Harry Lightbolt: Forgotten Genius Harry Lightbolt: Forgotten Genius original

Harry Lightbolt: Forgotten Genius

作者: EdgyEdgelord101

© WebNovel

1 - Bye


A door was blasted open, revealing a cloaked figure that glided through the now empty doorway and into the house.

The figure made its way upstairs where there was faint crying coming out of one of the rooms.

The door to said room swung open, banging the wall as it did so. The figure slowly made its way inside and observed the inhabitants of the room.

In a crib, there were two boys, both 1 years old.

One had red/brown hair and brown eyes, he was sitting down and crying, looking in fear at the hooded figure that seemed to emanate evil and power.

The other boy inside the crib had raven-black hair and bright green eyes that seemed to see into your soul, they held no fear and only curiosity inside, he was standing in the crib and had his head titled slightly to the slide.

The shrouded figure peered down at the 2 toddlers and sneered, a cold, silky smooth voice came out,

"You? You have the power to defeat me? Lord Voldemort, the greatest dark lord of all time? Ignorant fools, I am immortal, nobody can defeat me, especially not two filthy brats born to a mud blood!"

The figure pointed his wand at the two children and a green light filled the room, before the light could hit the two boys, the black-haired, green-eyed boy lifted his hand and just before the curse hit, the child's hand glowed a golden colour and the green light bounced back, hitting the figure.

A deafening screech filled the room, a spirit flew out of the now destroyed room and out of the window, leaving only its robes behind.

As for the two children, the black-haired, green-eyed boy who's name was Harry was unconscious and had a lightning bolt shaped scar that glowed an eery red colour on his forehead.

The other boy, known as Jack, was still awake and crying, he had a V-shaped scar on his left cheek that was a dimmer red colour.

After 20-30 seconds of the room being filled with nothing other than the sound of a baby's cry, multiple popping sounds came from downstairs and multiple figures rushed into the room looking quite panicked.

A hysterical voice was exclaiming "My babies! Where are they?! Are they ok!?"

An elderly man with a long silvery beard and half-moon spectacles calmed the woman, "Lily, your children are fine, they're still breathing, please calm down.."

Another voice said "Albus, what happened to V-voldemort? Is he dead?" This voice belonged to a young adult with glasses, dark brown hair and hazel eyes, his name was James Potter.

"It seems Voldemort is gone, for now." He lifted up the red/brown haired boy and examined the scar on his cheek, his face suddenly took on a victorious expression and he exclaimed,

"The prophecy has been fulfilled, I present to you Jack Potter, The boy-who-lived."

The red-haired woman, identified as Lily still had a worried look on her face, "What about Harry?"

The elderly man, Albus, shifted his attention to the black haired boy and examined him.

"It's nothing to worry about, it seems he's just suffering from magical exhaustion, he also has a scar that must have rebounded when the curse bounced off young Jack here and grazed his head but it's nothing to worry about."

If the elderly man wasn't so prideful and arrogant, he might have discovered that his analysis was wrong, and that the curse had bounced off of Harry and instead grazed Jack, alas, the old man had been told how great he was so many times that he started to believe them himself and didn't think for a moment that his proclamation of Jack being the 'boy-who-lived' was wrong.

"Young Jack here will need to be trained, i'm afraid I don't believe Voldemort is fully dead and he will eventually return, Jack will have to fight against Voldemort to full-fill the prophecy"

The young, red-headed woman still looked worried, "Is there any other way? He's just a boy he should be able to live a normal childhood, not be trained, what about Harry?"

The elderly man calmed the woman down, not looking worried at all, "No need to worry Lily, Jack will be able to have a normal childhood like anybody else, he'll just learn spells earlier than the others, as for young Harry here, he is not in any danger and will be fine, he can live a normal life without danger."

The Young adult called James had a proud look on his face, "My son defeated Voldemort! Haha, he'll be famous, a hero, and he's my son! Haha!"

--- 6 Years Later ---

A black-haired boy was staring down at a book with intelligent, calm green eyes that looked as if they glowed, the book was being flipped at a pace that suggested he was skimming through the pages or was a very fast reader.

Downstairs you could hear multiple voices,

"Happy Birthday, Jack!"

"-aby boy is 7 already!"

"-ur presents!"

It was the 7th birthday of the boy-who-lived. Despite being twins, the young boy called Harry wasn't celebrating like the rest and was upstairs, forgotten or ignored by almost everyone.

'Sigh, why did it have to be like this' he thought sadly.

The first few years, Harry's life wasn't all that bad, 'Lily', while paying more attention to Jack, still loved and cared for him like any other child and while 'James' who he refuses to call his father anymore, obviously paid more attention to Jack, but he didn't magically forget his other son.

'But now, it seems, they've finally stopped caring about me'. They forgot his birthday last year and now this year he was forgotten too, it's slowly reached the point where they no longer call him down for dinner, don't give him gifts or pocket money and sometimes forget he even exists which has been happening for longer periods of time and more frequently over the years.

Closing the book and putting it to the side, he lifted his hand where another book on the shelf flew into it. Even though he was only 7, he was already able to do basic wandless magic like summoning and levitating things.

Even though he was 7, he was more mature than some adults, he never threw tantrums, and never acted spoilt.

But he'd finally had enough, this time, even Padfoot and Moony had forgotten about him.

The child waved his hand over his feet and soon after started walking towards his brothers room with his footsteps being unnaturally silent.

He walked towards his brothers room, under an invisibility cloak which he got from the spoilt brat who has so many cool and new things that he probably hadn't even noticed it had gone.

Not that he needed it, he could probably walk in there while stomping his feet and they'd still not question him but, better safe then sorry.

Walking into the room that had so many expensive toys and items that it was crowded, with a gold and red colour scheme, he walked over towards a red pouch on a shelf and snatched it up.

'Hmm, 34 galleons. What sort of 7 year old gets that much money to spend however he likes? He has everything he could ever want or need in the first place, sigh.' After scouring the room, he ended up finding more than 60 galleons lying around. He also has a trunk full of books from the Potter library that nobody seems to have missed, despite their rarity, even though he has already read them and has an eidetic memory, they'd be good to sell or read for entertainment.

He slowly made his way downstairs and stared, under the cloak, at the family that looked so happy without him, there were 10's of people in the room showering him with praises and gifts that the red/brown haired, brown eyed boy who still had lots of baby fat seemed to soak up and love every second of it.

'They don't need me, they don't want me, i'll show them how much better I am, just you wait, from now on i'm not a Potter.. I'll be.. I don't know, but not a Potter'


With that thought, he walked towards the floo, took a handful of powder and said 'Diagon Alley'.


"Huh, did you hear that?"

"Hear what Lily-dear?"

"Oh, nothing, it must have been my imagination. Come on Jack, let's open another gift"

"No! I want chocowut cake!"

"Of course sweety, let's go get some!"



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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


