/ Anime & Comics / Haki User in Naruto

Haki User in Naruto オリジナル

Haki User in Naruto

Anime & Comics 24 章 1.2M ビュー
作者: komega

3.28 (23 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Hatsuo is your normal human from earth reborn in the world of Naruto. He was born into the Uchiha clan, but unlike the other Uchiha members, he was born with a weird body that doesn't have chakra(Means, he can't use chakra. Read it, you should be able to understand what I mean.), in a world where even the normal citizens have small amounts of chakra. So, as an orphan, he was treated horribly by everyone in the clan.

As he was going through his father's belongings he found a scroll, which he understood. He was shocked to find the scroll as it was written in English, a language that wasn't spoken in the world of Naruto.

When he opened the scroll, he found two techniques that would change his whole life. So, with hatred towards the clan and the desire to not live his second life normally like his previous one, he sets out to change the Naruto world.

I don't own anything and I am writing this for fun. There won't be a perfect plot and not many would like it.

No One 17 and Under Admitted
  1. komega
    komega 貢献した 15
  2. Frank_X
    Frank_X 貢献した 6
  3. Kunka_Pirates
    Kunka_Pirates 貢献した 6


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • 翻訳品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



Ugh where should I start, the character interactions are really weird. 3 year old characters are acting like their teenager selves from the anime. Our 3 year old MC is trying to flirt with Ino Yamanaka. A 3 year old Naruto is speaking like his 16 year old self and telling he is going to be the Hokage calmly. That same 3 year old Naruto lives alone, goes to market to buy cup ramen to fill up his stocks. But it all totally makes sense. Let me tell you how. Kakashi became genin at 5 years old. As in someone who fights and kills in the name of Konoha. And someone who is granted adult rights and responsibilities. So he is as capable as an adult, and can do anything an adult can do. So someone 2 years younger than an adult Kakashi is nearly an adult himself. So he can flirt, start using alcohol, have unprotected seggs, become a member of gangs, sell drugs. These are some examples a normal 3 year old child in Elemental Nations is capable of.

5 の返信を表示する

I hate this fan fiction with all my heart. ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ...................

2 の返信を表示する

this woulf be good but the mc is to passive and scared of anything...boasts of defying Destiny and fate yet is too scared to even try to fight back himself such a hypocrite...another potential masterpiece ruined by yet another incompetent and stupid author...

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Nul [img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

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Me decepcionó un poco el desarrollo del fanfic, que no tenga chakra, se me hace que era mejor que tenga el mismo problema de lee, lo del pergamino que encontro es un boludes también, luego la parte de las serpientes no me gusto ni un poco, con la cantidad de personajes en naruto disponibles el prota se va a cojer con serpientes

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I'm only going through the first chapter, but I must say that it was a good one, besides that the idea of ​​the novel is good, I will be attentive to the update and I hope there are more chapters.

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this isnt a review but a question can he use a sharingan without his chakra? i gave 4 star cause i haven't read yet. ....................................

2 の返信を表示する

A pretty interesting idea. It's pretty good so far (chapter 2). [img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp]

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Это какая-то хрень. Я читал много всякого... Эта вещь не так что бы уж слишком плоха... Наруто все таки, но то как развивается история, герой... слишком все... странно и не логично... не могу это читать дальше

0 の返信を表示する

this woulf be good but the mc is to passive and scared of anything...boasts of defying Destiny and fate yet is too scared to even try to fight back himself such a hypocrite...another potential masterpiece ruined by yet another incompetent and stupid author...

0 の返信を表示する

Readable but bad plot an character. The day before Uchiha clan death MC decided to leave village which I am in agreement with, what happens is MC goes on a sightseeing tour of village, save a women in need, then go on a date after that meet an anbu an then trains with said anbu wasting the entire day of escape. All this is done just for word count an doesn't add anything to plot, character or anything else. So don't read this book.

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the novel is excellent, I did not find anything bad, I do not know why it has such a low score, there are many animes, manga, novels in which the protagonist has non-human women as wives such as beasts, dragons, phoenixes and more. That the protagonist has some snakes as a wife I don't see anything bad (the snakes are from the cave of the snake sage, the ones that appear in Boruto, those are the wives of the protagonist, half human half snakes) read this novel that is excellent.

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Not bad! It's unique in a sense but doesn't feel wrong nor bad to read, the MC is acceptable and the story is nice, I see a lot of potential in this fanfic, the type were the MC goes to other anime worlds. [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

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Nicely written, with some very minor grammatical issues. You should tag this as AU though, I know some people don't like that, and it's nice to know in advance.

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This is a super amazing story no world, I'm super excited to see what comes next, please don't give up on this idea. I and a lot of fans out there are frantically waiting and hoping for the next chapter 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾

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This is good just wondering when you planning updating the story. I enjoyed it and want more of it. Hopefully we can get Anko to join the harem.

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The premise of the story is honestly promising. There is room for improvement. One such was is to remove the childishness from the description of the protagonist’ actions. Ex: I picked up a rock and threw it at his balls. It would be best to say “ I picked up a rock and tossed it at his groin” minor changes, but adds a whole new tone. There’s also the fact that the characters’ manner of speech are much too mature for their age. (All those are observations from the the first two chapters)

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LV 3 Badge

¡Gracias por el capitulo! ♡.♡~☆.☆ ¡Gracias por el capitulo! ♡.♡~☆.☆ ¡Gracias por el capitulo! ♡.♡~☆.☆ ¡Gracias por el capitulo! ♡.♡~☆.☆ ¡Gracias por el capitulo! ♡.♡~☆.☆

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作者 komega