1.01% Harry Potter: The Immortal Lycan / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - Death of a Hero
Harry Potter: The Immortal Lycan Harry Potter: The Immortal Lycan original

Harry Potter: The Immortal Lycan

作者: LegendaryChaos

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1 - Death of a Hero

Inside a forest far from any nearby settlements, a small cabin with smoke coming from the chimney sat. An open window shows a small humble inside with quite a few medals hung on the walls and a couple photographs. A wooden table with three chairs and a small kitchen made up most of the cabin with three doors led to two rooms and a bathroom.

Entering the room on the far right, a man laid on the bed with messy black hair missing the life one his age and bright emerald green eyes. Appearing at most twenty five if not younger due to his shaggy bread making him appear older than his body told.

By his side, two women where time appeared to take the toll on them as wrinkles appeared on their skin as well grey appearing in their hair. However, no one could deny their beauty as they only got better with age. Even if their eyes were red with tears as the man weakly brushed their blonde and silver hair behind their ears.

"We knew it was coming, Daphne, Fleur." The man sounded older than his appearance as an aged rapse held in his voice.

"Come on Harry. You managed to pull off the impossible time and time again since you were one. You're the Boy-Who-Lived so why don't you continue." Daphne cried as she held his hand to her face.

Sure it wasn't until a few years after they graduated Hogwarts before they became friends. Which would have soon sparked into something more, but by then Harry learned a terrible secret. One so bad it has led to him where he is now on his last breath barely hanging on with will alone.

"I know but my magic is depleted and even with my will my body won't last much longer." Harry spoke softly. "I may regret a few things but my biggest is leave you two alone. I love you both and blame Weasley for doing this to us."

"Shh, save your strength Harry, you will get through this." Fleur said.

"I am sorry for not rescuing you sooner Fleur." Tears ran down Harry's cheeks as he looked at both his lovers. "I'm sorry. So sorry that I have to leave you so soon."

"It's ok Harry. You managed to love us for the past decade the best you could." Fleur said as Harry weakly before his breath left his body.

"Harry!" Daphne and Fleur shouted as their tears started anew as their lover and friend died.


When Harry opened his eyes, he found himself in a room similar to a waiting room. Looking around he saw a bruise around her neck and head tilted to a weird angle. Similar to her he looked around seeing men and women who either died violently or hopefully peacefully.

"Harry James Potter!" A man torn between being angry and happy appeared in a doorway.

Standing up he walked over and quickly shoved towards an office where the man sat behind a desk. He appeared around thirty with blonde hair and blue eyes with a slight hooked nose and sharp eyebrows. Pulling a file out of his suitcase, a lot of red tapes stuck out of it as well as some green and golden.

"Well I am torn between congratulating you or being angry at you."

"Um, who are you?" Harry asked.

"I am your death angel and since my name is ungodly long just call me John. Now you know you have died quite a few times. However since we erased your mind and the last time you were here was when you were fourteen it doesn't matter."

"Death angel, like a grim reaper?"

"No, a death angel is in charge of immortals and guides them should they temporarily die or be killed before they achieve their immortality. We also have the power to either remove memories or cause them to be reborn should the individual wish it." John explained. "A grim reaper on the other hand handles mortal souls and sets them up for reincarnation."

Slightly nodding Harry believed he could understand the explanation but wondered why he had a death angel. As far as he could understand he wasn't immortal and wasn't really interested in it. He knew everyone died at some point and accepted it long ago.

"Umm, so what happens now?"

Frowning a bit, John ended up flipping through quite a few papers. "Well this is the problem you weren't supposed to die and weren't to be potioned and robbed by the Weasleys. So most of how your life was supposed to go didn't really go as planned." John paused as he flipped a few more papers. "I must congratulate you on getting your soulmates even with the near shattered bonds."

"So what's going to happen to me now?"

"Well with the permission from the fates and the big man. We decided to place you in your younger body around the time you got your Hogwarts letter. It would get you away from the Weasleys robbing you blind."

Shaking his head, Harry asked "Can we possibly move it to either end of second year or possibly third year? I don't mind losing a bit of gold as I can just triple it easily investing in both magical and Mundane worlds."

John didn't say anything as he gained a far away look in his eyes before regaining focus. "The most we can do is toward the middle of summer before your second year. Now since you are choosing this option, you must wait for Sirius to escape again. However you can capture Peter at the start of your third year, but wait until you can meet up with Sirius at Hogwarts."

"Is there a reason?" Harry asked not really wanting his godfather to sit in Azkaban.

"It is part of Sirius' fate to escape and will allow him to move on. If nothing else allows him to feel like he was needed and you're proud of him for coming. Even if it is not needed and you're able to protect yourself." John explained. "Now for Tom Riddle, yes, you must allow him to resurrect. However, you can track down and end most of his horcruxes."

Grudgingly nodding as Horecruxes are always a pain to deal with from Riddles and the few dark wizards and witches he ran across. Maybe it's time to finish his ritual for collecting and terminating the blasted things. He runs across them enough for it to be of use.

"Now let's talk about why you died. While it was indeed the potions, it wasn't the final cause for your death." John said breaking Harry out of his thoughts.

"What do you mean?"

"You are supposed to be the first among a new breed of werewolf but let's call it Lycan even if it means the same thing. Due to the abuse your body took due to Ron and Ginny dosing you in potions up to your eyes. They ended up killing half of you which is why you could never become an animagus no matter how hard you tried."

"Why does that matter and why am I a werewolf?"

John just pinched his nose as he looked torn between answering and not answering. "Truth is your ancestry Ignotus Peverell was a werewolf. The gene laid dormant and became very diluted by the time it reached you. However, your mother is a descendant of an incubus and a veela whose gene is once again dormant."

"Let me guess both the genes decided to awaken inside me." Harry finished.

"Yes as they clashed a bit changing it into something new. You will be stronger, faster than the regular werewolf and due to the incubus and veela gene. Most of the werewolves' weaknesses are greatly reduced or simply removed. However, on the other hand you will have a very lustful nature and will need to sleep with others after your first transformation."

Harry only blinked at the man a couple times. "Sleep with someone when I will be Twelve? Also is that all I have to worry about?"

"Your incubus side will demand it and you're close enough to puberty. As for a few other gifts, after your first transformation you will be able to transform on will due to Veela aspect. After a couple full moons and strong will you can forcefully stop your transformation on the full moon. However you will become very lust full and will probably end up sleeping with someone." John explained as he continued flipping through the file. "Though word of advice let your wolf side out at least six times out of the thirteen full moons per year."

"Umm, why?"

Sighing at him, John took a deep breath. "Do you want to risk going berserk in the school. Maybe Dumbledore could stop you but you would probably raze more than half the school to the ground before then."

"Ok, will I be able to become an animagus?" Harry asked while thinking he could pass it off as such. He originally wanted to learn it to honor his godfather.

"Yes, but wait until you master your wolf form. You might learn a different way to go about learning it allowing you multiforms. Though it will take you a few months to learn a new form." John said, clearly hinting at something.

"So anything else I will need to be aware of?" Harry asked.

"Hmm, we will allow you to tell Dumbledore as long as he makes an unbreakable vow to never tell anyone and makes you his apprentice. While he is a very passive person he does hold great knowledge you could learn. Finally, Daphne and Fleur will be sent back with you even if your soul bond is shattered."

A smile broke out on Harry's lips at the thought of getting his Daphne and Fleur back. While he didn't mind courting them again, it would have felt weird. While physically he would be their age while mentally he would be older and knowing things he is not supposed to yet.

"So are you ready to go." John asked.

"Umm, what about the Horcrux in my head and Parseltongue?"

"When you finish that ritual it will be removed and the Parseltongue you always had. You just suppressed it due to believing it part of the horcrux."

Blinking in surprise Harry just nodded as that did make sense. "Alright I am good now."

"Good luck and don't forget to have fun."

With John final goodbye, Harry soon found himself fading from the office and blacked out. He just wondered how he was going to survive doing homework again.

LegendaryChaos LegendaryChaos

Thank you for reading.


Now welcome to my next project as my last one has came to an end. This story while has a more slow pace for the most part and maybe slow or drag on in spots. I hope to explore the magical world and give charaters popular or not a personaility. Even if it completely different from the canon.


Since I am starting a job while I begin posting. I will only post maybe once or twice a week until I can get used to working. Which will most likely be Fridays and Saturdays since I will have Sundays and Mondays off. Allowing me to write and possible make corrections throughout the week.


So I hope you will enjoy our next adventure, through the magical world with some smut on the horizon. I promise I won't go over board with it like I did my last story.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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