22.22% Grit (BNHA AU Female Reader Insert) / Chapter 2: Ch 2: A Different Kind of Encounter

章 2: Ch 2: A Different Kind of Encounter

It's the weekend and there is no school, everything is quiet and Momo goes to check on ---- who is still asleep. The others are in the commonroom and see Mr. Aizawa walk in with the Japanese military and a woman in a uniform follows. She is kind looking and is holding a bunch of files, the students look at their teacher.

" It's ok no one is in trouble, this woman has been sent by ---- Admiral to help her with her PTSD." Mr. Aizawa tells them.

Kirishima gets an idea and pulls Todoroki to the side for a moment so no one can hear them.

" Hey let's get Momo to hide cameras with audio in ---- room for a moment so we can hear what's going on." Kirishima suggests.

" I don't know...." Shoto thinks about it.

" You want to help her right? This way we will know to help her in the future." Kirishima tells his friend.

" You're right I guess, ok hold on." Shoto nods and pulls his phone out.

Shoto texts Momo the same argument and she agrees to make tiny micro cameras with audio. She places them on the balcony, and in key corners of her room, Momo hears a knock and jumps. Going over to the door it is Mr. Aizawa and the woman, Momo bows her head and just smiles, she explains why she is there and the Psychiatrist praises Momo on her quick thinking. Walking out with the tablet in hand. She connects to the camera's and heads to Shoto's room where Midoriya, Iida, Kirishima, Bakugo, Shoto, Kaminari, Tokoyami and Uraraka are waiting. They all sit down and see the woman approach the bed, after a little bit ---- finally wakes up and holds her head.

" Miss Drakos you are finally awake that is good, my name is Mrs. Akina and I was sent to see how you are doing." Mrs. Akina asks her.

" Like shit.... I struck at my classmates how do you think I fucking feel?" ---- voice seethes with anger.

---- gets up and grabs a pack from her drawer thats hidden. She walks to her balcony with Mrs. Akina next to her, she pulls out a cigarette and lights it. The others look in shock that she has such a habit.

" Please dont tell the others.... I'm embarrassed that I have such a weakness in the first place...." ---- sighs out.

" I would never, also this whole thing is between us. So what made you have an episode yesterday Miss Drakos?" Mrs. Akina asks.

" Not sure what made me remember to be honest, I was just doing an exercise drill with the Hero courses and everything seemed pretty routine." ---- shrugs and takes a long drag from her cigarette. " The memories were of some kids I met in Ghizer, a beautiful village surrounded by fertile lands and mountains.... I was 13 when I was there with the team. The kids were younger then me and saw me as a big sister of sorts.... heh they were sweet kids...." ---- sighs as she finishes her cigarette.

" What happened Miss Drakos?" Mrs. Akina asks.

" We were in Ghizer because nearby there was a terrorist cell trying to steal intel from the Russians, Japanese and us in America. While I was there I would play with the kids with my other brothers in my team.... we were sent on a scouting mission for a week to gather information on the whereabouts of the cell. We got what we needed and returned to the village, when I got back the kids were gone.... there were 9 missing and we thought maybe they were evacuated.... we were told families were escorted to safety...." ---- sighs and grabs another cigarette and lights it.

" Did you find the kids?" Mrs. Akina asks ----.

" We were sent on the mission to finally take out the cell, it was simple enough thanks to the intel we got earlier, the cell was responsible for I.E.D.'s and they were making car bombs...." ---- finishes her second cigarette and cleans herself up quick.

Walking back inside ---- goes to the bathroom to change, she rinses off and brushes her teeth then grabs gum, she walks back out and sits down across from Mrs. Akina waiting patiently for her.

" I needed a moment...." ---- explains.

" It's ok please continue." Mrs. Akina smiles sweetly.

" There was one room that had lots of power going to it, it was a chilled room and I was the first to go in.... I found them.... 5 of them already had bombs in them but they all died from the procedure to cut them open and place the bombs in. 1 was cut open on the table and was also dead.... 2 were just stuffed in freezers.... Abdullah was the only one alive but.... he already had a bomb in him.... there was nothing we could do...." ---- tries to cry.

Mrs. Akina and her classmates listening are in shock at this, they can't imagine the horror at seeing all this at a young age.

" Wanna know the fucked up part? Abdullah after we explained the situation said he wanted to die by my hands.... because he wanted to die in his sisters arms.... I couldn't do it at first and begged my C.O. to save him but they told me that tampering with the incision where the bomb was would trigger the bomb.... the only way was to inject him with the same shit they give death row inmates.... if his heart stopped that way the bomb would deactivate.... so there I was.... giving him a paralytic agent so he wouldn't feel pain.... I was alone with him when I did it.... he went to sleep and died telling me he was glad I came into his life.... the smell of that fucking room.... what I saw...." ---- holds her head.

" You did the right thing ----...." Mrs. Akina tells her.

" The right thing? The RIGHT.... THING?!" ---- yells and stands up.

Mrs. Akina pulls out a device and aims it at ----, firing it she binds ---- feet and hands. ---- just laughs and using her Quirk she destroys the special cuffs with ease using her bones. ---- just looks at Mrs. Akina with an amused look.

" I was born a weapon, I was crafted into one even more so with the military.... I was trained to be a killer. I'm a tool.... a means to an end.... your devices and restraints wont work on me. But why cuff me?.... I don't harm the innocent.... heh have something to admit?" ---- sneers.

" It was a precaution.... sorry Miss Drakos." She apologizes.

" I don't frankly care, I'm no Hero and with all I have done I never will be.... all I care about is purging the world of the evil I see everyday.... the same evil that has taken innocent lives.... including everything I cared for...." ---- glares at her.

" The Karachi incident.... but Pro Hero's were involved you can't go after them.... Endeavor and the others didn't know." Mrs. Akina tries to explain.

Shoto looks in shock along with his friends, they look at him and he has no idea what they are talking about.

" Endeavor?? What does your father have anything to do with this?!" Kaminari asks.

" I don't know, what the hell were Hero's doing fighting in the Middle East?" Shoto questions.

" I will face them all one day.... they will answer for what they have done when the time comes.... for now I cannot face them.... not yet. My emotions will get the best of me and it will not be pleasant.... I do not wish to harm the father of the one person who seems to get me in some way." ---- sighs and sits.

" You mean Shoto Todoroki?" Mrs. Akina asks.

" He seems genuine.... I want to get close to everyone but my walls just keep coming up.... Shoto, Midoriya.... Iida, Kirishima and Momo, Uraraka, Kaminari, Tokoyami hell even Bakugo have been nice to me." ---- admits.

" Then be nice back." Mrs. Akina tells her.

" The moment I'm close to anyone they die, I'd rather be a bitch to them and keep em safe then get close and have them die somehow. If it's my curse to be alone then so be it, it's my job to protect them as well and that's what I intend to do.... I know you are trying Mrs. Akina but you are my 27th Psychiatrist and I'm still broken.... the only reason they have these sessions with me is because the U.N. is waiting for me to finally snap.... they all know I'm a ticking time bomb and my PTSD makes my Quirks unstable.... hell I break my own limbs.... heh I do it so I can feel pain again. I dont feel pain.... I cry but the sadness isn't there.... only anger sits in my mind and I can't stop it...." ---- snaps her left arm in several angles to Mrs. Akina and her classmates horror. " This only stings a little.... there is no true pain! The past doesn't let me forget and I can't feel anymore.... I'm so fucking numb to all of this.... I can't feel anything anymore.... I have to fake it just to seem normal.... I just want to cry again, I want to feel again...." She sighs out and holds her head as her arm heals up.

" I am here to help you Miss Drakos." Mrs. Akina tells her.

" I out rank you soldier and yet you dont give me the decency of calling me Commander Drakos. It doesn't fucking matter anyways just let me be.... I still feel exhausted and I just want to be alone." ---- tells her.

" We still have time in the session ---- I-" Mrs. Akina stops mid sentence.

---- has spikes form along her spine, shoulders and arms, a sinister look of hatred glares from her eyes. The Psychiatrist stands and immediately walks out, ---- puts a light jacket on along with boots and grabs only her wallet. She opens her balcony door and hops down to the ground.

" Wait where is she going?" Kirishima asks.

" Let's catch up to her." Iida suggests.

" I don't know she seems pretty pissed off." Kaminari questions.

" We dont need her having an episode out in public alone." Shoto mentions.

" Ok fair enough." Kaminari sighs.

The group grabs clothing and their wallets and cellphones, they go in the direction where ---- disappeared in and look around for her.

" Tokoyami take to the skies with Dark Shadow but don't be too obvious ok?" Midoriya tells him.

" I'll message you if I find her." Tokoyami nods and uses Dark Shadow to fly up.

Shoto splits off along with the others, she likes water so Shoto searches nearby at a festival. After a while he sees ---- grabbing some food and drink at a stall, she has a little baggie as well and she walks towards a large pond. Sitting by the water she eats her food peacefully, Shoto messages the others and sends his coordinates to them. He quietly watches as a Garasu; a Raven lands close by ----, she looks over and watches the bird for a second. Pulling out her baggie she opens it and he sees her pull out a pastry piece, the Raven hops toward her as she places the treat in the palm of her hand. The Raven snaps it up and eats the treat, it struts over and jumps on ---- knee. She grabs another piece and feeds it to the bird while the others make it to Shoto. They watch her feed the bird again, this time she uses a finger to stroke the top of his head.

" Awfully trusting Raven.... but you're not dumb either bird.... no you know I am no threat to you." ---- smiles softly.

The Raven chitters at ---- and watches her with inquisitive eyes. She shares her meal with the Raven, the bird flies up to her shoulder and nestles against her. ---- just eats while the bird chills with her, she finishes her food and stands up with her garbage. She cleans up and begins to walk through the park with her new friend, the bird flies off and ---- just watches it fly off.

" Well she is ok now, we should go home and just let her be." Momo tells everyone.

" Im glad she is ok after all that, she seemed pretty bad before." Iida nods.

The group heads back and lets her have some space, ---- still being hungry goes to another food stall and gets a bunch of food. She gets beef skewers and goes to a store and grabs some American soda exported from there. She goes over to a tree surrounded by benches, sitting down she relaxes and tries to forget about her day. Someone sits next to her, black pants, hoodie and sunglasses conceal their look. ---- feels memories begin to claw at her head, she holds her head and groans, which gets the attention of the person next to her.

" Something troubling you?" His deep gruff voice asks.

" I'm fine, stupid bullshit that's all.... I get sent here from America so the U.N. can use me as a damn tool.... I hate my life." ---- vents.

" Heh yah it sucks, most Hero's are false idols nowadays.... so are you a Hero?" He asks.

" No.... I have too much blood on my hands to be considered a Hero, I'm just a person trying to do good things before my madness consumes me.... heh sorry I'm not insane I just have Quirks that are unstable now because of my line of work I guess...." ---- admits.

" Hm, so why do you do it?" The man asks.

" I have my purpose still, protect those who need me. No matter who they are I will always help them, I don't judge or pass judgment at all." ---- answers.

" Heh, your an unusual one." The man jests.

" Eh us American's are complex with our emotions." ---- giggles a little.

" I would like to chat longer but I need to go grab some decent food." The man tells her.

" Oh here take half, I ate before and got too much, here have a few sodas too." ---- holds out the items to the man.

" You sure? I can pay you." He tells her.

" Yah I'm sure, also nah.... it's payment for the best therapy I've had in a long time." ---- tells him.

The man takes the extra food and drinks, they begin to eat and he hums out in appreciation.

" These beef skewers are pretty good, also is this the famous Cola from America?" He asks.

" Yah it's my comfort drink." ---- nods.

" Never had it before but I heard its good." He comments as he opens one up.

The man takes a sip and is immediately addicted to the flavor, he lets out a soft chuckle and puts the can down.

" Now I know why you American's are obsessed with the stuff, this stuff is like liquid crack." He chuckles.

" I'm glad you are enjoying yourself." ---- tells him.

As they speak the Raven from earlier returns, this time he has a shiny charm he found in its beak. The man looks over and watches the bird interact with ----, the bird puts the charm in ---- hand and she gives the bird a soft smile and giggle.

" You have a pet Raven?" He asks.

" Not exactly, he just met me today but I fed him some of my pastry earlier. Im sorry lil guy I'm out of the pastry.... I have meat though." ---- bites a piece off.

The Raven is quick to snap up the meat and it shares a few pieces with her, it once again perches on her shoulder but this time it settles in and falls asleep. ---- pets its head affectionately and continues to eat with her human friend now.

" You say you have killed and yet you are gentle." The man comments.

" I'm not a monster yet.... I lost everyone I ever loved to Hero's but I'm trying to forgive them. It's better to focus on what makes me happy, it's extremely hard but I'm trying. Also with the people I'm forced to work with I am warming up to them a little. One being Shoto Todoroki." ---- tells him.

" What about him?" The man's posture seems to change aggressively.

" Nothing much, but we have spoken to eachother. He kept mentioning an older brother who he misses, Touya was his name. Said he misses him greatly and told me how much of a great person he was before the tragedy, it's a shame he has passed away." ---- explains.

" Why is that?" The man asks.

" I would of loved to of met him, he seems like the kind of person I would like. Smart, brave, caring, heh what's not to like, Shoto really loves his brother Touya even though he isn't around anymore. It's a sweet notion I suppose, I don't feel pain or much for emotion anymore so its hard to give an honest opinion.... hell I haven't truly cried in year's...." ---- admits.

The man relaxes and is silent for a moment, he sits back and seems to be in deep thought.

" Hey I left my cellphone at my place do you know the time?" ---- asks.

" It's 7pm." He replies.

" Shit I got to head back before they get worried about me." ---- sighs.

" Hey.... would you like to do this again? Like just relaxing and talking?" The man asks.

" I would like that a lot actually, here is my number and country code. I have unlimited everything so if you wanna text me too you can. My name is ----." ---- tells the man as she stands up.

The man stands up and towers over her, ---- can see his eyes glow faintly behind his shades he has on and his face is covered. He grabs the piece of paper with her information on it and he puts it into his phone.

" The name is Dabi, it was nice meeting you. Be safe out there." He gives her a slight smile.

---- waves bye as she heads back to the dorms, her Raven friend is still with her and she pets his head again.

" I'll name you Edgar, you wont be a pet but you will be my friend." ---- speaks to him.

---- gets to the dorm and she smuggles in Edgar, she heads to her room and makes a nest for him outside. She relaxes and lets Edgar nest in the warm nest, Dabi meanwhile followed her back home to make she she was safe. He isn't sure why he followed her but he has an odd attachment to her. He looks up at the room and sees her change, he has perverted thoughts lace through his mind but he looks away and grabs his phone. He decides to text her number, he looks up and sees her grab her phone, she does a little happy dance which gives him an odd satisfaction.

' She is that excited to see a text from me?' He thinks to himself.

Dabi sits back for a moment and sees she is in a tank top and shorts, she sits on her porch with Edgar and isn't aware Dabi is actually close by.

' Hey ---- you home safe?' Dabi texted her.

' Yep! Thank you for checking in on me, the others aren't pestering me yet so I don't think they saw me sneak in.... but in my line of work if they DID see me I am lacking in my training lol.' She replies back.

' Glad you are safe, it's still early but you looked exhausted, you should probably get some rest.'

' But then I wouldn't be able to text you, I'm ok for now I still wanna talk to you! :3'

Dabi feels an odd tingle in his chest, this girl really wanted to stop everything she was doing JUST to talk with him? Dabi finds himself acting like a high schooler nearly as they text back and forth.

' Heh ok then, so why did you get dragged out here to Japan anyways?'

' I'm not allowed to say much, but the U.N. made me come here, I'm in a top secret military branch. I have been in the military since before I was a pre-teen, they have been using me for my Quirks....'

Dabi sees the way she types the last bit, like she is frustrated. Looking up at her he sees sadness in her eyes, sadness he is all too familiar with.

' You don't need to tell me until you can, but that is pretty cool though. We should show eachother our Quirks one day.'

' That would be so cool! You probably have an awesome Quirk too!'

' It's pretty cool I guess, but seriously though you should get some sleep, you seem tired.'

' How would you know? Spying on me? :p'

Shit! Well she isn't wrong but he doesn't want her knowing he followed her to her place.

' Nah but I'm empathic to people I know and I keep yawning, I'm sure as hell not tired so I'm guessing you need sleep.'

' Yah you're right, damn you gonna be my life coach or something? Lol.... seriously though it's nice, I don't normally have people look after me but myself so.... thank you Dabi.'

' It was nice meeting a new face around here, you get your rest doll face and we can set up a time to hang out again soon.'

Looking up Dabi can see her blush at the pet name he gave her, he hears her giggle in a cute way.

' I would love that, good night Dabi and when you do go to bed sweet dreams <3'

' Yah you too, sweet dreams ----.'

Dabi feels his heart pound in his chest, is this girl for real? Looking at the little heart emoji and how genuine she is, he feels his stomach turn in a weird way. Is he sick?.... no this is a floating feeling, he looks up and sees ---- hug her phone to her chest. She kisses the top of it before she walks back inside, Dabi feels his cheeks warm up.

' Was that meant for me? No don't be so fucking dumb....' Dabi scolds himself.

Getting up he walks back towards the hide out, walking in his cohorts are talking amongst themselves and greet him.

" Heya Dabi where have you been?" Toga asks.

" Just out clearing my head, I need to lay down for a bit.... later." He waves her off.

Dabi hears his phone go off, he sees it's from ---- and he makes his way up to his apartment. Going inside it is nice and clean despite what most would think, he gets undressed and lays in bed with his phone. Opening the message it's a cute picture of her just laying in bed, for her she is being innocent, but the picture is more revealing then she intended. Reading the caption he groans softly looking at the picture, her breasts are large and laying backwards her tank top is struggling to cover her up. Her shorts are pulled up so they hug her tightly.

' I promise I'm going to bed I'm just excited to go hang out with you again! See you soon!'

Dabi saves the photo to his phone, he smiles to himself and thinks of a reply that isn't TOO perverted.

' Stop being naughty and get some rest, save that for when we are together >:)'

' Lol ok ok night night! :3 <3'

He can only imagine how flustered that last text made her, he smirks to himself and just lays back against his black satin sheets.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


