25% Heavy wind (Atla) / Chapter 1: Air
Heavy wind (Atla) Heavy wind (Atla) original

Heavy wind (Atla)

作者: bakadesuuu

© WebNovel

章 1: Air

All my life, I have been what many would call a slacker. A lazy bum. And many other mean words.

I did nothing but eat sleep and play games ever since I turned 5. My parents tried and tried to get me to try and do things kids my age should usually I stubbornly refused.

And that's how I died. Choking on a sausage while playing overwatch 2. "Damn you orisa!" Where the last words I managed to gurgle out as my vision darkned.

Now imagine my surprise when the next thing I know im getting my arse slapped by a rather large hand. Letting out a yell of shock, I open my eyes and notice that I'm being held up by a giant old woman. Grey eyes and white hair.

Even though I spent most of my life playing video games, I still had enough pain tolerance not to cry after getting swatted once. So I couldn't comprehend as to why my body started crying on its own.

"UWAHHHH!" Letting out a cry of frustration, I hear the old lady holding me speak."It's a healthy baby boy." Her voice is raspy like she doesn't drink water at all.

Soon, I'm passed to the woman lying on the bed. Cooing at me with love as her eyes look droopy from exhaustion. I know that look since I've done uncountable all nighters.

"Don't cry, my little Chen... mommy will be alright~" The woman who I assume is my new mother rubs her cheek against mine as I subconsciously calm down. Feeling strange warmth encompasses me as I feel a laugh unwillingly escape my throat.

My mother squels in delight before looking to the old lady. "Thank you, mother in law... if it weren't for you, I'm not sure the birth would have been so easy." My mother's voice is lined with respect and gratefulness.

"No need for thanks, Mei. My foolish son abandoned you and your child to go with that rich earth kingdom girl. The least I can do is ensure the birth of my grandson." The woman waves my mother off as she leaves the room.

Now that the old lady is gone, I get a good look at my mother. She has dazzling yellow eyes and long brown hair. A look of pure love on her face as despite just giving birth to me, she stands with me in her grip and leaves the room.

As we are walking, I hear 2 women gossiping, "Didn't you hear? The avatar che ming has died. The cycle begins anew. One of the water tribes has the newest avatar." The tallest of the 2 woman speaks as my baby eyes widen

'Wait... am I in avatar? Don't tell me! If I am, please be a bender. Please be a bender! Also. Does that mean the newest avatar would be born on the same day as me? Wait. This isn't cannon, who the fuck is che ming? Oh no no no! I'm in some unknown part of the avatar verse! Shit I can't use my metaphysical knowledge!' As I am internally devastated knowing that I can't use my future knowledge for my benefit my mother enters another room in the rather large compound we reside in before placing me in a crib then leaving me in a hurry for something.

'This lady is insane how is she walking around so fast after just giving birth to me?' Feeling my eyes droop I decide to listen to my body and fall asleep darkness embracing me.

(4 years later)

These past 4 years haven't been much. Unlike in my past life time, in this life I have been attempting to condition my body doing morning jogs around the compound me and my mother live in.

My dad is the son of an air nomad and is a non bender and my mother is also non bender fire nation citizen so I'm more likely to be a non bender unfortunately.

Me and my mom live on the outskirts of the firenation. She's a minor noble so we don't have any financial struggles. According to her my dad left to go find the perfect chicken- pig for us to eat. 4 years ago...

I know she's lying as I remember during my birth my grandmother mentioned him abandoning us for some young earth kingdom woman. Not that I really care as my only goals is to keep my mother happy and get strong to survive. if that old loser wants to chase younger woman he can do as he pleases.

Tensions between the earth kingdom and the fire nation have been rising as with the current avatar being 4 years old there's no one who can resolve the conflict.

Currently though. I'm helping my mother with daily task around the compound, walking with a large amount of clothing in my stubby child arms, we have to handwash everything so I'm bringing my mother more of our clothes so that she can get to washing them.

"Mommm! Can you open the door! My hands are full." I yell out as I hear my mother giggle before opening the door for me. Handing her the clothing I breath heavily as my child body took quite the toll holding that large amount of laundry.

"Chen sweetie~ maybe you should take a break for a bit, is my little warrior tired?" My mom teases as I frown before standing up straight. "No I'm not tired mom. I'm going to get another load!" I don't like being looked down upon by anyone it makes my blood boil for some reason.

Rushing out of the room, I head to the dirty clothing pile on the otherside of the estate as I push my 4 year old body. Now seeing this as an exercise as I smile. The wind blowing on my face it seems to fuel me as my speed picks up.

The air seems to follow my will as my surroundings blur as I crash into a wall. "Ughhhh." Groaning as I get up I immediately feel myself grin. "MOMMM IM AN AIRBENDER!" I yell out in excitement as I jump up in joy. My head nearly touching the ceiling as I laugh at the revelation.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


