30% Harry potter : Forgotten Lord / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Wands, Letters and Tears I

章 6: Chapter 6: Wands, Letters and Tears I

Looking up at the sign of the final shop of the day, 'Ollivander's – Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.', he checked himself over making sure his black silk robes, were presentable, after all, this would be his first meeting and it was wise to make a suitable first impression.

He had noticed the difference immediately after stepping out of Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, how fellow wizard and witches looked at him, instead of looks of disdain, they were looks of approval; shop assistants were more helpful and eager.

Walking over to shop next to Ollivanders to get his reflexion in window, to ensure he presented the correct image, checking to make sure the silver mithril chain around his neck was hidden from view. He had bought the chain from a goblin run jewellery store earlier in day.

The chain had 2 enchantments on it, first was warning enchantments against poison and foreign substances found in foods and drinks, second it allowed his Peverell house ring to be carried on it and provide house protections.

After all, Bloodmoon had said it was best to keep his Peverell lordship secret as possible. No one could take it from him unless they were blood related, while he was last Potter, he would always have some form of protection.

Entering Ollivanders, there was a tinkle of a bell from above indicating to whoever owned the store that they had a customer. Surprisingly enough, the small dusty stall was empty currently; he thought it would be busy with everyone wandering around in the street.

"Mr. Potter, we finally meet at last, I remember the day your parents came in for their first wands like it was yesterday," a voice said from behind him, startling him somewhat. Spinning on his heel, he turned to see what he thought to be the Wizarding version of Albert Einstein peering at him through his spectacles with interest.

"Yes, yes, mahogany and 11 inches, pliable, excellent for transfiguration, your father's wand was, and Lily Evans, your mother, 10¼ inches, willow, swishy, good for charms work. Both very good wands, I assume you're here to get yours too then?"

Harry looked at him before replying in the most sarcastic tone possible, "Indeed, after all the sign does say wands, and the Hogwarts shopping list states a wand, therefore what over purpose would I have?" raising an eyebrow at the shop keeper.

"Cheeky, just like your father was, well then, this way, which is your wand arm then?" asked the wand maker, pulling a tape measure out of his pocket and allowing it to float in mid air as it took the most obscure, and in his opinion, pointless measurements imaginable. Harry just wanted his wand as quickly as possible, so he went along with it, not caring either way.

"I'm right handed," Harry answered, but he got the feeling that Ollivander wasn't listening as he had just dismissed the answer and went out back to bring out a few boxes, of what he correctly assumed, held wands.

"Try this first, 11 inches, Dragon Heartstring, robust and good for defence charms," he said, handing him a char grey wand which immediately, upon having contact with it, sent a chill down his spine.

"Nope, not that one," Ollivander said, snatching the wand right out of his hand and returning it to its box, "Try this one, 11¼ inches, Unicorn hair core from a rather arrogant male unicorn, good for finesse and skilled spell casting," he explained, handing the wand to Harry, however, this one almost burnt his hand right off as soon as he touched it. "Nope, not that one either, it seems the Unicorn passed off its arrogance to his hairs as well. . ."

Fishing out another wand from the back, Ollivander had a smile on his face as he handed it to the boy. "This one should do it, 12 inches, Dragon Heartstring core from a particularly fierce Hungarian Horntail, excellent for battle magic and charms."

This one sounded interesting to Harry, so, taking it in his hand and hoping for the best, he prepared to swish it only for a large number of shelves to burst open and release their contents around him in a wild display of chaotic magic.

"Hmm interesting," Ollivander said, "Interesting, I always enjoy a challenging customer," before turning back to the wands and handing him another one to try, then another... repeating the progress.

Harry himself was far from amused, as Ollivander kept making excuses; he had already gone through 30 wands with no positive reaction, or just getting feeble responses. He was getting the impression that Ollivander was trying to sell him a common wand, like a mass market salesmen, all were a dragon, unicorn, or some type of creature, just with different woods and lengths.

Why didn't Ollivander just make him one? after all he was a wand maker? "Why don't you just make me a wand from scratch, after all none of wands so far have responded suitably, and I'd rather be home before midnight."

Ollivander looked at him, seeming to weigh him. They both stared at each other, not moving until Ollivander said, "Fine," moving to change the open sign to closed, before leading him into the back of the shop.


Several hours later

Looking down at wand Ollivander had crafted for him, the wand itself was made of blackthorn wood, with a core of a nightmare's tail hair. From what Ollivander had told him, nightmares were consider dark creatures by most due to them mainly being found in dark regions such as forests of Europe, and occasionally they turned up in the forest at Hogwarts.

They had an ability to summon unnatural dark fire when provoked, and they were rumoured to bring people night mares, hence the name. Eventually, Ollivander concluded that the wand would be excellent at charms, like his mothers, with strong affinity for more primal spells, mainly fire based ones.

There were also focussing based runes on the wand, due to the nightmare core, to help control the more primal spells. Harry listened on with curiosity, after all the wand chose the wizard, however he was wondering what Ollivander meant by primal spells. "What do you mean by primal spells?"

"Primal spells are spells are driven or empowered by emotion, or use elemental parts, such as fire. Most primal spells are known as the dark arts by wizards due to their ability to cause harm, however the spell itself is not dark, or light, it is neutral. The caster decides the intent, not the spell," Ollivander replied, handing him the wand.

As soon as the wand touched his palm there was a rush, similar to the Peverell ring. Fire was singing in his veins, warm and comforting. The tip of the wand glowed and with a causal flick, fire spread out, rushing around him, changing into a small horse of flame before fading.

"Impressive Mr. Potter," replied Ollivander, "It seems we have good match. Is there anything else you would like?"

Lifting his glaze away from his wand, "Can I have a wand maintenance kit, along with a wand holster?"

"Of course," collecting the items, "That's a total of 40 Galleons. 25 for the wand, since it is made from some of my rarer materials, 5 for the kit, and another 10 for holster," answered, Ollivander.

Harry gave the necessary amount, walking towards the door, before remembering his manners, and saying, "Thank you," as he left the store, not knowing if the old wand marker had heard him.

Outside, he made his way to a side alley, making sure no one was watching before pulling out the portkey Bloodmoon had provided, which was a large coin, and said, "New home," and felt the familiar sensation which he had experience earlier that week, before crashing into the floor just like before.

The apartment was small, with a single bedroom and a small bathroom, containing a shower. There was also a kitchen connected to the living room/receiving room, but compared to his cupboard it was spacious, and ideal for his needs.

The kitchen was basic, but it would do, worst case he could always get takeaway or eat at one of the restaurants/bars he had seen in the alley during the day.

Making his way to the window, he appeared to be on the second floor of the building, while the alley below had a number of small shops, nothing special, which served his purposes of being low key.

Deciding he could go exploring tomorrow, after all the kitchen only contained basic food stuffs, but he would need a list so he could remember everything he needed.

Pulling out a piece of parchment, since he had no paper, a quill and an ink bottle ..., 'first thing to do was look around, find any useful shops – after all he needed food, as well some new clothes for living in non-magical world.

Then, he also had to order some potions for his scars, which was going to be problem, since he been unable to find an owl.

Also, he needed to go through his mother's chest to see what it contained, and working out what needed to be done.

Maybe I should look over charms, after all charms were my mother's strength, and this wand is meant to be good at them,'... Then his stomach rumbled ending his internal thought process.

Looking around kitchen, he decided to have some eggs and toast. Not that he had much choice in the matter, since it was only things he had in the cupboards.


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