After several hours of searching, I found a rock of the right size protruding from the moon dust. Having completely dug out the rock, I sat next to it.
This rock was very big. It was ten times bigger than me. Perhaps it was about 1 km in diameter. After digging it, a large crater was formed, as if this huge stone had just fallen on the lunar surface.
I doubted if I could lift it, but the moon's gravity allowed me to do so.
Using the device on my arm, I scanned the rock and removed a sample for analysis. All data was transmitted to Earth automatically, and now I was waiting for the results.
The live broadcast had been interrupted long ago, and no one on Earth knew what was about to happen. People just lived their lives. Unfortunately, for them, many people will lose their homes today and maybe someone will die.
When events of such magnitude occur, no person can hide from it. Even without counting all the possibilities, it was clear to me that the planet's climate could change, and coastal areas of land would be affected by tsunamis.
I had to look at the planet's contamination map several times to calm myself down. Things were terrible. Humanity only had time. Only time saved them from extermination. This is the time that White Thorns need to reproduce and grow.
Almost the entire territory of Antarctica was contaminated under the ice. Whatever I did there, it didn't affect the enemy enough. Most of the Kaiju that escaped from me went back under the ice to breed and this caused their population to grow. It was a good strategy.
They hid where I couldn't burn them by flying over them. And even if I go there, I still won't be able to clear all the caves and tunnels they made there.
"Forgive me, people. There is no other way.' I thought. Perhaps the use of thousands of nuclear bombs would have the same effect, and people would not be affected by the tsunami, but in a month the radiation would poison the entire planet. It would be the end of humanity, because no more children would be born in the world. The last generation of people could only watch the number of people decrease every year. (Torterra is unaware of the effects of his energy on people affected by the radiation)
As the communicator began to vibrate, I looked at the message that had been sent to me.
"We calculated everything. This rock is suitable for us."
It was good. Digging something like that was boring, so I'm glad I didn't have to do it anymore.
"You need to develop a speed of 30,000 to 50,000 km per hour for the damage zone to be large enough." A new message has arrived.
'It's not a problem.' I was able to accelerate to 100,000, so I was confident that I could handle the rock.
"But there is one problem. You will die if you fall at that speed."
'Fine. This was to be expected.' I nodded my head at the message I read.
'Wait! What? It was not part of my plans.'
"You'll need to use the jet pack to slow yourself down. The jetpack will be destroyed, but it will help you survive the fall."
I mentally let out a sigh of relief. We thought about saving the jet pack for the next possible space flights, but apparently people are very scared of the presence in Antarctica. This jet pack is not worth my life.
"Fine. Do you have a flight plan ready?" I answered them for the first time. I need a flight route. Returning back was more difficult than flying to the moon. Any mistake will lead to disaster. After all, I will have a damn meteorite with me.
"Yes. You may begin." With these words, a 3D arrow appeared on the communicator pointing in the opposite direction from the ground.
I tilted my head, not understanding why the arrow was pointing in the wrong direction, and then read the comment: "To make a revolution around the moon to move in the direction of the South Pole."
Now it was clear. Gathering my strength, I approached the rock. I had long been ready to fly back and all I had to do was lift the rock.
The rock was lighter than one could imagine, so using all my strength I lifted it up. Some parts of the rock could not withstand the strength of my hands and cracked. I stood under the rock and held it above my head. Moon dust formed a cloud around me until the lazy Moon gravity pulled it back.
I felt a hum on my back as I turned the jet engine to full power. But i remained standing on the moon, as before. This was not enough to break away from the Moon.
The jet engine whirred, spewing flames into the vacuum, and jets of burnt fuel hit the moon and kicked up a lot of dust, but I still stood still.
'That could be a problem.' The Moon has about 6 times less gravity than Earth. This means that 1 km of rock weighs the same as a 160 meter stone on the ground. But it is cubic meters! That's a lot. It is very heavy. Even the new fuel couldn't handle it.
I also had to work. I bent my knees and bent my arms to sit down.
If there was an atmosphere in space, then you could hear a strained scream.
With all my strength, I pushed away from the moon and immediately began to emit fire from my mouth and tail. I could not direct the fire directly under me and this led to the fact that I did not fly up, but to the side. But I didn't care. The main thing is that I got off the ground and what is most important is that I didn't fall back.
I was moving parallel to the lunar surface. I could feel the moon not wanting to let go of a part of him and trying to ground me, but I fought it. Together with my jetpack we worked, emitting blue and gold fire and our speed increased.
With every second we moved faster and faster.
My feet hit the top of Moon Dune. As before, I only heard the sound of the impact with my inner ear. The humps and rocks beneath my feet raced past me faster and faster. And the faster I moved, the farther the lunar surface was from me.
I managed it. After half an hour of flight, I was already at an altitude of several kilometers. I could finally stop breathing fire and was only using my tail for acceleration. With my speed and distance from the moon, that was enough.
Glancing at the communicator, I adjusted my path. The last time I enjoyed the stars was when I flew past the night side of the moon. When the Earth rose above the Moon's horizon, I had enough speed to simply direct my course towards it.
'I'm going home,' I thought as the moon turned into a layer beneath my feet.
`And I have a present that you won't like! HA-HA-HA' Pushing the meteorite forward, I couldn't see the Earth. The meteor completely blocked the view of Earth as I pushed it forward.
After several hours of space flight, I could say two words: "Damn STONE!"
I just screamed out of anger and annoyance. As soon as I left the area of influence of the Moon's gravity, this stone began to spin. I had to constantly fight the rotation of the meteorite by directing the fire of the jet pack in the direction of the rotation, and this caused the flight course to change.
Even when I managed to stabilize it, it started spinning again because I pushed it. If I had pulled it, there would be no such problem. But since I was pushing it, it was impossible to find its center of mass, leading to the problem I had now.
I was just going crazy fighting this stupid rock all the time. My "compass" kept pointing in a different direction, and the arrow would turn red when I was completely off course.
"Rotate the stone and push it." Smart people from the earth advised me.
I let go of the stone and it flew forward without my help. I flew after him and turned off the engine. I had to think.
This time it wasn't a text message, but a video illustration of what I needed to do. A primitive and simple animation showed how the stone rotates around its axis, and I, in the form of a gray 3D model, push it from the edge. It resembled an American football. It has an elongated shape and rotates around its axis. I had to push this ball forward while standing at one of the ends.
It looked simple, but it was hard to do. First, I spun the meteorite around the vector of our motion, and then flew to the center and began to push it, spinning with it.
Centrifugal force made the meteor stable and I managed to stay on course, but a new problem arose. I could not see the earth because the meteorite blocked it from me, but the sun and the moon revolved around me. They were spinning fast and even if I closed my eyes, I could still feel the sun burning me like I was a grilled chicken.
An hour into the flight, the rotation of the sun made me feel sick. I may not have been sick, but I certainly wasn't happy.
"30,000 km/h"
"40,000 km/h"
"50,000 km/h. The contact time is 2 hours."
'2 hours! That means I'm almost there.' Out of the corner of my eye I could see the glow of the planet's atmosphere.
After a while, I started to feel like I was falling upside down. It was a strange feeling. Slowly you just start to distinguish where the top is and where the bottom is. And now I'm falling down.
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For the first time in a long time, I heard an external sound, and it was the sound of a meteor hitting the atmosphere.
"Release the meteorite. You can't do anything anymore. There is no turning back anymore. You have to reduce your own speed."
I did so. I let go of the meteorite and watched it move away from me. Time seemed to speed up and I felt that everything was going to happen very quickly now.
Turning around, I began to slow down. The jet engine hummed, struggling to handle the load.
I heard a loud explosion below me. The meteorite was moving at such a high speed that the air under it could not escape in time and give way to it. This led to increased pressure and friction, and as a result, the oxygen beneath the meteorite ignited. The meteorite was also not happy with the friction with the air and also turned red when its temperature rose.
'Damn! It's waiting for me too!' As soon as I thought this, I immediately hit an invisible wall and felt my body enter an ocean of air. Everything around my body caught fire.
The temperature rose to several thousand degrees. And if I hadn't slowed my fall, my body would have heated up to 4,000 degrees. Even I would have a hard time enduring it.
'It's time to prepare for the explosion.' I wasn't going to give all the work to the meteorite. This might not be enough, so I had to use my ultimate ability to the fullest. The Kaiju couldn't be left with any chance.
Gathering all my energy, I began to concentrate and direct the energy inside me. My body lit up. A second star appeared in the sky.
"Unplug the jetpack!"
I don't know how I noticed this message because it was very noisy and everything around was on fire. As soon as I read this message, my communicator exploded and went to pieces.
A slight panic came over me as I realized what had just happened. I quickly detached the jet pack from me and it immediately flew away from me, moving erratically. I could see that he was all red and burning.
The jet pack exploded so hard I had to cover my eyes. A ball of blue fire formed from the explosion and tried to catch up to burn me, but I fell too fast, leaving a shockwave behind me.
I was left alone without communication. Turning to face the ground, before me was a vast white space in the form of snow and ice. All this I was going to destroy. Those were the last seconds of peace. This continent shrouded in frosty death will experience another kind of death - fire.
Time moved quickly and I saw how the meteorite was about to touch the ground. Before the impact, my gaze became determined. If I show weakness or question this decision now, then I will die here.
I was energized and ready to hit the ground running. My desire to drag out the moment was shattered when the meteor hit the ground. There was a loud explosion below me and a shock wave quickly moved through space and hit me.
I underestimated the power of this shock wave. She hit me so hard that I thought my internal organs were knocked out of me. But it slowed me down.
I had only half a second before the collision. I didn't actually see when I was going to fall because after the shock wave I was surrounded by thick fire and smoke. I physically had no way of knowing when I would reach the ground, so I decided to explode before impact.
After releasing all its energy, a powerful explosion rang out and everything went dark after that.
POV: General
The meteorite met the ice and, as if not noticing it, sank quite deep. It was very fast and the next moment everything exploded.
There was a bright light from the explosion, followed by a great deal of fire and dust. But most of all there was ice. The ice was sent into the air, and what could not fly began to push the ice in all directions.
In just an instant, the entire Continent split into many pieces, and a huge wall of ice and fire rose above the clouds. This wall of ice and fire not only rose, but also moved from the center of Antarctica along with many kilometers of ice that broke away from the ground.
But this was not the end of this disaster, because another star was falling high in the sky and this star shone even brighter than the meteorite. There was enough light for the darkness to escape from here. Even at the equator, people noticed an atmospheric glow coming from the south. People who lived closer to Antarctica were surprised that night turned into day. They did not see the meteorite, but the atmosphere was glowing.
There was night, then night became day. After that there was a bright flash. Finally, the darkness returned, taking over the territory that had belonged to it moments before. It seemed that the world had returned to peace, but it was not.
Antarctica died in minutes. After the meteorite fell, another star hit the same place and another explosion occurred. This explosion was less powerful, but it was like a flash of the sun. Immediately after the flash, the atmosphere over Antarctica caught fire, turning into a sea of fire that covered the sky.
The wave of ice and fire that was moving across the continent received an additional boost. This wave, which was several times higher than the clouds and, having received an additional push, turned into a wall of meteorites that flew all the way to the nearest continents.
Kilometer-long blocks of ice fell into the ocean, causing huge splashes of water.
Fortunately for people, there are constant storms around Antarctica. The so-called "West Wind Belt of Antarctica" collided with the shock wave and reduced its strength. But despite this, it was visible from space how the clouds were blown away, and this whole mass of clouds began to move from Antarctica. It was as if half the planet had been laid bare and you could clearly see the contours of the land.
Strong winds moved over the ocean and land, uprooting trees and destroying roofs. The further he moved, the weaker he became. But after the wind came a wave 10 meters high. It was the first wave created by the wind.
No one asked questions because everyone heard the tsunami warning siren and everyone was watching the external TV announcement of the evacuation. Even people who lived far from water had to prepare for possible earthquakes and unpredictable weather.
The next wave was 20 meters high, and it traveled across the entire planet, and only after overcoming the distance to the equator, it halved. This wave was formed because a lot of ice was pushed into the ocean.
The ice that was squeezed out of the center of the continent spread across the ocean. Huge icebergs the size of Great Britain scattered around. Some hit Australia, and some collided with small islands and completely obliterated them without even noticing. Only a reminder of these islands remained in the form of scars deep in the ocean.
People were saved by the fact that the authorities were ready and in fact these waves were slow. These waves took several days to travel across the planet. All these days, the sirens on the streets of the cities did not stop.
Antarctica was on fire, it seemed that even the ice was on fire. A huge wave of ice and fire slowly began to fall as it reached the edge of Antarctica. Dust and fire covered the sky and slowly expanded, forming red lightning. After a while, the fire disappeared, leaving only black clouds of smoke and dust.
It was impossible to see what was happening on the Continent, and all that remained of the former ice kingdom was a circular outline of tall ice mountains that resembled landscapes from fantasy films. These mountains were thick slabs of ice that jutted into the sky with sharp edges, and these slabs of ice resembled the scales of a dragon.
Everything beyond these mountains was hidden behind dark clouds. But one thing was clear - there was no more ice or water there. Only the scorched earth that once rested peacefully under the ice.
It was an act of desperation.
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