83.33% Highschool Of The Dead (HOTD): The Reincarnate / Chapter 13: Takashi’s POV

章 13: Takashi’s POV

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- - - 15 Minutes Earlier - - -

"Ahhhh-Hhaaaaaa," I yawned, looking out the window.

"Sup, Komuro. Skipping again?" I heard a voice call out behind me. Turning my head slightly, it was Morita.

"Morita," I greeted, rubbing the back of my head, "You too? I didn't sleep so well last night and I just couldn't stay cooped up in a classroom."

"You got denied by some girl too… Right? There are some rumors flying around." He said pointing at me, "Some chick who got held back is going out with Igou (Hisashi)."

"Hisashi said Rei made the decision to stay back on her own," I told him

"If that's true… man how annoying," he said, scratching his chin.

"Whatever, Hisashi seems like a good guy. He's good-looking, smart, and good at sports." I said turning back to the window and gazing outside, "It all comes naturally for him."

"Yeah… Er… Uh…" seeing that he was confused I made up an excuse to leave.

"I'm going to go chill out on the Perron staircase"

"Zat so? I'm gonna go hide out at the dorms."

"See ya later" I waved to him walking towards the stairs.

"Yeah" I heard him say before walking away.

Opening the door to the staircase I walked to the railing and leaned on them.

"Whoa look at all the cherry blossoms… They're floating all the way over here."

Leaning on the railings old memories surfaced once again.

- - - Flashback - - -

"You know we're going to get married one day" Rei suddenly said.

"Really, do you really mean it?"

"Yeah. Pinky Promise?" She said, extending her pinky finger, "Cross my heart…"

Wrapping my finger around her I continued her sentence, "And hope to die."

{Scene Change}

"Why do you have to repeat the grade? You're a straight-A student" I asked her.

"You wouldn't understand Takashi," Rei said, turning her back against me, and walking away.

{Scene Change}

"We're in the same class again? Cool." Hisashi said

{Scene Change}

Constant rings were made warning people of the incoming bus. Across the railroad tracks stood Hisashi and Rei.

Rei was leaning her body against Hisashi's body looking up at him seemingly wanting to ask him something. Looking away from each other she seemed to gather enough courage to say something since Hisashi looked at her.

Then the train came.

- - - Flashback End - - -

"Cross my heart and hope to die, yeah, right," I said to myself mockingly.

"That's so stupid!" I heard a girl from behind me. Confused, I turned around.

"Huh?" I unconsciously said, "What do you want?"

This girl was Saya Takagi. Sole daughter and child of the prominent Takagi family.

"Every time you have to face something you don't like you always come to this stupid staircase. It's like your own little pity corner."

"Look at you. Good god, the first semester has just started, however, are you going to make it through the year." She belittled, walking in front of me.

Looking away I responded, defending myself, "I could say the same thing to you, the first period isn't even over yet."

"It's okay since I'm a genius, unlike you who only came to this school by dumb luck."

"Takagi, why do you always diss me like that?" I asked her, irritated.

"Because I don't like stupid people."


"Especially those who can't admit that they're stupid. I mean you're pretty stupid but at least you know that you are. So if I tell you that you're stupid then maybe by some miracle then you'll be less stupid, stupid." She explained, insulting me once again.

Ignoring her, I just leaned back on the railing and watched the cherry blossoms.

"Grow up. Moping because your little girlfriend dumped you. Stupid" she said, hitting me where it hurts before storming off.

- - - Flashback - - -

"It's just that… There was a time I really felt that way but you didn't seem to notice so…" Rei said leaving the classroom and leaving me there alone.

- - - Flashback Ens - - -

"So what?"

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

"Who's that? Trespasser?"

Soon a couple of teachers walked to the gate checking to see who it was. One of the teachers, Tajima-sensei, grabbed him slamming into the gate only to be bitten.

Blood sprayed from his arm and he collapsed to the ground wailing in pain.

"AAARGH, AAaah, ARGH, Arggga"

I stood there scared, unmoving wondering what the hell was happening.

And that's when the unthinkable happened when Hayashi-sensei checked up on him. Grabbing onto her shoulder he reached and took a chunk of her neck blood spraying everywhere.

"AAAAAAAH" she wailed out.

I flinched, taking a step back from the railings, I gritted my teeth and turned around slamming the door open and sprinting towards my class sliding the door open.

Walking towards Rei ignoring the teacher I grabbed her by the arm yanking her up.

"Come, we have to get out of here," I said in a grave tone.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Hisashi asked, walking up to me.

Turning around, I stared him in the eye. "People just got killed in the front gate, no bullshit."

"Wait, are you serious?" Hisashi asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I'm making shit like that up."

Pulling her arm away, Rei glared at me, "Jesus, what's going on I can never understand what's–"


Slapping her across the face, I shut her up. "Listen, listen to me," I said, turning towards Hisashi.

We walked out of the class and headed towards the lockers and they asked me questions about the situation.

"Just tell me what's going on," Rei said

"There was someone at the school gate. PE teachers went to check it out and something happened. And now those PE teachers are killing each other." I told them.

"That's insane" Rei protested

"If what you said is true, then we'll need some weapons, right?" Hisashi said, opening the lockers.

"What about you?" I asked him.

"I have a black belt in karate. Come on, we gotta get out of the school," he said, breaking a broom and turning it into a makeshift spear.

"Let's call the police. We'll talk to my father." Rei suggested.

"School rules are meant to be broken, right?" I said with a chuckle, handing her my phone.

Dialing his number, we waited for the phone to pick up, but it went straight to voicemail.

"You may stay on the line or call again later. Currently, 110 is experiencing an extremely high call value. You can stay on the line or call back again later." The voicemail explained.

As we were about to talk about what to do. Then a man spoke through the school's loudspeaker. As he spoke, you could feel his shallow and wavering breathing.

"This announcement is for all the students. An emergency situation is taking place inside the school right now." The man took a deep breath, recovering himself before continuing, "All students must follow your teacher's instruction and evacuate."

"So they finally realized it," I said.

"I repeat, a violent incident has occurred on the school grounds—", suddenly the speaker went quiet. Growls of something could be heard in the background, the sound of something falling was heard and the mic peaked for a bit.

"It's happening," I said, sweat dripping down my head.

"Argh!", the speaker grunted. "Get away from me, get back!"

Slowly, the faces of the student grew from nervous to scared.

"Argh! Aaaaaaaaaah! Help! Heeeeellllpppp!!! Heee– AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!, the terrorizing scream created a wave of fear that most young teenagers had never felt before. The essence of a person begging to be spared before death arrived loomed in their young hearts and invaded their minds.

Both male and female students felt the chilling goosebumps arise in their arms and legs. Someone had been killed and they heard it loud and clear.

For a second, the entire school went quiet as if no one was actually there, nothing but the chirping of birds could be heard from the environment.




Screams and shouts could be heard from every corner of the school. Sounds of desks and chairs being forcibly pushed or thrown were also heard, and if a person paid close attention you could even hear the noises could be confirmed as kicking and punching and something being trampled.

To those who weren't aware of hearing such gruesome noises, they would be spared for not knowing what things were occurring to their fellow alumni.

Back with Takashi and his group…

"This way" Hisashi took the lead.

"What are you doing? We gotta get out of here." I told him, confused by his actions.

"The building with the classroom is too crowded. We need to get through the management building." He explained.

"Hisashi is right, shut up and do what he says," Rei said with a nervous tone.

"Alright, fine," I said, running after them. Reaching the skywalk, we stopped as we saw our teacher, Mr.Wakisaka. He had gray skin and blood was trickling down his leg.

He rushed towards us, trying to grab Rei. Stepping back, dodging him, Rei said, "Get away from me." she said, swinging her spear, trying to keep a distance between them.

"Rei stab him!" Hisashi told her, "Don't hold back. Give it everything you have."

Trying to process what Hisashi had just said, Rei failed to see the 'man' standing in front of her until he grabbed onto the spear. Groaning, the 'man' slowly overpowered her.

Shaking off her fear, Rei adopted a sharp glare and fought back. Releasing his grip on the spear 'he' stepped back as Rei charged at him.

"Don't fuck with me. I'm VP of the martial arts club."

Swinging her spear, she knocked 'him' back with the blunt side of the spear, knocking 'him' back. Keeping up the attack, she chased 'him' down. Jumping in the air, she delivered a vertical blow downwards, hitting him on the head before stabbing 'him' in the heart.

"Yes!" I said, pumping my fist.

'He' was airborne with the spear, holding 'him' up. 'He' was unmoving. Or so we thought as its body started twitching before swinging his body violently, making Rei lose her grip on the spear, and throwing her against the wall.

Hurriedly grabbing the spear to keep him at a distance, Rei shouted, "I stabbed him in his heart! Why is he still moving?!"

Coming up behind 'him', Hisashi put 'him' in a headlock, pulling 'him' away from Rei. "Rei, pull it out now."

"Hisashi, get away from him," I shouted at him in a grave tone. If this is what I think it is then…

"It's okay, I can take him," Hisashi responded, tightening his grip.

Stopping his movements, he stopped before doing the unimaginable. Turning his head gradually, he kept going until his head turned 180 degrees.

Frantically pushing his head away from him, Hisashi muttered, "What the fuck?!"


"RRGH" Hisashi groaned in pain.

Running towards them, I swung my bat at 'him', hitting him in the back. Rei also helped out stabbing 'him' in the back.

"Jesus Christ, why won't he just die already?!" Rei questioned.

"Oh no, I knew it. He is dead. HE'S DEAD BUT STILL MOVING." I shouted.

"What?" Rei muttered.

Clamping down on Hisashi's arm tighter, he bought with great force, causing blood to gush out.

"AAARGH!" Hisashi screamed in pain.

Dropping her spear, she ran over and tried to separate the two.

"Takashi, help him! Don't just stand there! Do something! DO SOMETHING, WILL YOU?" Rei cried out as tears formed.

Charging at them, I jumped up and swung down on his head, caving it in.

"Hisashi, are you okay?" Rei asked, concerned, checking on the bite.

"Son of a bitch, just bit me. No big deal." He said, grabbing his arm.

*Glass Shatter*

"AAAAAAAAAH!, STOP IT, STOP IT!" a girl screamed out as she got bit.

"We can handle one of them, but there's no way…" I started to say.

"The roof," Hisashi suddenly said.

"The roof?" Rei asked.

"We can barricade ourselves until help arrives. So we can see what's happening down there." he answered.

Running to the rooftop, we opened the door and went to the railing, looking at the city.

The city was in chaos. Smoke was everywhere, and we heard traffic and sirens.

"Holy shit, it's happening everywhere!" I said, surprised.

"But everything was normal. Everything was fine a minute ago." Rei said.

Suddenly, a gust of wind was formed, blowing Rei forward. Hisashi quickly grabbed her, and we checked to see what it was. Looking up, it was 4 military helicopters.

"Black Hawk? American Military?" I thought out loud.

"That's not it. That's the Self Defence Force. Where did they come from? There's no base around here." Hisashi said.

"OVER HERE!" Rei called out, waving her arms.

"Don't bother. I wouldn't even waste your strength. That's the Self Defence Force. They must have some type of special mission. They aren't here to rescue us. They are not even doing anything about that." he said, pointing at the schoolyard.

"This is like a disease caused by 'them'." He said.

"Them?" I asked, confused.

"The dead are attacking people left and right, but this is no movie or video game. That's why it's 'them'. They bite people, and then they come back to life as one of 'them'. And it looks like smashing their heads in is the only way to get rid of them."

Coming up from different entry points, they surrounded us.

"There are too many of them," Rei said nervously.

"Let's get up there and block the stairs," Hisashi suggested, pointing at a building. That was on top of a platform.

"Let's go," I said, leading us.

- - - 10 Minutes Later - - -

We boarded up the gate and are now sitting on the other side of the building wondering what we're gonna do.

"Why? Why is this happening?" Rei asked in a quivering voice.

"There has to be a reason. Maybe if we can figure out what's causing it we can stop it. Or at least protect ourselves." Hisashi answered, "We need to look around. Find matches or a lighter around here somewhere. If we don't make a fire now, we're gonna be fucked when it gets dark."

"Bleargh, bleargh," Hisashi began coughing up blood, "Cough, cough, haaa, ha!"

Lifting his head, his eyes seemed almost lifeless. His skin had also started turning pale.

"Why? Why he only got a little bit a little. Why does it look so bad?" Rei said.

"So it is just like the movie. They bite and that's it." He explained.

"This can't be true. I've seen the movie. This could never happen."

"But it did happen to everyone else."

I just stood there staring at him, wondering what to do until he spoke.

"Takashi, will you help me?"

"Help you with what", I asked.

Pointing towards the rail he continued, "Help me over the rail, the impact from the fall should smash my head"

Rei and I looked at him shocked and scared of what he was saying.

"What are you saying?" Rei questioned.

"I DON'T WANT TO BE ONE OF ''THEM', he yelled out, coughing blood as he did so.

"Come on Takashi, do it for me. I want to stay myself until the end," he said, coughing up some more blood.

As I was about to respond to his request, we heard a voice from above us.

"Want me to do it"

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


