83.33% High school Dxd:New student / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

章 5: Chapter 5

Ammar leaned against the fence, lost in thought as he watched the school day come to an end. Around him, other students were rushing home, excited to get away from the confines of the classroom. But Ammar was in no rush,after last night he had already cut his hair, even though he didn't want to, he could see why it may freak people out seeing his hair grow so long so shortly.He was lost in a world of his own, and he barely noticed the girl that had snuck up on him until she spoke.

"Hey," she said, her voice soft and gentle. "I was wondering if you wanted to, maybe, go out on a date?" She looked at him with big eyes, a slight blush on her cheeks as she waited for his response.

Ammar was taken aback by her sudden appearance, and it took him a moment to collect his thoughts.His mind was a hundred thoughts a minute, She was quite beautiful but it was weird he had never saw her, this school usually doesn't allow beautiful people to be anonymous, Not only that but he had only came to this school a couple days ago, Other then rias Akeno and that pervert issei, he hadn't really make any other connections nor did he even bother to speak with other people.

Not to mention crushes he wasn't even friends with many people, Of course maybe she was just attracted to him, but still it was quite the reeling experience for him considering he had never seen someone like her, He initially wanted to reject her outright and his instincts told him to do so but…looking at her he really couldn't bare to just reject her.

He broke out of his thoughts quickly and took a deep breath before saying softly with a smile "sure I'd love that what's your name?" Yes it may be dumb and it probably won't go anywhere, but in Ammar's mind there was no harm in going on this date besides it's not like he would die or anything right?,The pretty black haired girl beamed with happiness her eyes practically filled with stars.

She hugged him excitedly saying "Aww thank you so much Ammar my name is Yuuma Amano" Her eyes beamed with happiness and joy.

As Yuuma hugged him, Ammar felt a strange sensation wash over him, like a chill running down his spine. It was as though her hug was more than just a playful embrace, it was as though she were trying to draw something from him. And then he felt the strange Killing Intent emanating from her eyes, almost all of Ammar's instincts as a fighter told him this girl was dangerous and up to no good, but even then being the naive fool he was he decided to just chalk it up to last night making him see things and putting him on edge, It made sense at that moment, since after last night Ammar has been extremely jittery and cautious of his surroundings, so it only made sense he didn't fully trust his instincts yet.

Ammar smiled, ignoring the strange killing intent he had just felt emanating from Yuuma and instead focusing on the present moment. He was just a teenager, after all, and this was nothing more than a simple date, nothing that required such dark thoughts.

He smiled cheerfully saying softly "So yuuma when would you like this date?" truthfully he just wanted to get this over with quickly.

"How about…Right now!?" Yuuma said, still wearing her usual shy smile with a big blush. "I-I know it's sudden, but W-We We could grab a bite to eat and then maybe catch a movie?"

Ammar smiles saying gently "that sounds wonderful what movies do you like Yuuma?" she smiles sweetly with a big shy blush on her cheeks, seeing her like this Ammar had already decided that what he felt before was nothing but himself being paranoid, surely such a shy girl can't be malicious right?

As Ammar asked Yuuma what movies she liked, he noticed a cute blush spreading across her face. He couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement at her shyness, and he smiled softly.

"Well, personally, I'm a huge fan of action movies," Ammar said, his voice low and passionate. "I know they're a bit cliche at times, But I can't help but be drawn into that cliche you know?"

Yuuma listened with interest, her eyes sparkling in interest and intrigue. She didn't want to admit it, but she found herself getting drawn into this mysterious boy's world, a world that she had never seen before.

"I'm more of a romance type, myself," Yuuma said, her voice soft and low. "I love a good love story, and a happy ending is always a plus."

Ammar nodded, understanding her choice. "There's nothing wrong with a good romance," he said, smiling. "Maybe we can catch a happy medium? How about a romantic action movie?."

Yuuma's face lit up at the thought, and she nodded eagerly. "That sounds perfect," she said, her voice full of excitement. With that, Yuuma in a display of courage and confidence took his hand, feeling the warmth of his skin against her own, His rough calloused hands a extreme contrast to her soft skin,They walked to towards the movie theater.

As Ammar and Yuuma made their way to the movie theater,they found themselves getting caught up in the moment and getting distracted by the various sights and sounds of the city.

At one point, they stopped at a small bakery and tried a variety of delicious pastries, savoring the sweetness and the softness of the buns.

Another time, they found themselves at an old-fashioned ice cream parlor, enjoying the smooth and creamy texture of vanilla ice cream. Ammar couldn't help but laugh as Yuuma's face lit up with delight, a huge grin crossing her face as she took another lick.

And then, as the sun began to set, they found themselves at a small park, watching the clouds turn from pink to purple as the sky grew darker and darker. For the rest of their date, Ammar felt as though he was living in a dream, the world around him melting away as he focused solely on Yuuma and the beautiful, carefree atmosphere that surrounded them.

Honestly even Ammar himself didn't expect this date to be so…relaxing and amazing even he himself couldn't believe it, The thoughts of the previous killing intent completely Gone from his thoughts, as he focused solely on the beautiful black haired girl infront of him.

As she stood under the bright moonlight with Ammar, Yuuma felt her heart racing. She had never felt this way before, this mixture of excitement and terror that threatened to overwhelm her. Ammar looked at her with a gentle smile, his silver hair which was cut short shining in the moonlight, and Yuuma felt a wave of excitement wash over her.

Instead, she reached out and took Ammar's hand, feeling the warmth of his skin against hers. They stood there, under the bright moonlight, hand in hand, smiling at each other, and for a moment, time stood still.

Yuuma and Ammar stood underneath the bright beautiful moon, Yuuma's beautiful violet eyes were glowing like purple diamonds, her beautiful lips parted and she said softly with a soft blush on her cheeks "Ammar…can you, do something for me?" She's saying nervously looking straight into his beautiful dark eyes, Trying her best to maintain eye contact, she looked so innocent and beautiful at this very moment.

Ammar replied with a cheerful tone and smile, saying gently as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze "Anything Yuuma" Yuuma smiles…And Ammar gets a sinking feeling in his stomach, Her smile lacked that cheerful shy and innocent feeling…it was twisted and demonic like she wasn't human…he felt his heart go to his throat As she says "Ammar…will you die for me?".

Ammar's heart skipped a beat as he saw the twisted smile on Yuuma's face. He could feel that sense of foreboding completely enveloping over him, as if he had just walked into a ice cellar,As he stared into Yuuma's purple eyes, he saw something deep within her, something dark and dangerous.

"Will you die for me?" Yuuma repeated, this time her voice lower and more menacing. Ammar's stomach turned his instincts came back full force as if to say "I told you so" His instincts never failed him only he himself failed them. He could feel the adrenaline rushing through his veins, His thoughts going ten thousand miles a second, Murderer? Serial killer? Demon? Weird stalker? Each and every possibility was thrown out by him other then the third, A girl that looked like her being a serial killer, Ammar still in his nativity couldn't wrap his head around it.

"Yuuma, what are you talking about?" Ammar asked, his voice shaking slightly. But before he could say anything else, Yuuma grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him towards her. Her grip was like iron, and Ammar felt as though he was being sucked into a black hole. He could feel the killing intent coming off of Yuuma in waves, And he knew thinking was but futile he needed to run not think.

With a sudden burst of energy, Ammar pulled away from Yuuma, his heart racing as he tried to think of his next move. But before he could run, Yuuma's twisted smile turned into a cold, playful expression filled with twisted mockery and a sick sense of glee.

Yuuma giggled darkly her voice now more mature and less innocent but more playful with a dark edge to it, Her clothing also changed dramatically, now consisting of strap like things around and under her breasts, a thong-like piece held around her hips by three thin straps, gloves that ran right up her arms with small lengths of chains hanging from them, shoulder guard-like objects on her shoulders with three large spikes sprouting from her right shoulder, and black thigh-high heeled boots.

That wasn't what terrified and baffled Ammar the most not at all the most baffling and beautiful thing about her was her wings, Yes wings Two large black beautiful wings which sprouted from her back in a pair, The wings were black as night reflecting the dim light from a nearby street lamp, They flapped lazily behind her almost hypnotically, Each feather seemed to be fine tuned to be seen as soft as silk and black as obsidian, Each flap of her wings seemed to make a wonderful yet dark melody, which seemed to resonate with creation just a tiny bit.

Her eyes, once filled with a playful light, now glowed with a cold, murderous intent that sent chills down Ammar's spine, She opened her mouth saying coldly and mockingly "I had fun human…But…you're just a plaything so I need you to die for me" Her words were harsh and cruel, but Ammar knew that they were more than just words - they were a death sentence.

He knew there was no escape now, no way to outrun her or outwit her. He was completely at her mercy, Outwit her? She wasn't that dumb she definitely had some traps or failsafes in case he tried something, Outrun her? Ammar had to stop himself from scowling, Outrun a women with wings? Maybe in the next reincarnation cycle.

Yuuma hovered above Ammar, looking down at him with a cruel smile on her face. "You were a fun toy to play with," she whispered. "But now, it's time for you to die."

Ammar's heart raced as he looked up at her,He needed to figure out something and something fast, he yelled out hiding his emotions with perfect precision "w-wait…Yuuma if I can even call you that…can I ask why you even…before I die can I ask why you even Took me on this date?" He truly wanted to know, Truthfully Ammar wasn't that afraid of death nor was he that scared just a bit dumbfounded, Why of all people had he be chosen By this fallen Angel?.

Ammar looked up at Yuuma, searching her eyes for any kind of humanity or understanding. But Yuuma's expression remained unchanged, cold and emotionless.Still, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as he looked into her eyes, hoping against hope that there was still some goodness left in her.

"Do you truly want to know?" Yuuma asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Or is it just a means of delaying the inevitable?"

Ammar's mind raced, he said softly "maybe a bit of both honestly" he smiled weakly when confronted with death, even those who aren't afraid of it will feel it's coldness, He knew that when Yuuma killed him, there would be no turning back, no second chances, and no more answers. And yet, he still desired them, craved the knowledge that would make sense of this twisted game that Yuuma had chosen to play.

"Please," he begged, "Tell me why you chose me, why you took me on this date if you were just going to kill me in the end."

For a moment, Yuuma's eyes softened, She still had that playful and mocking look in her eyes that Ammar knew all too well, But deep within her there was a bit of gentleness regardless of how twisted it was.

"The reason why I chose you is because…honestly you were handsome..I had gotten annoyed and a bit stressed at work and needed some time off and you were just perfect handsome doting and kind," Yuuma said, her voice as steady and calm as ever. "It's a pity if it wasn't for my bosses orders I would've kept you too myself."

Ammar watched as Yuuma waved her hand as a pure spear of literal light manifests itself in-front of her, the spear she had summoned was something of beauty and terror, it's light so bright it dimmed even the moon slightly, His eyes widened as the spear of light had an ethereal almost heavenly glow which seemed to declare to the world that it would banish all evil, This declaration seemed to be only ironic as he saw the inklings of evil and darkness in its owners eyes. He closed his eyes, bracing himself for the impact, knowing that the knowledge he so desperately sought would never come to him. It was a fitting end, he thought, for a life that had never quite fit into the world.

'Death smiles at every man all one can do is smile back' Those were the last thoughts of Ammar, As the spear of blinding light strikes at him with lighting speed, cutting the air itself with its powerful nature, The spear tears through his skin, painfully burning and Cauterizing the wound, as it cauterizes the wound it makes new ones in his staunch cauterizing those wounds as well, He felt every bit of the pain, every single moment was amplified as if God himself wanted to punish Ammar personally for what reason? Ammar will never know.

The sensation was one that Ammar had never experienced before - a cold, sharp, and burning pain that seemed to spread throughout his entire body.

He closed his eyes, praying that it would be over quickly, that he would not have to suffer for long. But the pain was almost unbearable, and he felt as if his body was being ripped apart from the inside out.

The tip of the spear pierced his stomach, and he felt a sharp pain that was like nothing he had ever experienced before.The pain was so intense that it felt like his entire body was on fire. He felt like he was being sucked into a black hole, like he was being ripped to shreds. The pain was immeasurable, and he knew that it was only going to get worse.

Yet throughout this entire process Ammar didn't let out a single grunt or noise of Pain, His eyes were stone cold and emotionless as he glared at Yuuma, yes red hot blood was trickling down his own lips, yes he felt like a black hole was tearing him inside out, but regardless of all that his own pride would never allow him to yell out in pain infront of a enemy.

Yuuma landed beside him with a smile a twisted smile filled with insanity and…Lust? Ammar just dismissed the latter as an illusion, But what wasn't an illusion was the pain he felt when she twisted the spear that was already buried in his stomach, Ammar even with all his tough will and powerful mind couldn't help but bite down hard on his own lip to stop himself from screaming in pain, it felt like a molten rod glass being buried in your insides, and letting it sit and twist inside you, as it solidifies it melts your insides in the process.

Yuuma grinned with a tone filled with desire and lust she said "such a beautiful…toy~ Ah such a shame if only you weren't a human…tsk tsk if only my boss wasn't such a dick…I could've had you" She grabbed his chin leaning forward and forcefully taking his lips in her own, Her lips were soft and elegant his lips bloodied and damaged.

Yuuma pulled back flying away her last words echoing with a insane and bone chilling evil laughter in his ears "Bye Ammar".

The ring on Ammar's finger began to glow with a blood red light that could only be described as unholy. The light seemed to pulse with a dark energy, almost as if it were alive. It was a light that radiated evil, that seemed to emit a feeling of dread and despair. It was a light that could only be seen in the darkest corners of the world, a light that was not meant for mortal eyes.

The ring glowed with such intensity that it was almost blinding, casting a crimson glow on the surrounding area. It was a glow that seemed to suck the joy out of everything it touched, leaving only a sense of pure darkness and despair in its wake. It was a glow that seemed to be alive, as if it had a will of its own, and it was determined to destroy everything in its path.

The light seemed to be calling to something deep within Ammar, something dark and terrible that he had never felt before. It was a light that seemed to be offering him power,….No it wasn't offering him power…this was his power not the rings…this was his birthright…the ring was merely a catalyst, The light glowed as if to agree with Ammar's thoughts as he declared it a birthright, The light beckoning no…almost begging Ammar to take the power, As if a loyal dog telling it's master it wanted to go play fetch.

Ammar opened his mouth and whispered "Dabbas Mada" The ring glowed with a beautiful green light for a split second before all things faded to black.


Author here: yeah was experimenting with some new stuff, I think I nailed Yuuma's character pretty nicely, Now as for where's rias? Now this is about a week or so before issei is attacked so rias doesn't have her guard up, so she didn't knowingly not help Ammar, though she was notified when he was attacked by the magical signals and stuff (just go along with it, it's a fanfic don't take things too seriously)

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


