7.14% GoT: A New God's Conquest / Chapter 2: Deranged

章 2: Deranged

With Voldemort's wraith glaring at him—at least he guessed it was glaring, it didn't have eyes, after all—Lux prepared to suck him dry of all that juicy magical knowledge. Okay, maybe that was a poor way to phrase it.

Gesturing towards the ghost, an intricate golden seal appeared within the barrier before his consciousness felt like it had been pulled away from his body as he flipped through the life of Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Even with this being only a fragment of his soul, Tom's memories, up until the night he murdered the Potters, had been perfectly preserved. Lux guessed that the measly half a lifetime of memories was nothing compared to the amount of information a soul could hold.

For such a low-level supernatural being that Voldemort was, it took him only minutes to categorize everything of interest into his perfect memory.

As he figured, the two seemed to be from another weird crossover universe. This time, it was a much simpler mix of Harry Potter and High School DxD. He'd thought that with all the other supernatural beings, the story of Harry Potter would vastly change, but it seemed the wizards and witches didn't have much of a presence with the greater supernatural community, preferring to keep to themselves.

With that done, he was ready to leave the cave and find out if the outside world was another fictional one he knew. But first, he put away his wings before using the transfiguration knowledge he'd stolen to conjure up a simple black shirt and trousers, along with a band to tie his long hair back.

Not wanting to deal with Bellatrix's particular brand of madness at the moment, Lux flicked an overcharged stunning charm at the unconscious woman with the wand he'd looted. He'd save that conversation for after figuring out what type of world they'd stumbled into. Looking at Fem Harry, he decided to send a stunner her way too.

Still, he was excited to explore. He'd put the crazy death world he came from on the back burner for now. He needed to get a grasp on his Essence of Creation. After all, he still didn't know how the mysterious ability judged how much essence to award.

The cavern the two ended up in had no exit in sight, the only hint of an outside world being the small cracks allowing air to enter the room.

Even if it was just the Fem Harry, Lux was sure the girl would figure a way out. With his mastery over the mystical arts gained from the memories of Voldemort and his lesser Archmage essence, the stone walls parted like a field of grass as he strolled along, the bodies of Bellatrix and Fem Harry dutifully levitating at his side.

Finally breaking through to the surface, the dark pathway he created was bathed in light as the harsh winter winds battered the trio. If it weren't for the warming charms he'd placed on the two witches early on their journey, they'd likely have already died from exposure.

Lux overlooked a densely forested valley with the mountain he'd just carved his way out of on one side and one nearly twice the height on the other. But the annoying part was over now. With his line of sight no longer interrupted by the cave walls, he could simply Apparate his way around.

Not wanting to wander around randomly and wanting to figure out his current location, he cast a human-revealing charm with enough juice to cover the valley.

It seemed he was lucky enough not to have spawned in a completely uninhabited wilderness. With a pop, Lux and his captives disappeared from the mountain peak, reappearing in the snow-covered forest.

It only took three more uses of line-of-sight Apparition before he found the nearest signal his charm had picked up: two scraggly men covered head to toe in animal pelts. From the bows slung across their backs, Lux assumed they were out hunting.

Leaving Bellatrix and Fem Harry propped up against a tree, he made his way toward the two men. He wasn't trying to be discreet, and after a few steps in their direction, the hunters turned to him, drawing their stone weapons after finding a stranger so close.

After their surprise seemed to wear off and exchanging a few words, Lux noticed the two start to eye him up like a particularly succulent piece of meat.

His enhanced senses easily picked up their conversation, and the ability to speak and understand all languages that came along with being an angel came in handy. Apparently, Lux's man meat was on their menu for tonight.

"Savage cannibals," Lux scoffed, about to incapacitate the two with a spell before one of his soul-bound companions grabbed his attention.

"Oh, you wanna play, Noir? Sure, come out and have your fun."

Aurora seemed satisfied to simply watch her surroundings from inside his soul so he only summoned one of the little troublemakers.

The two locals obviously didn't know what Lux was murmuring to himself about, but the small wolf walking out from behind a tree and growling as menacing as the little cutie could manage did get their attention.

He could see the greed in the two's eyes, and after hearing the men's whispers, he knew why. The fuckers thought the pitch-black wolf pup would fetch a good price.

"Did you hear that, baby girl? These bad men want to separate us," Lux sneered. "Why don't you show them why that's a bad idea."

His words seemed to provoke the little wolf, and with a blur, Noir appeared behind one of the men, now covered snout to tail in blood and gore, a suspiciously Noir-shaped hole in the hunter's torso.

"Girl, I was hoping to catch them alive," Lux deadpanned at the wolf sending him a questioning head tilt, trying to appear as innocent and cute as possible in her current state.

"Try to bring his friend in one piece this time," he scolded the pup, pointing toward the remaining hunter fleeing in terror.

Noir seemed to grumble at that but still sped over to the man who hadn't gotten very far. The man desperately clawed at the ground as the supernaturally strong puppy dragged him over, her jaw locked around his leg before Lux hit the savage with a Full Body-Bind Curse, ready to get some information about the world he'd found himself in.

A New God's Conquest

Lux sat on a rock next to the campfire he'd started, leisurely stroking his two wolves' soft fur. Thankfully, they could dismiss their menacing blades at will, so he didn't need to worry about getting sliced up during cuddle time.

He'd gotten all the information he needed from the hunter to start working on his future plans. Unfortunately for the hunter, the man's brain didn't have an enjoyable time when Lux tore through his life's memories, using it as practice with his new Legilimency abilities. He ended up brain-dead, but his usefulness had run out anyway.

The local didn't know much about the greater world but it was still enough for him to figure out what world he was in.

He was either in 'A Song of Ice and Fire' or 'Game of Thrones,' More specifically, he was in Skagos, a land just the slightest bit more civilized than Beyond the Wall. He couldn't get the exact year from the peasant since news of the Seven Kingdoms rarely reached the island, but at the very least the hunter knew that the Targaryens had already lost the throne.

Unless the gods of this world were real, something Lux highly doubted, conquering this measly world would be child's play. Lux figured that, at most, what the locals referred to as gods were nothing more than magic taking a sentient form. And even then, they didn't seem to directly interfere with the world much.

Lux planned to eventually conquer this world, but for the moment, his goals were simple: figure out his Essence of Creation and gain further power using his Archmage Essence to expand his magical repertoire.

And he would definitely need that power for when he ended up returning to this body's original world. Sure, he could simply avoid the dangerous world, but that wasn't his style. There was too much to be gained for him to hide away like a rat. Still, if everything went according to keikaku, his power would grow more than enough to face the future threats.

With the weird crossover he'd found himself in, there were more than enough options to choose from to increase his strength.

For example, the Dark Lord had knowledge of Touki and Senjutsu. Fortunately for the wizarding world, by the time he learned of those powers, the damage done to his soul by the Horcruxes prevented him from mastering the skills. Honestly, wizarding magic was a considerably weaker form of devil magic that would likely harmlessly bounce off his body. If it weren't for his Archmage Essence allowing him to expand on magical systems, he wouldn't bother with it beyond its utility.

But Touki and Senjutsu were just the beginning of his plans. There were plenty of powers from various other universes with similar origins that he hoped to learn.

Haki from One Piece must involve some sort of spiritual or physical energies similar to Touki. So, could he learn it?

Senjutsu practitioners wielded chakra. Could he expand on the limited uses that the DXD universe showed to create jutsu on the levels shown in Naruto?

For now, these were just theories that he'd need to experiment with.

On top of all his plans for power and conquest, Lux wouldn't neglect what he considered to be of utmost importance: enjoying this second chance at life to the fullest.

He wouldn't put his plans of becoming the strongest aside, but what would be the point of all of that without having his fun?

And speaking of fun… Lux looked toward the unconscious, crazy woman he'd nearly forgotten about.

A New God's Conquest

She woke up with a groan.

What the hell happened?

Her foggy memories slowly came back.

She'd just been reveling in the glee that came from sending her blood traitor of a cousin to his death.

Then… Potter! The Potter brat ruined everything! How could she serve her lord when she was dead? Wait, was she dead? She did tumble through the Veil of Death, right?

Before Bellatrix could figure out for herself if she were dead or alive, the sound of someone clearing their throat knocked her out of those thoughts.

This also made her realize that based on her surroundings, it was unlikely she was dead.

Her combat instincts, honed over the years, brought her back to her senses, her hand going for her wand before turning to the stranger.

Even when prepared to fight to the death, she froze for a moment at the sight of the man's appearance. She could honestly say that she'd never seen a more attractive man. But those thoughts were immediately consumed by rage after noticing the man holding her wand.

"Oh, finally noticed, huh?" his mocking tone only deepened the scowl on her face.

"Bastard, hand over my wand if you don't want to die the most painful death imaginable!" she threatened, only getting a laugh from the man holding her at wand point.

"Those are some strong words for someone without the ability to fight back," he continued to mock her. "But enough of the word games, how about we make a deal?"

"What kind of deal," she bit back, not having much of a choice but going along with his demands.

"I think a simple duel will suffice, but if you lose, your life will be mine," he said, making her pause. Was he a dullard? There were only two men she would admit defeat to when it came to battle. Was he really going to give up his advantage?

"Fine, it's not like I have much of a choice," she agreed, a nasty smile finding its way onto her face, ready to put this foreigner in his place.

Bellatrix didn't fully believe the man was going to fight her in a fair fight until he casually tossed her precious wand in her direction.

That didn't mean she was going to play fair, though. Feeling the familiar connection in hand, she directed all of her fury and indignation toward the man who hadn't gotten his own wand out yet.

Bellatrix's manic grin at having the opportunity to unleash a torrent of varied curses quickly turned to confusion as the man she was growing increasingly frustrated with casually batted her spells away with his bare hands.

"Why… won't… you… just… die!" She roared in between each wave of her wand, each curse becoming darker and crueler as her frustration grew.

"Avada Kedavra!" She finally cried out, now panting and heaving on her knees from exhaust.

Her last curse at least got a reaction more than a casual wave of a hand, but it was all still in vain as the sickly green ray harmlessly bounced off a shimmering barrier.

"Well, that was something. But I think it should be my turn now, don't you?" The detestable man asked, and she could only let out a snarl in response.

"Crucio," Lux pointed the mad woman's spare wand at its owner, watching the red beam turn her into a convulsive mess, writhing on the ground. 

Even though it hadn't happened in this timeline, this ones for you, Dobby.

After a few minutes of uncaringly torturing the woman, he cut off the curse, satisfied that a beloved character had been avenged.

Crossing the gap to Bellatrix's downed form, he had to give it to her: the woman had grit, managing to get to her knees by the time he stood in front of her, even after being under the Unforgivable for so long.

"I'd say that it's my win," Lux smirked, digging the end of his wand into her neck before prying the wand from her hand.

"Get it over with, bastard. But know this, you'll be begging for the same release once my Lord gets his hands on you," Bellatrix swore, assuming this would be the end for herself.

"I think you've misunderstood something, my dear. I said your life would be mine, not that it would be over. So, no, you won't be dying today, you'll just have a new master from now on," Lux said, making the crazy lady's anger soar to new heights.

"Hah, and what makes you think I'll go along with that? I'd happily die before betraying my Lord," she denied his kind offer, making him simply smile at that.

"I never said it would be easy, but I'd say that I can be very persuasive when needed."

"Pain is nothing new to me. Do your worst, bastard," she spat.

Lux nodded at that. "You're right, I doubt torture will get us anywhere. That bit earlier was just me blowing off some steam. No, pain is so barbaric, but I can think of a few other ways that will have a woman like yourself willingly kneeling at my feet."

Grabbing her chin, Lux ran a finger along the woman's undeniably seductive lips.

"Such beauty, too bad it's been tainted," he lamented, pulling her lower lip to reveal the rotten set of teeth. "Worry not, my dear, I can fix that."

"I don't know what game you're playing, but you'll regret keeping me alive," Bellatrix said as he took a step back from the seething woman.

Lux didn't bother responding to that, instead snapping a finger, his golden seal appearing beneath the woman's kneeling form.

Bellatrix looked around in confusion as the golden light began reconstructing her body, years of abuse and neglect spent in Azkaban washing away like it never happened.

With only the basics of holy healing magic given to him by his father, healing the deranged woman was still super easy, barely an inconvenience. Even with magic, her body was still in the realm of mortals. When cast on such mundane flesh, the spell could heal anything, including death if it hadn't been too long.

As the golden light reached its pinnacle, he noticed Bellatrix grabbing her arm in pain, the iconic Dark Mark writhing around on her skin before his holy light took offense to the vile magic. The woman's pain turned to agony as a dark mist was released from the mark. Once released from her body, the Dark Lord's magic stood no chance against his light, and the tainted mist vaporized under his power.

His light faded, and Lux watched in amusement as The Dark Lord's sycophant became belligerent at the loss of her master's slave mark.

"You bastard! Even if it takes me the rest of my existence, you will pay! Count your days, you fuc—"

While it was amusing to banter with the psychopath for a short time, Lux was starting to get tired of her ramblings.

Gesturing with a grasp at the now fully healed Bellatrix, he didn't cast a spell but instead commanded his raw magical power to lock the woman's movements.

With a simple use of transfiguration, both of their clothes turned into butterflies before landing on some nearby branches. From what little movement Bellatrix could make with her eyes, he knew that move shocked her, but more than anything, she was now furious.

Lux traced his steadily hardening shaft along the woman's lips, revealing a brand new set of pearly whites. Earlier he wouldn't have wanted to go anywhere near that rotten mess, but now the sight of the mature beauty on her knees had him anticipating how her pouty lips would feel wrapped around his cock.

"I think it's time to start your training. How about you start by worshiping your new Lord from there on your knees," Lux teased, taking a small step back and releasing her jaw from his magical bindings.

"Don't you even dare!" Bellatrix screamed, making him chuckle.

"What's wrong? Weren't you used to serving your previous master like this? Oh, wait, that's right, he lost those parts that made him a man long ago," Lux mocked, knowing from The Dark Lord's memories that he'd sacrificed those parts for power somewhere down the line.

Before Bellatrix could start hysterically cursing him for hitting a sore spot, his magic locked her jaw open, tongue invitingly hanging out.

Rubbing his tip along the moist appendage quickly got him to full mast before Lux began using her sexy mouth as a living fleshlight.

He'd needed this. After all the shenanigans he'd been put through, at least now he could enjoy a woman's convulsing throat wrapped around his cock.

Half of him loved seeing the hatred and helplessness in the woman's eyes as he used her mouth for his pleasure. The other half was content that the wicked was being punished.

Lux knew that these were his two opposing divinities at work. He also knew that with his Essences, especially the Memetic Defense gained from the Archmage, he could suppress their effects on his mind at any time.

But there was no need for that, not when his divinities were working in his favor, one side giving him hints on bending the woman's devotion towards himself and the other urging him to devour what made Bellatrix herself.

He'd go for a mix of the two; after all, in this medieval world without proper entertainment, dealing with the bitchy psychopath might stave off some of his future boredom.

Still, this wasn't as pleasurable for him as it could be, what basically only counted as masturbating with a toy not able to send him over the edge. There was a solution for that, though.

"Satisfy your master," Lux commanded, not needing the incantation for the Imperius Curse he'd cast before releasing his hold on the woman's movements.

While vague, his intentions had been properly conveyed through the magic, letting out a groan as Bellatrix took his shaft in hand before gently sucking on one of his balls, her tongue doing interesting things as her hand stroked up and down.

After spending a good amount of time pleasuring his sack, Bellatrix finally worked her way to his cock, lathering featherlight kisses from base to tip with her pouty lips.

Seeming to know his anticipation had reached its limit, the mind-controlled woman took him into her mouth, her delicate tongue swirling around the fleshy underneath of his tip.

Lux wondered if it was the Imperio or if the woman was just that skilled as she took his well-above-average dick completely down her throat that seemed to have no gag reflex. Either way, the experience was one of the most pleasurable he could remember.

Feeling his climax nearing, Lux grabbed a handful of her beautiful, long wavy hair, increasing the pace, the rapid squelching sounds finally sending him over the edge. 

Lux released his Imperious Curse just as he shot his first rope down Bellatrix's waiting throat, watching in amusement as her glazed-over expression turned to absolute disgust. 

Before she could attempt to bite off the intruding phallus, he backed away, releasing the rest of his load on her enraged face.

"... You will pay, even if it's the last thing I do," she managed to say, panting on the ground. For some reason, Lux didn't feel very threatened by the woman covered in his cum.

"Somehow, I highly doubt that will happen. But I think you might get some enjoyment out of what's coming next," he said, making her shudder at the menacing tone. Those words didn't reassure her at all.

And she was right. As he waved his wand, the ground transformed around her, shackling her wrists and neck, forcing her into a very suggestive position with a ballgag making sure her incessant threats would be put to an end.

With Bellatrix now bound ass up in a pillory, Lux traced her seductive body, grabbing a handful of her lovely hanging tit flesh before making his way to her juicy ass.

He wasn't surprised after spreading her delectable cheeks to find a thick, untrimmed bush. He doubted she'd been getting any action since her release from Azkaban. After all, wiser men than him knew not to stick their dick in crazy.

Luckily, wizarding magic had a solution to many of the small problems like this, and with a wave of his hand, she was shaved clean, exposing her puffy pussy and crinkled hole to the crisp winter air.

She shivered, making her lovely hips jiggle enticingly and he didn't hold back from running a finger between her pink slit making her growl through the gag.

Wanting to get to the main course, Lux didn't play with her too long before lining up his throbbing cock, slowly inching his way into her surprisingly tight hole.

Despite her efforts, Bellatrix couldn't stop herself from letting out a reluctantly pleasured moan as he reached depths previously unexplored.

Lux had that godly dick. It would take a will far greater than the pretty little psychopath's not to feel anything from his deep thrusts. 

Speeding up his movements, and seeing that she was nearly lost in the pleasure, Lux figured it was a good time to start his manipulations.

The same golden seal he used to read Voldemort's memories appeared on the back of the woman he was roughly clapping the cheeks of. 

It wouldn't be a simple task, nor would it be perfectly done on the first attempt, but his divinities gave him a helping hand to mold the woman to his desires. But as he felt his second climax of the night approaching, the sopping wet cunt trying to milk him dry, he wouldn't mind repeating this process however many times it would take.

Buried deep into his conquest, Lux surrendered to the pleasure, filling the needy womb with his divine seed. He wouldn't worry about pregnancy, after all, he wouldn't mind starting a new pantheon of his own. He didn't want to be left alone to handle all of the busy work, not when he could be having fun instead.

Lux didn't stop there, continuing the night of debauchery while mind fucking Bellatrix into obedience, all while Fem Harry was left forgotten and unconscious under an invisibility charm.

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