When Chernof drew him closer, Vitas head-butted him, knocking Chernof’s hand away. He jumped and kicked out with his foot with all his might trying to disable the Alpha by breaking a rib, but he was too short, and the chains weren’t long enough. They jerked him back to the dust. Vitas fell on his ass. He looked up. Chernof was hunched over and grimacing. To his surprise, he saw that he had got in a hit before the musty earth he’d kicked up from his fall clouded his view. He coughed harder as he breathed in the dirt. It mixed with the tears in his eyes and streaked down his face. Even in all his misery, Vitas managed a little smile. With a stroke of luck, he’d managed to kick the Alpha in his balls. Not that it would give him anything but small satisfaction. Unlike him, Chernof could change, heal, and make the pain go away.