55% Harry Potter and the Brothers Black / Chapter 11: Chapter 11

章 11: Chapter 11

"So" Harry's voice called out and the marauders jumped "you want my help?"

"How did you get in our room?!" Peter screamed

"Please" Harry waved a hand "now, you lot want me to help you prank Dumbledore, right?"

"Were you listening to our conversation?" James asked

"Of course" Harry nodded "I had to be sure none of you were being idiots, I knew you were going to talk to Remus and I wanted to be here in case you said something stupid."

"Ah" James nodded in understanding

"And I appreciate the compliments guys" Harry added "now, pranking Dumbledore. I have a few ideas"

"What really? That's quick!" Peter exclaimed

"Oh I've had the ideas for years" Harry replied "just waiting for an excuse to actually use them. Now, the question is, am I pranking on my own or are you marauders going to help me?"

"Marauders?" James repeated "Hmm, I like the sound of that."

"Yeah" Sirius nodded "it's a cool name, and yes big bro, we're in"

"Definitely" James grinned

"Me too" Peter clapped

"And me" Remus spoke

"Brilliant" Harry replied "now, the first thing you lot need to know is this, the prank has to fit the crime. And we are not stopping at one prank"

"We're not?" Sirius and James said at the same time, their eyes lighting up with mischief and excitement.

"No my friends" Harry shook his head "we are not, Dumbledore's been irritating me and trying to control me for the longest time, even tried to use my family and Ginny against me plus there's all the stuff that he had done to Remus. He needs to suffer, you with me?"

"Yeah!" The boys cheered

"Excellent, we shall discuss the plans tomorrow" Harry said

"Why tomorrow?" Remus asked

"Because we got an entire weekend to plan and implement the pranks while you lot should be going sleep now"

"Yes dad" Sirius rolled his eyes

"By the way Remus" Harry spoke "these four know your secret now, I think it'd be good for you to tell a few more"

"What?!" Remus blurted out

"Remus" Harry put his hands up "I'm not saying tell the entire school, but I do think you should tell at least three more people. Namely Ginny, Lily and Bellatrix."

"But why?" Remus sighed

"Remus, they're your friends. Lily and Ginny are muggleborn, it'd be easy to explain to them how wrong societies opinion on werewolves are"

"What about Bellatrix?" James asked

"Please" Sirius spoke up "if Harry told her that Werewolves were the servants of fluffy pink bunnies then she would believe him, as far as she's concerned, Harry could do no wrong. So if she trusts him, then she'll trust you. Oh, you should probably tell Regulus and Andromeda"

"Who are those two?" Peter asked

"Regulus is my brother" Sirius answered "Harry taught us both that werewolves are normal people, actually he already knows because he was there when I asked Harry. Ah well, we should still tell Andromeda"

"I don't know" Remus looked uncomfortable

"Come on mate" Sirius said encouragingly "she's really smart, and nice"

"Why do we have to tell anyone?" Remus looked at Harry for an answer

"Remus" Harry smiled "you'll be living here for the next few years mate, it's likely that at least one or two more people will find out. Those girls are smart, they'll work it out eventually, wouldn't you rather they hear it from you? Besides, it'd be very good for you if you have more people to cover for you and help you"

"But...what if they tell anyone?"

"They won't" Harry said confidently

"But...but they could"

"Alright" Harry replied "how about this, we tell one person for now, yeah? Just try it"

"I...I don't know" Remus looked down

"Remus" Harry stepped in front of Remus, he pushed the boys chin up and smiled at him "do you trust me?"

"What?" Remus asked

"Do you trust me?"

"Yeah" Remus spoke softly "I trust you"

"So trust me when I say that I'm not letting anything bad happen, to any of you. Tomorrow I'll tell Ginny, only Ginny, and you can see how you feel about it, yeah? Is that all right with you?"

"Come on Remus" James patted his back "it's not like he wants to tell the whole school"

"Fine" Remus sighed "but only Ginny"

"Ok" Harry nodded "now you lot go to sleep, we'll tell her tomorrow and then we can start pranking. Don't worry guys, everything will be fine"

Harry smiled at them all before walking out, a few seconds after he was gone Sirius hugged Remus who was surprised by the sudden contact but before he could say anything Sirius had moved onto Peter then James.

"What are you doing?" James asked

"Hugging my new brothers" Sirius grinned


"Yeah, Harry's basically adopted you lot as his new little brothers"

"Well" Remus coughed "I do kind of see him like...like a brother" The big brother Remus always wanted if he was being honest.

"Everyone sees Harry like their big brother" Sirius said as if it was obvious

"Except the girls" Peter pointed out

"True" Sirius conceded "thankfully me and him have inherited the legendary Black looks"

"And ego" James added with a smile

The next day, Harry and the marauders had found an abandoned classroom with Ginny. Harry set up the privacy wards, and they began talking. They told her Remus was a werewolf, and Remus lowered his head, afraid of Ginny's reaction.

"So you're a werewolf?" Ginny asked, even though she already knew the answer but she had to pretend, Remus slowly nodded "you transform once a month?"

"Yes" Remus answered "every full moon"

"And you can't turn people before that, right?"

"No" Remus quickly shook his head

"Remus" she said softly "thank you for telling me, but you didn't have to worry. I won't tell anyone"

"Really?" Peter asked

"Yes" Ginny nodded "this is your business, not anybody else's."

"Thank you" Remus said appreciatively

"You're welcome" Ginny smiled "but can I make a suggestion?"

"Uh, yeah, go on"

"I think you should tell someone else, maybe Lily or Bellatrix or both. They'd be really helpful"

"Ha" Sirius snorted "Harry made the exact same suggestion"

"Well, you know what they say" Ginny responded "great minds think alike"

"Yeah" Remus laughed a little "I'll think about it"

"That's all I ask" Ginny responded

"Hey Gin" Harry spoke "the headmaster has been a bit of a prat to our boy Remus, we was thinking of having some payback. Would you like to help?"

"Count me in" Ginny answered "that old man gives me the creeps"

"You and me both sister" Sirius replied

They spent the entire day planning their revenge on the headmaster, some ideas were scrapped and others were improved upon. That night, the group went to sleep, closing their eyes with evil grins on their faces.

At breakfast the next morning, the group all sat at the Gryffindor table. They ate their breakfast, soon Lily and Bellatrix joined them but not Snape as he still didn't feel uncomfortable sitting at anyplace other than the Slytherin table.

"You guys look happy" Bellatrix observed

"Do we?" Harry asked

"What are you lot up to?" Lily sighed

"Who says we're up to anything?" James grinned

"Your grin does"

"Lily" Ginny interrupted "trust me when I say that the idiots have a good reason for being idiots, so much so that I actually helped them be idiots"

"Really?" Lily said, surprised

"Yeah, trust me" Ginny responded

"Here he comes" Harry whispered, and the group all looked at Dumbledore who entered and sat at his table. He eyed his food with delight, and slowly began eating. Savouring the taste as he did, eventually he finished. He stood up, and walked off and was about to make his way back to his office but he tripped and fell on the floor.

He slowly got up but stepped on something and tripped again, he managed to stand up and saw that his beard had increased in length. It was now roughly twice the length of Dumbledore, he couldn't understand how it had gotten so much longer. He curled his long beard up and held it up and began walking off when it started getting longer.

"What did you do?" Bellatrix asked in an amused voice

"A beard lengthener plus a spell that increases his hair length every time he takes a step, will last about a day" Harry replied with a smug voice as Dumbledore had just tripped over his hair now, and dropped his beard and had actually fallen on it. "I can't imagine how long it'll take him to get rid of it"

"Why doesn't he just use his wand?" Lily asked

"Doing so will make it longer" Remus smiled just as Dumbledore had taken out his wand and tried to get rid of it, naturally the hair almost doubled in length and Dumbledore was stuck in it.

"A first prank well done" Harry raised his goblet of pumpkin juice along with the marauders and Ginny

"First prank?" Bellatrix looked amused

"First prank" Sirius confirmed

"What exactly did the headmaster do to deserve this?" Lily asked

"We can't say" Harry replied "well, one of the things he did was annoy me but he's done something to someone else and we can't say what or who."

"But we're doing this for him" James added

"And we're sure he appreciates it" Sirius added

"I'm positive he does" Remus smiled

The next day Dumbledore had sat in his office, it had taken him so long to get rid of his new long beard and hair and he tried every spell he could have thought off. Eventually he tried cutting it off the muggle way, using scissors and to his surprise it worked. He felt a bit embarrassed by the fact that he hadn't thought of it.

Later that day, Dumbledore had come down for lunch, he sat down but was surprised when he found a whoopee cushion on his seat. He chuckled at the harmless prank, he sat down on the now normal chair but was surprised when he heard a cat meow. He jumped up, and looked to see there was nothing there. He slowly sat down again, and was greeted with the sound of a dog barking.

He cast a few spells and tried to sit down again but was now greeted by a pig sound, he tried once more but this time he decided not to get up. He sat down and a goat noise was heard, but it didn't stop. He eventually had to get up when the goat wasn't quieting down. He got up and grumbled as he made his way to his office.

The pranks didn't stop at dinner, at dinner Dumbledore stopped eating when he saw that everyone was looking at him as if he had just sprouted a new head.

"Albus!" McGonagall whispered "What are you doing?!"

"Hmm?" Albus turned to his deputy

"Look at yourself" She conjured a mirror and showed it to him, Dumbledore's eyes widened as he saw his reflection. His ears had turned into wolf ears and his teeth were all sharp and looked like they belonged to a carnivore. Hair had also spread over his face, Dumbledore jumped up and made his way out of the hall.

"I don't think Dumbledore liked being a werewolf" Sirius whispered to James

"Can't imagine why" The boy shrugged

The pranks continued throughout the week, and by the end of it Dumbledore was positively beat and he had no idea how they happened. He even checked his food and cast diagnostic spells all over it, one day he had little dogs and cats following him around and they would multiply every time he got rid of one with magic. A different day he had somehow ended up walking backwards for five whole hours and he couldn't rest because he found that his room had been invaded by goats.

The day after was horrible because he kept hearing someone call his name but whenever he turned to find the person he saw that there was nobody there. It was bothersome at first but it slowly became more and more infuriating as the day went along. He was distracted at staff meetings and whenever he ate or was in his office. At one point when he was walking down a hallway he heard his name and he turned around and drew his wand.

"WHAT?!" He yelled, but in front of him was just a group of terrified first years "Ah, I'm terribly sorry children, I..." Dumbledore was interrupted by the children crying and running off. Everyone else in the hallway was glaring at the headmaster who decided to make a quick retreat.

At breakfast the day after he was sent about five howlers for terrorising children, after those five howlers he found a single letter. He sighed and opened it, as soon as he had opened it he was greeted by a pile of green goo that flew onto his face. Later McGonagall also shouted at him for what he had done to the children.

Dumbledore wasn't sure if he could go on, fighting the dark forces of evil wasn't as troublesome as this. He wondered who was responsible for this, 'probably Hadrius Black' he thought as he began reaching for his lemon drop bowl. It was clear that the eldest Black didn't like him but he still couldn't work out why, at first he suspected it was because of his parents but the boy had a muggleborn girlfriend and plenty of muggleborn friends so he didn't seem the type to care about his parents opinion.

He put a lemon drop in his mouth, preparing to suck on the lovely sweet but was surprised when he didn't get that lovely taste, but something else. It was weird, and horrible, maybe it was just a really old lemon drop. That idea was scrapped when it started moving, in his mouth, Dumbledore quickly spat it out and it landed on his desk.

On his desk, wasn't a lemon drop, but a dung beetle! He quickly picked up a different lemon drop, as soon as he put it in his mouth he took it out when he realised that it was another dung beetle. He cast a diagnostic spell over his lemon drops and saw there was a spell that was designed to make them transform into beetles when they come into contact with anything wet. Dumbledore couldn't believe it, his poor lemon drops!

Eventually 'Dumbledore's week of suffering', as the marauders and Harry and Ginny had named it, ended. Harry was, after a long conversation, able to convince Remus to tell Lily and Bellatrix. They agreed not to tell Snape for a while, hopefully he could get to know Remus more and then they would tell him.

Bellatrix didn't really care, Harry had told her that werewolves were just like anyone else so as far as she was concerned, Remus just suffered more than most people. She thought it was nice that Harry was protecting him, but she wasn't surprised, Harry would protect nearly everyone.

Lily was a bit surprised but was more curious than anything, she had heard that werewolves were dangerous and dark creatures but unlike a certain bushy haired witch she didn't believe that all books were law. From what she knew about Remus, he was a nice and kind boy who wouldn't hurt a fly. She asked a few questions but that was it and Remus was ecstatic at having a group of friends who knew his secret but was willing to help him.

Soon Regulus was introduced into the group, he got along with everyone and was doing great at school as well. He had earned respect from his house and the school due to being from the Black family and having Harry as his brother but he was still doing his best. Unlike Draco Malfoy, he didn't use his wealth and family to make a name for himself, he wanted to do it based off his own strength and intelligence.

"Harry" Sirius had ran up to Harry one day after Harry had exited transfigurations

"What's up Sirius?" He asked

"Regulus" Sirius grabbed Harry's hand and started pulling him "he's been sent to the headmasters office with Andromeda and Bellatrix"

"Tell Flitwick I'm meeting with the headmaster" Harry said to Cyrus Greengrass who nodded.

Sirius and Harry ran to intercept them, they ran to a hall and found Regulus being escorted with Bellatrix and Andromeda to the headmasters office by Professor Slughorn.

"Professor" Harry called out and they stopped to look at him "what's going on?"

"Harry" Slughorn smiled before adopting a slightly sadder smile "the headmaster has wanted to talk to your brother after an incident involving Lucius Malfoy"

"Malfoy?" Harry growled "What did the idiot do this time? Where is he?"

"He's in the hospital wing" Slughorn answered with a slightly brighter smile

"Hospital wing?" Harry raised an eyebrow at his brother and cousins

"Well, he was being mean to us" Regulus shifted on his feet "called us blood traitors then he said that we were worthless and then he insulted you. He called you a blood traitor and an idiot, then we got a bit upset"

"What did you do?" Harry asked slowly

"Well" Sirius answered "Bellatrix punched him between the legs, then Andromeda and Regulus hit him with an Expelliarmus at the exact same time and he went flying into a wall, I saw it and it was awesome"

Harry looked back from Sirius to his brother and cousins, Regulus looked a bit nervous. So did Andromeda but not as much, Bellatrix looked the most nervous, hoping she didn't disappoint Harry.

"You know what" Harry spoke slowly and everyone tensed "I'm not even mad, I'm impressed"

"What really?" Regulus asked as their heads shot up

"Yes" Harry nodded "later I want you two to show me the Expelliarmus spell and I'll give you tips on how to improve it. Bell, later I want to see how you punch"

"Really?" Bellatrix asked

"Yeah, I'll help you improve your punching, when I'm done with you you'll be able to break jaws with a single punch"

"Thank you" Bellatrix jumped on her feet happily before engulfing Harry in a hug

"You're welcome, now come on, I'm coming with you to the headmasters office. Any objections Professor Slughorn?"

"Not from me" Slughorn shook his head and continued walking "Sirius, are you coming as well?"

"Hell yeah, I'm not missing this" Sirius exclaimed

"Hey, what do I always tell you?" Harry said to Sirius

"Watch your language when the adults are around" Sirius sighed "but you don't"

"Yeah well I'm older and the adults are scared of me so I'm exempt from the rule" Harry smirked

Soon they arrived at the headmasters office, the door opened and Slughorn went in first. Dumbledore smile kindly at Regulus, Andromeda and Bellatrix as they entered but his smile dropped when he saw Sirius and Hadrius enter.

"What are you doing here?" Dumbledore asked

"You called me here" Bellatrix said

"Not you"

"You called me here as well" Andromeda pointed out

"I was talking to Mr Black"

"Yes?" Regulus asked

"No, not you"

"Yes" Sirius asked

"No not you either, I was referring to the eldest Mr Black"

"Oh" Sirius said "I can call my grandfather if you want"

"No, not your grandfather" Dumbledore sighed

"Our father then?"

"No" Dumbledore had to stop himself from growling "I was referring to Har...Hadrius Black"

"Oh" Sirius said slowly "why didn't you just say so then?"

"Mr Hadrius Black" Dumbledore spoke slowly to hide his irritation "what are you doing here?"

"The Black family stick together" Harry out a hand on Sirius and Regulus's shoulders "any business you have with members of my family concerns me, I would've come just because my cousins are here but you've also called my little brother."

"I'm here because of the same reasons" Sirius added "also because this will probably be too entertaining to miss"

"Mr Black" Dumbledore began

"Yes?" Regulus, Sirius and Hadrius said at the exact same time

"Mr Hadrius Black" Dumbledore amended "I assure you this really isn't necessary"

"We're the 'Brothers Black'" Harry said proudly

"The smart one" Sirius pointed to Regulus

"The funny one" Regulus pointed to Sirius

"The awesome one" They both pointed to Harry

"And we stick together" Harry finished as all three boys crossed their arms at the same time, Slughorn looked undeniably amused while Dumbledore seemed to have gained a headache. Bellatrix and Andromeda meanwhile found it very funny

"How long you lot been working on that?" Bellatrix laughed as Andromeda giggled

"We've been saying it ever since I was seven" Regulus answered

"Besides Dumbledore" Harry continued "after you shouted at that group of first years, I don't think I'd feel comfortable with my younger brothers and cousins in your presence without being supervised" Dumbledore grimaced slightly at the reminder

"Mr Black..."

"Yes" The three boys said

"Mr Hadrius Black" Dumbledore rubbed his eyes "that was a one-time occurrence, I assure you. I was having a bad few days and was very emotional"

"Sir if I get emotional I get work it out by exercising, talking and snogging" Harry replied "not shouting at children. Besides, I don't really care for your reasons, I'm not risking my family's well being."

"Very well" Dumbledore plastered a disappointed look on his face "it's a shame you don't trust me"

"Shame" Harry repeated, unaffected by the disappointed grandfather look "now why have you brought my family here?"

"I understand that your younger brother and cousins have attacked Mr Malfoy"

"No" Bellatrix spoke "we defended ourselves"

"Defended yourselves?" Dumbledore raised an eyebrow

"Yes" Andromeda nodded "he was bothering us, we told him to leave us alone but he wasn't listening"

"Yeah, and he insulted us" Regulus added "and he insulted Harry, we were about to leave when he drew his wand. Bellatrix punched him in-between his legs then me and Andromeda disarmed him. We didn't mean to do it together, and we didn't try and throw him at a wall on purpose"

"Although, I applaud you for doing so" Harry smiled at his brother and cousins who beamed under his praise

"Hadrius?" Dumbledore turned to the eldest Black Brother "you shouldn't be encouraging this"

"And I'm not" Hadrius replied "I did not tell them to go out and start fighting but I am proud of them for defending themselves. They've done nothing wrong"

"They put Mr Malfoy in hospital" Dumbledore pointed out

"So? With the medical miracle that is Madam Pomfrey, he'll be as good as new and out by tomorrow, unfortunately"

"Unfortunately?" Dumbledore repeated

"Anyway" Harry continued "I'd like to know a few things, the first is what Mr Malfoys punishment will be?"

"Punishment?" Dumbledore blinked "the boy was thrown at a wall"

"And punched between the legs" Sirius added, nudging Bellatrix as he did.

"So you're saying it is now acceptable for students to hand out punishments?" Harry raised an eyebrow "very well, in that case I'll be off to the hospital wing to tear off Mr Malfoys limbs"

"No" Dumbledore replied "I am not saying that"

"Good, now what are the 'adults' planning to do about a boy who had drawn his wand and threatened students that are years younger than him? Personally I think a detention is in order, wouldn't you agree Professor Slughorn?"

"Oh yes" Slughorn nodded quickly "I think a week ought to do it"

"Lovely" Harry turned his attention back to Dumbledore "now Dumbles"

"Dumbles?" Dumbledore's eyes twitched as everyone else suppressed laughter

"That's you" Harry pointed to the headmaster "now Dumbles, here's an important question, why have you called my family here?"

"To discuss Mr Malfoy" Dumbledore said

"Ha" Harry let out a short laugh "tell a believable lie if you're going to be untruthful"

"Mr Black..."

"Yes?" The boys replied, Dumbledore closed his eyes and took a few calming breaths.

"Hadrius, I am not lying"

"Are you not?" Harry adopted a thoughtful look "Strange, I wasn't aware you were so caring when it came to your students"

"Hadrius, I assure you that I care a great deal for my students"

"Which is strange, seeing as three days ago Roxanne had hexed a boy for trying to kiss her, yet you did nothing then which leads me to believe you don't do it for all students. So, have my relatives done something worth your attention?"

"No, Hadrius I am simply worried about you and your family"

"Why?" Andromeda asked

"Well my dear" Dumbledore twinkled his eyes "your family is famously known as a dark family, I'm worried about the reputation of your family and how it may affect you"

"What about the other twenty known dark families?" Harry asked "I don't see them getting called in for every incident, you're singling out my family Dumbledore and I don't like that"

"I assure you I am not"

"I assure you I don't believe you" Harry said in Dumbledore's voice, taking the old man by surprise.

"Mr B...Hadrius, I don't understand, why do you feel the need for such hostile behaviour?"

"I don't trust you Dumbledore" Harry had reverted back to his old voice "plain and simple"

"Why not?"

"It's the type of person you are, you're the sort of person who has an agenda. Something you're after"

"The same argument could be made for you" Dumbledore replied

"And it's true, I have an agenda, protect my family and the ones I love. Besides, that's not the only reason I don't trust you"

"There are more?"

"Yes, first of all you are a criminal"

"What?!" Dumbledore blurted out in surprise "I've never been charged with a crime"

"That's only because the fashion police haven't got you yet, in case it was unclear, I was referring to your dress sense. But on a more serious note, no Sirius, I have more reasons not to trust you. I won't tell you them all but I can give you one more, that damn twinkle in your eye"

"Hadrius?" Dumbledore was surprised

"Yeah, I know how you're doing it, I can do it" To prove it, Harry's eyes began twinkling

"Wow" Regulus exclaimed

"You've got to teach me that" Sirius said

"I will, it's handy. Helps people trust you more, doesn't it Dumbledore?"

Harry stopped twinkling his eyes , he and the headmaster had locked eyes. Dumbledore quickly tried to look into Harry's mind, hoping he could find out more information and use it to his advantage. What Dumbledore had forgotten to consider, was the fact that the wandless wonder and magical miracle, could have occlumency barriers.

Dumbledore was not in Harry's mind for more than a second when he was forcibly rejected, the rejection was so quick and powerful that Dumbledore had actually been pushed back and had fallen out of his chair.

Everyone else in the room was surprised, the Black cousins and brothers looked towards Harry who had a victorious smirk on his face. Now each one of them were trying to work out what he had done.

"Mr Black!" Dumbledore jumped to his feet

"Yes?" The brothers asked

"STOP THAT!" Dumbledore shouted

"Touched a nerve I think" Harry responded "everyone out"

"I'm not finished here!" Dumbledore said to Hadrius

"Yes, you are" Harry replied "you are finished because you shouted at me and my brothers and you are finished because you tried to break into my mind"

"What?!" Slughorn blurted out "Albus, you didn't, did you?"

Dumbledore paled, he was cursing himself for not realising that the reality defying boy in front of him would be able to have mental shields. Now he was caught, in front of witnesses as well. If this was anybody else he could probably wipe it all under the rug, but this was Hadrius Black. The wandless wonder, the magical miracle and the world's most famous teenager. Even without all of those titles, he was also the heir to the Black family, that alone would be bothersome.

"Yes he did" Harry spoke before Dumbledore could say anything "you tried to look into my mind, which is illegal even if I wasn't the heir to the most ancient and noble house of Black. Come on guys, out before he tries it with any of you"

The others didn't say anything, they obeyed and quickly got out. Dumbledore was glared at by Harry the whole time, almost daring him to try and stop them. Once they were out, Harry slowly made his way to the door, before he got out he took one last look at Dumbledore.

"I'll be contacting my family" He said to the worried old man "expect someone to be in contact with you soon"

The door closed and Harry left the office, he knew that it was a matter of time until Dumbledore tried to read his mind. Now Harry had a good reason to cause him more trouble, he wouldn't be able to get Dumbledore arrested, at least the likelihood of it happening was small. But it would cause Dumbledore problems when it came to image and trust, and that was important.

next chapter
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