42.3% Harry Potter - Carry On Wayward Son / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Promised Meeting

章 11: Chapter 11: The Promised Meeting

November 29th, 2009

Dean and Sam were sitting on the couch, cleaning and tinkering with their guns, while Bobby sat behind his table, going through his books. He wasn't really reading them; its was just a reflex he developed over the years to calm himself.

Either that or resort to drink himself to death over the last few years.

The TV was playing in the background, more as white noise than anything else at this point. There was nothing but disasters and deaths in the last few days. The Winchesters didn't know what Lucifer was up to, but he was definitely preparing the Earth for his arrival.

That or something really was in the air and it suddenly decided to rear its ugly head.

Castile teleported into the house, the Winchesters instantly standing and aiming their backup guns in the direction they heard the tell-tale sign of displaced air.

Even Bobby managed to get out his shotgun before noting the confused angel, "Dammit Castiel, where have you been?"

"I was traveling across the states, trying to determine what Lucifer's intentions are."

Dean just looked at the angel, "We already know what his intentions are – to start the freaking Apocalypse."

Castiel just looked at Dean exhausted, "I am aware of that. I was trying to figure out what his plan is. Since he does not have Sam currently as his vessel, he cannot attack his preferred targets indiscriminately. From what I can gather, he is currently trying to put Heaven into disarray."

Sam raised a brow as he returned to cleaning his guns, "How?"

Castiel looked down, "By sending a giant influx of new souls and prayers to confuse them."

Dean just chuckled, "I doubt that its just that reason that's holding them back from actually interfering."

Castiel nodded, "Do not speak of my family like that, Dean! Not all of my brothers hold the same inclinations as the ones in charge. They simply can not do anything about it. They see what is happening, but they are prevented from doing anything about it."

"Sure." Dean tried not to make that sarcastic, but his anger towards the angels who want to jump start Armageddon bled through. "Did the sigils and wards around the house give you any trouble?"

Castiel looked around the room, noting the new wards inside and outside of it. Bobby was against using real paint – it was his home – so they settled on a brand that could only be seen under black lights. It works just as well and could be later removed.

"Your efforts are impressive – there are more drawn here than when I first met you in that shed."

Bobby put on a smug smile, "I had time to do a lot of research when we were looking up the seals. I put in everything imaginable into this project. I even modified an angel ward only to allow you in. As far as I can tell, this is now the safest spot in the world. No supernatural creature can get to us within these walls."

There was a knock at the door.

Dean looked up, "Are we expecting anyone?"

Bobby shrugged, "Not that I am aware of. Castiel?"

"I have not sensed anything approach."

Another knock. Sam just looked at everyone in the room, "Should someone get it?"

Dean just went back to his gun, "Just ignore it. Pretend we aren't here."

Another knock was heard, "Little, little Pig, let me come in."

No one said anything while Dean just gave everyone confused look.

Another knock was heard before someone shouted, "I know you guys are in there. Someone better open this door before this pie gets cold."

Dena looked up, "Pie?"

He started going toward the front door before asking, "What kind of pie?"

"Apple – don't know what variety. I got it fresh from the bakery in town if that helps."

"Well then, I guess…"

As Dean opened the door, he saw who was standing on the patio.

In a plain black long-sleeve shirt, dark jeans, worn sneakers, and in a pair of square-frame glasses, stood Harry.

He did, in fact, have pie.

"So, are you going to invite me in or do I just walk in?"

Dean quickly put on his best poker face while smiling, "Why do you need permission? Can't you just teleport in?"

Harry smiled, "I am trying to be cordial and friendly here, but if you want to take the aggressive approach…"

Dean thought about it, "Fine, come on in."

Harry smiled as he handed Dean the box with pie in it – Dean confirmed it was apple before letting him in.

Sam looked up as he saw his brother enter the living room, "Who was it…"

Sam's pause made Bobby and Castiel look up to see who it was. While Dean – still keeping his eyes on Harry – was preparing the pie for himself in the kitchen, Harry just casually entered the living room, hands in pockets. He did stop on top of the carpet, looking around the room.

"Nice. There are a lot of stuff I've never seen before," he looked up at the ceiling, brows furrowing and pointing up, "Was the sigil against angels necessary? You already know I can track the Winchester even with the warding Castiel left on their ribs."

Sam thought about it, "That actually slipped my mind."

Harry smiled, "Sure." As he attempted to leave the rug, he felt a force holding him back. He looked down, through the carpet. Bobby noted his pause – it was momentary, like a tell. "Nice job with the Devil's Trap. Hope I remember to mention that to Crowley."

Harry walked through the circle boundary, but everyone caught his struggle to do so. It wasn't an actual effort – more like a choice by the individual to put more effort into the step so as to make noise.

Castiel looked confused as Harry sat down in the chair across the couch, "I ask you again, Harry: what are you?"

Harry smiled, "You want to ask that for the third time? Maybe I will tell you then."

Bobby raised his voice as he started wheeling himself away from his table, "Stop playing with us, boy. If you were of the Fey folk, the sigil in the hall would have stopped you by now. That or the crushed St. John's Wort buried in a circle around this house." (1)

Harry laughed, "Touché. How much did it cost to buy that much 's Wort by the way? I know a leprechaun causing havoc in Atlantic City that I want to get rid of for Crowley's birthday – guy's been nothing but trouble for him recently."

Dean came in to sit on the couch – pie on a plate, fork in the other hand – before he started the conversation, "So, first things first: the pie changes nothing."

Harry rolled his eyes, "It wasn't a peace offering. I was just being courteous – can't exactly enter a house without a gift for the ones living there."

"That's very… human of you."

"Should be – I am one."

Sam leaned forward on the couch, fingers interlocked, elbows on his knees, "Yeah, sure. You promised to tell us everything – are you planning to keep that promise?"

Harry crossed his arms and nodded, "You kind of left me no choice. And yes, I am – I keep my word; I am bound by my word. I also promise to take no action against you: while in this house, I ensure you will remain safe and unharmed during the duration of this peaceful assembly and information exchange."

Castiel approached the couch from the right while Bobby rolled up from the left. Everyone was on their ends of the house, two opposing forces.

Dean was eating his pie while studying the 'child' in front of him. If he didn't already know that Harry was a supernatural being, he wouldn't notice him. Almost five feet tall, he had somewhat long hair that was a sleek shade of black, and deep green eyes. His glasses looked geeky – odd shape or frame probably – but Dean noted they seemed to be prescription-less. Figured they were for appearance rather than functionality. His clothes looked basic – nothing anyone will note or remember. He had no watch, no noticeable body piercing or tattoos, and nothing in his pockets – he came in completely unarmed.

He was either stupid, trusted them, or not even afraid of being in their presence. He was strangely betting on the latter.

Dean put down his fork, "So, you mind telling us your name?"

"I already did – it's Harry."

Dean got a little annoyed, "I mean your full name."

Harry shrugged, "I don't know – never knew my family name, so it's just Harry."

"How old are you then?"

"I am nine."

Dean nodded, apparently impressed, "Wow, nine centuries old. That's old for…."

Harry laughed, "No, I mean I am nine. I was born in 2000."

Castiel just looked at him confused, "That is ridiculous. How can you possibly have so much power at such a young age?"

Harry just looked at the angel annoyed, "How did Jesse have so much power? I just do."

Sam got angry a little too quickly, "What did you do to Jesse?"

"Nothing. All I did was tell him he could do anything he wanted as long he kept to himself, so I recommended that he hide out in Australia for his own safety. I did all of that while you were talking downstairs in his house."

Dean was shocked by this revelation, "Is he safe?"

Harry nodded, "He is. I don't know if he is still there, but he is still alive – I would know. Well, technically, everyone would know. Besides, I have rules against hurting children or even using my powers on them."

The Winchesters and Bobby looked at Castiel, 'The death of such a powerful being would reverberate across the planet with the release of all the energies contained in it."

Harry pointed to Castiel, "Points for the angel in the John Constantine coat. Speaking of which, how are you feeling by the way? That was the first time I ever transferred energy into anyone."

"Yes, I am fine now. The energy was very foreign, but I managed to change it to suit my needs."

Harry nodded, "Yeah. It was tricky to separate the angel energy from my essence – some other stuff must have mixed in as well."

Dean looked at Harry confused, "What other energy can you possibly be mixed in there? You said you are a wizard. Speaking of which, what is a wizard?"

Harry breathed out, getting ready for a speech, "You know, I don't want to monolog, since its one of those things that cheesy villains do, but I guess it's necessary I'll violate my rules just for you. Let's start with the easy stuff. Witches and warlocks can be broken down into three classes. The are the 'Borrowers' who make deals with demonic forces. There are the 'Naturals' who are born with it. Then there are the 'Students' who learn it through practice and training. Now, people use spells and rituals on and off to take care of problems are none of the above since 'Students' take months or years of repeated magical exposure to become what they are. Although, a Hunter could become a 'Student' if they had the time or proclivity, like Mr. Singer other there."

Bobby looked a little flabbergasted at the notion of being called a warlock. Dean looked at Castiel for confirmation, "He is telling the truth, Dean. Although it is interesting to hear it summarized as such."

Harry nodded, "It's how Gabriel described it to me. Now, wizards are in the center of the three. They are born as 'Naturals,' they practice through life as 'Students,' and they 'Borrow' energy from the very air and earth around them. As a side benefit, their souls are uber-charge and fortified. If human souls are car brands from Acura to Volvo, then wizard souls are the freaking Transformers – or your Impala."

Dean caught his attempt at appeasing his vanity – he noted it for later. "How come we never heard of wizards?"

"There used to be more common, but at some point in the 16th century, they went into some deep hiding. And when I say deep, I mean 'beyond the veil' deep. They spend years preparing and with the spells they weaved, so even the likes of Gabriel couldn't find them. Some niche of creatures or specific gods can probably do it, but they will probably keep it to themselves. It's like they bent spaces in the world and made pockets for themselves. Some still live in the human world, and some are even born out of the ordinary humanity. But mostly, they stay hidden in their little magic lands."

Sam first to ask, "So what are you then? Cus' if a wizard is this powerful, shouldn't they conquered the world by now?"

Harry sighed, "Normally, this would be a quid pro quo situation, Clarice (2). Unfortunately, seeing as I know A LOT about you lot, let's keep question less personal – or else I will start asking them."

Dean laughed, "Easy there, Hannibal Lecter. Fine, how about… for every two of our questions, you get one?"

Harry leaned forward, "Let's not – some questions give away more information than others. How about we pretend we are educated individuals who are able to tell when an equal amount of information has been exchanged? We are all here in good faith."

Dean looked around the room, confirmed the nods, and nodded to Harry agreeing to the terms.

"Good. So, let's begin – you go first."

Dean nodded and started the interrogation.

"Are you a wizard or something else?"

"I was initially a wizard, but I am now part angel and demon as well."


"Modified Essentia Commutationem Ritual – ask the angel what it is later."


Harry paused, "Sorry, but I don't really feel like telling that story."

Castiel interrupted, "I believe you will have to. The Essentia Commutationem Ritual was lost centuries ago and used to drain unwilling subjects to fuel spells or enslave them. The fact one was used on you means that you are an unwilling subject in the efforts of Crowley and my brother Gabriel. This means that anything you say can be held in contempt as you are possibly not in full control of your free-will and decisions. Unless you tell us why the ritual was used on you, anything you say – even your initial promise – will be false, including your statement regarding ending the Apocalypse. This means that if you attempt to leave this home, you will be relegated as our enemy and all possible future meetings will be on the field of battle."

Dean just looked at the angel in surprise, while Sam was openly gawking.

Harry was bug-eyed but managed to smile and recover, "Dean kept leaving 'Law & Order' for you to watch in motels, didn't he?"

The angel didn't deny it – he kept trying to look elsewhere, rubbing his neck in a tell-tale sign of discomfort.

Harry sighed, "Look, I am sorry, but despite what you believe, I own nothing but good-will to Crowley and Gabriel. They are the closest things I have to parents… Although that would make Crowley the mom and Gabriel the dad…Anyway, if this is such an impasse for you, I guess our meeting is at an end. I would really prefer no to violate the promise we have made but if you don't want to continue…"

Harry stood up from the chair and attempted to leave, but a something prevented him. "What the…"

Sam chuckled, "I thought so."

Dean looked at his brother, "What did you do?"

Harry pushed his hands against the barrier, akin to a mime pushing against empty air.

Castiel interjected, "I would like to know as well. He was immune to all the wards in this house. What did you use?"

Harry finally figured it out, "It wasn't a ward. It's under the chair isn't it, right? Small range – about 2 or 3 feet from the chair after initial contact, passcode deactivated?"

Sam smiled, "Right on all accounts."

Bobby whistled, "Just what in god's name did you use, boy?"

"It came to me when we were doing the kitchen wards. I wondered how he kept avoiding detection from everyone. I mean, they all sensed the magics he used at the scenes but not before hand? Seemed odd – unless you consider the option that until he uses magics, he is basically invisible to everyone. Granted, he could still be seen but who pays attention to a child? After Castiel had revealed how our memory was manipulated and what little you have given us, my hypothesis was correct – you're in flux aren't you?"

Harry gave a feral smile as San continued, "It was the only thing that made sense. Your essence may be a mix, but it's your magic that makes you untraceable. People always through around the phrase 'chaos magic' in fiction – but your just that, chaos."

Castiel looked at the Winchester, "Sam, what you speak of is ludicrous. Chaos is impossible to use or even master."

"I never said he uses it. It's more correct to say that he allows chaos to use him and in return, he is allowed to used the primal universal energy as fuel for the magics we are aware of. It's this use of different energy – or fuel – for his spells that allowed him to avoid detection. Think of it as using stem cells to do his work – the energy changes to fit situation but until then, it's impossible to distinguish. So, working on that assumption, I placed a simple containment ward inside a prison ward. The inner layer removes him from outside energies like a Faraday cage (3), and the outer ward keeps him inside like an actual cage."

Harry clapped his hands, almost nonchalantly, "Props to the smarter Winchester. You are partially correct as you only gave at best half an answer. In all fairness though, its more Scarlet Witch then Shadow the Hedgehog in regards to chaos control but that is neither here nor there. But for your efforts, I believe a reward is justified. However, you do something like that again, I will violate my personal beliefs just for you boys."

Harry paused, looking around before answering as Sam was dealing with the realization that he simply got lucky with his guess, "It's a rather personal story, so don't get paranoid if I leave certain details out, deal?"

After everyone had nodded, Harry continued, "I don't how, why, or when, but I was made into a cursed object. As you can imagine, that is just something that is not supposed to happen. I don't know if it was done by my birth parents or their enemies – I never bothered checking but more likely then not it was one of their adversaries. The relatives I was placed with fell victim to the effects of the curse, and my first six years of life were torture. Personally, the fact that my aunt spoke nothing but venom and acid of my parents makes my earlier statement regarding my predicament more likely – you don't say that about people who screwed up but rather those whose success you are jealous of."

Harry stood up and took off his shirt, allowing the everyone to get a good look at all of his scars and burns on his torso and arms. Even after all these years, Gabriel's healing still hasn't gotten rid of the injuries. Even Dean, hardened over time, winced at the sight of it.

Everyone was shocked by it, and Bobby was first to ponder, 'Were you…"

"Everything short of sexual abuse happened to me in that house. As you can imagine, when Crowley happened to come across me a few years back, I didn't even pause when he asked me to assist in torturing them. He assures me that they are still burning in Hell – he personally ensured it. Now, I won't tell you how Gabriel and Crowley are acquainted, but they were friendly enough to agree to take part of the ritual that cleansed me of all my evils. There were however…complications."

Castiel sat on the edge of the couch before saying, "Indeed. I can understand why they choose to use the ritual in its modified state – that was the best way to access your natural energies to remove the dark miasma from you. How bad was it?"

Harry put on his shirt and sat down, "The ritual itself was successful – the angel and demon essence mixed into my being, cleansed me of the curse… and other things… but it was the aftereffects that got to me… Do you remember the case you had about the people in Las Vegas who lost their emotions?"

Bobby perked up, "That was you? Those people were broken when they recovered."

Harry gave the old man a chuckle of indignation, "Last time I checked – which was recently – of the 24 people, only 1 killed himself; 3 died from natural causes, and the rest are on average, better off than they were before. Granted, a few got divorced but they remarried soon after. Besides, they recovered some of their emotions."

Bobby raised his brow, "You kept tabs on the people who you drained?"

Harry looked at Bobby, confused by the notion, "Just because I am no longer technically human, it doesn't mean that I don't own those people for what they 'offered' me."

Castiel got angry at that, "Your word choice indicates that you see yourself as a god…"

Harry went from cheerful to furious in a split-second as he stared at the angel, "NEVER MENTION SUCH A NOTION EVER AGAIN IN MY PRESENCE!"

Castiel's voice got caught in his throat, like a mute trying to talk. As the angel went to his throat, the Winchesters took out their weapons and pointed them at Harry, "What did you do to him?"

Harry slowly realized what happened before continuing, "SPEAK."

Castiel gasped out – heavily – before regaining his breath, "What…was…that?"

Harry calmed down as he breathed in and out, "That…was one of the ways I managed to manipulate circumstances to ensure the completion and delay of certain seals. Think of it as a 'Voice of Compulsion' – I just simply like to think of it as part of my natural abilities. Don't worry, though, I doubt any of you will ever fall victim to it now that you have seen and heard it so you can look for the tell. But back to what you said Castiel; never mention God in my presence. I lost all respect for him when he never answered my prayers."

"God works in mysterious ways…"

"God hasn't gotten involved with humanity in over a millennia, so don't spout that garbage to me."

Castiel flicked out an angel blade, ready to jump Harry, "That is my maker you are speaking against."

Harry smiled while Dean gave him a look, "Word of advice – don't piss off the nerd angel."

Harry continued smiling, "Word of advice to you, Dean Winchester – don't make me break my promises. You will come to regret it dearly."

Sam raised his hands in between Castiel and Harry, "Let's all calm down now. No need to kill anyone."

Castiel and Harry glared at each other, but the angel flinched first when he put away his blade.

Harry leaned back into his chair, "I don't want to be enemies with you Castiel – you are one of the few good angels out there. I just can't say the same for God – or most gods for that matter.

Bobby asked, "What do you mean?"

"I was educated about the Old Gods and the New God. Eventually, based on what I read and Gabriel's first-hand accounts, I realized that in essence, most were douchbags. There were a few rare exceptions of gods who were decent and did their jobs, but they were overlooked by the fuck-ups of their more well known tabloid family members."

Sam looked confused, "Like who?"

Harry smiled, "Well, let's look at the most well-known pantheon of Gods – the Greek. Of all of them, the only ones who got the raw end of the stick were Artemis, Athena, Hephaestus, and Hades – ESPECIALLY HADES (4). Seriously, when the rest of the gods were screwed up in one way or another, those four tried to make the best of a bad situation. The others may have had moments of redemption, but they were too rare and spaced out to be noticed."

Harry calmed down before sitting back down in his chair while the rest of the people got settled in, "Anyway… I am not a god or the God nor do I want to be thought as one. I simply want to live in peace with my family, away from all the chaos ironically. I don't want to be involved with the other hectic things that happen in the world. The fact that the Armageddon was upon us interfered with that, which is why I did everything in my efforts to ensure it wouldn't occur. It is because of this that I started the fall of the dominoes by marking Dean's grave."

Dean jumped out of his seat, "THAT WAS YOU?"

"Who else could have left that car and supplies close enough for you to use, as well as ensure that you and Bobby could find Sam?"

Sam looked at Bobby, realizing that they were being manipulated for a very, very long time.

"I guess you can figure out what I did after that, right? When I 'rescued' you from Zachariah's manipulations, you managed to remember that I always kept an eye you. That was because you were necessary for the end of the Apocalypse. It could have ended sooner if SOMEONE didn't kill Lilith," Harry said that while looking at Sam. "Do you know how bad of a migraine you gave me when you messed my plans up so badly? I had to give up my plans to go relaxing with the parents for redoubling my efforts in sealing up Lucifer and contain the Horsemen influence."

Castiel looked up, "Contain? What do you mean contain the Horsemen?"

Harry looked at the angel, "Look, I know you weren't around when the Horsemen showed up the first time, but do you think their zones of influence are supposed to be so small? Hell, the last time they showed up, they destroyed a whole nation just by their presence."

Bobby thought about, "He is right, but why haven't they…"

"Because they are arrogant megalomaniacs who would never admit that they don't have full access to their powers. Well, most of them anyway – nothing I could do about Death except try to prevent his summoning."

Sam perked up, "How did you do that by the way?"

Harry shrugged, "Wasn't that hard: all I did was create a wall of life around Carthage to prevent death from leaking in."

Dean just got flabbergasted at that, "How do you create 'life'?"

Harry laughed, "With assistance from a lot of Cupids, a lot of alcohol, and overall insurance that the towns and states around Carthage had a general feeling of positivity, safety, and… well… the feeling of life."

Castiel nodded, "That is why so many Reapers were called in – that was the only way so much positive energy could be counteracted."

Harry nodded, "Yeah… It seems like Lucifer finally caught on to the fact that my team was involved in trying to prevent his rising. He doesn't know who is on my side – or how many there are – which is a good thing since he didn't figure out that Crowley gave you the Colt. Speaking of which, where is it?"

Bobby rolled up to his desk from which he pulled out the Colt. Even from so far, Harry took a good long look as the old man moved back to his initial position, "I guess Gabriel was right – there are some things the gun can't kill. Did Lucifer mention what it can't kill?"

Dean shook his head, "No – he only said that there are five things in all of creation the gun can't kill."

Harry got surprised at that and began to take a closer look at the gun, activating his 2nd level of Sight.

Usually, seeing Harry's eyes undergo the color shift always scares newcomers – which it did. Dean and Sam jumped back in shock, Bobby nearly tipped over, and Castiel pulled an angel blade out of his sleeve - again.

What they didn't expect to see is Harry jump away from the gun, completely ignoring everyone else. "GET THAT THING AS FAR AWAY FROM ME AS POSSIBLE!"

Bobby realized that for the first time, Harry showed actual panic. He quickly rolled back to his table while Castiel and the Winchesters kept their eyes on Harry – who was doing is best to get as far away from the Colt as possible.

Dean was first to ask, "Okay, what the hell was that? What happened to your eyes? Did you see something in the Colt?"

Harry calmed down, turning off his Sight, before continuing, "My eyes? That was the second part of my natural abilities. Its what allowed me to avoid detection and manipulate situations to get to this point. I won't tell you how it works or how I got it. I will tell you that it gives me… special sight. Sight which allowed me to see the Colt in its true form."

Sam leaned forward, "And that is as…?"

"As a paradox."

Castiel looked at Harry confused, "As a paradox? Do you mean a temporal paradox?"

Harry nodded, "Yup. At some point in time, that… thing… becomes a paradox. I can tell you that initially, that was a magical gun, one probably made with the assistance of a wizard or with some forgotten magic. But at some point in that weapons past – or even its future – that gun ends up in the past, causing a temporal loop in its existence." (5)

Dean looked at Sammy, "What is he saying? Translate dweeb."

Sam got annoyed at his brother's comment but continued, "He means at some point that gun went all 'Back to the Future' by someone's hand, causing there to be TWO Colts at the same time. That or reality corrected itself, and made sure to cause the destruction of the older Colt at that point." (5)

Harry nodded, "My guess is that Dean does it."

Dean just looked at Harry before he was interrupted, "Look, knowing how you guys live, one way or another, that thing will either break, or you just need to go back in time to meet Samuel Colt for one reason or another."

Sam nodded, "He isn't wrong. You already have an unhealthy love of westerns, and since we don't know how to fix the Colt itself…"

"Don't overthink it, Sam, it doesn't help," interrupted Harry, "but please, don't make me touch it. My nature and that gun won't mix well."

Sam looked at Harry, "Are you that closely tied to chaos that a paradox would kill you?"

"Not just me – everyone in a three state radius. If I ever touch anything that has contradictory, paradoxical, or forced order on the universe – I am the next Krakatoa."

Bobby looked at Harry a little annoyed, "How can you be so sure?"

"Because Gabriel saw something similar with a meteor made of an alien mineral back in 1908."

Sam thought about it, "Wait…1908…was it in Russia?"

Dean realized what he was talking about, "Gabriel caused the Tunguska Event?"

Everyone gave a weird look, after which Dean replied, "It was a mysterious giant explosion – sue me for being interested. But seriously, what happened?"

"Long story short, Rasputin was, in fact, a Mad Warlock and not a Mad Monk. He tried to open a portal to summon something using a piece of a meteorite that he got out of a crossroad deal two years before. He figured the being he could have summoned would have gotten him out of his deal. But things happened and… BOOM! Only his contract kept him alive."

"Huh. What do you know? You learn something new every day."

Harry nodded to Bobby, "Speaking of which, how come you guys never use angel blades?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I know you don't bring it up because of Castiel, but you have killed a few of his brothers, all who carried at least one angel blade, a weapon capable of killing MOST CREATURES. So… how come you never, you know, pilfer the goods for yourself?" (6)

Castiel coughed in understanding, "I believe I can explain."

Everyone looked at the angel, "Alright, I can not. The truth is that I just assumed that no human could wield an angel blade."

Harry laughed, "Seriously? What, did you expect them to blow up or something from holding your blade?"

Dean reached out his hand to the angel, "Give it."

Castiel looked slowly at the blade in his hand before tossing it to Dean, who caught it without issue. Dean checked it in his hand, "Seems like a regular dagger to me - although it does feel a little weird…"

Harry looked at the angel weapon, "That's because it is linked to your soul. Guess it needed something for fuel. Don't worry, though, the soul grows back, and it's not taking enough to cause significant damage – unless you have repetitive kills in a short amount of time."

Sam asked in confusion, "How many is repetitive?"

Harry thought for a second, "I want to say that the type of supernatural being killed will matter, but I believe that a human like Dean can kill about six angels in a single day with it. Sam can probably kill ten. Bobby – maybe two."

Bobby just looked at Harry in anger before the boy responded, "Sorry, but age is a factor, and Sam grew up on demon blood. You soul may be tough and resistant like an aged hide but face it, your broken. Still, an ordinary human can't even kill one being with an angel blade. It's probably why Castiel believed that the angel blade would kill you."

Dean looked confused, "Does that mean you can use it?"

Harry looked at the weapon, "I want to say yes but…" Harry activated his Sight's 2nd level again, taking a quick look at the blade before turning them off. "No, sorry, I am too much for a regular angel blade. A demon can use an angel blade, though, just for future reference. My essence would overload it with repeated use. Bullets made of angel metal is a different story…"

Bobby looked at the blade again, "You can forge these suckers into bullets?"

Castiel shook his head in disappointment, "Not unless you have access to something as hot as a volcano."

Harry thought about it, "Noted. Anything else you guys want to ask me?"

Bobby leaned up, "We have a list – mostly about how you manipulate both sides into breaking or delaying each seal."

Harry's smile changed into a frown, "Balls."

An hour past in the Singer home.

Most of that time was Harry recalling how he caused all the events that led up to this point. If it wasn't for his modified memory, he doubted he could have done that.

Everyone was exhausted from the ordeal, mostly Harry.

"Alright, I think we covered everything. Any last questions?"

Harry looked around the room. Castiel was just the observer, keeping his questions to himself and just listening. Bobby went through his list again to make sure they covered everything while Sam tapped his fingers.

Dean finished his third beer, put it down, and asked, "I got a question. How are you still alive?"

Harry stopped.

"You keep saying that you use the natural entropy – the chaos of the universe – to fuel your magic. But chaos can't be contained. I only got lucky with the ward I put under your chair. Also, we have been talking for an hour with no negative consequences for your well being despite being cut off from your power source. So basically… what gives?"

Harry got up and started passing in what little space he had, "Your logic isn't exactly flawed but it is limited. Your are only seeing the scientific half of entropy and not its more… metaphysical aspect so to say. Just follow this reasoning if it helps. Since entropy of the universe always rises, I will never run out of energy as long as I stay connected to the source of it per se. But since my body naturally takes that energy in to fuel my abilities, I can overload and die from said chaos if I am not careful."

"How do you die from chaos?"

"Take your pick – its chaos, the unpredictable nature of the universe. If the bad luck doesn't, then the poisoning would before I simply explode from excess energy."

Harry sat back in his chair, "My rules – my personal boundaries, morals and beliefs – are what put limiters on my powers to ensure that doesn't happen – that I don't lose control. Think of it like organized chaos: that within the disorder there is some sense of order. Granted, it makes me weaker since I am basically putting a tsunami through a high powered hose, but I am still stronger than most beings out there. I can willingly 'let go' and indulge the 'crazy' for a power boost, but it doesn't end well for me if I do – or for those around me. Besides, it makes me go cuckoo for coco-puffs for a while afterwards: think of it like a hangover on steroids and crack. But that doesn't mean that its easy even if I don't use chaos at all."


Harry sighed, "Every day is a struggle for me; chaos is primal, always acting on the basic urges present in everyone. With everything happening in the world due to the impending Apocalypse and the chaos I keep on tap, all the extra chaos will kill me with time if I don't let it out periodically. I am currently the only conduit that I know of that uses chaos, which means I am its only outgoing tap. With each passing week and eventually each passing day, I have to either use more and more magic everyday or intoxicate myself to the source to ensure that I don't die – I can't live like that. While letting the chaos flow through me is much more effective, the after affects are more… severe. And when I say flow through I am being literal, I don't call myself a conduit of chaos for shits and giggles: I literally become an Acolyte of Chaos if I decide to go down that rode and trust me, you do not want to be around me when I do."

Sam thought about it, "Does that mean that you are weaker than beings like Jesse and Archangels?"

"It's is better to say that they have the use of higher-tier abilities since they can manipulate reality and I can't – even with access to more of my energy supplies. However, I make up for it with having much more useful and diverse range of skills and abilities – as well as the use of spells and rituals. Also, compared to those beings, my energy reserves are significantly greater even if circumstantial based on the global circumstances. So on paper, anyone who can manipulate reality – or is an actual god - already seems stronger than me based on the givens. In reality, even in a straight up fight, I can hold my ground. If I release my limiters – even for a moment and if I am ready to deal with the consequence – nothing would remain of my enemy. But I will admit that at my current level of experience, skill, and knowledge, Gabriel can still easily beat me at full power – and he is the weakest Archangel, mind you."

Dean was about to ask something else before Harry interrupted, "Look, I am sorry, but I am divulging too much as it is. While there is other stuff regarding how my magic and body works and the dangers of me using my powers unregulated, there is nothing you can offer me in return for all the information I am giving you. So please, in good conscious, release me, please."

"Don't do that, Sam," interrupted Castiel before Sam could speak. "He is too dangerous to be released."

Sam looked at Castiel, "Cass, he told us everything – what else do you want from him? He kept his promise…"

"He is too dangerous."

Dean laughed, "I agree with you Cass, but if we keep him prisoner then we are no better than the monsters we fight. Besides, he promised he wouldn't harm us."

Castiel just couldn't agree, "It does not matter, Dean! You saw what he has done with minimal effort. Do you want to release this so called child into the world to do as he pleases? Do you think his so called rules will hold him back?"

Harry started laughing – like a supervillian, mind you – before he gave Castiel a look, "Castiel, no matter how weak I am in this ward, do you really think you can take me?"

Harry laughed again, "Angel, your ego is writing checks your body can't cash."

Harry slowly got up and walked to the edge of his ward, "I would like to remind you, angel, that I am a not decent man. I am not a righteous man like Dean nor am I a sincere and forgiving man like Sam. I am, however, an honest man who keeps his promises and remembers my debts. So let me give you a little warning for the future, CASTIEL – Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many."

Harry released the energy that he kept stored in himself in case of emergencies, creating a pulse that shattered and removed all the wards and sigils that the Winchesters and Bobby spend days making.

Dean looked at Sam in panic, but before Castiel could get this blade out again, Harry raised his hand and froze everyone in place.

"I am sorry for restraining you all, but I am afraid that I thought my life was in imminent danger. Honestly, I don't understand how you managed to survive so long with all creatures who have telekinesis and could easily snap your necks," Harry used his free hand to rub his temple, "However… since I broke the seal and violated my promise not to take action against you, I am at fault."

Harry dropped his hand, which allowed everyone to move again, "Again, I am sorry for restraining you. No hard feelings?"

Dean dusted himself off while giving Castiel a glare that caused the angel to look down in shame, "Don't worry about – it's already forgotten. Will we be seeing you again?"

"I want to say no, but that is unlikely given the circumstances we are in and the destiny you boys hold. No, all I can say with certainty is that I will keep my distance from you and not interfere in your lives more than necessary until the end of the Apocalypse."

"And afterward?"

Harry shrugged, "I don't know – we become pen pals? (7) When the war ends, we keep to ourselves and stay out of each other's paths. I mean, I don't know, we can call each other for help, but I doubt that will happen since... you know… Crowley."

Dean nodded, "Yeah, I see how that could be an issue." Dean rubbed the back of his head, thinking something over, "I guess it would be a good idea to keep in touch when this is all over. I mean, you are technically an honorary Hunter with everything you have done so I can't hate you for the friends you keep."

Harry nodded, offering his hand to Dean, "Shake on it?"

Dean was about to do so before asking, "I am not offering you my soul or anything am I?"

Harry chuckled, "No, this is just a handshake. No tricks, no gimmicks – just a promise to maintain our distance unless the situation calls for it… That, and a promise to keep in touch in the future."

Dean didn't budge, so Harry pulled out a pie out of nowhere to Deans surprise, "Will another pie change your mind?"

"Normally, I would ask if how you pulled that pie out of your ass but… it's pie. Plus, you behaved yourself… Bygones be bygones."

This was a momentous occasion when Dean shook Harry's hand – neither knew what would come out of this situation in the future.

Castiel was fully against it.

Sam was with his brother – but he still kept a though in the back of his head of how to contain Harry the next time they met.

Bobby was just glad that he no longer had to remove the invisible paint since Harry did it for them.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


