Arike’s POV
“Mommy..you haven’t told me who we are seeing today?” Iteoluwa jumped by my side as we made our way toward Dayo’s apartment.
“Iteoluwa, I told you that we are meeting someone special to us.” I answered.
“Perhaps is it grandma? She promised to attend big mommy’s wedding.” She said.
Iteoluwa refused to let me help her up the staircase. My child has really changed ever since Busayomi made her realize the essence of having a mother. She was starting to do things herself without needing much of my help.
We were meeting her father but I didn’t mention it to her. Busayomi had suggested that it would be fun to surprise her.
“Mom..is this the place where they sell ice cream?” She asked.
Iteoluwa was really anxious to know.
“Baby..you will find out very soon.” I clicked the door bell.
“Alright.” She mumbled in resignation.
— 終わり — レビューを書く