"You will face seventh master late morning, at the upper straight lot* of the mountain, be on time," he reminded him and walked away.
The masters chose to live on this mountain, it meant many reasons, they wanted to keep themselves away from the politics of kingdoms and remember always that no matter how much powerful and invulnerable a human became, he has to walk carefully on ground.
The mountain, it's zigzagging turns, and sometimes sloppy and steepish pathways was like ground for them.
And whenever they walk around on the upper columns, they have to walk with care.
Though, they walk in front of their disciples, they didn't need to walk necessarily, they could tap their feet slightly and reach next destination but it was to teach their disciples to walk on their grounds humbly despite having power.
They wanted to teach them humbleness along with these strong Martial Arts, now it up to the learner's what they learned.
Shishi kept his sword on his back and walked to eat.