“I once knew a man by the name of Peter Ames, and I killed him.” Julio smiled.
Vitas studied his face. It took him a minute or two. “That one was hard. You thoughtyou killed him, but you didn’t. If I read you before you found out he was alive, I would have sensed your truth, that Peter Ames was dead. This gift is not infallible.”
“That’s why I asked that particular question. The answer could have gone either way, but you knew the truth of now, not then. Let’s try it without you using the gift.”
Donal volunteered. “I was a heroin addict. I got addicted to heroin because I liked being high and didn’t stop using until Alexei found me.”
Vitas intentionally tried not to use his gift and just assess Donal’s tale on its own merit. “I think that’s a lie, but I’m not sure.”
“Why do you think it’s a lie?” It was Ian who asked.