38.7% Highschool dxd : Yasaka is my wife / Chapter 12: 11

章 12: 11

Chapter 11


Vince's eye twitched greatly as he saw Rias calmly sit down and took a sip of her tea as the other members of the club move in boxes. "Rias, why the hell are you moving your crap into my house?!"

Rias' immediately response was to glare at him. "My stuff is not crap Vince." She then smirked at him. "And wasn't it you who mentioned that we have to keep up the act of us being engaged?"

Vince facepalmed as he remembered and quickly regretted ever mentioning it. He looked around and sighed as he saw the rest of the club members just finished bringing in the last box."...Alright fine, but there will be some ground rules between us, got it?"

"What are the ground rules?" Rias asked curiously.

"Clean up after yourself and don't ever touch my katana without my permission." He said seriously, knowing that Rias would only hurt herself if she did.

Rias raised an eyebrow at the last rule but nodded. "Very well, I understand."

Issei sighed as he placed sat down on the floor. "How can you live like this Vince? There's hardly anything here."

"I like to live this way. Besides, I don't plan on staying in Japan forever." Vince stated getting Rias and Akeno's attention.

"Ara, so you're not going to stay here for long?" Akeno asked looking at him.

"I'll probably leave when I graduate highschool. I don't have much keeping me here." He said with a shrug.

Rias frowned, "Kuoh Academy has a college department. You can register once you're close to graduation, you don't have to leave Vince."

"Uhuh, perfect." Vince said sarcastically. He then folded his arms behind his back and looked up the ceiling. (Damn... Rias used my own words against me like that. She'll be living with me because of it. I don't personally have any problem with her and she is right we do have to act like we're engaged but, I can't help but think that this will cause me a headache later on.)

A few hours later after removing everything from the boxes everyone else left after saying goodbye leaving Vince and Rias alone in the house.

[Vince, what are you going to do now?] Yume asked him.

"Eat some ramen." He said simply.

Rias shook her head. "No, I won't let you constantly eat something so unhealthly." She smiled at him. "Don't worry I'll cook for us."

[Thank you Rias.] Yume spoke with a smile.

Vince looked at Rias in surprise. "Wait. You can cook?"

"Yes, is that a problem Vince?" She asked looking at him.

Vince shurgged, "No. It's just very surprising."


He shook his head. "It's nothing, anyway before you start go take a shower Rias."

Rias smiled seductively at Vince. "Oh, do you want to see me naked Vince?"

Vince looked at her with a deadpan expression. "No. It's because you look exhausted Rias. Relax first before you start cooking, Rias."

Rias lightly blushed at him sounding concerned but nodded. "Okay, thanks Vince." She then walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

[That was nice of you Vince.] Yume said smiling.

"Not as nice as this." Vince then held up three of his fingers as he started a small countdown. "3...2...1..."


Vince laughed as he heard Rias' scream. (Hah! I couldn't resist doing that.)

[What did you do to her Vince?] She asked sighing.

"I gave her the wrong directions on which side is the hot water." He replied, holding his stomach as he tried his best to hold back laughing.

"You're going to pay for that Vince!" Rias yelled over from the bathroom.

"Try turning the knob to the left side for the hotwater!" Vince shouted, ignoring the threat.

[Did you do that as payback for Rias moving in without your permission?] Yume asked looking at him.

"Pretty much."

A few minutes later Rias walked out of the bathroom, glaring at Vince to which he lightly smirked. "Consider us even Rias."

"For what!?"

"You moved into the house without my consent. Did you really think I would let you off that easily?" He asked dryly.

Rias tried to find counter his arguement, but closed her mouth and frowned after realizing he was right. She then smiled and then turned to Vince. "Fair enough Vince. I'll begin cooking."

Vince raised an eyebrow but nodded slowly. "Do you need any help?"

"No, you can go take a shower. I'll call you when I finish dinner." Rias spoke with a smile.

(She's definetely up to something.) He then folded his arms but nodded. "Alright then, thanks Rias."

Vince walked into the bathroom and closed the door, unaware of the smirk on Rias' face. After Vince finished taking a shower he walked out of the bathroom with a sigh, wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants.

"Vince, dinner is ready!" Rias called out.

Vince walked into the kitchen and his eyes widened when he saw Rias in only a red apron. (So that's what she was up to. I have to say, she does look good.)

"Do you like what you see, Vince?" Rias asked with a seductive smile.

"Why are you cooking naked in an apron? Are you an exhibitionist or something?" He asked folding his arms.

Rias smiled and hugged him. "I could be for you Vince."

"Behave." He said poking Rias' forehead with his index and middle finger.

"Ow!" Rias pouted as she rubbed her forehead.

Vince then looked at the food and sat down on a chair. "Thanks Rias."

"Your welcome Vince." She said as sat down on a chair next to him.

Vince took a bite of the food and blinked. "...It's good."

She smiled and hugged him. "Fufufu, I'm happy that you think it's good."

(Rias' affectionate trait is really strong.) Vince thought to himself as he continued to eat.

The two continued to eat as Rias would go into a conversation with Vince as he would hardly say anything and just continue to listen to her talk. But he did raise an eyebrow after hearing that Rias' mother was happy at hearing where she'll be staying.

Vince sighed as he closed the door to his bedroom. He lied down on his futon and closed his eyes. (I find it weird that Rias' mother had no problem with her moving in with me. Hell, if anything she sounds like if she knows me...)

(Next Day)

Vince groaned as he opened his eyes. He then swiftly closed his eyes and turned around. His eyes immediately opened as he felt something soft. Vince's eye twitched as he saw Rias in futon completely naked with her face just centimeters away from his face with her thigh over his leg and her breasts beneath his hands. (Does Rias even know the definition of the word "Boundaries" ?)

Vince's eyes widened as he felt Rias' thigh brush up between his legs. (Dammit...) He removed his hands from underneath Rias' breasts and shook her awake. "Get up Rias."

"...Oh, you're awake."

"Why are you in my room?" He asked with a small glare.

Rias kissed Vince's cheek, causing his eye to twitch. "I'm sorry. I felt like sleeping while using you as my hugging pillow. I came in after you went to sleep."

"I'm not a pillow Rias." He said dryly.

"Don't be like that Vince. What should we do? It might be wonderful to stay like this until it's time to wake up... Maybe doing something a little bit naughty would be a good way to communicate with you Vince." Rias said with a seductive smile.

Vince rolled his eyes, "No thanks Rias."

Rias however leaned in to his hear and whispered. "You say that Vince, but I can tell that a certain part of your body disagrees with you. Do you feel like attacking me Vince? I wouldn't mind if you did."

"Shut it." Vince got up with a blush on his face and walked towards the bathroom. "Tch."


"Itadakimasu." Rias said as she started eating.

Vince sighed and also started eating. "Rias, do you have the location of Kasumi or Hayate?"

Rias stopped eating for a moment as she nodded. "Yes I do, it was hard tracking them down. But we were able to find out where they are right now."

"I see... Where are they now?" He asked seriously.

"From the reports, Kasumi and Hayate are mostly headed towards various parts of the world. Kasumi current location hasn't been found but as of right now Hayate is in Shibuya." Rias explained.

(Shibuya... That's actually kind of close to here, when comparing the distance to Kyoto. Anyway, I better not hide what I'm going to do.) Vince shook his head and sighed. "Thanks for letting me know."

"Are you going to see Hayate?" Rias asked him.

"Yes, by the way. I'll be skipping school today to go and try to see them." Vince stated.

Rias frowned, "You shouldn't skip school Vince."

He ran a hand through his hair. "I know that. But this is personal for me Rias."

She slowly nodded before she hugged Vince. "Just be careful, okay?"

Vince sighed as he turned to her. "You really need to control your Gremory affectionate trait. You kind of act like a clingy jealous girlfriend."

Rias' eye twitched in response, "Do you have to be so rude Vince?"

Vince said nothing but poked Rias' forehead causing her to yelp in pain and pout. (Rias really needs to stop the teasing. I might actually start to think that she has a thing for me..)


A gentle breeze blew through the wind as Vince ran a hand through his hair. Now wearing a sleeveless black shirt with a black jacket that has silver and white lining along the edges, and wearing a pair of long black cargo pants. Underneath his jacket was his katana which is strapped to his back. (Hayate should still be here in Shibuya. I'll have to make sure I'm discreet about this, otherwise he'll probably leave.)

[Vince, we should get started right away.] Yume called out.

"Yeah, I know." Vince started walking as he looked around for any sign of Hayate. (Shibuya is a big place and it's really crowded. I think I'll have a better chance if I have a higher view.)

He went into a back alley, after seeing the coast clear. Vince channeled lightning into his feet and quickly ran up the wall as fast as he could. He grabbed on to the ledge of the roof and pulled himself up. (Climbing is harder to do.)

Vince sat down on the edge of the roof as he looked down into the streets. (The view is really good from here, this will make things easier for me.)

An hour later, Vince sighed in irritation as he couldn't find him in the past hour.

[Vince calm down, it's not going to help if you're irritated.] Yume spoke.

"I know. But it's still annoying, one hour and I can't even find Hayate." Vince got up from the edge of the roof and stretched.

"So, that's the reason why you're on the roof." A voice spoke up.

Vince turned around to see a young man with brown hair and brown eyes wearing a black shozoku with gray crest armor, arm guards and shin guards, and a dark blue head band, with a katana on his back. (What the hell!? He snuck up behind me! Most people couldn't do that, wait...)

Hayate tensed slightly as his hand went towards his katana. "Who are you?"

Vince resisted the urge to facepalm until he reached into his pocket and showed him a photo. "Ring any bells?"

Hayate examined the photo and his eyes widened immediately. "Is that you Vince?"

"It took you long enough Hayate." He said dryly.

"Sorry." Hayate's hand went away from his katana as he looked at Vince. "How did you find me?"

"I had to do a few things in order to see where you last were." Vince put the photo back into his pocket. "I know you that you had a hard time over the years, like when I saw you in the second Dead or Alive tournament with amnesia, but would it have killed you to at least send a postcard saying you were okay or something?"

Hayate flinched, "I'm sorry Vince. Things has been very hectic every since Kasumi entered the first Dead or Alive tournament."

"We'll save that for later. Right now there's something big happening, am I right?" He asked seriously.

Hayate nodded, "You're just as observant as ever Vince. But unfortunately, I can't let you help it's too dangerous."

"It's no big deal. I've nearly been killed three times, since coming to Japan. I'm pretty sure I can handle it." Vince replied bluntly, surprising Hayate.

Before Hayate could respond a young woman with purple hair and red eyes appeared. The young woman wore a dark grey and black outfit consisting of a sleeveless waistcoat, a undershirt, knee-high boots, wrist guards, and thigh guards. Worn with sheer leggings and scabbards on the lower back holding two iris kunai. "Master Hayate, the preperations are complete." She then noticed Vince and turned to him. "Who are you?"

"Oh, that's right. Let me introduce you two. Vince this is Ayane, she is my sister. Ayane this is Vince Reinhart, the one mother and I told you about." Hayate said, surprising both Ayane and Vince.

The two eyes widened as they looked at each other. Ayane however scoffed, "So this is the guy she has a crush on?"

Vince rolled his eyes. "And this is Ayane, the quote on quote "nice girl" you talked about?"

"What's was that?" She asked sharply.

Hayate sighed as he shook his head. "Ayane, Vince. This is not the time to be fighting."

"Yes, Master Hayate." Ayane said.

"Hn." Vince folded his arms. "So do you know where Kasumi is? I want to see her."

"No, I don't and you shouldn't get involved Vince this is too dangerous." Hayate said firmly.

"I know we haven't seen in each other in ten years Hayate. But do you really think I'll listen to your warning just like that? Besides, you'll only waste our time trying to convince me not to get involved." Vince stated.

Hayate paused for a moment before he sighed, knowing and remembering Vince wouldn't listen to him. He then turned to Ayane. "Ayane, take Vince to go see Helena in the Freedom Fighter and have her explain the situation, after which meet me at the rendezvous."

"Yes sir." Ayane looked at Vince, "Let's go."

"Right." Vince channeled lightning in his legs and jumped over the roof along with Ayane.

"Not bad. At least you can keep up with me." She commented as she jumped over another roof at impressive speeds.

Vince snorted and jumped over another roof. "Mind if I ask you a question?"

"It depends."

"How is Ayame-san doing?" He asked her.

Ayane raised an eyebrow but shrugged. "Lady Ayame is doing fine, what are you asking for?"

"To see if she's doing okay. What kind of question is that?" Vince asked rolling his eyes.

"Whatever, just get ready we'll be there soon." She said.

"Yeah, yeah."

(Freedom Fighter)

Vince's eyes slightly widened as he followed Ayane, while discreetly looking at the Freedom Fighter. (I gotta admit I didn't think the Freedom Fighter was a big yacht. I don't think I'll ever understand why rich people will spend money on stuff like this.)

Ayane opened the door with Vince following. A blonde woman sitting on a chair raised an eyebrow at the intrustion. Wearing a long blue coat with gold detailing on the back, worn open but held in place by a tied around the waist black belt with silver clasp. Underneath there is a dark blue lace up top and dark blue shorts with lace detailing. With earrings and thigh high black sandals with dark yellow laces. "Ayane, what a complete surprise. What are you doing here and how is that young man next to you?"

"Master Hayate wanted you to explain the situation to him." Ayane stated causing Helena's eyes to widen.

"Is he also a shinobi?" Helena asked looking at Vince.

"No. I have to go now." Ayane left abruptly, leaving Vince and Helena alone in the room.

(I gotta admit, she gives Rias and Akeno a run for their money in terms of looks.) He thought taking a discreet glance at Helena.

"I do not know what Hayate is thinking, but do not interfere. The situation Hayate is talking about is very dangerous." Helena spoke.

Vince folded his arms and looked at her. "I know it is. But I honestly don't care. I just want to see Kasumi."

"I see... Then that will be a bit complicated." Helena said to him.

"How so?"

"I'm afraid that I cannot tell you, the information is confidental." She stated.

Vince's eye twitched as a small spark came out of his finger. He quickly noticed it and shoved his hand in his pocket. "Alright, then thanks."

Helena frowned, noticing the spark from his finger. "Wait a moment. How is that you were able to create that small spark from your finger?"

"Sorry, can't tell you. The information is confidental." He said using her own words.

Helena's eye twitched in response, as Vince smirked at her. (As much as I don't want to, I'll probably have to tell her something about my Sacred Gear, if I want information. Thankfully it won't be everything.)

He then looked at Helena. "If you want to know how I did that, then you'll have to tell me about the situation Hayate talked about."

"How clever of you, you did that on purpose knowing that I would become curious." Helena said folding her arms, causing her breasts to rise.

"That was more or less a coincidence." He looked at Helena. "I can assure you that I can take care of myself. So, will you explain the situation if I tell you how I was able to do that naturally?"

Helena thought it over for a few moments before nodding. "Very well, you have a deal. Might I have your name before I explain the situation to you?"

"I'm Vince Reinhart, what's your name?" Vince asked her.

"I am Helena Douglas, CEO and President of DOATEC." She said, introducing herself.

Vince nodded and extended his hand to which Helena shook. Two took a seat right across from each other. She then turned to him. "A few years ago, a man by the name of Victor Donovan kidnapped Kasumi and preformed experiments to her right after the first Dead or Alive tournament."

Helena began to explain about Donovan's "Project Alpha" . Telling how on how Donovan cloned Kasumi to create the ultimate fighter and how the clone named as Alpha-152 is born with pure hatred for the world and with the power to destroy everything.

Vince's eyes narrowed as he pieced everything together. "I understand the backstory behind the situation and "Project Alpha" but what does this have to do with the current situation or Kasumi?"

Helena turned serious as she looked at Vince. "Donovan has an organisation called MIST and is making his move as we speak. As for Kasumi, she is currently searching for Alpha-152 on her own."

"That's pretty reckless of her." He commented with a frown.

"I agree but it cannot be helped. Now then, I believe it's your turn Vince." She spoke looking at him.

Vince nodded and raised his two hands. Helena eyes widened as she saw him create two balls, one made out of water and one made out of lightning. The water and lightning then disappeared from his hands. "To put it simply, I can create and manipulate water and lightning at my will. I've been able to do this for a long time, after a series of events I met Kasumi and Hayate. And from their we became friends."

"I see, that is very surprising. But how are you able to manipulate water and lightning like that?" Helena asked in a curious tone.

Vince pointed to a tattoo on his hand. "I was born with the ability to do that. This tattoo is proof that I unlocked the ability to do it."

"How interesting. Is the tattoo and the ability hereditary?" She asked examining the tattoo.

"No, I'm the only person in my family that can do this." He said pulling his hand back.

Helena nodded and looked at Vince. "I understand now why Hayate asked me to explain the situation. Tell me Vince, how would like to do a small task for me?"

"You're going to ask a complete stranger to do something for you?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Even though we have met for only a few minutes, it is clear that both of us has the same objective overall. Besides, I can see that you're the same boy Kasumi talked about." Helena stated.

Vince's eyes widened, "Wait a sec, Kasumi talks about me?"

"Of course, Kasumi and I vacationed on a island. She told me of a boy she used to visit when she was in America. Kasumi described that the boy is very blunt, but kind at the same time. It is obvious that her description of you is accurate." She said.

Vince blushed a little but shook his head. "Okay fine I get it. Regardless, I don't mind doing this. I'm a freelancer so I'll be able to do it."

"Oh, you're a freelancer?" Helena asked.

"Yes, so what's the job Helena?" He asked curiously.

Helena nodded and got up from her seat along with Vince, she went to her desk and pulled out a file. "I would like for you to infiltrate this facility and gather as much information as you can."

Vince looked over the file and nodded. "Huh, so is the facility close by?"

"Unfortunately it is not. It is located in Tokyo. I can't appear to do anything unsusual...but I will make arrangements to slip you under the radar." Helena said as she handed him a disk.

Vince took the disk and pocketed it. "No thanks, if you try to do something at all, I'm sure people will notice. I can go to Tokyo by myself, I'll sneak in and put the disk in so I can copy the data. I just have two questions."

"What is it?"

"Is there anything else I should be on the look out for, and can you keep my abilities a secret?" He asked seriously.

"Be aware of Donovan's pet assassin, Christie. She will not hesitate to remove you from the picture. You will immediately recongnize her as she has white hair." Helena warned. "And rest assured, I will not tell anyone of your abilities unless I have your permission."

"Okay, thanks. I'll be sure to contact you after I'm done." Vince replied as he took the photo of the facility from the file.

"Very well, may the bells of good fortune ring for you." Helena said.

"...Is that you're way of saying "good luck" ?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"You could say that." She with a small chuckle.

"Right, well later." Vince turned around and his eyes widened as he saw a young woman with brown hair and amber eyes, wearing a royal blue dress with short puffy sleeves, yellow logo on back, a side-less skirt with bird pattern print and gold lining underneath, and white trim. Includes matching arm-guards, shin-guards, gold wristbands, white stockings, choker necklace and belt, and a wakizashi sword with decorative red tassels tied to back of the belt.

The young woman's eyes also widened as she stared at Vince. "Vince is that you?"


Kasumi quickly hugged Vince, catching him off guard. "I'm so happy to see you Vince."

Vince hugged Kasumi and awkwardly patted her back, slightly confused. "Likewise, it was hell trying to find you."

Kasumi smiled, "You were trying to find me? That makes me really happy." She then surprised Vince and Helena by pulling him into a heated kiss. Kasumi pulled back after a minute and whispered into his ear. "Let's meet up later Vince. We have a lot of catching up to do."

Vince's eyes widened as a blush appeared on his face. He shook his head and the pulled away. "As much as I would like to, I have something important to work on and I have to go now."

He quickly walked out of the room as his eyes narrowed and he calmed down the blush on his face. (What the hell was that all about? I know we haven't seen each other in ten years, but she should have acted more calmly about this. Kasumi is a ninja so it's obvious that she has to have a calm demeanor, especially in public.)

[Vince, there's something off about Kasumi.] Yume stated with a frown.

"I had a feeling something was off. What more can you tell me?" Vince asked seriously.

[I'm not sure to be honest. But I think there's something unstable about her.] She answered in a serious tone.

"I can see where you're going with this. Even if it's ten years, I expected Kasumi to have more self control." He replied with a small nod.

[I agree. We can think more about this later. But for now, let's go do the job.] Yume said.



Vince walked through the city looking around the buildings. (There's a lot of stuff in Tokyo. Anyway, I should get started and look for the facility.)

[Do you have the photo Vince?] Yume asked curiously.

"Yeah, I have it right here." He said showing the photo in his pocket.

Vince looked at the building in the photo and compared it to the buildings around him. (None of the buildings here look remotely the same. But the building on the photo seems to be near a gasoline plant. I should look for any gasoline plants.)

He coated his legs in lightning and took off at blinding speeds. (It's a relief my Sacred Gears can be so versatile.)

Twenty minutes later, Vince skidded to a stop as he saw the building in the photo and smirked. "I found it."

[Try to find a way to sneak in without being detected. I'm sure you can use your lightning to temporarily disable the cameras.] Yume stated, causing Vince to nod.

"Yeah, I'll have to sneak through the backdoor though." He said as he looked at the building and noticed a camera.

"It shouldn't be too hard though." Vince pointed his index finger at the camera and shot out a small bolt of lightning. The camera discharged sparks before it short circuited. He took this chance and quickly ran to the back of the building before the disabled camera started moving again.

Vince looked ahead and noticed a door with a camera above it. He pointed his index finger at the camera and shot out a small bolt of lighting. The camera discharged a small amount of sparks from it. Vince looked around, checking for any hidden cameras, after seeing nothing he quickly ran towards the backdoor. (So far so good, I hope it stays that way.)

He tried to open the door but his eyes narrowed as he saw a pannel with a card slot on it. Vince blinked twice before he smirked and created a lightning shaped card, he passed the card through the card slot. The pannel discharged multiple sparks, before a click was heard.

Vince quickly opened the door and closed it behind him as the camera started moving again. He looked around and saw a long corridor surounded by red lasers, at the end of the hall was a dorr with a pannel and a card slot on it, . He then groaned in irritation. (Fucking security lasers. I don't have the time or the patience for it. I can either find a way to disable it or coat my legs in lighting and run before the security activates.)

[Hey Vince, what are you going to do?] Yume asked him.

"Disable or run fast enough to avoid the lasers." He stated with a shrug.

[I think it would be better to disable it. It would cause less trouble in the longrun.] She advised.

Vince sighed, knowing that she is right. "Point taken, Yume."

He then looked around the corridor and ran a hand through his hair. (There's nothing in here that looks like it could disable the security lasers, except the control pannel on the other side of the room.)

(Well, it's worth a try.) Vince pointed his index finger at the pannel and shot out a bolt of lighting. The bolt of lighting passed through security lasers but faded as it was about to reach the pannel. (That was a complete failure.)

Vince facepalmed but pointed his index finger at the pannel and shot out a bigger bolt of lighting. The bolt of lightning passed through security lasers again and this time reached the pannel.

The pannel discharged sparks with a small amount of smoke coming from it. To Vince's surprise, the security lasers disappeared. Without skipping a beat he coated his legs in lightning and quickly ran across the corridor at the blinding speed, before the security lasers came back on.

Vince created a lightning shaped card and passed it through the card slot. The pannel discharged sparks again. But a click was heard, causing him to quickly open the door, walk in and close the door. (Aside from that everything is going as planned.)

He looked around his surroundings and saw a large computer in the middle of the room with a door right next to it. (Nice, looks like I found what I was looking for.)

Vince walked to the computer and started typing on it. A few minutes later he opened up a file and read it to himself. (Clone number 152. Alpha-152. Combat parameters set to maximum. Ready to begin phase 4, development and mass production of the perfect soliders.)

He frowned and took out the disk from his pocket, after placing the disk in the computer, Vince started typing on the computer, to copy the data. (I'll have to wait until the download is finished. Still... having a bunch of those clones running around will be dangerous.)

[Vince, you should calm down. You're starting to let your anger get to you.] Yume said in a concerned tone.

Vince took a deep breathe and nodded. "Don't worry, I'm okay now. I am a bit pissed that bastard Donovan kidnapped Kasumi for something like this."

[Okay, just don't let it get to you Vince.] She warned.

"Yeah." He looked at the door besides the computer and walked towards it. (I'm curious to see what's behind this.)

Vince opened the door and his eyes widened. The room inside is a small room filled with mechanical parts. "That's a lot of parts."

[Yeah, it's most likely a storage room.] Yume answered.

"Well... I'm sure I'll get more use out of these parts than MIST will." Vince looked around the room and picked up a silver metalic rod along with a few metal parts. He stuffed the metal parts in his pockets and placed the metal rod inside his jacket.

[You're not going to make this a habit, are you?] She asked sweatdropping.

"I probably will if it's guys like these." He replied with a small shrug.

Vince walked out of the room and took the disk from the computer. (It's a good thing that the download finished. Helena should have a field day with this data.) He placed the disk in a pocket inside his jacket.

A clicking sound was heard, Vince turned around to see a woman with white hair pointing a gun at him. Wearing a white bodysuit with a open front zipper and black stripes down the sides, bearing a red print of a snake running down the entire length of the costume. Includes black belts around the body resembling ones off a parachute, a black lacy bra under the suit, shoulder guards, white gloves, and black, high-heeled ankle boots. "Well, well, so you're the little rat sneaking around."

"If I'm a rat, does that make you the rabbid guard dog?" He asked with sarcastically.

The woman glared at Vince. "You'll regret saying that."

Before the woman could pull the trigger, Vince immediately discharged lighting from his body shocking her. He took advantage of the opportunity, kicked her into the floor and grabbed the gun from her. Vince discreetly channeled water into the gun, and tossed it away to the other side of the room. (That must be Christie, the assassin Helena warned me about.)

Christie got up and went into a fighting stance. "Not bad, you seem to have a few tricks kid. Unfortunately for you, you've seen to much."

Vince didn't respond but looked around. His eyes narrowed as he saw the door closing. He ran towards the door but was forced to dodge as Christie nearly jabbed him the stomach. "You're not leaving here alive."

"Tch, then I guess I'll have no choice." Instead of moving Vince jumped back as he looked around his surroundings. (Everything in the room is locked and I can't really escape and even if I could. It wouldn't be a good idea since she'll most likely chase after me.)

Christie moved in quickly and jabbed Vince in the shoulder, he grunted in pain but grabbed Christie's arm with his left arm and smashed his elbow into her face and followed up by shoving her into the computer. (That hurted, I can't let her hit me. It'll make things harder for me to escape.)

She got up and wiped the blood from her face, from the elbow strike and charged at him. Vince on the other hand kept his distance as he continued to look around the room. (There's no other choice exit routes, I'll have to defeat her and use my katana to cut my way through.)

Christie on the other hand looked annoyed as she continued to chase after Vince and jab him, to which he evaded, by moving out of the way.

Vince immediately charged towards Christie with his fist held back. She was about to dodge, but to her surprise, he jumped over her and did a sweep kick knocking her off balance.

Christie quickly regained her balance and jabbed Vince in the stomach painfully. He flinched in pain as he coughed up some blood she smirked sadistically and continued to painfully jab him in the stomach, she then pulled back her hands and jabbed Vince in the chest sending him sailing into a wall. "It's over."


Vince coughed up blood as he fell to the floor. (Dammit, I underestimated her. Trying to fight regularly is out of the question, I'll have to fight her using my Sacred Gear.)

Christie went towards Vince and grabbed him by his shirt. "You're not even worthy of being my toy. Any last words?"

"Yeah..." Vince coated his hands in water, the water immediately formed into a whip and slapped Christie across the face hard enough for her to let go. He quickly took advantage and kicked her in the stomach, far enough to have her crashing into the wall. "You're a pain in the ass!"

Christie got up and rubbed her cheek as a red mark appeared on her face, from the force of the slap. "So you can fight a little with those powers, that's good. At least you'll provide me with some entertainment!" She charged at Vince and attacked feriously, constantly striking and jabbing at him.

Vince dodged, ducked and weave his way through her attacks. He ducked underneath one of her jabs and bashed her in the jaw with a water enhanced uppercut. Vince then channeled lightning into his legs and jumped as high as he could into the air. He then smirked and stomped on her stomach, with his legs coated in lightning. Vince continued to repeatedly stomp on Christie's stomach until she crashed into the ground. "Next time, stay out of my way."

Christie struggled to move but Vince harshly kicked her in the head, knocking her unconscious. (At least she won't get in the way now.)

Vince sighed and walked towards the door which is barricated by a metal wall. He then took out his katana from his sleeve and unsheated it, radiating holy energy. (This is the first time I used the Totsuka-no Tsurugi.)

Vince created a ball of lightning and channeled it into his katana. The katana immediately radiated more holy energy as it now released small blue sparks from it. Vince looked at the katana and slightly smirked. "Not bad."

He swiftly slashed from left to right, the katana easily slashed through the metal wall and the door. "Sakura End."

[Vince, you should leave before more reinforcements arrive.] Yume warned.

"Yeah, but before I do that. I'll have to do one thing along the way." He said.

[What are you going to do?] She asked him.

"Blow this place up." Vince channeled lightning into his legs as he took off while leaving lightning shaped grenades on the floor.


He continued to run across the corridor running as fast as he could, while dropping the lightning shaped grenades.

Upon reaching outside, Vince created two large lightning shaped grenades and tossed one in through a window, while the other through the back door.

He flicked his fingers causing the lightning shaped grenades to explode.


The explosive discharge of lightning immediately spread through the building and quickly caught on fire.

Vince smirked and sheated his katana, as he channeled lightning he ran as fast as he could, not looking back at the explosion. "Mission complete, better report back to Helena."


Authors Notes: That's the end of the chapter and the start of the Dead or Alive arc. Even though this took a while to type, I had to admit, I had fun writing this chapter now for the explanations.

This is more or less the prologue for the DOA arc, I mentioned I was going to do. The DOA arc is going to take place at the same time as the Excalibur arc.

In terms of the timeline. The Excalibur arc has just started and the DOA arc is pretty much half way done. The reason for this is the timeskips that happens in DOA 5, it would have been a nightmare for me trying to put him in the start of the arc. Also before anyone asks, yes Vince will confront and battle Kokabiel right near the end of the Excalibur arc, but he may or may not confront him alone. It'll all depends...

The reason why I decided to do the DOA arc while the Excalibur arc takes place is because I didn't want to stall the arc any longer and it'll work well with another idea I have in a future arc.

As you can see Rias used Vince's own words against him to so she can leave with him. But Vince did get even with her. I decided it because I thought it would make things interesting.

The scene with Vince reuniting with Hayate and meeting Ayane was a little hard to write, but hopefully I got everyone in character.

As for the meeting with Helena, it was a bit easier to write her but I had to double check to make sure she was in character. Before anyone asks, Helena gave Vince an abridged version of what happened. He will learn more about what really happened as the arc goes on.

As of now Vince will start to do more freelancing jobs. With Helena being more or less his employer especially in this arc.

Also, Helena was describing the events of what happened at a certain island. I'm pretty sure with Kasumi's close friendship with Helena, she would tell her about Vince.

The scene with Kasumi. For the people that have played Dead or Alive 5, we all know why she's acting differently. To be honest, the only real effect Vince has on her is that she'll act OOC earlier than in the game. I had fun writing that scene.

The infiltration scene was fun to write, it was unique for me to write how Vince would get out of situations with his Sacred Gear.

The scene where Vince stole metal parts, it might or might not be used to create his second weapon.

As for the fight with Christie. I didn't want Vince to get out of this without injury, he may be good and has some experience fighting. But she's a trained assassin, I don't expect for him to fight her and not get injured. I hope got the fight scene and her in character though. In terms of a fight Vince against a DOA character, I want to point out that if he's not using his Sacred Gear, then he is outclassed, Vince may get a few hits in but he is generally outclassed. Mainly because they have more experience and have trained for a long time compared to him.

Also, Vince did use his holy sword to escape. Since he isn't anywhere near Kuoh he has more freedom to use it. The same thing applies for his angel form, so expect for him to use it more often than compared to him being in Kuoh.

And finally, when Vince infiltrates a building. Expect for the building to have an explosion, I thought it would be fun to write him having the effect that whenever he does an inflitration. the building will have an explosion even if it's unintentional.

That's all I have to say for the explanations, let me know what you think about the chapter. Later.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


