94.59% Highschool DxD: A New Satan / Chapter 66: Ch. 66 Changing Pasts pt.2

章 66: Ch. 66 Changing Pasts pt.2


You horny ones need to calm down. This isn't a game of 'Every hole is a goal'. Lith is not going to bang Venelana. I was just trying to write a valid reason for Zeoticus to actually try and have Rias engaged like he did and I thought that a failing marriage, which is very common for humans much less sinful beings with lifespans in the thousands to infinite, would affect a person's views on things and affect a home and child in certain ways. Then you add some mild asshole-y ideals and you have a sexist lord trying to use his 'disappointing' daughter from a woman he doesn't love anymore to gain more benefits in a nobility based society.

That was the majority of what I was thinking about when I made Rias' parents have marriage issues that they will keep from Rias herself. She would act out if she knew and Zeoticus would never allow that, Venelana should care too much about her family to want to see her hurt because of these issues, meanwhile even if Sirzechs knew, he wouldn't say anything either and can't directly interfere, hence his own future actions and Rias not knowing.

Anyway, you know the drill by now, if you guys want to support me and are even awesome enough to pass 1$ over, can you please check out either my Patreón or Ko-fi:




Thanks a lot to all those who've already supported me. You guys are great, here's the proper chapter.


Even though it seemed like a bit of a last minute act, I was always planning to ensure Cleria Belial and Yaegaki Masaomi staying alive.

She was a very convenient spark to use to light a flame at the right time and it helped further ensure Diehauser Belial's loyalty.

"I can't thank you enough for saving Cleria, my Lord." Said Devil said through his projection.

A man with a strong body, impeccable morals and a keen tactical mind. His graceful appearance complimented by his medium length grey hair made him rather approachable, especially his soft but proud grey eyes.

"Think nothing of it Diehauser. She's your little sister, and I don't let anyone harm my people. Whether they know they're my people or not makes no difference." I replied to the man who had been working with myself, Ruval Phenex and a few others to control the top five positions in the rating games. "She even brought exactly what we needed to light a fire under the asses of all those parasites."

"Haha! That's Cleria for you. I'm sure Ruval and Roygun will be thrilled to hear it." The Champion of the Rating Games exclaimed rather boisterously.

"Indeed they shall be, but it will have to wait. This needs to be done in a way where they won't just get away with a slap to the wrist. I want to make sure they lose any power they hold and guarantee a brighter future for the Underworld. Away from those blood sucking fossils." I seriously told the man before me, making him school his expression in an instant.

"Understood. Any hint as to when that will be from your 'Gazes'?" The [Worthless] master asked.

"I've seen upcoming turmoil on the horizon Diehauser. A decade or so and then the world will change. I suggest preparing yourselves for it. Maybe even coming for some training to make you properly understand the concepts behind your powers." I answered him as best I could.

"It would do good for our little group and our peerages to get a proper workout. It is a bit boring only having a few to properly fight." The Belial lord replied with a slightly excited smile.

"I'll let Scáthach know then. She gets bored too." I told him with a sly grin.

"W-well, let's not get ahead of ourselves." Was the nervous response as the man immediately started to sweat from my words.

"Hahaha! I'm joking! My lovely Queen is perfectly fine only skewering me." I said with a great laugh at his visibly released face.

"*Phew* Not a great joke my lord." The teased Diehauser replied with a mild glare.

"Sorry. Couldn't resist." Was my response as I mischievously grinned. "But seriously, it would be a good idea for you five to come over with your peerages. The Underworld will need some proper pillars for what is to come, beyond the Satans to help the coming generation to grow."

"I'll hash thing out with Roygun and our newbie Pheles, while I'm sure you can handle the Phenex and Balam, my Lord." Diehauser said with a nod.

"Good. Things will be a bit rocky until the dissenting factions are taken care of, so stay on your guard." I warned as I desired to avoid careless mistakes.

"We will." The serious man replied. "Ah, but before we finish up, I would like to know what Cleria has finally decided to do with her new life."

"Worry not my friend, I thought that her interests in gossip and stories would be perfect for journalism and I was right since the woman has been fitting into the 'Timeless Times' wonderfully. In fact, I think her future husband feels like I've unleashed a monster at times." I answered the worry-wart of an elder brother.

"That's good. I'm happy she could find something to be passionate about, even under these circumstances." Diehauser softly said. "Will I be able to visit?"

"Under disguise, but yes. Your family too, if they can keep a secret. You'll just need to act like she's gone and whatnot until the right time." I answered with little worry as I knew his capabilities and the care the Belial family had for their own.

"Thank you. I will take my leave then my Lord." The grey haired Devil said respectfully before turning off our connection.

-Tepes territory, Northern regions of Romania, Outside of Tepes Capital City

Overlooking the city large city, stood two visible figure with shining heads of gold and silver, watching as their supposed kin pranced and acted as careless and spoiled fools. As if they were truly the apex predators they thought themselves to be and held any sort of importance in the grand scheme of things.

"It looks like after all these years they still act like uncivilized beasts in nice wrappers." One Evangeline Cain-Springfield said with distaste as she gazed at the city bellow her with disgust.

Although much more developed than last she saw and relatively untouched by the wars of man, it was a city that stunk of so much death, sin and blood that a vampire or Devil could almost get drunk in it.

"And we can finally fix things mom." Her daughter Moka said as she gave a supporting hug.

"True, but it will remain to be seen as to how many will be left to be fixed soon enough." The blonde bombshell of a vampire replied.

"Not like it would be a bad thing to prune the rotting roots. They've had centuries to figure do anything to improve the standings of vampires or get stronger after betraying us, but they've accomplished nothing but to indulge and reproduce." Moka spat as she felt nothing but hate for the people who had harmed her mother in the past.

"I know my little moon." Evangeline said gently before a mischievous light passed through her scarlet eyes. "But tell me, when are you going to 'reproduce' and give me my grand baby? You and Kal have been together for some time after all. I'm sure Lith and Sera are curious as well."

"Mom?!?!" The completely blindsided and embarrassed Moka cried out as she managed to blush.

"Fufu~ sorry dear, just having a little fun." Evangeline said as she gently caressed her daughter's face as she thought about when she was young. "Also… please don't put too much of yourself in what is going happen, I just want you to be happy and enjoy life."

"I know mom. But I won't let you do this alone, even if you technically have the clan." Moka replied to her mother with caring eyes as the two shared a quick hug.

"*Sigh* I raised you too well." The blonde vampiress playfully lamented.

"Well, Lith did most of the raising." The silver Dhampir teased in response.

"Why you ungrateful little bat." Evangeline reacted with mock affront.

"Hehe~" Moka giggled as the two enjoyed a brief respite from what is to come.

The lighthearted exchange ending when they both felt one of theirs coming to them.

"My ladies, we are ready." Sebas Tian faithfully reported with impeccable manners, causing both women to steel their expressions and hearts.

"Good. Begin the attack. Prioritize the two Dhampir. The rest are inconsequential." Evangeline ordered as her black cloak fell away to reveal her currently favored black battle coat opened to show her slightly unbuttoned black shirt, pant and boots.

With Moka doing the same to display a crimson slit dress which darkened the lower one looked and with a silver heels. Not at all afraid of blood staining any part of herself thanks to her abilities.

"As you command." The faithful butler responded as he sent out the signal by casting illusion magic to make the moon appear as if blood red.

"I'll be going then mother. Met you in that sad excuse for a castle." Moka said as she let out her vampire wings for the first time in quite a long time.

"I know you don't need it, but be safe dear." Evangeline replied with the worried eyes a mother could only have for her children.

"No worries. I won't allow myself to be sloppy and risk Milim hearing about it. She would hold it over me for weeks if any of these weakling managed to touch me." Moka answered with a confident smile.

"That she would, after Scáthach and me put you through the wringer anyway." The blonde woman lightly threatened for good measure.

"Now that's going over the top." Mika mildly complained with an eye roll at her mother's behavior. "I'll see you later."

With one last look, Evangeline shook. Her daughter would be fine considering Great Red doesn't leave the Dimensional Gap, Ophis is currently judging the Mirror Autumn Selection for the Supernatural students of Tōtsuki, and none of the beings who could even harm Moka are even in the Human realm.

A mother worries no matter how strong her child has become or how irrational it appears.

-Castle Tepes, fifth tower

"EEEEEEE!! I'm scared! What's going on Val!?!" A small, feminine child with long platinum blond hair and pinkish-violet eyes, a cute face and wearing a frilly goth black and white dress asked the only other person in the room.

"I-I don't know Gaspy." Answered visibly older girl with short blonde hair framing her pale cuteness and red eyes as she did her best to not be scared like her friend. "But it looks like someone is attacking."

"W-w-what do we do?" The frightened preschool age little one asked with tears eyes.

But before the older child could answer, someone else did.

"You two get to come with me." A no-nonsense man's voice said as a much larger figure emerged from the room's shadows.

The man was a tall black one wearing a black leather coat over combat armor, a pair of black gloves, military boots and pants. His serious face was quite intimidating for the two children, especially with how different the man looked from what they were accustomed to due to his black shades and serious demeanor.

The sword on his back didn't help.

"EEEP!" The smallest child cried out, before it reappeared in the corner of the room, trembling.

"Gaspy!" The girl quickly shouted as she ran to her friend to comfort and protect him.

"Huh. So that's how that feels like." The black man commented with mild interest. "Weaker than the big boss' by a long shot. Thought it was supposed to be a boy with that power though."

"Who are you? What do you want?" The girl asked as she tried to do her best to look strong.

"I'm Blade. A Dhampir, like you two. And I was ordered to bring you two to safety while this whole mess is going on." The black man answered succinctly as he looked around at took in some deep breaths to sniff around.

"You came to save us?" The older girl asked with wide eyes in disbelief as the young child stopped trembling as much to look over with guarded curiosity.

"Boss man and lady's orders." Blade shrugged as he answered. "So you got anything you need or can we just go?"

"Umm, I don't think so. Are you ok Gaspy?" The little blonde Dhampir answered as she checked on her still shivering friend.

Said shivering little one shook its head.

"I thought Gasper Vladi was a guy." Blade commented with a raised eyebrow.

"I-I-I am a boy!" Protested the small Dhampir from behind his friend.

"…Whatever. We don't really judge. Dio is a lot weirder than a kid who likes dresses." Shrugged Blade as he stepped towards the two.

"Doesn't Gaspy look so cute?" Little Val asked with some pride and excitement as she looked at her friend/dress up doll.

"Sure kid. Now come here. Some people are heading this way so we got to go." The black Dhampir ordered as he enveloppes the two in his shadow, much to the interest of the younger Dhampir duo.

And with that, they were all gone by the time a group of rushing vampires burst into the room to find it empty and their pale faces paled even more.

-Outside of Tepes Capital City

A trio made up of a tall figure and two smaller ones appeared behind a lone female one overlooking a ruthless take over of the city below them.

"My lady, I brought them." Blade respectfully said to the blonde woman.

"Thank you Blade. You may go and take your revenge now." The woman replied with a nod of acknowledgement.

"With pleasure." The man said as he disappeared with a Savage grin.

A few moments after his departure, the older girl managed to pick up her courage and slightly approach the woman in front of herself and her friend.

"E-excuse me, w-who are you? Why did you have Mister Blade bring us her?" She asked in a guarded manner.

"Hm? Oh, sorry child, I was stuck in my thoughts and forgot about the two of you there." The woman answered as she turned around, looked at the two scared children before her and kneeled to their level with a gentle smile. "My name is Evangeline Cain-Springfield and I had Blade bring you here because I knew those Tepes animals would try something with you two due to your status as Dhampir. I couldn't let such a thing happen to innocent children, especially not ones who are so very much like my own daughter."

"Animals?" The older child said while looking down.

"Not you child. Those who hurt you and your friend simply for being born and act as if they're better than everyone." Evangeline quickly said as she went and hugged the poor little girl and girlish boy,

She knew neither had likely received much warmth in their lives and wanted them to know they would be ok as quickly as possible.

The smaller one was completely petrified of every shadow and she couldn't help herself, while the little girl was too cute while she tried to be tough for her friend.

"W-what?!" The startled girl stuttered out as her body stiffened.

But the more interesting thing was that the girlish boy in a dress' eyes changed and glowed, halting everything around them out of a frightened reflex, then tried to get away.

"Where are you going little one?" Evangeline asked with a smirk as she internally analyzed what just happened.

Her voice caused the poor preschooler to freeze and look at the woman who stared into his unique eyes without any fear or harmful emotions.

"H-how?" The child managed to squeak out as he looked around, only to see things were still frozen, then back to the woman holding him.

"Fufu~ You are very far from powerful enough to affect me little one. And my friend's husband as abilities like yours but infinitely more developed." Evangeline answered with an amused smile at the small child's bafflement, but she also felt sympathy for the large amount of hope her words gave him.

"Someone like me?" He whispered to himself as if he found a ray of hope.

In that moment, as his emotions calmed down, his eyes changed back to normal and the area around them began to move again, including his friend.

"Yes, and I'm sure he could help you control your powers. But for now, why don't you introduce yourselves?" Evangeline said to the two as the girl looked between herself and her friend with a critical eye.

"Um, I'm Gasper." The little boy shyly said as he looked down.

"Nice to meet you Gasper. And you young lady?" Was his reply as the woman holding them looked to the second child in her arms.

"I'm Valerie." The girl answered with more confidence.

"Hello Valerie. Like I said earlier, you can call me Evangeline or Eva if that's easier." Evangeline said to the duo as she lifted them up in her arms, making them instinctively wrap their arms around her neck.

The children were then able to look down onto the city they had been taken from. The castle they had been imprisoned in. And then saw it all being destroyed with ease as various flashes of magic and destruction occurred. They even saw a red tornado surrounding the castle.

"Why are you all doing this?" Valerie asked out of curiosity.

"A few reasons, but mostly because vampires need a new beginning." Evangeline answered honestly. "You two have suffered even though you should be treasured, just one of the things I wish to change."

-Castle Tepes, Throne Room


The loud noise echoed through the room as the silver haired Moka walked in without any worry.

"So you are the one who dared to invade. A filthy runt who is not even like those inferior creatures some call vampires, only a mongrel. A female at that. Did that fangless whore Carmilla send you then?" A languid man wearing old fashioned noble clothing, of the stereotypical Dracula vein, long black hair lazily resting on his shoulders and chest, with bored crimson eyes.

"I'm going to enjoy this." Moka simply said as she confidently smirked at the man before her.

"Kill her." King Tepes ordered with little care, causing dozens to burst into action, their limbs wrapped in darkness as they aimed to skewer the woman before them.

Without even looking at them, Moka simply walked forward as all those attacking her exploded into blood mist, causing the King's brows to furrow.

"How precious. He still thinks he isn't a weakling." Moka fake coo'd.

"You insolant mongrel." King Tepes growled as he bared his fangs and gestures with his hands, causing the shadows around them to attack the silver haired Dhampir.

"That's adorable." Moka said in response as they all gathered in her open palm.

"Impossible! How could a dredge like you usurp my control?!" The King shouted in disbelief.

"Because you're weak and pathetic." Was the answer as the young woman sneered and sent out her own blast of shadows, destroying everything in its path, including the wall and throne, revealing the crescent moon.

And a flying figure holding two more in her arms as motes of light blue scattered.

"Sweetie, please try not to break the moon to prove a point." The descending Evangeline scolded as she floated into the castle through the new hole. "Even if we sealed the area, it is better that no one hears about us."

"Sorry, I got a bit emotional when facing that rabid asshole." Moka answered, managing to at least look a bit embarrassed from being called out be her mother.

"That was so cool!" Exclaimed Valerie with shinning eyes as she stared at the mother and daughter.

"Fufu~ Thank you Valerie. We are aren't we?" Evangeline responded with a small smile.

"Oh? So these are the two?" Moka said as took a closer look at her fellow Dhampir, then eyeing the smaller one who was shacking. "Wasn't one supposed to be a young boy? With do you have two girls?"

"It would seem young Valerie has a great interest in 'cute' things and decided to use little Gasper as her dress up doll due to his demure personality." Explained the Blonde Vampire.

"Huh. Guess we'll have to man him up a bit or maybe find him some people who have the same tastes if he actually likes it." Moka responded with a shrug. "Let's keep him away from Dio though."

"No arguments there dear, but we should finish taking over first and then take care of that traitorous skank Carmilla." Evangeline agreed as the two began planing how to take proper care of their two new charges, but then a buff and weirdly coifed blonde vampire wearing a black and gold outfit burst in.




-House Naberius Territory, Hidden Mountain Territory

"What happened here Falbium?" One Sirzechs Lucifer asked his Bald coworker as he walked out of his magical crest and bore witness to the destruction before him.

A mountain split open with a large hole to its center. The remains of what appeared to be an unrecorded facility. Bodies, missing person reports, no Lord present when his territory was involved in destruction of this scale and when two Satans were present. It really wasn't a good luck.

This kind of thing fell under both Falbium's and Sirzechs' departments as this was an Internal matter for now and seemed to be a military one as well, hence why both had come.

Falbium's people had reacted the quickest to secure the scene and report everything possible, with now only a few medic staff remaining since their big boss had come personally today and they knew his strength even if he was slothful.

"…Don't know yet… only two survivors. Nekoshou too." The lazy man answered, pointing to a nearby tent.

"Are they ok?" Sirzechs asked out of concern.

He wasn't foolish enough to believe they were here by coincidence. Nekoshou were very rare, hell, Nekomata only were pretty much unheard of in the Underworld due to the kinds of energies it possessed messing with Youkai too much without any preventative measures, so two found inside a wrecked facility in a House which likes researching was not a coincidence.

"…Fine… for the most part. The older one was hurt and exhausted… but the younger one is in shock." Falbium answered as he thought back to the report he had read.

Lazy and work avert he may be, but he still cares for the lives of people.

"What do you make of this situation?" The red haired Satan asked after feeling relatively relieved regarding the relative well being of those who were found.

"*Sigh* They we're doing something they shouldn't have… and it backfired on them is my guess." The tactical genius answered with slightly narrowed eyes towards the smoldering remains of the mountain.

"I'll have some people look into things, for now though we make sure those two girls are safe from anyone who would want to silence them." Sirzechs sternly said to his old friend.

"Yeah…protective custody or do we just send them to Lith and Serafall?…No one'll get them there." Falbium responded to his friend with his best idea to avoid working and a lot of future nonsense if he could dump it on people he knew could just say 'fuck you' to all those geezers.

"You think that's a good idea?" The long haired Devil asked in return.

"They are Youkai…makes it Sera's job…Lith is with the leader of all Youkai… means he has priority… those two will be safe and around other Youkai… and I'm pretty sure Serafall will kick up a fuss if we let anything happen to them." The lazy Satan answered directly.

"True. I could also ask Lith to 'look back' in order to really know what happened as well. I have that leeway until a new Lord Naberius is chosen." Sirzechs said to himself mostly.

"Makes my work easier." Falbium replied with a shrug.

"Good. Then let's transfer those two. Azaroth Hospitals are better anyway." Sirzechs said with a satisfied nod before seemingly remembering something. "Oh right! While I have you here, have you hear about something called 'Super Sentai'?"

-Nightingale Hospital, Azura, Neutral Lands of Azaroth

In one of the VIP rooms of this hospital, lay a pair of sisters, the one older with black hair and the younger one with white, both tangled in one another.

But the older one wasn't sleeping like her sister, she was carefully keeping an eye out for anything suspicious as she almost desperately held her sibling protectively.

Her nerves were so frayed that when the door to the room opened, she almost jumped out to attack. It was only due to her sister that she stayed still when a female Devil with with long silver-pink hair in a long braid, red eyes, wearing a military-like red jacket with a white lab coat, black pencil skirt with black leggings and white boots walked in, keeping a very close eye on her for any sort of danger.

"Looks like you've awakened, that's good. And from the way you are breathing and the alertness in your gaze, I would say no brain or respiratory issues." The woman quickly said as she went through a clipboard. "A yes, I see. Now that's not ideal. So much pollution in you. Luckily your sister doesn't have any sort of similar issues, only a case of psychological shock inducing a forced rest until her young mind can rationalize things."

The way the woman talked only seemed to put the black haired sister more on edge, even if her body revealed relief when she heard nothing was wrong with her sister.

"Dr Nightingale, Lord Azaroth is here. He wants to see you." A brown haired woman wearing all white said as she popped her head into the room.

"Lith? Can it not wait? I'm with patients." Nightingale asked with a frown.

"He said it's about your patients actually." The second woman answered quickly.

"*Sigh* Very well." The doctor replied, causing the other woman to leave and herself to prepare to leave before turning to the girls. "If you require anything or something wrong occurs do not hesitate to use the designated buttons at the side of your bed. I'll only be gone for a short while before we can resume your check up and we can see about getting all that unnecessary stuff out of you and back to normal."

Those words actually stunned the black haired girl as she dazedly look at the doctor taking her leave to talk to this Lord Azaroth.

-Florence Nightingale's office

"You know I don't like being away from my patients! If you lied to get me away from them I'm going to give you my stomach cleanser." Florence said with a dangerous glare.

"*Chuckle* Nice to see you too my dear Doctor. Worry not, this will help you with their treatment." Lith said with raised hands in surrender.

"Fine. So what is it?" Florence quickly asked.

"A few pieces of advice. I've looked into what happened by Sirzechs request." The dark skinned Devil answered with a serious gaze. "The black haired one was used as an experiment to create an artificial 'Super Devil' by her 'King', the now deceased Lord Naberius, but she discovered that they were going to do the same to her sister due to her no longer progressing as much, causing her to kill them all to protect her. There's a lot more but suffice to say that she is fiercely protective of her sister and likely has a strong dislike for anything too… lab-like."

"Hmmm. That would explain her guarded reaction to my appearance and how even her unconscious body would not tolerate being separated from her sister." Florence muttered.

"Yeah. It's not the best. Approach them less like professional Doctor Nightingale and more like the best nurse ever, Florence. I'm sure it'll do wonders. Also, I suggest you keep a close eye on the younger one when she wakes up. Naberius essentially took the girl hostage without her knowing by treating her rather well while the older kept everything quiet. She doesn't know about the experimentation and might only know that her sister just killed their 'nice master'." Lith warned and advised.

"Will you not help?" Florence asked out of curiosity.

She knew her lord was a very knowledgeable person who could be helpful in many situations such as this.

"Not directly, far too soon. The elder sister had to endure too much under a peerage using lord, so without more understanding of her current situation and myself she will likely be very hostile and suspicious of any of my words or actions. I'll have Yasaka, bring in Magari to help the girls get through things for now though." Lith replied with a shake of his head.

"An excellent suggestion. Anything else I should know regarding my patients?" Florence asked as she hurriedly began writing many notes of her charts.

"If you want to clean up all that 'gunk' in the black one's system, I suggest talking to her about it until she willingly offers the data she should have on the subject. But you must make sure that you let her take the first step. It's critical for her psychological recovery that this not be manipulated but a genuine show of trust we can build on." Was Lord Azaroth's answer as his gaze softened at what that little black cat had experienced.

"Understood. Doesn't mean I won't continue working on my own cure using her current blood samples though." Florence said with a satisfied nod.

"I hope you succeed then." Lith said with a supportive smile. "I'll let you get to work then. Oh, but be sure to explain that neither are fugitives for what happened, but some nobles might still try something if they leave without any sort of support. I wouldn't want that little girl to believe that and run away."

-VIP Room (A few days later)

"Hello Kuroka, you have two guests today." Florence gently said to the black haired catgirl.

"Who?" The young teen asked guardedly as she still hadn't dropped her vigilance.

"The current Chief of the Nekomata and the leader of all Youkai." Stated Florence, much to the girl's absolute shock.

"W-what?!" She barely got out as she clutched the still unconscious Shirone.

"Now, now, no need to worry. You aren't in any trouble and no one wants to separate the two of you. Magari, the Nekomata chief, and Yasaka, the Leader of Youkai and my lord's mate, want to check up on you and maybe just help you work things out by talking instead of keeping everything in." Florence kindly explained. "I know you don't trust anyone here because of what happened, so my lord arranged for this while we work on making you better."

"Oh, is this where they are?" A slightly muffled but highly energetic voice asked from the hallway.

"*Sigh* It looks like lady Yasaka was found out by her sister." Florence muttered a moment before the door opened dramatically to reveal a pink haired fox girl with golden brown fur, nine tails and wearing red and white magical girl outfit.

"Hello! Magical fox girl ☆ Tamo-Tan is here to bring cheer at her first unofficial mission!" Said nine-tailed fox flamboyantly exclaimed with a twirl and wink as she give a bright smile to the completely make Kuroka malfunction and exasperate Florence.

"Nee-sama, at least let us have a proper introduction first." A very bountiful golden haired fox woman with nine tails playfully scolded as she walked in with an amused smile at her elder sister's antics.

She enjoyed people's reactions when messing around too after all. She was a fox.

"Stop messing around baka deshi!" A strict woman's voice said as a black and white calico cat with seven tails jumped over and smacked the magical fox girl face first into the floor before gracefully landing on her head and grooming herself a bit.

*Snicker* *Chortle*


To the surprise of everyone, Kuroka actually burst out laughing from the utter absurdity she had just witnessed.

And as she laughed, everything just sort of loosened inside her as tears came out and she began to both laugh out of the silliness but also thankfulness, to cry from relief and from the backed up emotions she had held in for so long.

With that laughter, she finally felt that maybe things could get better.

And all it took were some of the most high up people she's ever met, a supreme leader of youkai, said leader's apparent sister and the leader of her species to just do the silliest greeting she had ever heard of. And it felt so good.

At the sight of this, Tamamo immediately got up to go comfort the and support the girl as she felt her sister instincts stirring after so long, Yasaka joined in as her barely suppressed maternal ones kicked in hard, making her decide to finally take a step with her mate, Magari just looked on with eyes filled with many emotions as she gazed at the young one of her people having gone through so much and Florence felt glad for her patient to have such a breakthrough.



Alrighty everyone.

Since I'm finally getting to more canon-y and main character-y stuff for DxD and I've been trying to get through the 500 hundred years Lith had lived through by doing more summary like chapters than I would prefer, I decided to try more show than tell chapters for these few bits.

It won't have the people Lith helps and whatnot join him up immediately, but I'm focusing more on where things would change for everyone. I'm also trying to get more characters involved.

In this we have Gasper and Valerie being rescued quite a bit before Gasper would have actually tried to escape and Valerie awakened the Sepiroth Grail, but Lith already has a way to gain advantages from his actions and generally maintaining a good bit of canon thanks to his and his Pantheon/peerage's achievements and powers.

I'm thinking of making Gasper a lot better adjusted and confident, but maybe still liking to cross dress from time to time and cute things in private. Join Rias as an opportunity to 'grow as a man' to prove things to himself and Valerie by training away from her or something.

Trying to keep the 'cast' together for the most part but changing them for the better.

Valerie is pretty much going to be adopted by Evangeline and become Ereshkigal's apprentice with her Longinus though.

Taking over the Vampires wasn't a difficult enough task to really focus on it so I just focused on those two kiddies.

As for Shirone and Kuroka, since most people reading DxD fanfic generally already know about their story, I just briefly tried to weave in the major points and started after Kuroka had her 'rampage' to showcase the differences from canon due to Lith and Azaroth's presence creating more options to work with, especially since he and the Satans are tight.

There's no way Kuroka would trust Lith after what she experienced, so I decided to go in a round about way to deal with her own traumas by involving more characters beyond Lith and having join in later.

That is decided since she is Lith's last peerage member.

Like I said before, trying to keep the cast together so Shirone will still go to Rias but under different circumstances which will lead to different challenges for the spoiled girl.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

Anyway, you know the drill by now, if you guys want to support me and are even awesome enough to pass 1$ over, can you please check out either my Patreón or Ko-fi:




Thanks a lot to all those who've already supported me. You guys are great, here's the proper chapter.

next chapter
Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C66
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


