/ Movies / Harry Potter and the Rise of the Ordinary Person(⨷)
No family, no power, no inheritance ...a thrice-lacking protagonist. Just how will the seed rise up from the mud?
Link: https://es.mtlnovel.com/harry-potter-and-the-rise-of-the-ordinary-person/
レビューを書くA story supposedly written in English but; 1.- Uses Chinese-Korean nabrea... 2.- Use chinese-korean words. 3.- use chinese phrases. 4.- Change the names of places, objects and people. ~~`` Sir translator; you have to use "exclusively" the English language (U.S.A), that is, the alphabet, the spelling, the style and the cultural context. DO NOT write anything Chinese.
The story doesn't seem too bad. The problem is its based of of another countries translation and it drives me insane. If you are used to this version of the translation you should have no problem reading it if you aren't you might want too shoot yourself in the foot.