The next day had arrived and the coming of age ceremony commence.
Nexus was now clear-minded and sharp, since he would need it at this moment.
Several elders approached Nexus bearing simple supplies for his ceremony.
Bundles of rations, Rope, and a compact fur bedroll, and most important a sturdy obsidian-tipped spear,
Which is quite of a Rarity in their area which only have Flintstones.
With a solemn nod of respect, he accepted them.
His mother Yiv Hugged him tightly, worry can be seen in her face. "Take great care out there, Gahr," she urged.
"The forests can be unforgiving, even to our most skilled hunters."
Nexus returned the Hug reassuringly. "Have no fear, Mother, I will return before the rising of the third moon."
After saying his goodbyes Nexus readied himself once again,
With his newly made leather clothes and Obsidian Tip spear on Hand Nexus was looking like a proper Hunter now.
Other children quickly gathered before him, looking over them he could see Soliel watching him with Sadness in his eyes.
No doubt distraught over his own father's disappearance. His twin Solis, however, avoided Nexus's gaze, jaw stubbornly set.
As the other children were being ushered away by their parents, Nexus pulled Soliel and Solis aside briefly.
"Solis, I'm sorry about your father " he said, resting a hand on each of their slender shoulders.
"There's nothing to be sorry about, Gahr," he soliel replied, his voice breaking as he added.
"i- it was my fault for asking Dad to get more Food"
Solis remained outwardly unmoved, but Nexus Knew deep down she was saddened.
She was always liked that from the Start
"I promise to bring back a beast to share with you both" Nexus affirmed with a final squeeze of their shoulders.
With that, he turned and joined the procession of elders leading towards the forest's edge, leaving the sounds of ceremonial drumming and chanting behind.
The familiar noises of the awakening woodland soon enveloped him.
The chirping of morning birds, skittering of unseen creatures, and the ever-present whispers of the canopy overhead.
With it he finally Started Hunting, energy started flowing throughout his body.
Light filtered through the branches, providing just enough illumination for Nexus's enhanced eyesight to begin seeking any tracks, signs or disturbances.
Any broken twig or footprints in patches of soil could easily provide a clue.
As he delved deeper into the forest, Nexus couldn't resist examining some of the unfamiliar flora before him.
Although he already knew a bit about the animals and plants over the planet he didn't knew all of them.
Nexus always considered himself a scientist so the thoughts of what these plants can possibly be used for in the future.
It wouldn't hurt to experiment right?
Just like the herbs there might be others with interesting effects that could help him.
Currently he was in the southern Forest and about 57 kilometers away from the Cave.
A relatively unexplored Area for the hunters since Bigger beast roam about it and the forest is quite vast for the average Vosaris.
For now nexus decide to set up a little camp in the forest before searching his prey.
It didn't take to long for him to finish setting camp and soon after continued to explore.
Dangling from a canopy vine, hung plump fist-sized fruits with an unmistakably vivid bioluminescent glow.
"Whoa, are these naturally occurring, what is it's purpose! I must know!"
Nexus used the tip of his spear to carefully pry open one of the fruit.
A tangy, almost citrus-tinged aroma immediately wafted out as the jade-colored orb inside was exposed.
"If I eat this I wouldn't die right?"
Wasting no time, Nexus plucked the diminutive "fruit" free and popped it into his mouth.
The taste of sugary yet slightly acidic juices soon coated his tongue,
"it's surprisingly good?" He thought, surprised since he expected it to be bitter.
"It's like a mix between an apple and a Orange, very delicious" he added.
Grinning at his fortuitous discovery, Nexus quickly harvested several more and stuffing them in his clothes.
These fruits could make an excellent food once early permanent settlements starts.
Nexus already memorized their location for future use, For now, they served as the perfect trail snack to him during his hunt.
Forcing his focus back on task, Nexus turned his studious gaze elsewhere.
Between the gnarled roots of a massive fallen trunk, a skittering of vaguely insectoid creatures encased in bony carapace plates immediately drew his eye.
Several of the larger specimens clacked their hooked mandible-limbs together in an unmistakable threat display as Nexus neared.
"Ain't you an angry fella" he mused.
Continuing forward, Nexus heard the sound of what seems to be water falling down stream.
Soon enough, he came across a shallow yet rapidly-flowing stream, the water was clear and what seems to be fishes can be seen swimming throughout it.
He dropped to a knee, cupping his hands to drink in several deep, Gulps.
Despite the faint earthy aftertaste, it was exactly what needed since his almost running out of water from his journey.
"I should probably relocate my camp here" he thought.
As Nexus rose back to his feet, edging closer to the stream's rocky banks.
He noticed peculiar bushes dotted amidst the undergrowth.
Each one absolutely sheathed in wicked-looking curved thorns, surrounding green orbs resembling tiny melons no larger than his pinky's tip.
Trying to reach for one of the little melons Nexus suddenly felt a faint Change in his Soul energy, surprising him.
Not even a second later his surrounding suddenly became silent, altering him.
Adjusting his grip on the obsidian-tipped spear, Nexus pressed onwards.
Eyes widening slightly as the woods around him seemed to gradually hold still.
He immediately retreat to hide behind some bushes, no Doubt something big was coming.
"I should be scared right now, but I'm weirdly... excited?"
Of Course, this was what he was looking for after all, a worthy opponent.
Moving onto a slightly elevated position for a better view, Nexus scanned the area.
At first, from this newly elevated View, he saw nothing amidst the tangle vegetation besides the stream but that quickly change.
With a series of slow, slight movements through the greenery took shape an unmistakable sheen of obsidian Black hide rippling amidst camouflaged patterns of a fur.
Curved Claws the length of Nexus's forearm flexed minutely, each one looking sharper than his own spear.
And just like that, a gargantuan feline outline gradually materialized, jumping through the underbrush with an unnatural grace that utterly defied its sheer bulk.
As if it were simply a slightly denser patch of shadow rather than a multi-ton incarnation of furious violence, muscle and claw.
When the massive maw finally emerged, fangs glistening with viscous ropes of saliva,
Nexus couldn't help a faint whistle from slipping through his lips.
Each individual tooth represented a miniature rendition of those Claws, jagged glass-edged shards of vicious serration longer than his fingers, perfectly engineered for shredding, rending and pulping any flesh unlucky enough to stray within reach.
Nexus soon recognizes the creature in front of him, it was one of his personal creations. The Saber Jaguar as he called it.
Though it has changed over since the last time he saw it, well it's good to have his creations not go extinct by evolving.
"Hehe, I think it's time for you to meet your creator" he chuckled excitedly.
Simply a nightmare incarnate, and exactly what Nexus had been seeking.
"Finally a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary! Haha" he exclaimed.
Drawing his breath, soul energy quickly surge throughout his body.
Immediately heightening his reflexes, speed, strength and durability by a considerable margin.
Just as he was about to jump the jaguar, a large bird-like creature suddenly appeared and stole that opportunity for him.
Before nexus could even react the jaguar leaped onto several Trees, leaving behind several afterimages.
In half a second in appeared before the "Bird" at bit it's head off, with a Crunch it's skull was completely crush.
Thee jaguar landed gracefully, dropping the prey in it's Mouth and started eating.
Nexus: ヽ((◎д◎))ゝ
"On second thought maybe I should just rest for now...."
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