100% Guess I’m gamer now[dxd] / Chapter 1: The start
Guess I’m gamer now[dxd] Guess I’m gamer now[dxd] original

Guess I’m gamer now[dxd]

作者: Hi_how_are_you

© WebNovel

章 1: The start

In place without light there appears white orb that stands out like sore thumb in place without light nor anything it's as if this place is isolated from everything

The orb of light did nothing but out of nowhere something that looked like blue screen that popped out of nowhere and it had few words on it

[would you like to start the tutorial]


The orb did nothing but stare at the screen for a bit of time


[Restoration of host memory…]












[restoration of host memory complete]

The orb colore changed few times from pink to red to blue then back to white then the orb could think once again

'What where I'm i?' The looked around it only to finds endless darkness everywhere it looked

'What the hell i was just gonna sleep where the hell am i?!'the orb started to shake little having mental breakdown

'Okay calm down worse case scenario is that I'm kidnapped and blindfolded and gonna get my organs harvested and the best case scenario that this is all dream'he hoped that is was the later then the former

Then suddenly he look at weird screen that had something on it

[Would you like to start the tutorial?]


This made the orb stop it mental breakdown for some reason even tho it looks like orb it felt like it had look at for some time that it look it dumbfounded

'What..?' The orb thought staring at the screen for long time for it awake from it's dumbfounded look it has

'What's the point if both options are the same?' Sighing the orb thought this was extremely weird but very familiar for some reason that he can't remember..

As it about to touch the screen it finally realized that his arms were not moving or the lack of anything as the orb can't feel any of it's limbs it started panicking again after few minutes the orb calmed down as much as it could it tried to think about clicking one of the [YES] icons and would you look at that it worked like magic

[i'm your guide with this tutorial you may call me SYSTEM or anything else to make it easier for you]

'I'll just stick with SYSTEM for now' thought the orb

[i'll right then if that is all let's get start with this tutorial then]

[first you are the user of the gamer system i think you know what them from your memories]

'Now I remember it was in those novels and fanfics he read for fun' after remembering what this is the orb started shaking again but from how exciting but then remembered that most gamers in those novels and fanfics had all had plot armor some didn't yes but most did but now is not the time to worry i'll cry later about it

[now as i said i'll give you the set of every gamer]

Perks Gained

[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

Allows the user to calmly and logically think.

Gives a peaceful state of mind

Immunity to psychological status effect

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

Gives the body the ability to live like an RPG character

Skills gained

[Observe] - skill

Provides information about the target

[ID Create] – Skill

Creates an Instant Dungeon.

Current Dungeons:[ Undead]

Every worry i had went right out the window and now he was way more calm then before but something was still bothering him for some reason..

[now that is done we can move on to your race]

Please select your race.

[Human] [?] [?] [?]

Human, and three unknown choices. Mind explaining?

[Two of the choices are lower-tier entities, such as Goblin, Insects, Slimes, and so on.

And the third choice is a high-tier entity. Dragon, Leviathan, True Devil, Primarch, etcetera]

And humans is a guaranteed middle-tier race. Either I play it safe by choosing Human, or take the gamble and select one of the unknown choices. I'm not one to risk my career over something so trivial, but a Primarch or Dragon is making it very tempting.

Hell, there are probably hundreds of strong races. Necrons, Saiyans, Kryptonians, Titans – but what if I choose the wrong thing? I don't want to be stuck as a Slime or god forbid a Goblin. Rimuru only survived and thrived because of his broken Devour ability, but I have no such thing.

I suppose I'll choose the safe option. I can grow more powerful with time, and Humans are usually the jacks of all trades, so there's no big disadvantage there.

Human it is then

Race chosen

[Human] – Race

With every universe existing, Humans shall walk its Earth as well. In every corner of this Omniverse, you'll see subjects of this race living, cruelly dominating weaker races in numbers, as well as having mid-level intelligence and strength. Humans' true potential in their ability to learn and understand, as the strongest and most intelligent of humans were able to turn the tides against far more powerful foes of different species.

25% EXP gain

Comprehending, making, and learning new skills is slightly easier

Race stats:

HP = END x 10

HP Regeneration = END x 2

SP = END x 10

SP Regeneration = END x 2

MP = INT x 10

MP Regeneration = WIS x 2

'Huh, quite a bit better than I initially expected to be honest. The EXP bonus is gonna be very helpful, especially when I become powerful. The seemingly average race stats are good as well, but I can't be too sure just yet'

'I still have no idea how powerful the people will be in whatever world I'm thrown in'

[please select a class]

{[Mage] [Fighter] [Support] [Rogue] [Ranger] [Production]}

Six choices, all with their own degrees of strengths and weaknesses. Fighter most likely has its own sub-classes as well, like Samurai or Knight. So from there, I can choose a swift and strong sub-class, a tank that can absorb and withstand a lot of punishment, or maybe a balanced sub-class.

A part of me wants a Martial Artist sub-class. Knowing how to fight with your fists is one of the most useful abilities in case I was hit with some magic-nullifying skill or my weapon gets knocked away from my hands.

Support at a stage this early seems counterproductive. I can't be too sure that I'll 'spawn' with an army or friends waiting for me. I can most likely take a healer or druid, and those are good classes, but not this early.

Rogue seems like a good choice. Probably thieves, assassins, scouts, and the like. However, most of these sub-classes are glass canons. A single hit could end me, even at a high level, and the need to get close to your opponent for a backstab seems risky.

Good class, but I don't think I'd want to put myself at risk at the moment. Maybe when I get a bit tougher.

Ranger is very tempting. Archers and Gunners seem to be a good choice, but once I run out of ammo, I'm done for. Again, I can't be sure that I'll be reborn rich or something like that, so getting hold of bullets or arrows might be difficult.

As for Production… well, I'm not sure what that means. As in Engineers and the like? Starting with that seems to be a bit of a bad idea. I'll need materials to build and create stuff, and same issue as some of the other classes, I have no idea what world and what position I'll be reborn in.

Finally, Mage class. Personally, it seems to me that it's the most versatile class to take. Mana means infinite ammo, even if I need to wait for my MP to recharge. No need to get close to an enemy if I can blast them with lightning or fire. And I don't need materials to work my way up from there to grow stronger. I should be able to do it with the ID Create spell.

...is what I assume. I'm not sure if there's a class stronger than another, or if they're all equal. Hell, I'm not sure if what I thought about the classes is even right. All of it is baseless assumptions coming from my previous knowledge of past entertainment media.

Regardless, I think I should take Mage. Aside from it being the best possible class to take at this stage, shooting spells sounds fun to do

[Now please choose a specialization]

[Elementalist] [Illusionist] [Necromancer] [Summoner]

I cross out Illusionist for now. I need an offensive sub-class, and as useful as it is, I don't think I'll need it at the moment. Summoner and Necromancer seem to be similar in a way, letting your servants fight for you as you watch from the back, in a safe spot.

However, for Necromancer, I'm not quite sure that I'm gonna have a dead body ready for me to raise, so I might need to kill something quickly, and I don't think I'm good enough to hide from whatever authority is in the world I'll be in. I'm sure Necromancy has its own offensive spells, but it's mostly death spells.

I'm quite sure that Undead are resistant if not outright immune to death spells, so leveling up will be very difficult.

Summoner seems like the better choice, but I'm not sure if they have any offensive spells, so the moment my summons are dead, I'm completely fucked. Hell, if the enemy somehow bypasses the summons, then that's certain death too.

Which leaves Elementalist. Becoming individually powerful is my best chance here, so let's see what elements I can select

[choose an element]

[Aeromancer] [Pyromancer] [Hydromancer] [Geomancer] [Cryomancer] [Electromancer] [Umbramancer] [Locked] [Locked] [Locked]….

I had no fucking idea that there were so many mancers, the fuck is carnomancer.

Carnomancy is the art of flesh magic if be by manipulation, destruction, golem making, or even healing. These people are often experts in how the body works.


With something he didn't want to look at right now starts looking at the best available options he has

Pyromancer is mostly attack based. Cryomancer is good for attack and defence. Geomancer hydromancer and other elements are good too. However my choice is umbramancer. Shadow walk and stealth as well as attacking someone from their shadow is quite good for assassinations. It won't attract too much attention in places I need to be subtle.

Class Gained

[Umbramancer] – LVL 1/100 [0%]

Gain 5 INT and WIS every level.

Skill Gained

[Shadow Magic (Novice)](Passive)

Gained instinctual knowledge about shadow magic.

Shadow Magic related spells are 10% stronger.

Skill Gained

[Shadow Ball] [Active]

Makes a ball of shadow and darkness to attack the target.

Deal [(INTx2) + Weapon damage] Magical damage.

Costs 50 MP to use.

[Shadow Spike] (Active)

Makes a spike of shadow and darkness to attack the target.

Deal [(INTx3) + Weapon damage] Magical damage.

Costs 75 MP to use.

Skill Gained

[Shadow Stealth(Novice)]


Increases the chances of being unnoticed by 10%. The skill is canceled when the user moves out of a shadow or attacks a target.


Increases the chances of being unnoticed by an additional 10%. The skill is canceled when the user moves out of a shadow or attacks a target.

Cost 50 MP/min.

The effect of this skill can be boosted by stealth type skills of other classes. The effects overlap on each other.

When can I get other classes?

[Host can get other classes after reaching Level 40 in the selected class]


[You are taking this quite well]

Well when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade and quite frankly this is much better than the over-exaggerated powercut I was stuck in.

[Now this part is optional but you can choose different flaws for yourself and for every flawed trait selected, you get a perk]

[It can be anything depending on your luck]

[Would you like to spin]

'Sure show me how lucky or unlucky I am' i said looking a bit scared and excited

[Alright tell me you want to start]

Praying little for something good he nods or mentally nods because he is just floating orb

The wheel that appeared on the screen then started spinning really fast then slowly slowed down then it stopped

Trait gained


You are a cold and calculating son of a bitch who would not blink an eye while lying to others or backstabbing newborn puppies if it means that you can achieve your goals.

Perk Gained


Class experience and stat gains doubles

Trait Gained


You are an incarnate of lust.

Be drawn to the opposite sex and sexual acts.

Perk Gained


You have your way with the ladies

All Affection and Obedience gains with females will double

Trait gained

[battle manaic]

You can easily lose yourself in battle, risking your own life for a good fight and not being able to distinguish between friend and foe

Perk gained

[Lady Luck's love child]

Increases loot drops.

Higher chances of winning games of chances.

Gacha and dice rolls never give a blank result.

Rarity of loot increases

That was great I'm almost wanting to do one more but i already got good perks and the traits aren't that bad but just to be sure

'Hey system can remove traits at later lvl?'

[yes all traits can be removed in time]

'That's good to know'

[Now let's look at your stats]

'Okay how do i see them see'

[just think the word status]

'Alright here we go status!'

Please input your new name

Level -1

Class – Umbramancer – LVL 1/100 [0%]

Race – Human

Rank- Mortal

Alignment- True Neutral

HP- 100 [20 per minute]

MP – 100 [20 per minute]

SP- 100 [20 per minute]

STR – 10

END – 10

DEX – 10

INT – 10

WIS – 10

CHA – 10

LUK – 10


MP Regen = WIS x 2

MP = INT x 10

SP/ HP Regen = END x 2

HP= END x 10

SP = END x 10

'What should i name my self.. wait second I don't remember my name or on fact anybody that i once knew' starting to panic but gamer mind kicked and calmed him so just asked why

'Hey system why can't I remember my name or anybody i once new back in my world'

[well i removed them so you you can start anew life like the how the saying go once something passed try to forget it because it we'll only hurt you even more]

He stoped and thinked for second and thanked the system

'Thanks for that and i want to give you name if you don't mind'

[Sure I don't mind host]

'Alright i want to call you kyu if you don't mind'

[I like that name thank you host]

'We are gonna be stuck together so i have to be friends with you or maybe one day be more then that'


Well what's next

[Now that everything is done let's do some stuff with WP]

'WP?' I thought Looking confused

[let me explain you can use these WP or World points to alter and change thing in the world your gonna go to]

After explaining what the WP meant he was shocked but happy shocked but he stoped for second and said

'But world I'm i going to?' Thought

[The world your going into is the world highschool dxd host]

Both cursing and thanking he read the and watched the show but he can't remember some stuff but overall he is still good if he still uses his brain

[So let's start easy host this where you can buy house or mansion or just apartment and it well come with id and all your normal and you well become student of kuoh academy and you choose mansion has many features like the training room and king size bedroom ectetera]




Normal sized house nothing to big it has the following:[bedroom],[bathroom][guestroom],[kitchen]and[living room]


Normal sized apartment it has what every person needs in apartment and has the following:[small bedroom],[small bathroom],[small kitchen] and[small living room]


Normal sized mansion it's everyone's dream home it has the following:[king size bedroom]x2,[king size guest room]x5,[king size bathroom]x7,[king size dining room],[king size garden],[big kitchen] and [underground training room]

And it well give you the [maid pack] that has the following:[maid]x5 and all the maids well have the following:




Alright this is hard choice i like the house and want mansion but i'll get there eventually for now let's just choose the apartment just to be safe on my World Points

[Choosing [apartment] completed]

[Next we have the character change here you can change or alter the world and the characters so from changes in there life how they think or change there gender]

Okay okay now that last part is what I'm looking for



[change personality: cost depends on the individuals changes]

[Genderbend character:-5WP]

[special offer for dxd starting world the reduced the cost by 50%]

[Special offer for dxd starting world!]

[Change the world type from ECCHI to HENTAI:-10WP]

Looking surprised but happy he buys the change to make the to hentai and told kyu

'Kyu i want to genderbend issei,saji,vali,kiba,sirzechs,ajuka,Ddrag and Albion'

[Changing the world…completed!]

[Next is some optional ones]

'Alright let's see what we have'


[Starting pack:-15WP]

The starting pack has the following:[150 credits],[novice wand],[3000 yen],[MP regen potion]x5 and [HP regen potion]x5

[Randomized Companion gem:-10WP]

Randomly generated character from the multiverse the companion well have the following:



[Randomized familiar gem:-10WP]

Randomly generated familiar from the multiverse the familiar well have the following:



'Okay i'll buy the starter pack and that leaves me with only 25 left that can get both familiar and companion or to of the same thing…fine i'll just take both of them'

[Now that everything is done with you have 5WP left do you want to use them or leave them for the next world travel?]

'I'll kee-'wait second if I remember correctly wasn't great red guy?

'Kyu i want to genderbend great red!'

[Alright then host… and done no-]

'Hey can you just call me leo'

[Okay leo let's get started then]

The starting to fade away it was there screen had these words on it

[Teleporting host soul to target vessel…]

[Teleporting in..






Teleportation complete!]


And cut how is that tell me in the comments if i have grammer wrong on this one and just wanted to say there is gonna be some lemons later like long time later and this is the end of the chapter one

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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