40.24% Her Young Amorous Husband / Chapter 32: Mature Appeal

章 32: Mature Appeal

[ Chapter 32 ]

Half past seven Wednesday night.

Inside the fine looking of luxuriously limited, platinum white Aston Martin Lagonda Taraf, a sophisticated and classy mature lady could be seen seated in the backseat with her almond-shaped eyes looking at the small mirror cosmetic in her hand.

The glow of the shimmering city's lights was fleeting through the window and as Cassandra's dainty hand applying the dark rose-coloured lipstick on her plump lips, she made low sounds of 'pop' with her repeatedly smacking lips balancing the colour of her deep shaded lipstick.

Her eyes were radiant with glimmers as she gave herself a compliment looking at her face in the reflection. Looking back at her was an alluring, prime woman in her late thirties with a set of soul stirring orbs and nicely full lips that were painted with bold-red tint.

She had just outdone herself. Now wearing black eyeliner, mascara, pink and green eyeshadow that highlighted her appealing hazel eyes. Her beauty was ethereal even without bronzer or blush since her face was slim enough and she had natural flushed cheeks.

Silver drop earrings glistened through her draping blond hair and a silver diamond choker hung around her elegant neck. Her well-endowed breasts swelled the decolletage of her mauve satin bodycon suit and her pinstriped blue jacket.

Her black bodycon suit was form-fitting and boldly accentuated her hourglass frame, putting every of her enticingly shaped curves in the spotlight. It stopped just above her knee and it had a low cut that displayed her left thigh.

There's also a shapely, nylon-clad thigh that peeked through the kick-pleat tailored into the side of her suit. Her long toned legs and delicate feet shod in glittering black four-inch high heels. Her red nail-polished toenails encased in gauzy reinforced nylon peeked out of her peep-toe pumps.

Her vision was extraordinarily gorgeous tonight in her form-clinging attire and intensely arresting with her nicely applied make-up. Refined and elegant, she gave off sexy vibes in the way only women at her age could.

Given that she's natural born babe and though most of time she used minimum of cosmetics, it didn't mean that she didn't take fancy in enhancing herself with full features make-up. Just like any woman, she loved beautifying herself.

Attracting a lot of unwanted attention was what she avoided in the reason why most of the time she used minimum make-up. But tonight was different, her appealing charm was enhanced tenfold with the way she dolled herself because she actually dressed to impress.

There's a certain charm that only came along with make-up and different from most girls who prided themselves with their natural and innocent look, mature women prided themselves with lots of meticulous effort taking care of their appearance, they know how to show the best of their allure.

That exactly adult women sex appeal was now practically oozing from Cassandra's every breath. It's a signature charm of real women which young ladies could only dream of having, an allure that's refined and polished by the time.

Completely different from young ladies, what made mature women more appealing was because they're emotionally stable, self-assured, wiser, devious and devoid of any innocence.

They're much more experienced with life, much more intelligent, their thoughts have solidified. They're sophisticated, assertive, grounding and sharp conversationalist. They could provide serenity and comfort that men would hardly find in girls.

The way mature women carried themselves shows they know who they are. It equated to self-possession and stability. They've already figured out who they are. That's why they know exactly what they want and know how to handle relationships.

They radiated success, maturity and great vitality. Have impeccable sense of fashion, better taste in everything, flawless beauty and voluptuous curves that came from copious resources and efforts they used in taking care of their appearance and fit body.

Most women hit their sexual prime in their mid thirties that's why most mature women have hidden insatiable sexual urges and their prowess at that aspect couldn't be underestimated. They have high self-esteem and confidence that only came from enough experience.

They're sexually mature and experienced. Hence they have no qualms handling and fulfilling men's wildest and dirtiest fantasies, they perfectly know how to please themselves and sometimes could be very playful, and this was something that young ladies are lacking.

Adult women are all-around much more attractive and fulfilling, they have many things to offer and having a relationship with them could be very rewarding.

With all of that being said, it's all fact that Cassandra was that very epitome of exquisite mature beauty.

Her beauty was transcendent and she had all traits men dreamed in real women. An alpha woman in her prime who was capable of getting all she desired was what she truly was. Physically and emotionally attractive.

It's fortunate of her being born at this age. Had she been born centuries years in the past, with her supreme celestial beauty, she would be deemed a kingdom-toppling beauty whose charm would mostly bring calamity upon herself and her close ones.

With a final touch arranging her flowing blond hair, a mysterious glint fleeting passed her eyes as a finality painted her face, Cassandra closed her mirror cosmetic and put it inside her Channel Diamond pouch.

The trip to Imperial State Theatre went smoothly and minutes later, her white sedan arrived at the entrance of a magnificent building that was known as Huaxian Stage because of its famous reputation being one of Huaxian landmark buildings.

Cassandra peered out the window, the scene outside was filled with bright lights and plenty of people since tonight was the date of a high class musical opera presented by one of world's most renowned divas. The people were either dressed in prestige or wealth reeking outfits, they're all elites with their own agendas.

Cassandra had to admit that her curiosity was piqued. Honestly, she's never been overly fond of sitting through the grandeur of an opera, but this time was different. Having such a finest man as her company, she would be lying if she told herself that she didn't feel anything. Moreover, Elizabeth Sofiola was her personal favourite. How a coincidence.

After telling Anna the place where she should be waiting, Cassandra grabbed her pouch and opened the butterfly door. A blast of cool breeze engulfed her when she got out of the sedan. Grateful for the coolness, she made her way heading towards the VIP entrance.

As usual, despite her being low key, Cassandra's extreme attractiveness instantly put her in the spotlight with numerous pairs of captivated eyes being directed in her direction. Putting no attention to the surrounding people, Cassandra walked with all of her elegance.

With her statuesque figure towering women and most men in the entrance hall, while ignoring plenty of unseemly looks of men and women alike that she's accustomed to get, she wended inside the VIP side of the glamorous hall and approached one of the appointed hostesses.

"Welcome Ms." The young female hostess greeted, the tinge of flush was apparent in her face and the wave in her voice was the evidence of her nervousness.

Cassandra's lips curved up a beautiful crescent looking at the young hostess before her. She's aware of her charm but it seemed she had overdone herself this time.

"How may I be of service to you, Ms?"

The young hostess asked while angling up her neck, after regaining her senses. It wasn't that she lacked professionalism. It's just she couldn't believe that there was such a woman that so celestially beautiful.

This gorgeous woman in front of her was achingly attractive to the point she began to ask her own sexual preference. Inhaling soft, it took a lot of effort masking the creeping blush in her face.

The hostess felt that she had seen her somewhere but she couldn't point it out. Furthermore, having been hostess for three years, she used to assess people from upper society. But this intensely sophisticated woman was entirely in a different realm.

Finest class and elegance seemed to exude from her very bones. She's extraordinarily graceful without any superficial arrogance. It felt natural for people to look at her with reverence.

"I have an appointment." Crisp and pleasant, Cassandra's voice was just purely elegant as her beauty. The hostess thought as she looked at the woman taking out a ticket from her luxurious pouch.

With a gracious smile painted her face, Cassandra handed out the hostess the invitation ticket she received just yesterday.

Sure enough, just as the hostess had suspected, her eyes dilated for a brief moment when she saw the ticket. One had to know that even the VVIP tickets wouldn't amaze her since she's a high class hostess but this one was different.

The exclusive room that this invitation ticket mentioned was one of the most unique one out of all VVIP boxes in this theatre. It's special not because of how luxurious or sky high the price was, rather, it because it's the only VVIP box that was exclusively owned by a household.

The most esteemed and elusive family, Long household. It's not a secret to the people of upper society, especially to the insider that Matriarch of Long Household was very fond of opera. The lady's fondness of art especially instruments and painting was well known in the circle.

Matriarch Long, lady Isabella has always been one of most beloved persons in the upper circle of society because of her benevolent kindness and generosity. It wasn't an overstatement to say that Huaxian art culture wouldn't have reached the current height without her unconditional contributions.

Throughout the years, lady Isabella had founded and co-founded many non profit organizations that mostly focus on art revitalisation, art and culture education, children and social warfare. The lady's genuine passion and amiable disposition acquired her the love of the people.

To honour the lady Isabella's benevolence deeds, many parties had honoured her through various kinds of honours. One of them was Imperial State Theatre that respected her in a very high regard. They honoured her by officializing her status as their most esteemed patron and permanently exclusiving one of their VVIP boxes for Long Household.

Among the insiders, it's known that not just anyone could have the privilege of getting invited by the members of Long Household to this theatre. That's why the hostess couldn't hide her apparent surprise.

Knowing how high profile this gorgeous woman must be, the hostess summoned her most beautiful smile and gestured respectfully. "Please follow me Ms."

Cassandra nodded and the hostess turned around elegantly just like a high class hostess she was. Following behind the young woman, Cassandra walked into a side alcove, shortly afterwards they entered the private elevator.

The elevator took them up five levels and they went with the usher out into a beautiful wide corridor with movimento rectangular chandeliers, impressive scrolls, and all shorts of luxurious furniture.

The monotonous, precise tempo of her heels hitting the marble floor sounded low and ladylike as she walked. However, just about half way down the corridor, a baritone voice called Cassandra from behind a few meters away.


Cassandra knitted one of her brows right an instant and stopped, followed by the hostess, Cassandra turned her head in the direction of the voice.

A middle-aged man with slicked back black hair clad in expensive tux tilted his head, the man was muscular built and quite good looking one.

The man standing there absentmindedly for a brief moment appeared to be in daze. There's no denying the surprise that instantly morphed into a dreamy look in his eyes as he looked at her. It's only when he seemed to realise how embarrassing he's did he compose himself and approach her.

"I still couldn't believe to meet you here." The man smiled as he stood in front of her, towering her by an inch. The hidden sparkling in his eyes was very apparent. "It's been such a long time. You look—"

He paused just to grace himself with Cassandra's otherworldly allure. "Gorgeous as ever."

Cassandra revealed a quick smile of courtesy as she instantly recognised him. Well, it's not that hard to recognise one's former pursuer.

Edward Jin, one of her serious former pursuers. Ruggedly handsome as she remembered, age had sharpened his features making him look more handsome than ever. As expected from a man who was once known as one of Imperial's most sought bachelors.

"It's indeed a pleasant surprise Mr. Jin." Cassandra said and Edward seemed to get saddened by her addressing him by his last name, albeit it lasted for a second.

"You look impressive yourself." Edward curved up his lips at her compliment, Cassandra had to admit that he still had that fire in those same steel eyes and sexy smile.

Noted that Cassandra had never ran out of attractive pursuers even after the passing of Nicholas. Actually in those days, even with her status as a widow with a daughter, Cassandra was quite annoyed by countless of marriage proposals that Qin family received for her name.

And this Edward was one of her intense pursuers who seriously courted her with the backing of Jin Household asking for her widowed hand.

One thing that made Edward stood out among her numerous pursuers was his decency in courting her. Despite her neverending rejections, his courting surprisingly lasted for two years before he finally backed out with a complete heartbroken.

"I've heard a lot about you recently." Edward said as he changed the way he addressed her, "Chairwoman Qin's success is remarkable truly."

Cassandra smiled in response and just like a business oriented woman she was, Cassandra directed the talk to their respective business, in case she could find something valuable. It's been eight years since Edward moved out to Westvada to take over Jin Construction that was heavily based on the coastline of western Huaxia, that's why they had never met each other in the past eight years.

"Anyway, How has Aveline been?" Edward suddenly asked, now wearing a genuinely smile as he truly pleased meeting the woman of his dream.

"She's been doing very well, she's now in her second year majoring business management and musical education." Cassandra replied without hiding the glint of proud motherly glow in her eyes.

"That's great to hear." Edward responded, it's that moment when Cassandra caught a woman dressed in violet low cut gown approaching their direction from the corner of her eyes.

The woman stopped next to Edward and locked her arm in his hand. Cassandra mentally rolled her eyes when she saw the woman tightened her arm around Edward like a threatened cat marking her territory.

"Sorry dear took me a bit long to finish," said the woman to her husband before she landed her eyes at Cassandra and feigned a smile. "Sandra, what a pleasant surprise for us to meet you here."

"Same goes for me, Amelia." Cassandra masked her own superficial smile.

Cassandra could see the hostility mixed with jealousy and envy in her old acquaintance's eyes. It's not surprising though knowing what kind of history they shared and the fact that Edward used to be one her serious pursuers only further strained their relationship.

She was used to that look, that kind of jealous and envious look of women whose man looking at her with reverence and worship. Those women looked at her like she's some kind of slutty homewrecker but well, this Queen didn't give a damn.

Being an extremely attractive woman was that difficult, especially if you're a widow. Cassandra has experienced it herself how unfair and judgemental society was to widows. It's fortunate being a woman she was, she would only feel superiority from every hostile and envious look she gets.

After spending a brief moment talking to the couple out of courtesy, Cassandra took a glance at her Breguet wristwatch and curved her sharp smile. "I'm sorry it's time for my appointment. It's nice to see you both. Have a pleasant night."

They bid their parting and Cassandra gestured the hostess who had been standing in silence professionally this whole time to continue her lead towards the room.

Cassandra noticed a golden placard as they arrived at the room that screamed luxury. The hostess had her way to ask the permission before she smiled and opened the gilded door for Cassandra. Cassandra paused for a moment then moved inside.

Cassandra took a few steps inside and she stopped short. Her breath caught as she spotted him. Gorgeous silhouette sat near the balcony wall, one gloved arm lay across its surface.

The man noticed her and turned to look at her, flaunting that signature deviously charming smile of his. She noticed the colour of his suit was an exact match for his seductive pitch black orbs.

Those mysterious eyes.

Cassandra could never seem to stare enough. The pulsing energy of his being seemed to roil in their depths. He was a dark individual. Dark as his hair. Dark as sin. Dark as whatever whirls around him. Something magnetic. Unstoppable. Irresistible.

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    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C32
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

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    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


