
Chapter 9 Betting on That One Time

翻訳者: 549690339

Ivy Jackson turned and ran down the beach with the girl, but the car also started moving downhill.

Four legs will never outrun two legs.

Ivy and the girl were soon caught up by the van. Several big men jumped out and grabbed Ivy and the girl. Ivy turned and landed a spinning kick, followed by a judo throw on another man. To be honest, she looked cool, but her power was not enough.

"Well, you've got some moves! Can you stop this then?" The knocked-down man quickly got up, grabbed a stick from the car, and swung it heavily at Ivy's neck–

"Bang!" A huge crash. Ivy was brutally knocked to the ground. Her eyes blinked dazedly and she quickly lost all consciousness, left in complete darkness…-

In the dark room, the cold floor, and the murky and damp air made it impossible to see anything when she opened her eyes.

Ivy moved slightly, realizing that her hands and feet were tied, and even her mouth was gagged.

Where is she? Was she kidnapped?

Ivy was filled with regret at this moment. Although saving people was something she, as a prosecutor, and as a person, should do, her reckless heroics only pulled her into this hole. Struggling was useless. Ivy had no choice but to calm herself and get a sense of her current environment and situation.

"Mmm...mmm..." A faint whimpering sounded from her side. Ivy immediately opened her eyes wide and barely made out that it was the girl who had been captured with her lying not too far to her left.

Ivy hurriedly rubbed her body towards the girl, but before she could do anything, a 'squeaky' sound echoed from the room, and a bright light shone in. Ivy took a look, it was indeed the girl who had been captured together with her, in the messy and dirty room.

A burly man walked in, switched on the room lights, the intensity of which forced Ivy to squint.

The man walked over, looked down at the now awake Ivy and the girl beside her, smirked, and sneered, "You woke up, bitch?" He then bent over, grabbed at Ivy's hair, yanked her up, forcing Ivy's face and upper body into the air. Ivy grimaced in pain but couldn't make a sound.

"What a good piece of meat! Since you brought yourself to us, don't blame us for being ruthless and selling you off! Before we do, the folks want a taste of your delicate body...hahaha...". The man laughed lewdly and obscenely, his whole body trembled with laughter. Ivy squinted her eyes, her heart already cold and desolate.

The man quickly put Ivy down, grabbed the girl beside him, and lifted her up too.

"Mmm...mmm..." The girl was full of tears as she glared at the sturdy man, who removed the gag from her mouth. Before she could speak, he clutched her chin, causing her to cry out in pain.

"You're lucky this time," the man stared at the girl's face and sneered, "your brother has pleaded with Brother Lance on your behalf. We'll let you go! Get lost!" With that, he pushed the girl aside.

The girl covered her chin and looked back at Ivy, who was still lying on the floor. Ivy's eyes held a glimmer of hope. Since she was allowed to go, could she also leave this place?


"If you don't scram right now, believe it or not, I'll tear your clothes apart right now? I believe Brother Lance won't blame us for touching you before they come to plead your case, right?" The sturdy man laughed scornfully, his sinister and vicious features congealing together, terrifying as a profiteer.

The girl finally stood up from the ground, staring at Ivy on the floor with trembling and guilty eyes, grabbed her bag beside her: "Can I... take my bag?"

Ivy closed her eyes in despair. It seemed she really was doomed…-

The girl picked up her bag and ran out with the burly man's permission. Then Ivy heard the girl's voice fading into the distance: "Brother…please beg Brother Lance…beg him to save the lady inside…it was because of me…" But the voice grew fainter and fainter until it was completely gone.

Ivy sighed deeply, she must figure out a way. She forced herself to think calmly and remember what the burly man said when he grabbed her hair. They were going to sell her…sell her off? And want to…taste her first? Ivy went pale, if her understanding was correct, these scumbags wanted to violate her first and then sell her off? How could they be so vicious!?

Ivy thought quickly, no, she couldn't let this happen, she had to find a way!

Before she could come up with something, the burly man grabbed her off the floor, threw her over his shoulder and strutted out.

Ivy was slung over the man's shoulder. She felt nauseous from being carried upside-down with an empty stomach. The man was completely uncouth, shaking her so much that she wanted to vomit. The man climbed the stairs and Ivy bit her lip to stay conscious, until 'bang', she was thrown heavily onto the floor.

The urge to vomit was forced down by the gag stuffed in her mouth. But Ivy's eyes welled up with tears. These bastards…once she gets out, she'll make sure they rot in jail forever!

"Wow, a high-class one indeed!"

"Look at that figure, that face. You know, it's been ages since I've had such a prime piece of meat!"

"I want to go first today! Damn it, every time I get the leftover after you guys have fun. I want to be the first one today!"

The look of terror in Ivy's eyes was hard to suppress. She struggled to sit up and retreated till her back hit the edge of the bed. Four burly men were standing in front of her. Each of their eyes showed an unrestrained lust. They wanted to… all at once? No! No! No! Heaven must be joking with her, if it was true, she would rather die now!

But the men didn't see her refusal, they just moved closer.

"Wait!" One man suddenly held back the others and looked at Ivy with a weird smile. "I prefer a woman's plea and the sound of her screams…hehe." Then he took the gag out of Ivy's mouth.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • 翻訳品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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