
[1]Strange place-{Rewrite}

"haha fuck yeah! Suck that you bonk Titan meta bastards!" Screamed a boy who was playing Destiny 2.

"Hey, Francis it's my turn on the PS5 hurry up your game" spoke a boy who entered the room.

Francisco looked at his brother with an annoyed face and said "not yet Angel, this is the second of my three games"

"Bullshit!, I don't believe that you have only played three games during this whole time!" Said Angel with an annoyed face.

"Yuhu, and each time your play you're supposed three warzone games the sun starts to go to the other side of the fucking solar system," said Francis in an equally annoyed tone.

Before Angel could get another word in another voice came from the room entrance.

"Hey can you two stop fighting, I'm going to fight Ganondorf right now and I don't need your screams distracting me" spoke the boy who was holding a Nintendo Switch in his hands.

"Shut up Alex" (Francis)

"Yeah what he said" (Angel)

Alex sighed at his elder brothers stupid argument... Well he does have his fare shares of them to but it annoyed him out of his mind. 

In the Lopez household there only lived four people, the mother whome was out buying some groceries, the elder brother Francisco, the middle brother Angel, and finally the little brother Alexander.

Tough they fought a lot, for a family like them this was nothing but casual Tuesday.


"Hm?" Hearing the weird noise outside his window Francis went over to it and pushed the curtains aside.

The sight of a whole airplane appeared right in front of him.

"Shit!!" He immediately turned around to get his brothers out of it's way but-.


The plane crashed and blew up their whole house along with them


"Fuck my head hurts!" I said as I opened up my eyes. My head feels as if someone had shoved an Instant Pot RIO wide plus 7.5-qt. multi-cooker down my throat and got stuck there.

Trying to get myself together I sat up straight from where I was and took deep breaths.

After a few minutes, my headaches subsided and my mind became clear. Thank God I had the grass under me to yank. It's kinda therapeutic for me to continuously pull them from the ground below me.

... grass?

I realized that I was not at home anymore, I'm. Now in some sort of forest. Dam those trees are tall! What are those, sequoia trees? I live in California for God's sake, the highest thing there is the drug addict that hangs out next to the 7-Eleven.

"Ugh it feels like I ate an Icee"

"Dam my brain"

said two voices behind me.

Looking back I saw two people who were holding their heads in pain... wait are they Virgil and Link?.

and it's not just them, they look like they are ten-year-olds.

Wait my voice sounds childish to, what the hell!.

They both seemed to finally notice me and one stood up suddenly and raised his fist.

"Who the hell are you?, I know boxing so don't try me bitch" said the chibi Vergil as he tried to sound menacing.

And who the hell does this dumbass think he is?!

I immediately got up and went into a fighting stance "Square up bitch I know how to throw hands and kicks. Your pussy punches ain't gonna hit shit!"

That seemed to get him riled up. He immediately ran up to me and gave me a jab with his right hand I doged to the right and punched straight towards his face but he weaved under it. Using that weave he went under my arm and tried to punch me in the liver to discombobulate me but I kneed him in the face sending him flying back.

"Ugh my face!, you hit like a kid with cancer you nig-"

"Wait a hot dam minute... Angel?"

The way he moves and completely fails to get the uperhand in a fight against me. The way he insulted me and was about to say the 'word' like he was in a COD lobby. This person could only be my dumbass little brother, no matter the form I can still recognize his stupidity and confidence in his fighting skills when he absolutely shit at hand to hand. He's more of a long range type of guy, hence the reason he likes playing call of duty so much.

"Wait... Francis?" He asked as it seemed like he had realized who I was.

"Hold up, with a minute... Francis, Angel?" Said the baby link.

Wait if Angel turned into Vergil then the guy infornt of us could only be-

"Alex?" Both me and Angel asked at the same time.

Shit it looks like we got isekaid into new bodies, wait who the fuck am I then?.


"So you're telling me that we died after a plane crashed into our room blowing us all up in the process. And after that we got isekaid into kid versions of fictional character?, and what's up with these dam trees? They look higher than the crackhead that hangs out next to the 7-Eleven back at home" said Angel as he summarized what I told him.

And thank you, I was thinking the same dam thing.

But besides that, it seems like we're stuck in some sort of forest. And that is not the worst part of all... Were kids again, well not kid kids but like 13 to 14 year old kids. Alex turned into link from the Zelda games which is pretty convenient considering the fact that he was playing the game before we got tactical crashed by an airplane.

Angel turned into Vergil which is also very convenient after he told me that he was watching the DMC 5 campaign on his phone before he came to my room and started to argue over the PS5.

And me... I turned into god fucking Kirito, the most plain-looking MC of all time. Don't get me wrong I love SAO. Even though it isn't the best of animes it was the first for many just like me.

Now that I think about it I was actually rewatching the series on my phone while I was playing Destiny 2... I'm starting to see a pattern here.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


