65% God succession system / Chapter 378: Queen of the Fairies

章 378: Queen of the Fairies

On another continent, at the Capitol of the land known as the Alvarez Empire, chaos was spreading as an army of Youkai assaulted the Capitol, a massive nine tailed fox at their head spewing fire and destruction everywhere. Alerted by the sudden sounds of the attack, a crimson haired women who appeared to be a more mature version of Erza demanded as she approached a nearby window,

"What the hell is going on?!" When she looked outside though, Irene Belserion was stunned at the sight that greeted her as she witnessed the destruction of their Capitol city.

"What idiot would dare be stupid enough to attack us directly?" Irene asked rhetorically to the duo at her side, a pair of young looking girls that had black and white hair. However, she never expected a voice she had never heard before to answer,

"The same could be said about your so-called emperor kidnapping 'his' child, probably the dumbest thing I've seen someone do in years." Irene turned slowly to face the newcomer, a good looking silver haired man who was casually leaning against a nearby wall. Maintaining her calm and collected atmosphere, she asked the newcomer,

"And who exactly are you and who is this 'him' you referred to?" The man gave her a look as if he found the current situation troublesome, before saying

"The person I referred to before is the Dragon Emperor, Alex. As for myself, I am known as Vali Lucifer." With the name Lucifer meaning little to nothing in this world Irene didn't react to it at all, instead all of her attention was on the first part of Vali's introduction, this so-called 'Dragon Emperor'.

Despite her calm exterior, Irene's mind began racing as she tried to think of who would be foolish enough to actually refer to themselves as an emperor of dragons, when even Acnologia had ever only referred to himself as the 'Dragon King'. Irene lost herself in thought until Vali suddenly said,

"I have somewhere more important to be so let's get this over with." Though he was usually a battle maniac who would readily jump into any fight despite the risks, this time Vali was impatient to finish the fight so that he could quickly return to Aiko, who's belly was dangerously swollen by this point.

Despite being somewhat surprised by Vali's confidence and eagerness to get their battle started, Irene only smiled in response as she held her staff out to indicate she was ready to begin fighting, until Vali surprised her by crying out, "Balance break!"

Instantly Vali was covered head to toe with the white armor of the Vanishing Dragon, Albion, while the signature white and blue metallic wings spread from his back. When she saw this Irene's eyes widened before a condescending smirk appeared on her face.

"Look here, we have a copy cat challenging us~" Irene remarked to the two at her side, making Vali furrow his brows as he asked,

"What the hell are you talking about?" Irene's smirk widened as she explained,

"That armor of yours is exactly like the General Hyato's, except he has the complete version with both red and white. It's too bad since you'd need the complete set, and maybe even some of those interesting weapons he has to even consider competing against me." Irene never even considered the blunder she had just made as she then proceeded to laugh haughtily, while Vali and Albion silently absorbed what she told him within his armor.

'There's someone with the same armor?' That single thought raced through both of their minds as realization dawned on the duo.

Alex hadn't told them anything about the other reincarnator's in this world, except that there were five of them and that their leader was able to absorb others to take their knowledge and powers. Now however anger started spreading throughout Vali and Albion's entire beings, not because there was someone else with Divine Dividing, but because they were being regarded as something akin to a cheap knock off when they were the real thing.

<It appears that we need to set an example to the people of this world of what the REAL Vanishing Dragon is capable of partner> Albion said in a deathly calm voice, startling Irene out of her laughter when the metallic blue and white wings started talking out loud. She was going to ask what that was since Hyato's wings never spoke, when the area around her started to rumble slightly, and a spiderweb of fractures began to spread from beneath Vali's feet as his aura surged.

Meanwhile, at another part of the castle, a certain figure was blown out of it at high speeds before crashing into the buildings below, leaving a trail of destruction that ended in a large crater.

"Bastard...!" Shia swore silently as she immediately rolled up onto her butt, ignoring the destruction around her as she maintained an annoyed glare at the hole she had just made in the side of castle. Standing in it she could see two figures looking down at her, one and elderly man with long grey hair and a beard, and the other being a young woman with and expressionless face and a bob-cut styled light green hair.

"Interesting.....very interesting..." The old man said slowly as he stroked his beard thoughtfully, before he proceeded to step out of the hole in the castle wall and into the open air.

For a moment the man simply hung there in the open air, before the Gravity magic sent him hurdling toward the ground at high speed, and he used Shia's Physical Reinforcement magic to increase his durability at impact. He then casually approached Shia as she dusted herself off and used Regeneration magic to heal the minor scrapes he had given her.

"Using magic power to directly make yourself stronger and more durable, I've only heard of Dragon Slayer magic managing to accomplish such a thing before. And then you use a form of gravity manipulation to add power to your attacks, before using a type of time manipulation magic to heal your wounds when most forms of time manipulation magic are ineffective on living matter...fascinating....."

As he muttered half to Shia and half to himself, the leader of the most powerful mages in the Alvarez Empire, August of the Spriggon twelve, used the same Regeneration magic he had just watched Shia use to heal the slight amount of damage she had done to him before he had sent her flying.

"Fascinating...." He muttered once more before Shia snapped,

"Yeah yeah yeah, everything is so fascinating to you. Can we just get back to beating the snot out of each other now?" August focused on Shia suddenly as if he had just noticed her, despite the fact that he had been looking at her to begin with, and asked after another moment of thought,

"What are you?" Though bunny tribesmen didn't exist on Earthland, it wasn't uncommon for mages to learn Transformation magic to alter their looks so Shia knew August wasn't referring to her ears and tail. However that didn't stop her from harrumphing at him in annoyance before going,

"Obviously I'm a bunny!" August's brows furrowed at that before he remedied,

"I meant how are you able to use magic that defies everything we know about said magics? The magic you use to directly boost your physical capabilities, and using a form of time manipulation magic to heal your wounds, they're both magics that are unheard of in THIS world." Shia rolled her eyes when she understood what August was implying, which was technically right on the nose, and made no attempt to refute his assumption.

August chuckled at Shia's silent response before an uncharacteristically serious expression formed on his face, and he said,

"I wonder if one of your otherworldly magics would help me free his majesty from that upstart bastard's clutches... I suppose I'll just have to try and see!" Though Shia was moderately surprised at the way August spoke about Darius, she didn't have time to think about it at the old man suddenly removed his robe to reveal his incredibly toned figure, despite his age. That was nothing compared to what he did next though, as Shia's skin suddenly started crawling when August summoned every drop of his magic power reserves to pour into Physical Reinforcement, Gravity magic, and Regeneration magic.

August was none other than the son of two of the world's most powerful mages, Mavis Vermillion and Zeref Dragneel, also making him one of the most powerful people that existed in Earthland. The only people that could genuinely crush August in terms of magic strength was the dragon that could consume all magic, Acnologia, and his parents that had both been subjected to the Curse of Contradictions, while Mavis later became Fairy Heart through their union. Not only did his insane magic reserves make him capable of using spells that could wipe out an entire country instantly, but he was also capable of using any and every magic that someone used in front of him as if it was his own, with the sole exception of magics that required a medium like Lucy's Celestial Keys.

Despite all of this though, despite the amount of magic power that August was using to augment his own strength, Shia simply sighed and muttered,

"I guess I should stop holding back since your name was on the 'list'.... And if you wanted to intimidate me then you'd need to at least turn into a SSJ2 you know." Without another word Shia then surprised everyone who was witnessing the battle as her own light blue magic power surged like a massive aura around her, before a light layer of similarly colored fur started sprouting all over her body.


At another location, in a grand castle built out of dark stone that was flying a flag of Oración Seis, a member of one of the dark guilds under them came running into the hall where the six members of the powerful guild were talking, and shouted,


One of the six members of the guild, a man with short maroon colored hair that was spiked up looked up at him and lazily said,

"I know, I heard their whisperings before they arrived on our doorstep. Even now I can hear the sounds of battle echoing across the world, the death cries of thousands of people who were unable to even fight back." Though the man, Cobra, had a lazy attitude as he spoke, he also couldn't help smirking bitterly since everything that he had been 'hearing' told him that their opponents were so powerful that it was useless to even try and fight back.

That didn't mean that they wouldn't try though.

As the members of one of the most powerful dark guilds in the world they refused to simply lay down and be destroyed without a fight. That was what they had been discussing when the man arrived.

Suddenly one of them that had been sitting down was standing as if he had just teleported into a different position as he looked out the window, and asked, "Should I go out to check them out real quick? I doubt they'd even notice." The man was wearing what appeared to be a flashy racing jumpsuit along with a pair of sharp black sunglasses, making him look more like a race car driver than a Mage.

The man, Racer, then turned back and looked at their leader, an older man with long hair that held a withered looking staff with a skull on top, the master of Oración Seis, Brain. He then looked up at Racer and said,

"Sure, but be careful since these people seemed to have prepared for those they're attacking." Racer smirked but was otherwise silent as he immediately vanished from the room, and appeared outside in front of the group of attackers.

At their head was a beautiful woman with long Crimson hair, while at her right was another beautiful woman with her long black hair tied up in a long ponytail. Behind them was the rest of the first group, a woman with short cut blue hair, another with her long brown hair tied up into two twin tails, a handsome good looking guy with a sword on his hip, a woman with long white hair, cat ears and a matching kimono, a giant hulking man/thing with the weirdest baby face ever, a short woman who looked almost unattractive when compared to the rest, and then finally a man who's muscle tone and bearing gave him away as some kind of martial artist.

Behind them a ways was another group consisting of numerous hooded figures being led by another beautiful woman with long cherry blossom colored hair, and a pair of horns protruding from her forehead.

As he took in the appearance of their attackers Racer couldn't help but to focus his attention on the chests of every one of the women, all of which ranged from large to flat out outrageous. Instead of desire though he just shook his head and muttered to himself,

"What do these women eat?" His curiosity getting the better of him, Racer couldn't help but reach out to grab the Crimson hatred woman's chest to test them, when he suddenly felt another person's hand grasp his wrist.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. My master doesn't like it when random men grope her, and her husband can get scary if he found out something like that happened." Rather than respond, Racer yanked his hand away from the person who grabbed it, the good looking man from before, and leapt back in alarm as he cried out,

"What the hell?!" Kiba smiled wryly at his question, even as his eyes showed undisguised hostility and he tightened his grip on the handle of the sword at his waist. Racer's mind however was 'racing' as he tried to figure out what was happening before him.

His magic was derived from a form of time control, allowing him to greatly influence the speed of those around him. By slowing them to such extremes that to him they appeared to be standing still, Racer was able to emulate a form of super speed that greatly surpassed even Jet's of Fairy Tail, who's only notable magic was Speed magic.

The man in front of him however appeared to be comely unaffected by his magic, confusing Racer since this was the first time this happened until Kiba voluntarily explained,

"I've trained my own speed and stamina to the point that I can regularly run around an entire planet within minutes, so even if you can slow my own perception of time it doesn't make much of a difference to me since I'd just need to move even faster." Though he said that casually as if he was talking about a normal day-to-day activity, Racer couldn't help but tremble at the monstrous capabilities of the opponent before him.

Never before had he encountered someone who was able to move fast enough that his magic was rendered useless, and, if Kiba's boast was anything to go by, Racer now regretted coming out to see them as he watched the handsome man slowly draw his sword.


In a barren wasteland was another castle similar to the one Oración Seis was based out of, except this one looked more ruined and decrepit while it was also surrounded by a series of malicious looking 'spines'. Suddenly a streak of light descended in front of the castle before crashing into the ground with enough force to shake the surroundings, causing several of the 'spines' to collapse while simultaneously alerting those within the castle to the presence of the new arrivals.

Yue looked up at the castle with little more than disdain as she raised her hand, and summoned a blast of fire to destroy the banner flying from the highest point of the castle, which was flying the flag of the dark guild Tartarus. Behind her was every other vampire that had come to reside in Asora bar one, Moka, Elmenhilde, Gyokuro, Akasha, Kokoa, and Akua. Along with them was two other women who had come along for their own reasons, Mirajane and another beautiful woman that wore a set of hooded robes that typically identified mages, Lavina Reni.

While Lavina had come along for her own reasons, Mirajane was here instead of helping Fairy Tail since Tartarus was a guild composed entirely of demons, all of which she'd be able to consume to become even stronger. Meanwhile the only vampire that hadn't come along, Kahlua, was absent because she didn't like fighting to begin with, and Alex had assured her when she came along with her sisters that she would never have to fight again.

With everyone within the castle already being alerted to their arrival, Yue's mouth turned up into a vicious smirk as her figure started to grow until she matured into a beauty that rivaled even Rias and Grayfia. She then said to those behind her,

"...Remember, no mercy except to those on the 'list'.... I think the only one here is Silver though..." As she said that everyone turned to look at Lavina, who simply returned a warm smile as she said,

"I'm quite eager to fight one of these so-called 'slayers', I wonder if he truly can 'eat' even the ice of Absolute Demise though." As she said that the area behind the group suddenly became completely frozen over as a giant iced hand seemed to sprout from the ground, before the rest of the body quickly followed it. At the same time a storm of snow and ice suddenly descended upon the entire area, limiting the vision and capabilities of those within the castle, but not that of Lavina and her allies.


Within the ruins of a once bustling city that had been known as Magnolia, a certain man was kicked back in his chair within the hall that had once been the home of the continent's most famous guild, Fairy Tail. The man began snickering to no one in particular as he began muttering with an insane look in his eye,

"Look at me now daddy! I'm sitting in your chair, in your guild, enjoying myself as much as possible while you rot away on some island! Hehehehehehehe...." Descending into a fit of mad giggles as he imagined his father rotting away, the man, Ivan Dreyer became so lost in his own little world that it took him several minutes to notice something.


When he did notice it he quickly righted himself before looking directly at a glass that was sitting on the table before him, before a ripple suddenly spread out within it once more. His eyes widening in surprise, Ivan quickly rose and made his way to the nearby window, only to see a giant figure slowly approaching them as each of their footfalls made the ground beneath them tremble.

In an instant a series of emotions made themselves visible on Ivan's face as he watched the approaching giant steadily get closer, while the members of his guild, Raven Tail, hurried too and fro to prepare for the inevitable attack. Rather than help though, Ivan was focused entirely on the giant's familiar face as he roared,


Within seconds of deafening everyone with his roar, the giant then proceeded to kick in the gate that had been installed at Magnolia's main entrance, creating an explosion of dust and debris that rained down upon the mercenaries and mages stationed within. It wasn't until the dust cleared that they could see that the giant wasn't alone, as numerous individuals gathered around its feet and the giant roared once more,


As if those words were the trigger, the Fairy Tail mages surged forward as they attacked the thugs who had been defiling their home. Meanwhile Markarov ignored all of the small fry as he used his giantification to steadily approach his guild, where he knew his own son was waiting for him.

Down on the ground though, Gildarts led the charge as he and the others rushed into battle.

"How dare you defile our home with your filth!" He roared before slamming his foot down onto the ground before him, causing something akin to a cataclysm as the ground and all of the buildings before him were immediately destroyed due to his Crush magic.

"Hey hey hey! Aren't you causing too much collateral damage?!" Jet cried out with a pale face as he witnessed Gildarts going all out.

"Haha! Miss Grayfia said before that they can just repair the city with that magic they used on me before, so I don't need to worry about holding back!" As he said this with a maniac grin on his face, Gildarts then proceeded to deliver a blow that ended up leveling an entire district of Magnolia in an instant.

'There's a difference between not holding yourself back and going overboard!' Most of the Fairy Tail mages screamed in their heads at him, none bothering to actually say the words since they knew it would be pointless. This thought was reinforced as everyone suddenly heard Gray cry out,

"Ice Make....GIGA LANCE!" At his command a group of excessively large lances made of ice shot up into the air before raining down upon enemies and buildings alike, with Gray smirking as he admired the effects of Seekvaira using Evolution magic on him.

On the back lines both Lucy and Erza were deadpanning as they watched the destruction taking place before them, making the scene look more like the members of Fairy Tail rampaging than a battlefield. Lucy was using her Archive to monitor the battlefield and keep everyone connected, while Erza was currently the acting commander as Gildarts rampaged and Markarov went to deal with his son.

"Bickslow, go back Macao up."

"Juvia, use the canals to flood the shopping district, and then I want you to freeze them over Gray."


Lucy watched in awe as Erza directed everyone as if it was second nature to her, which was only half surprising since Erza was the one that usually made sure no one ever stepped out of line in the guild to begin with. This went on until she noticed a few dozen red dots moving their way from the side of the map, to which Lucy surprised Erza by saying,

"They have reinforcements coming! I'll go deal wth them!" Erza turned to her and asked,

"Are you sure?" Lucy nodded and stated confidently,

"Of course! I'm also a Mage of Fairy Tail, and the 'Pawn' of the Dragon Emperor! I can't just stay back and do nothing!" Erza nodded in approval as she watched Lucy quickly make her way to where the reinforcements were coming from, before she suddenly received a troubling update from Grayfia.

Lucy meanwhile headed towards the oncoming group of reinforcements until she found herself face-to-face with numerous rough looking men that eyed her nastily.

"Looky here boys!" The lead one sneered disgustingly. "A fine piece of fairy ass, ripe for the picking!" The other men began to chuckle evilly as they unrestrainedly ran their eyes over her figure, making Lucy fight back a shiver as she held out one of her hands.

"Come to me, KU-CHAN!" As she cried out a massive magic circle appeared to Lucy's right side, and a giant hairy white paw showed itself. The men that were leering at Lucy just seconds before gaped as they watched a massive white bear appear through the magic circle, with its shoulders rising higher than they were tall when it was on all fours, before it proceeded to stand on its hind legs and release a deafening roar at them.

Forgetting their earlier lust, the man at the head of the reinforcements looked at Lucy incredulously before muttering inquisitively, "'Ku-Chan'...?" Lucy smile widely before proclaiming,

"Yep! Short for Kuma-Chan!" The men could only continuously look at Lucy incredulously, before they noticed something else appearing through the magic circle behind 'Ku-Chan'.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrr-" The pack of white wolves that appeared bared their fangs at the men the second they came around the giant bear and saw them, their two tails raised straight up and red lightning dancing menacingly across their white fur. That was only the beginning though.

As Lucy continued maintaining the magic circle several more monsters they'd never seen before began to appear, several large pure white rabbits, a giant centipede, a pack of velociraptors, several creepy looking lizards, and even a damned T-Rex. Meanwhile in her other hand Lucy held up three keys as she declared,

"Open the gates of the Archer, Maiden, and Ram! Sagittarius! Virgo! Aries!" After brief flash of light the men saw a man wearing an outfit with a horse's head, a beautiful woman in a skimpy maids uniform, and another beautiful woman with fluffy wool-like patches all over her body.

With the exception of those who had turned to stone after looking into the lizard's eyes, the men could only gape as the one hot girl they had been eager to dominating turned into a small army of monsters and spirits, while Lucy grabbed her whip and gave it a crisp 'CRACK'!

"Let's go!"


Meanwhile Erza had a grim expression as she slowly walked away from the gates that they had smashed earlier, her fierce gaze on the steadily growing cloud of dust approaching them. The warning she had received from Grayfia earlier was that there was an army numbering in the thousands approaching Magnolia, possibly grouping to prepare for the trip they planned to the Hanging Gardens.

Though Grayfia had asked if she needed backup to deal with them, Erza had declined before leaving Gildarts in change and departing to deal with them on her own, something that earned her more than a few approval points with the silver haired maid.

As she walked the scarlet haired knight was in deep thought regarding the last 'day', or from her point of view, an entire month.

Upon realizing what had happened to his daughter, Alex had immediately began planning their assault and retrieval of her, while Grayfia had ushered her, Lucy, and Mirajane into what they called the 'space-time orbs'. Within Lucy had been taken into her own sub-orb with Shia, while Mirajane went into a different orb along with a duo called Akeno and Tio, and Erza had gone into yet another one with Xenovia, Irina, and Kiba.

Lucy's goal had been to use the Alteration magic she obtained from Alex to tame as many monsters as possible, while Mirajane and Erza's had been to level and change their jobs as much as possible in the short time they had. Along with leveling by slaying any monster unfortunate enough to cross her path, Erza had also sparred on several occasions with the three other sword users to learn any new techniques she could from them.

Erza had been amazed at the sword techniques used by people in another world when she first began sparring against them, from Xenovia's powerful blasts of light from Durandal and Excalibur, Irina creating numerous swords and other weapons from her powers of light as an angel, and, most enviously, Kiba's ability to create any sword he needed for any occasion while also creating armor from nothing to fight beside him. It had been Kiba's abilities that had impacted her the most, as, while Erza had always been able to control swords and other weapons with her magic, she had never once considered doing the same thing with the armors she had at her disposal.

That was another thing, as with the powers of the system at her disposal Erza was now able to store the rest of her weapons and armors, as well as the new weapons and armors that had been prepared for her by Asora's best craftsman, Hajime. The young man had been quite...unusual when they first met, with his parents even suddenly intruding and asking her to say strange lines such as 'kuh! Just kill me!'

He had been ecstatic when she eventually allowed him to improve the weapons and armor she already had, but Hajime had been thoroughly disappointed though when Erza refused to let him add various types of artillery and long range weaponry to them. She was completely amazed though with the type of weapons he had created for her, and the new powers that they had.

Erza was stirred from her recollections when she got close enough to the approaching dust cloud that she could make out the various people within it, as well as the various guild banners they were carrying. Erza narrowed her eyes at the banners briefly as she felt their symbols were vaguely familiar, but quickly put the thought out of her head as the man leading the army approached her.

"Well well well, to think the day would come where I'd see the infamous 'Titania' once again!" The rest of the men around him sneered and booed at his words, with several even finding some things to throw at her, though they all fell short of even reaching her.

Erza furrowed her brows at the man's declaration though, and asked with a noticeable condescending tone,

"Do I know any of you?" There was a noticeable ripple of anger at her question, to which the man angrily replied,

"OF COURSE! YOU WERE THE ONE THAT NEARLY DESTROYED OUR GUILD ALL THOSE YEARS AGO!" As if his words triggered a chain reaction, the rest of the army began making similar claims about her either destroying their former guilds, or nearly abolishing the guild they were still a part of.

In the face of their anger however, Erza simply shrugged and clicked her tongue at the realization that she hadn't been as thorough as she would've liked when exterminating the occasional dark guild from the area around Magnolia. Thankfully however she now had a chance to remedy that mistake.

"Well no matter boys, this just means that we can avenge our fallen comrades now!" As the man at the lead spoke the rest of the mages and mercenaries cheered as they looked at Erza like a bunch of hungry dogs eyeing a piece of meat. The person in question however twitched her brow just ever so slightly at the way they were regarding her, as if their victory was already guaranteed.

From their point of view however that might as well be the case as they outnumbered her by an absurd amount, with them numbering at nearly ten thousand to her one, while Erza had been asleep for seven years and the standard for magic continued to advance. So she was currently both outnumbered and behind in terms of fighting strength, or so they thought.

Without a single word, Erza summoned one of her newest armors that she had admittedly been more than a little eager to try out, an incredibly bulky black set made from the hide of some scaled monster, complete with several horn-like protrusions at places like her shoulders and elbows. Paired with the armor was a matching Warhammer with a handle that was over four feet long, while the actual hammer itself was a foot across with yet another horn protruding from the back side.

Then, faster than she had any right to be in such bulky armor, Erza appeared right in front of the man she had been speaking to before, before swinging her hammer at full force at him. The man had only enough time for his eyes to just barely widen by a fraction, before the hammer impacted his chest while Erza filled it with her magic power.


The next thing anyone knew there was an explosion of bloody mist as a powerful shockwave exploded from the point where the hammer connected with the man, before it then began to carve a path across the ground until it came to a halt right in front of the opposing side.

There was complete silence as everyone took in what just happened, before Erza disappeared once more and reappeared right in front of them.

"If you don't stay focused you'll all die." She said in a deathly calm voice, before sweeping her hammer in a wide arc to smash through the bodies of several opponents, the impact of each one causing a shockwave that tore through those around them as well.

"Shit, ATTACK!!!" One of the men shouted, rousing the men from their stalled minds as they then began to launch a barrage of attacks at Erza, regardless of whether or not their own comrades were in the line of fire.

Erza didn't even try to dodge though as a mercenary came at her with his sword held high, before he proceeded to break it on her dark and bulky armor. The point where the sword impacted though glowed with a muted pink light before fading away, only to show itself once more whenever her armor was hit by some other attack.

Without caring at all about her defense Erza began to steadily carve a path of gore and destruction through the army, each swing of her mighty hammer taking dozens of lives as its attacks tore through her opponents as if they were paper mache.

This continued until her opponents began to back away and clear an area around her, making Erza look around before she noticed why, as the largest(non giant) man she had ever seen approached her. He hefted his own giant war hammer onto his shoulders as he approached her, before booming with a nasty sneer,

"To think, the day that I would cross weapons with the great Titania herself would arrive! I truly am lucky to get the chance to take on such legendary figure myself!" Though Erza couldn't care less about the man and his excitement to fight her, she did think that this might be a good time to try out another function of her new armor and hammer.

"Come." She said simply and calmly, making the man's sneer widen as he bounded towards her eagerly while raising his giant hammer up high with both his hands.

"Take THIS!" He cried out as he slammed his hammer down with all of his might, creating a storm of dust as he did so. Erza however didn't even flinch, as she simply raised her empty left hand to catch the hammers blow on her armored forearm.


A crater formed under Erza's feet as her entire arm momentarily turned pink before the armor returned to its blackish hue, but other than that she appeared completely unaffected by the attack, as she the said to the man,

"Was that all?" The man's face turned purple with rage at her casualness from his attack, as he raised his hammer into the air before bringing it down on her once more, only for the same thing to happen again.




Again and again the man tried to crush Erza under the might of his hammer, but again and again she held fast without even the slightest sign of her focus or strength slipping. Eventually the man angrily roared at her,


Rather than rising to the taunt, Erza only looked at the man before saying calmly, "Of course not, I was just waiting for you to charge up my next attack up some more."

Erza's words left everyone watching stupefied even as they watched her slowly wind up her own hammer to the guy this time, her black armor glowing with the earlier pink hues as the light traveled down her arm, and into her hammer.

"Here's your power back!" Erza cried out as her hammer slammed into the guy, except this time the shockwave was amplified by both her own magic, and the combined power of the attacks that her armor had protected her from up until that point.

The sky sounded as if it was falling as the massive attack instantly vaporized the man before her, before it carved a deadly path of destruction towards the crowds around them and viciously tore through their bodies as well. Blood and little bits of gore rained from the sky as a result of Erza's vicious attack, while the woman herself stood there stoically as she ignore them and scrutinized the state of her armor.

After that last attack there were several cracks running along the length of her armor and the hammer, making Erza sigh as she recalled Hajime mentioning to her that most of the things he gave her were prototypes. This meant they were liable to break if she pushed them too far, but that was well within their calculations since she still had numerous options to choose from.

Instantly equipping a fresh suit of armor along with a pair of short swords, Erza turned towards the men who were now hesitant to approach her as she declared,

"Come, and I'll show you how I earned my title as 'Queen of the Fairies'!"

(A.N. Sorry again for the delay.)

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C378
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


