards a small, shabby building. It had the time-worn words "The Ollivander Family - Wand Makers since 382 B.C.," most of the letters of which had long since lost their gilding. The store itself was decorated with only one single dusty display case, on which was a faded purple cushion with a single wand on it.


As soon as we stepped inside, a bell rang above us, alerting the owner of visitors.


The store itself was rather small, with only one chair and a couple of pots of flowers that threatened to wilt soon. And all because there were racks everywhere, crowded with various long colored boxes, in which there were probably magic wands waiting for their owners.


- Good afternoon. - A quiet voice suddenly sounded as I scrutinized everything.


I turned my head to the counter and saw an elderly man dressed in rather dusty and shabby clothes.


- Hello! - I greeted the old man.


- Oh, yes. I've been expecting you, Draco Malfoy. It seemed like just yesterday your parents were buying their wands from me, and today their son has already arrived.


- Ahem ahem. - My mother's soft cough sounded at that moment, and Mr. Ollivander turned his head in her direction.


- Oh, Narcissa, eleven inches, core of unicorn hair, made of black hazel, elegantly stiff. I hope she's all right? - Immediately the old man whispered.


- It's good to see you too, Mr. Ollivander. - Narcissa nodded softly, and then showed her wand for a brief moment.


- Wonderful! - was all the old man replied, and then turned his attention back to me.


- Okay, now you, Mr. Malfoy. Let me think-" He pulled a long ruler with silver graduations out of his pocket.


- Which hand are you holding the wand with?


- With my right hand. - I answered and immediately stretched out my hand, realizing perfectly well why he wanted the ruler.


With a brief nod, Ollivander began to take measurements of my arm. First from shoulder to fingers, then from wrist to elbow, then from shoulder to floor, from knee to armpit, and for some reason he measured the circumference of my head.


- Inside each wand is a powerful magical substance, Mr. Malfoy. - The old man began to explain, taking his measurements.


- It could be a unicorn hair, a feather from a phoenix tail or a dragon's heart vein. Each Ollivander wand is individual, no two are alike, just as no two unicorns, dragons or phoenixes are exactly alike. And of course, you will never achieve good results if you use someone else's wand.


At this point, Mr. Ollivander stepped back to one of the shelves in the store while the ruler continued to take some measurements.


- That's enough. - He finally said when my hand was already starting to get stiff and the ruler fell to the floor.


- Well, Mr. Malfoy, let's try this one first. Apple tree and unicorn hair. Ten inches. Very nice and handy. Take it and swing it.


Without further ado, I took the wand and swung it gently. But there was no reaction.


- Hmm, this one doesn't fit, let's take the next one. Willow and phoenix feather. Nine inches, very flexible, try it.


Taking another wand, I swung it once again. Only this time, a spark flew out of the wand and tore one of the flower pots to pieces.


- Oh, my God!" Ollivander exclaimed, and, quickly taking it from my hands, held out another.


- Take this one-the dogwood and the unicorn hair. Eight inches, very springy!


Without further ado, I took this wand and swung it, only this time the wand destroyed the second flower pot.


- Again it doesn't fit! - Ollivander exclaimed, holding out the next one. I waved my wands, again and again, and after five or six wands, Mr. Ollivander hesitated again.


- 'And you, Mr. Malfoy are quite a special person, aren't you? I think this wand will suit you. - After agreeing, the old man ran to the back of the store and a moment later brought out a rather dusty burgundy colored box.


- Cherry and dragon's heart vein, ten and a half inches. Quite stiff.


The wand looked beautiful. It was the color of a purple potion, with a black handle. Upon looking at it, I immediately felt a connection, as if this wand had belonged to me for a long time and was now reunited with its owner again.


As soon as I put my hand near it, the wand flew out of the box and into it. As I squeezed it, it felt incredibly comfortable in my hand. The wand was warm. Realizing that it was perfect for me, I waved it gently, and a shower of colorful sparks erupted from its tip.


- Brilliant, Mr. Malfoy! That's just amazing! - came the jubilant voice of the old man.


- You're the first person in my memory to have a wand fly at will, especially a wand made of such materials. Usually such wands are suitable for powerful and wise magicians with great magical potential, who are not afraid of difficulties and easily overcome them. The owners of such wands are usually deep and passionate natures who like to command others, power-hungry, but noble and honest! And the magic performed with them is incredibly powerful! And I expect great things from you, Mr. Malfoy.






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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


