50% Harry Potter and the Magical Tok'ra / Chapter 5: 5- A Wizard in Stargate Command

章 5: 5- A Wizard in Stargate Command

*Stargate Command, Colorado, United States, Earth*

Doctor Daniel Jackson stood in the Stargate Operations room as he studied the transparent map of the various Stargate addresses, focusing his attention on the ones marked with sticky notes which indicated the worlds that were searched for the missing members of SG-1. Teal'c was currently off-world coordinating with SG-3 under Major Castleman in the ongoing search for Colonel Jack O'Neill and Captain Samantha Carter.

He lifted his coffee mug to take another sip and realized that it was empty so he walked over to the nearby table where the coffee pot was. As he was pouring himself more coffee, the base had begun to shake slightly and he could hear the sound of the Stargate turning. Daniel walked up to the window overlooking the embarkation room, aka the Gate Room, and saw that the Stargate was indeed turning.

"Off-world gate activation! Repeat: Off-world gate activation! Closing the Iris!" announced Master Sergeant Walter Harriman as the klaxons sounded throughout the base.

At that moment, a squad of SF guards wearing full combat gear and armed with M-16 assault rifles rapidly moved through the corridors until finally reaching the Gate Room where they took up tactical positions around the Stargate that was currently shielded by the iris. One of the guards manned the 50-caliber machine gun and aimed it towards the Stargate.

General George Hammond descended the stairwell within the operations room and walked up next to Walter and Daniel.


"We have an unscheduled gate activation, general. We're receiving IDC signal now. It's..." Walter paused for a moment as his eyes widened in astonishment. "Sir, it's SG-1!"

Daniel immediately ran from the operations room without saying a word. General Hammond quickly followed after ordering Walter to open the Iris. Less than a minute later, Daniel and Hammond arrived in the Gate Room and stood side-by-side at the foot of the ramp just as three people stepped through the Stargate: Colonel Jack O'Neill, Captain Samantha Carter and a raven-haired adolescent boy.

"Colonel O'Neill needs medical attention!" announced Sam while helping Jack to remain on his feet.

"Medical team to the embarkation room," called Sergeant Harriman over the base intercom.

Meanwhile, Harry was overcome with a sudden and overwhelming wave of dizziness moments after travelling through the Stargate and stumbled to the floor almost causing Sam to drop Jack but was able to catch herself in time.

"Harry!" explained Sam in concern

General Hammond's grandfather persona setting in and he knelt down beside the child to check to see if he was alright. Harry was about to stand up when the bald man wearing the blue military dress uniform gently placed both his hands on his shoulders.

"Easy, son. You just took a bad fall," said Hammond with genuine concern.

Harry looked at General Hammond for a moment and then nodded as he adjusted his position so that he was sitting on the floor rather than laying on it. The young wizard looked around the room for a few moments before the nearby door opened and he looked to see a woman whose attire indicated that she was a doctor. Accompanying her were two nurses who were pushing in a gurney. While one of the nurses assisted Sam in placing Jack on the wheeled stretcher, Doctor Janet Fraiser walked over to where Harry and General Hammond were.

"Hello there, my name is Janet," said Doctor Frasier with a friendly smile.

"Harry, ma'am. Harry Potter."

"How are you feeling, Harry?" asked Janet as she checked her unexpected patient over.

"Like I just fell 50 feet from my Nimbus 2000," answered Harry.

General Hammond and Doctor Frasier both looked at one another with confused expressions and then back at Harry again, assuming he was describing some sort of suborbital aircraft or even a hover car like in the second Back to the Future movie.

"Where do you come from, Harry Potter?" asked Hammond in a grandfatherly tone.

Harry looked between Hammond and Sam as he nervously rubbed the side of his neck, unsure how to respond. The general could tell from the similarly nervous look on Sam's face that the answer to his question was going to be quite bizarre.

***scene break***

Doctor Janet Frasier was currently in her office as she thought of everything that happened in the last half hour. When the missing members of SG-1 had finally come home, they were accompanied by a young boy who claimed that he was also from Earth. The most baffling thing was Colonel O'Neill claiming that Harry had used magic to bring him back from the brink of death. Janet was skeptical as to the existence of magic and theorized genetic engineering. Sam, ever the scientist, was also forced to acknowledge the possibility and even voiced her earlier theory that Harry might've been injected with nanotechnology due to his injuries having healed quickly after she first found him.

As a precaution, Harry was placed in one of the isolation rooms. Janet also decided to get a blood work on him and was now awaiting the results. With the return of the missing members of SG-1, Teal'c was recalled to the SGC while SG-3 remained on the planet to conduct a standard recon since they were already there. As for Teal'c, he went straight to the infirmary where he remained by Colonel O'Neill's side.

"Excuse me, Dr. Frasier?"

Janet looked up and saw that it was a male medical technician who was handing her a medical chart.

"I have the blood work results for the patient in the isolation room."

"Yes, thank you," said Janet.

She accepted the medical chart and began looking over the contents. Her eyes widened as she abruptly stood up from her chair.

'Yep, there's always something else,' thought Janet.

***scene break***

Harry was sitting on the bed in the isolation ward with two nurses in the room with him. Sam was sitting in the nearby observation room overlooking the room Harry was. She pleaded with Janet to allow her to at least remain by Harry's side only for the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) to politely remind her that only medical personnel were permitted until it could be confirmed there were no nanites. However Harry remained amazingly calm and Sam was still able to talk to him via microphone. The nearby phone rang, prompting her to pick it up.

"Carter," answered Sam. After a moment, she nodded and stood up as she said, "Alright, I'll be right there."

Sam left the observation room and made her way down the hall where she met up with Janet who was headed towards the isolation room. Sam saw the look on the doctor's face and knew right away that something was up.

"What seems to be the problem?" asked Sam.

"See for yourself," said Janet as she gave her the medical chart.

Sam looked over the medical chart and realized that she was looking at the results of Harry's blood work. She initially felt relief when she saw that the test for nanites came back negative only to tense right back up when she read the part about the child's blood showing traces of Naquadah. She immediately thought back to Cassandra and how the Goa'uld Nirrti had attempted to use a little girl as a weapon of mass destruction. If Harry had Naquadah in his blood...

"Oh my God."

Harry saw how Sam and Janet were looking at him as they entered the room and walked towards him, which made him particularly wary.

"What seems to be the problem?" asked Harry.

"Harry, I'd like to get a chest ultrasound. Don't worry, it won't hurt," said Janet in an assuring tone.

Harry nodded as Janet powered up the ultrasound machine and placed the ultrasonic transducer against his chest. At that moment, an image appeared on the monitor which Harry guessed was the inside of his chest. Upon seeing nothing, Janet slowly moved the transducer over Harry's abdomen and his back in order to be more thorough.

"I'm not detecting any indication of a foreign device," said Janet.

Sam sighed as she replied, "Well that's a relief."

"Agreed but something is causing Naquadah to appear in the test results," said Janet.

The CMO then moved the transducer over the back Harry's neck and had reached his head when she suddenly stopped. She just stood there for a moment looking at the monitor in disbelief. Sam too had a similar expression.

"Is that what I think it is?" asked Janet with a hint of anxiety.

Sam nodded slowly and spoke after a moment's hesitation. "I'm afraid so."

Janet and Sam both looked at Harry and then back at the screen again. Indicated on the ultrasound monitor was a clear picture of a Goa'uld symbiote wrapped around Harry's spine and connected to the lower part of his brain. Harry saw the monitor too and knew right there that his new friend had been exposed. Harry opened his mouth to speak only for Janet to cut him off.

"Just keep away from me!" said Janet harshly.

As Janet rushed over to the door and slammed her fist on the base alarm button, Sam just stood there looking at Harry with apprehension.

{Einar, what's going on?} hissed Harry in Parseltongue.

Harry saw Sam flinch upon hearing him and mentally kicked himself for forgetting that he was now able to communicate inwardly with Einar.

*They must think we're Goa'uld,* replied Einar.

*Well how do I convince them we're not?* asked Harry.

*Try talking to her,* answered Einar.

"Sam..." started Harry nervously.

At that very moment, several SF guards arrived in the isolation room. Seeing that Janet was pointing towards Harry, the guards looked the boy then at one another momentarily confused.

"The boy is a Goa'uld," stated Janet in a saddened tone.

Hearing this, the guards quickly surrounded Harry with their M-16 assault rifles aimed at him.

"Please, Einar is not a Goa'uld. He won't hurt anyone, I promise," said Harry, keeping both hands where the guards could see them.

***scene break***

Harry Potter was sitting in a holding cell. Projected behind the bars were red laser beams and an SF was standing guard nearby. He looked up at the camera, knowing that Sam and the others were watching him from elsewhere in the base.

Sure enough, a live recording was being shown on the television screen in the briefing room where Sam was watching very closely. Also in the briefing room were Daniel, Teal'c and Hammond all of whom were also watching the feed. Sitting on the table in front of General Hammond was Harry's wand, which the young boy had surrendered to Carter without a fight when her and Frasier realized he was a host. Jack was still in the infirmary due to his injuries.

"Would you care to explain to me how you and Colonel O'Neill managed to not only make contact with a Goa'uld but to bring one onto my base as well?" asked Hammond.

Sam shook her head as she replied, "I can't explain it, sir. He wasn't behaving very... ummm..."

"If Jack was here, I believe he'd say 'Goa'uldish'," said Daniel.

Hammond just looked at Daniel with an expression that asked if that was even a word while Teal'c simply raised a single eyebrow. Sam just barely held in a laugh from hearing Daniel's remark before continuing her report.

"Daniel's right, sir. He wasn't exhibiting any of the signs of behavior typical with that of a Goa'uld. And while he did have a number of injuries when I found him, there was no sign of an entry scar on his neck. Harry also claims that Einar doesn't suppress him, that both host and symbiote share the body equally."

"I assume Einar is the name of the Goa'uld?" asked Hammond.

Sam nodded in confirmation. General Hammond looked skeptical while Daniel appeared to be in deep thought. Teal'c was the first one to speak.

"I know of no Goa'uld who would share control with the host," said Teal'c in his usual calm seriousness.

"They won't even admit that anything of the host survives," said Daniel, prompting a single nod of confirmation from Teal'c.

"Why would he help us then?" asked Sam.

"Perhaps in order to gain our trust so that he might infiltrate the SGC," said Teal'c.

"I'm not sure I believe that, Teal'c. He's been very cooperative and non-threatening even after we discovered the symbiote. Plus he was very helpful in saving the colonel when he was close to death and even powering up the DHD so we could return home."

"Yes I read that in your report and you mentioned that he used..." Hammond paused as he looked over Sam's written report again before continuing, "...magic correct?"

Sam nodded in confirmation. "Yes, sir."

Seeing Hammond's skeptical look, she was about to continue when she was interrupted by the arrival of Master Sergeants Walter Harriman and Sylvester Siler in the briefing room.

"General, my analysis of the dialing computer didn't reveal anything that could explain how SG-1 dialed Earth and somehow ended up somewhere else," said Walter in his usual calmness.

Siler added, "I couldn't find anything wrong with the power systems either. They've been working fine after I repaired them. If there was a malfunction, it had to be with the Stargate on the other end."

"It's possible, sir. The location where the Stargate was had been overrun by a glacier and we literally had to dig up the DHD from under the ice. It could've suffered some damage from being frozen for so long," said Sam.

Hammond nodded in deep thought before deciding to return to the subject at hand. "So from what you told me, the Goa'uld in our custody sees himself as a magician?"

Sam shook her head as she replied, "Actually he claims he's a wizard, sir."

"And I suppose this is supposed to be his magical wand," commented a still skeptical Hammond as he gestured towards Harry's wand on the table.

Sam nodded in confirmation. Walter looked at Sam with a baffled expression as if silently asking if he heard her correctly. Sergeant Siler picked up the wand, looked it over in curiosity, and gave it several quick waves. Sam saw this and became concerned since she had witnessed the thing in action.

"Uh, Siler, I wouldn't do that if I..."

Sam's warning was cut off when Siler tapped the wand on the table and was suddenly thrown by some invisible force right into the nearby wall before falling to the floor. Everyone else in the briefing room had all stood up abruptly and were looking down at the scene, completely speechless from what they had just witnessed. Siler was on the floor still conscious but obviously dazed and wondering what just hit him.

***scene break***

Captain Samantha Carter, Doctor Daniel Jackson and Teal'c arrived outside the lockup where Harry was being held. Standing guard outside the door was a uniformed SF guard who stood at attention upon seeing them.

"Can I help you, ma'am?" asked the guard.

"Yes, Airman, we wish to speak to our guest," said Sam.

The guard nodded, used his keycard to unlock the door and then opened it for them. The SG-1 team members walked into the room and saw Harry sitting calmly in the holding cell.

"Leave us," said Sam addressing the second guard who nodded and exited the room to join the other guard in the corridor.

"How are you feeling, Harry?" asked Sam in a kind yet awkward tone.

"As well as can be expected," answered Harry.

Harry was about to say something else but flinched when he finally noticed Teal'c. Sam and Daniel both looked at Teal'c who merely lifted a single eyebrow and then back at Harry again.

Sam looked Harry in the eyes as she hesitantly asked, "Why didn't you tell us?"

Before Harry could even reply, Daniel stepped forward and bluntly asked, "I think the correct question to be asking is when were you planning on telling us you are a Goa'uld?"

Harry sighed as he replied, "As I tried explaining earlier, Einar is not a Goa'uld."

"Your ultrasound says otherwise," stated Daniel matter-of-factly as he held up a photocopy of the scan done on Harry. "So drop the pretense and answer the question, Goa'uld."

Harry sighed in frustration unsure how to convince this Jackson character. For a moment he reminded him of Uncle Vernon but almost immediately discounted that as a possibility. There was no doubt in Harry's mind that the man likely suffered a great personal loss to the Goa'uld and Einar agreed with that assessment. Harry was fairly certain that Sam believed him or was at least leaning in that direction given her sympathetic expression as well as her reaction to how Daniel spoke to him. He then looked at the third figure in the room and immediately had what he could only describe as a weird feeling.

*This one is a Jaffa. Apophis sect,* said Einar inwardly as he noted the presence of another symbiote within the tall figure as well as the emblem on his forehead. *Let me talk to them.*

next chapter
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  • 世界の背景

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