39.88% Hachiman's Erotic Life | Cote × Oregairu / Chapter 67: Chapter 66

章 67: Chapter 66

When I opened my eyes in the morning, I could smell the delicious smell of breakfast, so when I woke up, Hiyori had made breakfast for me.

"Ah, good morning, Hachiman-kun. I'm almost done, so please wait."

Hiyori says with a charming smile.

Additionally, the nightgown Hiyori wears is a nightgown, making her both cute and erotic.

"Oh, it's always bad."

"No. I'm doing this because I love it, and once I marry Hachiman-kun, I'll do it every day."

"Hey, wait. Don't proceed with the conversation assuming that we'll get married as a matter of course."

You're not even old enough to get married yet, are you?

"…Do you not like it?"

"...That's not what I mean. I'm just thinking about getting married at least until I'm an adult."

I don't know what kind of life I'll have after graduating, but I think it's too early to get married right after graduation.

I don't think I dislike it. If I marry Hiyori, my days will be happy. However, it's troubling because it's the same even with Arisu and Masumi.

There's a good chance I'll probably marry one of the three, but I wonder what will really happen.

"That would be great. Also... hmm."

While saying this, Hiyori kisses me good morning on my lips, and at the same time my sleepiness disappears and I feel happy.

At first, I was embarrassed when we kissed each other on the lips, but after getting used to it and being told how she felt, I was completely happy.

I also kissed Hiyori good morning and went straight to the bathroom where Arisu and Masumi were washing their faces.

"Hey you guys. Good morning. Hmm...mmmm."

While saying this, I kiss them just enough to touch them. Recently, I finally became able to kiss three people myself.

Kissing has become a habit among the four of us.

"Good morning, Hachiman-kun. I love you..."

"Good morning Hachiman... hmm."

They both kiss me good morning. I've already kissed the three of them hundreds of times, but if the boys found out about my life, I'm sure they'd be put before the Inquisition...

Even though I thought about such stupid things, I changed into my uniform, got ready to go to school, and then ate the breakfast that Hiyori had made.

Yeah, it's definitely delicious.

After several hours...

"Then I would like to have President Horikita give his final words."

After school, we students gather in the gymnasium. The reason is that there is a student council change ceremony.

However, for most of the first-year students, it seemed like a boring time, and many students seemed to be yawning.

With this in mind, President Horikita stands on the podium.

"I am proud and grateful to have been able to lead the student council for about two years. Thank you very much."

After saying that, he leave the podium. I had expected it, but I was disappointed.

"Thank you for your hard work, President Horikita. Now, I would like to hear some words from Nagumo Miyabi, class 2A, who will be the new student council president."

With those words, Nagumo-senpai stands in front of the microphone.

There are new student council members next to him, but Ichinose is the only one I recognize.

'This is Nagumo, a 2nd year Class A student. Thank you very much, Student Council President Horikita, for your strict but warm guidance until today. I am honored to have been able to accompany the best student council president who has demonstrated one of the best leadership in history. I would like to pay my respects together with you."

Nagumo-senpai bows to Horikita-senpai..., and then turns back to us current students.

"Once again, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Nagumo Miyabi, and I have been appointed as the student council president of Advanced Nurturing High School. I look forward to your continued support.'' He bowed his head and said , A huge round of applause ensues.

This was especially heard from the second-year students. Then, when Nagumo-senpai raised his head, his atmosphere completely changed.

"It may be early, but I would like to explain to you the pledge I am making,'' he prefaced before announcing his pledge.

According to the report, the term of office of the student council will be extended indefinitely while students are in school and will continue until graduation, and the system of general elections and restrictions on the number of students will be abolished, and students will be accepted at all times.

At the same time, they say they will also create rules to expel anyone who is found to be unsuitable during their term of office.

This is a statement that completely negates the existing system.

"Starting with these, I would like to make a declaration to everyone gathered here. As a school builder...I intend to destroy the image of what a school should be, as maintained by the previous student councils."

How bold are you? Isn't he more bold than Arisu or Ryuen?

"Originally, I would like to start implementing my new system right away, but there are many constraints that prevent me from doing so. However, I promise that we will bring about a great revolution soon. The students with the ability will go all the way to the top. On the contrary, , students with no ability are put down to the lowest level. I would like to transform this school into a true merit-based school, so I ask for your continued support."

The gymnasium fell silent at the powerful declaration. But right after that, the second-year students burst into applause.

On the other hand, third-year students are not very energetic. Even among the upperclassmen, there must have been many conflicts.

The curtain came down on the changeover ceremony amidst cheers.

Since this is the end for today, I head towards the exit of the gymnasium to go home.

As I waited near the exit, Arisu and Masumi came from class A, and Hiyori came from class B.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting. Shall we go to the cafe?"

As soon as I said that, Hiyori hugged my right arm. Ever since the sports festival, Hiyori and the others have become more spoiled than ever, attracting attention from everyone around them.

And next, Masumi hugs my left arm before Arisu. Arisu looks dissatisfied with our late arrival, but when I pat her on the head, she immediately twists her body as if tickling her.

Before the sports festival, there would have been a storm of jealousy, but...

"Hey, look..."

"Ah. He's proudly serving three people. He's definitely a king."

"That's right. All three of them look really happy, and he's a real harem king."

After the borrowing competition at the sports festival, the whole school seemed to recognize me as the Harem King, and I began to be looked at with horror.

I often get called King just by walking down the hall.

I'm extremely reluctant, but I have no choice but to admit it since I've already had sex with the three of them many times.

Moreover, the first time, three people asked for me, but at that time, it seemed like the knot inside me was released, and from the second time onwards, I started asking for three people.

But it can't be helped. When the three of them are in the room, they hug me, coddle me, and kiss me every time something happens.

Having already made up my mind, I left the gymnasium with the three of them and started walking toward the cafe, attracting attention.

"Anyway, it looks like this school will be a good school for me in the future."

"Are you talking about Nagumo-senpai? If that story is true, Arisu will definitely rise to the top."

"That's not true. I thought that Hachiman-kun, who has the ability, would be able to rise to the top."

Is it about me?

"Well, it's possible for Hachiman. In fact, as far as I can see, the only one better than Hachiman in A class is Sakayanagi."

"That's right. Judging from your actions in the special exams so far, I think Hachiman-kun will be able to move up."

Masumi and Hiyori say so. It's not bad to have the girl you care about say that to you.

"Thank you...but when Nagumo-senpai talks about it, it sounds like he's erasing the concept of class. Can he do that?"

At this school, class A is the best, and class D is treated as a dropout.

However, Nagumo-senpai said that those who have the ability should be placed at the top, and those who lack the ability should be placed at the bottom.

In other words, even D-class students with high potential can have good feelings, and A-class students who are not that talented will somehow lose out.

If that happens, some students will rise to the top and some will fall, but does this mean that we will abandon the struggle within the class?

"There will probably be opposition, because it will destroy the system that the country has designed. However, this school is merit-based, and if President Nagumo can produce enough results to create a new system, it will be possible."

"Or maybe use private points..."

There is a point in what Arisu and Hiyori say. If you think about it normally, I don't think it's possible, but this school is not normal.

Maybe it's possible.

"Well, in any case, it seems like the only peaceful time at this school is after school, when I spend time with you guys."

As I said this, we arrived at the cafe, sat down at an affordable seat, and checked the list.

After a while, a clerk came near me and I stopped her.

"Excuse me. Cocoa and cheesecake."

When I order...

"I'd like a mille crepe and iced tea, please. Oh, I'd like a couple straws, please."

"I'd like Mont Blanc and orange juice. I'd like a couple straws, please."

"Strawberry shortcake and apple juice. Use couple straws."

Three people order, but I wish they would stop asking for couple straws.

"(As expected from King...) I'm sorry. Please wait a moment."

The clerk said that and left, but I heard him calling for King in a whisper.

The sports festival can be seen by not only students but also people who work at the school, so the store staff must have seen the festival as well.

Otherwise, he wouldn't call me king.

I was sighing inwardly as I waited for my order, and about 5 minutes later, the food I ordered arrived...

"Yes, Hachiman-kun."

"Shall we have a drink? Of course I'll be first."

"Huh? But I'm the first."

Naturally, the three of them stick out one half of the couple's straw.

(What should I do? Who should I drink with?)

It's a difficult problem. It's not hard to imagine that if one person was selected, she would be proud of her victory and the other two would be disappointed.

Sigh...I don't see any problems with a two-dimensional harem, but in real life, there are a lot of problems.

In the end, I drank three people's drinks at the same time, but not only did it taste bad, but I couldn't understand why they treated me like a total idiot.


It's mid-October, and the entire school is filled with tension. The reason is simple: today is the day the midterm exam results are announced.

Even the students in Class A, which has a lot of smart people, are nervous. After all, if you get one red point, you will be immediately expelled.

In the unlikely event that there is a discrepancy in the answer column, there is a possibility that there will be a red dot.

Well, it's probably okay. I reviewed each subject at least three times, and this time I felt more confident, and there was also a bonus from the sports festival.

"Everyone looks serious. I'm sure you understand, but I'll ask those who got red points to prepare themselves. Now, I'll announce the scores.'' As usual, Chabashira-sensei wrote everyone's information on the blackboard.

Prepare to paste paper with scores written on it. Every time I think about it, I wish they would stop using the presentation format.

"It's fine to think that an average score of 40 or above for all subjects is considered borderline. However, the points earned through performance at the sports festival are also added to this score. As a result, there were some students who exceeded the perfect score, It's treated as 100 points.''

Well, I got first place in all the individual events, so there's no problem.

While thinking this, Chabashira-sensei begins pasting up the paper.

Since it is pasted from the bottom, the first name you see is D class, which means it is the lowest rank.

"Wow! That's a lie!" The name at the bottom was Haruki Yamauchi. The score is next to it.

Although it is above the red dot line, it is still quite thin.

However, what was surprising was that it wasn't Sudo... No, Sudo had won first place at the sports festival until the first half, so I wonder where he is?

The paper gradually expanded, and Sudo's name was 12th from the bottom, with an average score of 57 points.

This surprised not only me but also my classmates.

"I'm updating my personal record all at once! I'm just a few steps away from reaching an average of 60!"

"You shouldn't be making a fuss about that score. This time, you earned points from the sports festival. It's so embarrassing."

"Oh, oh..."

Sudo screams, but Horikita quickly silences him. It looks like he's being trained.

Meanwhile, the paper spreads out to the end...

"Huh?! Hikigaya, you got a perfect score in all subjects?!"

My score was at the top, and I got a perfect score in all subjects.

"Yes, there's a bonus from the sports festival, but Hikigaya is the first time a D class student got a perfect score in all subjects."

"By the way, sensei. What would it be like without the sports festival bonus?"

"If I recall correctly, you came in 3rd place with an average of 96.5 points. 1st place went to Sakayanagi from class A, who got perfect scores in all subjects, and 2nd place went to Shiina from class B with an average of 97.5."

Hey hey! Isn't that amazing? I'm getting excited all of a sudden.

Of the three people I live with, two are number 1 and number 2.

Since Arisu did not participate in all events, she received a large number of penalties, and will probably be placed between 10th and 20th.

"In any case, there have been zero expulsions due to red marks. You've managed to get through it without any problems. In the past three years since I took over, there hasn't been a year in which no one has been expelled from Class D. Good job."  Chabashira-sensei, praises her students, but this is probably not the end for us.

You can bet.

As expected, she got off the podium and walked around the entire classroom.

Then she stopped next to Hirata. "Hirata. Have you gotten used to this school?"

"Yes. I have made many friends and am having a fulfilling school life."

"Aren't you worried about the risk that one mistake could destroy you?''

"Each time, we're all going to get through it together,'' he says, as expected from a class leader.

It's different from some leaf insects.

Well, class morale isn't bad either. In May, I was in despair with 0 class points, but now I have plenty of class points.

After all, the class points for each class as of May 1st are...

A class led by Sakayanagi 940

B class led by Ichinose 650

C class led by Ryuen 490

D class led by Hirata 0

The D class was by far the lowest. But now there is a change in class...

A class led by Sakayanagi 809

B class led by Ryuen 700

C class led by Ichinose 650

D class led by Hirata 452

The difference has narrowed considerably. Well, as for Class A, there was a part where Arisu gave up on fighting in order to crush the Katsuragi faction.

While thinking this, Chabashira-sensei slowly returned to the podium.

"As I'm sure you all know, next week we will be holding a quiz with questions from eight subjects in preparation for the final exam."

"Hey, I just finished my midterm!?''  Ike, who is not good at studying, is confused.

"Don't worry. First of all, the quiz has 100 questions with a perfect score of 100, but all of them are at the level of third-year junior high school students. The test is to check how well you have mastered the basics. It's the same as the quiz you took at the beginning of the first semester. It doesn't matter if it's 0 points or 100 points."

Some idiots may react naively, saying, "Oh! You're serious!" , but it's clear that the results of the quizzes will have a bearing on your future advantages and disadvantages.

"But I also want to let you know that this will have a big impact on the final exam."

"Influence? What is that? Please explain it more clearly.'' As usual, she doesn't say it directly, but hints at it in a roundabout way, and doesn't give hints to the students.

"I hope I can explain it in a way that you can understand, Sudo. First of all, based on the results of that quiz, you will be paired up with someone in the class."

"A pair?"

Chabashira-sensei nods and begins to explain.

According to it...

①The next final exam will be in pairs and series.

② Test subjects: 8 subjects each with a maximum score of 100 points, 50 questions for each subject, total of 400 questions.

③ There are two types of red marks.

④ There is a 60-point border for all subjects, and if you do not get them, you will receive a red mark, and the two students in the pair will be expelled together. The score is the total score of the pairs.

⑤ If the total score of the pair falls below the border for all subjects, a red mark will be given and the two members of the pair will be expelled. Normally, the border score is around 700 points.

⑥The method for determining pairs will be announced after the pair announcements.

It feels like... In short, it would be quite dangerous if two idiots teamed up.

But for me, it's not a big problem. I don't like pair and serial training, but in short, all you have to do is study properly.

Regarding ④, if the score is 60 or less when combined with the score of the pair, it will be a red point, but there is no problem. If I team up with Sudo, even if Sudo gets 0 points, if I get 60 or more points, I can avoid the red point. You can easily get 80 points in any subject because you won't be able to learn anything you haven't learned.

Regarding ⑤, it's probably okay. The two of us need to get a total of 700 points in 16 subjects, but all I have to do is study like I'm going to die from today and get over 700 points in just my 8 subjects.

Even if you don't get 700 points, there's no problem. I don't know who the pair is, but if they can get at least 200 points, I don't think they will fail. Even if you cut corners, you can easily get 500 points in 8 subjects.

However, if this is all there is to it, the A class will probably be the same as usual, so I'm sure there's more to come.

"After the decision is made, wouldn't it be the worst if you end up with the last place?"

"Ugh, I was humiliated by Ken! I'll definitely make up for it next time!"

"Don't push yourself too hard. You're just talking.'' You can hear Yamauchi and Sudo exchanging words like this, but it's probably impossible for Yamauchi to recover.

Since the sports festival, Sudo has lost his roughness, while Yamauchi is still the same as he was when he entered the school. "And one more thing. I want you to challenge the test from a different perspective."

"A different side?"

"That's right. For the next final exam, you will be asked to create your own exam questions and assign them to one of three classes. The winning class receives 50 points from the losing class.

What about creating tests? Again, this is troublesome content.

There are 8 subjects in the test, each with 50 questions, so I have to write a total of 400 questions.

Will each pair maintain a score of 60 points or more in each subject, which is the red point line provided by the school, and will they have to raise their overall score to 700 points or more in pairs, and then compete with the overall score of their opponent's class with the overall score of the entire class?

Well, no problem.

I've been promised 160,000 private points every month by the Katsuragi faction, so it's not a big problem even if my class points decrease.

It's just a matter of avoiding the red dot.

"Furthermore, if there is a direct confrontation where the D-class poses a problem to the C-class, and the C-class challenges the D-class, the class points will move 100 at once. Also, although it is rare, the overall score is the same. In this case, there will be no change in points.

"No, no! It's a student who makes up problems... we can't do it if they come up with ridiculous tricks!"

"You can rest assured about that. The questions you submit will be reviewed by the school. You will be instructed to correct questions that go beyond the scope of study guidance each time. By repeating this process, we will bring fairness to the exam. Did you understand?"

"Hmm...well, somehow," he says, but it must be difficult to create 400 questions in a month. It's common practice to increase the number of players, but if you do that, the difficulty level will likely vary.

"There are no restrictions on how you create the questions. Also, if you can't do the problem, you will have to submit questions that the school has prepared in advance.However, the difficulty level of the questions that the school has created is low.''

That being said, if you can't solve the problem, you're essentially defeated.

"Also, you guys will decide which class you want to take the test on, and I will listen to it the day before the quiz and report it to the school. In the unlikely event that your preference overlaps with another class, the school will decide by drawing lots. ...The above is the quiz. This will be an explanation for the final exam.The rest is up to you to think about.''

Chabashira-sensei said that and left the classroom.

Now then...what should I do?

While the class was making a fuss, I started searching for the best method for myself.


After school, the existence of a special final exam was announced. I leave the classroom as usual.

Then three cohabitants come towards me from the front.

"Nice to see you, Hachiman-kun. If you have time, would you like to talk about the exam at the cafe?"

"I don't mind that, but wouldn't it be better to talk about the test in my room?"

They say the walls have ears, and there might be someone who eavesdrops.

"There's no problem. We're not talking about test trends or anything like that."

"Well, if you say so, I don't mind."

"It's decided. Let's go then."

As soon as I said that, Arisu quickly hugged my right arm. As a result, Masumi and Hiyori head toward my left arm, but Masumi, who has good athletic ability, takes the lead and she hugs my left arm.

Hiyori looks dissatisfied with this, so I use my right arm, which is still hugged by Arisu, to pat Hiyori's head to calm her down.

After confirming that Hiyori had calmed down, we took leisurely steps toward the entrance, changed our shoes, and headed to the cafe outside the school building.

After sitting down and ordering, Arisu opened her mouth.

"Even so, some unique tests have come out."

Hiyori, Masumi, and I nod at those words. I have never heard of a test in which students make up questions and challenge other classes.

"Well, that's true. By the way, Arisu, are you the kind of person who creates problems? Or maybe you want to be the kind of person who teaches...the students in class A."

There are some idiots among the students in class D and B (formerly C class), so some people teach them to study, but the academic ability of the students in class A and C (formerly B class) is generally high.

You will be able to get through it even if you don't have a mentor.

"Yes. I will create the problem. Also, I have to ask something from the three of you."


"I'm the one who creates the questions, but I would like to stop living with Hachiman-kun and the others until I decide which class to give the test from tomorrow, and in some cases, until I submit the questions.''

...got it.

Masumi aside, I'm in class D and Hiyori is in class B, so I'm in a different class than Arisu.

Some of the students in Class A may be worried that the problem may leak to Class B and D.

If that happens, there may be a problem with morale.

"Well, I can't help it from the position of the class leader. In other words, Arisu will at least have to live separately until the class to attack is decided, and if the class that A class attacks is not C class, until the problem is submitted. I understand, but what is your request?"

Permission to live separately is a given, so I don't think it will be a request.

"Yes. As for my request, it's for Hiyori-san and Masumi-san, but is it okay if I have Hachiman-kun all to myself until tomorrow? I'll be sad that I won't be able to sleep over for a while."

Did you come like that? Arisu is surprisingly lonely. She is cute and has a gap from her usual self.

"I'm fine."

"...If Hiyori is good."

Hiyori answered immediately, and Masumi answered bluntly. In that case, I'll be alone with Arisu today.

"Thank you. Well then, Hachiman-kun. Please take care of me tonight."

What do you mean tonight? I can't decide whether it means simply living a pure life or having an affair.

Well, it doesn't change the fact that it's just the two of us tonight.


When I agreed, the waiter brought me a drink at the same time. Carefully insert a couple straws into each cup.

"I'm looking forward to it. Anyway, there's a traitor in Hachiman-kun's class, so it's going to be tough."

Needless to say, Kushida is a traitor.

Judging from what Ryuen said, he's probably going to do damage to Horikita this time as well. Get us D-class involved.

"I guess. Well, I can pretty much predict his tactics. She'll leak information like she did at the sports festival, or she'll create a problem herself and then...stop talking about this."

I glanced at the side and saw Kushida entering the cafe. If you look, you'll see D-class celebrities like Horikita, Hirata, Karuizawa, Sudo, and Ayanokoji.

"I see...now that I think about it, Hachiman-kun has a pretty well-trained body, so why don't you join the fighting club and go to a betting match?"

Arisu notices this, nods slightly, and brings up a topic that has nothing to do with the test, as if Kushida and the others haven't noticed.

"Well, it might not be that bad. In fact, in order to save up 20 million yen, the pocket money from the Katsuragi faction, bonuses from regular classes and tests, and gambling with the chess club aren't enough, so I think it's time to start working on other club activities."

I had been thinking about this from the beginning. Arisu said she would give me a loan, but it would be bad for the A-class students to get the entire loan.

If I'm going to take out a loan, I'm planning to save up at least 15 million yen before doing so.

And if I wanted to save 15 million, I wouldn't be able to afford it at the current pace, so I was considering adding more ways to earn points.

As a result, the discussion changed from the test to the points, so most likely there would be no doubt. It's usually noticeable when you're with students from different classes, but the four of us are an exception.

We've been together a lot since the first semester.

After several hours...

"Hehe... Hachiman-kun's body is really strong..."

In the bathtub of my room's bathroom, Arisu climbs on top of me and hugs me, not wearing any clothes.

Hiyori and Masumi are not there. I listened to Arisu's request and spent the time in the room the girls were supposed to use, so it's just me and Arisu now.

However, Arisu has become more spoiled than usual. When I thought she was hugging me, she started touching my body with her hands and rubbing her cheek.

When I meet her eyes, she smiles happily and gives me a gentle kiss.

When I realized that Arisu, who is usually beautiful, was showing her spoiled side only to me, I was somehow happy.

"Hachiman-kun...please hug me too."

"No...it's really embarrassing."

"Oh. When we do the night party, I hug you as much as I can and say,

"I understand, so don't say anything else.''

Ah... it feels so good..."

When I hugged Arisu, Arisu let out a sigh as she hugged me back. This allows Arisu's warmth to be felt directly.

(But if a third party saw this, wouldn't it be a problem?)

Arisu is short at 150 cm and has small breasts, so some people might think she is an elementary school student.

I, on the other hand, am over 170cm tall and have rotten eyes. From a third party's point of view, it wouldn't be strange if I were treated as a lolicon.

Even though I strongly believe that this will never be found out, I won't leave Arisu... Am I a lolicon after all?

If you think so...


Arisu looks at me with a lustrous gaze. Her eyes seem to be able to captivate every man who sees them, and they take your breath away.


"...I love you"

Alright, lolicon. I mean, anyone would turn into a lolicon if they saw Arisu like this, but it's not my fault.

"...Thank you."

After replying to that, I tightened my grip on Arisu. She knows everything about me and still accepts me, and her warmth is priceless, and I have no desire to let her go.

(The tactics Kushida will use in this exam will be tactics that will help other classes win)

Judging from the rules of this exam, it's easy to let other classes win, but it's difficult to make someone drop out of class D.

Therefore, Kushida is likely to use tactics such as the D-class handing over class points to other classes, and place the blame on Horikita, the target.

If Horikita were to cause trouble for Class D during the sports festival and the final exam, most of the class would be dissatisfied with Horikita.

Horikita, the leader of the class, will probably be betrayed again and again until she is expelled from school.

Therefore, it's unlikely that I'll be expelled this time, but I need to have a meeting with Ryūen so that I can immediately crush it.

There's a chance that I'll get involved when Kushida destroys Horikita.

If there is even the slightest possibility that I will be separated from Arisu, Hiyori, and Masumi by expulsion, I must eliminate the culprit at all costs.

I made this strong decision while hugging Arisu.

1 hour later...

"Okay, Arisu. It's time to go to bed."

After getting out of the bath, we watched TV, drank tea, brushed our teeth, and went to bed.

However, Arisu doesn't come in, instead, she starts taking off her pajamas and changing into her underwear.

Her light blue underwear matches her snow-white skin and it takes my breath away.

Being in underwear at this timing...

"...Hachiman-kun. Please love only me today..."

I knew it. Well, if you ask me something like that, I can't refuse.

Apparently it's no good to refuse a lady's request.


When I nod, Arisu also climbs onto the bed and leans her body over me, so I kissed her

Then I put my tongue in Arisu's mouth and intertwined it with Arisu's tongue.


Arisu, on the other hand, closes her eyes and entangles her tongue with mine.

The sound of Arisu's breathing and the sexy sound of this tongue intertwining with hers echoed in my room.

After we tangled our tongues together for a while, Arisu turned bright red as if she were on fire, so after parting our lips, I brought my face closer to Arisu's ear.

"Then... shall we?"

"...Yes. Please be gentle."

After receiving Arisu's approval, I gave a small nod, removed her bra, placed my right hand on Arisu's chest, and tried to capture her lips again.

A few hours later, around 2 a.m. we hugged each other, not wearing any clothes, and had pillow talk until we fell asleep.

Kiyotaka1620 Kiyotaka1620

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


