54.54% Gloves off / Chapter 6: A little chat

章 6: A little chat

Percy could only wonder what was happening around him. Kimiko was still seated next to him a hand on his shoulder.

He shifted uncomfortably when he heard an angry woman shout for Lamplighter's head. The click of her gun made Percy tense.

He listened closely as Frenchie begged the woman Percy now knew as miss Mallory to make the right decision.

"Get him the hell out of my sight!" She snapped, Percy heard people march towards the ambulance and almost expected them to grab him.

Thankfully it wasn't the case.

"Who's that?" She demanded trying to regain some composure.

"This is Percy Jackson, he's a supe on our side." MM answered "he saved my life three time now." He added in order to vouch for him further. Which Percy was thankful for.

"Marvin I don't think I need to remind you just how dangerous trusting a supe is, and a teenager on top of that?"

"With all due respect ma'am. That teenager just beat the shit out of Stormfront." Frenchie replied with a smile.

Mallory hid it well, but she was beyond shocked. A supe so powerful needed to be on they're side yes, but how come she or no one else ever even heard of him?

"Well young man glad your on our side, but step out of line and i'll put a bullet throught your brain myself."

"Yeah sure, weakest death threat i've ever got." Percy sassed.

"You know she's serious right?"

"Oh I know." Percy answered shrugging off Frenchie's worry. "Handgun bullets are really slow anyway."

Mallory rolled her eyes "what's wrong with his eyes?"

"Some asshole shot a gas filled arrow at me, it'll pass." Percy replied with some annoyance.

"Better question is who did it, there's no trace of any shooter anywhere, not that we had the time to check around."

"Probably just one of my ennemies." Percy casually answered. "Can we move out now? Before Stormfront wakes up from the short coma I hopefully put her in."

Frenchie chuckled "right this way mon amie¹" chuckled the frenchman guiding Percy to a car.

The drive was long, but soon enough, but they reached a hospital where Hughie was recovering.

"Just bring me to the nearest bathroom." Percy told Kimiko. She did so albeit with confusion.

Percy turned on the faucet and splashed water in his eyes. It took a few moments, but his sight gradually returned to him.

"So just a little bit of water can heal you, how?" Wondered the flabbergasted Frenchie "does it kickstart your immune system? Or does your body naturally heal this fast, but needs a stimuly?"

Percy chuckled "I wish I knew, even my Girlfriend can't figure it out and she's a genius."

"Oooh little fishy's got game?"

"Yeah you can say that." Percy smiled exiting the bathroom. "So what's the next move?"

"We get petit Hughie back to hideout, perhaps you could rest a little as well."

Percy vehemently shook his head. "Nope can't rest, the faster this is over the faster my life gets back in track."

"If you say so." Frenchie said guiding Percy back to Hughie's room.

"You alright?" He asked the recovering man. "Meh feel about as good as I look." Chuckled Hughie wincing.

"What was that damn thing." Butcher asked from Hughie's side.

Percy shrugged "some deformed dude who tried to eat me. He's gone, forgot his arm though." Smirked Percy a little too happily.

"Came out of nowhere, does it have a name? Does it work for someone for Vought?" Wondered Starlight. Percy shrugged leaning against a wall. "No idea, maybe he was with the dude who poisoned me."

"Wha- you got poisoned?" Exclaimed Starlight worriedly. Percy raised an eyebrow, most supes he came accross didn't seem to care in general. He still had yet to see her true colors, but gods did he feel relieved at the prospect of being wrong on this.

"Yeah, but I got better."

"Yeah reminds me," MM handed the bolt shaft to Frenchie. "You think you might be able to figure out what this was?"

"Well if you mean the poison then non, it's already gone with most of the smell. Although I can tell that this bolt is homemade and so is the poison most likely."

"Someone who work for Vought?" Weakly asked Hughie from his bed.

"I doubt it." Percy quietly replied.

"Anything you wanna share with the class Guppy?" Tensly asked the leader of the Boys.

"Okay listen, not that it concerns you, but i've lost the track of the number of people willing to kill me. One was bound to pop up, don't worry about them."

"Why would people be after you?" Demanded Butcher "would have been fucking nice to know before the elephant man tried to kill us!"

"My dead beat dad." Bluntly replied Percy "he's a supe cleverly lied the demigod. "Codename Neptune."

"Must be a pretty lousy cunt, never heard of him." Butcher replied clearly not believing Percy.

"Well that's what happens when your a covert operative for some rich asshole." Percy shrugged "he left my mom to raise me alone while she was stuck with a drunk waste of oxygen named Gabe Ugliano."

"Okay now I know your fucking with us, because there is no fucking way someone is dumb enough to live with that name."

"Says the wall of muscles named Mother's Milk." Sassed Percy.

"That's a codename." Protested MM.

"Your still using it." Giggled Hughie his pain medication finally kicking on.

"Am I high or is that a Falcon?" He added pointing at the window.

"Oh I envy your current state petit Hughie, but there is no." Frenchie cut himself off when he was fully turned towards the window.

"Fuck me there is a Falcon right there!" He exclaimed with a child like smile.

"Hey little Guy?" He said to the bird getting in it's face.

The falcon turned to Percy with half lidded eyes. Almost as if it was grumpy.

Percy's blood turned cold.

"No, no no fuck no it better not be!"

"I gotta go do something tell me when we're taking off." Percy told the group and left before anyone could protest.

Percy jogged in the parking lot far away from the window and sat down at a bus stop near the hospital.

"How did you find me?" Percy asked to the empty air.

He heard the flutter of feathers land next to him. The son of Poseidon turned his head to Cartet Kane. Whom he would have been happy to see quite literally anywhere else.

"I just followed the chaos at first to be honest. Your not exactly subtle. Then I got my hands on a bowl and some oil. Scrybing for you was much easier with no magical Veil between us."

"How did you get here? Bright lights?"

"Bright lights." Confirmed the eye of Horus. "Sadie didn't get caught with me thank gods. What is this place Percy?"

"How long have you been here?" Asked the son of Poseidon instead.

"A few days, all I know about this place is the knockoff justice league."

"Well they're nearly all as monstruous as the actual monsters we fight."

"Seriously?" Winced the magician.

"Yep, seeing people get sprayed in the face with acid didn't twist my stomach half as much as the stuff i've been shown."

"Well your here so why am I even needed?" Wondered Carter looking slightly disturbed at Percy's statement. It was too easy to forget that Percy was essentially a war veteran with how easygoing he was.

"Not long ago I got attacked by one of your statue thingies."

"A Shabti?" Carter answered as if on command "so there's a magician here as well?"

"Yep, Grendel also tried to eat me not long after."

Carter blinked at Percy owlishly. "You did not just casually drop on me the fact that Norse Mythology is also real?"

Percy laughed "yep I think I just did. Annabeth's cousin is the son of Freyr. Nice guy, but lousy student in naval survival."

"Freyr, that's the god of summer right?"

Percy shrugged "i'm the wrong guy to ask. He does have a talking sword. Kind of a loud mouth who kept flirting with my sword." Frowned Percy not too keen on Jack's behavior towards Riptide.

Carter groaned "how many more are there?"

"Best not to ask." Wisely reminded Percy. He didn't want his future jinxed further.

"So what do we do?"

"You lay low, i'm working with a group of people that can help me shine a light on all of the corrupted super heroes. I kill Homelander and you and I can work on this magical Threat."

"Any reason why I can't just help you with the latter?" Carter asked raising an eyebrow. Looking a little offended.

"Listen I know your not just a kid and-- let me finish!" He practically ordered making Carter snap his mouth shut.

"This place it's a whole different kind of disturbing. A kind I don't want to subject you too."

"You can't make that choice for me." Challengingly replied the magician. "I can't just stay on the side while this happens!"

Percy took a deep breath and sighed. "Carter, I can't do this again."

"Do what again?" Tiredly demanded Carter.

"I can't look into the hopeful and bright gaze of another child and watch that light wither out under the overwhelming darkness that awaits us. I don't doubt your strenght, but that's the problem; it's always the strongest who end up the most damaged. Sad thing that too many people don't know, it's not because you survived that it doesn't hurt." Percy gently explained.

"Listen Let's meet halfway on this. With all that's been thrown at me there's bound to be something i'm not fit to handle. When that happens jump in if you want, but when it's against those supes, please stay away. Not because your weak, but because I couldn't forgive myself for exposing you to such twisted situations with even more twisted people."

A heavy silence settled betweem the two. Carter's hold tightened on his satchel. "Fine." He sighed hiding his shocked expression.

Percy never seemed like the especially wise type, but in hindsight it's what could be expected from someone so much more experienced than him.

"Although Stormfront is free game, bitch is a nazi curbstomp her at your heart's content."

Carter tilted his head to the side like a confused puppy. "You officially had me at curbstomping a Nazi."

Percy threw his head back and laughed.

Later as the group drived back in a new vehicle a Falcon flew over them away from sight.

Percy was thankfully not questioned. Unaware that it was because his expression intimidated nearly everyone. Not only because of his expression, but because they now somewhat knew what he was capable of.

"So you can make hurricanes, and storms... With lightning" Hughie trailed off. "That's the most awesome shit i've ever heard." He said nodding along to his own statement.

"Wish I was there to see it." He turned to his girlfriend. "Why can't you have powers that cool?"

"Your lucky your still high mister." Deadpanned the member of the seven.

He laughed like a drunk his head falling on her shoulder. Annie smiling down at him.

"How does that even work?" Wondered MM.

Percy shrugged. "Hell if I know, how does Homelander shoot lasers out of his eyes?"

"Fair point" admited MM.

"If you don't mind me asking, what brought you to fighting supes? I'm sorry, but that question has been tickling my tongue for the past few days."

"You sure it's not the hardcore drugs you took?" Snarked MM earning a chuckle from Butcher.

"Ah nonsense I always shoot after missions not before, but seriously mon amie. What is your rage?"

Percy hesitated until he decided there was no harm in being honest. To let the human half of him express itself a bit.

"I hate bullies." Percy answered with a small chuckle. "I know sounds like a comic book answer, but it's true. My powers they showed up pretty late. Being dyslexic and having ADHD made me the prime target at school. To both students and teachers, I got harassed I got insulted on all sides and it only ever kept going when I got home. Gabe, one mean drunk. Never missed an opportunity to either steal the money I managed to make since I was a little kid. All for my efforts to be wasted in his dumbass poker games."

"Let me guess, one day you had enough. Snapped and killed the cunt?" Butcher added like he already knew the answer.

Percy scoffed "can you blame me for wanting too? He leaned closer to Butcher. "Do you really think having powers makes me any less of just a man like all those in this car, that it leaves me without flaws? It's my mom who pulled the trigger and rightfully fucking so!"

Percy sat back down angrier than before.

No one else said a word for a little while.

"What brought you into this mess?" Percy asked Frenchie who shrugged.

"A bunch of shitty life decisions that left me with two choices. Rot in jail away from my famille² or work for Mallory. Not that it mattered in the end. Now i'm just working day to day so we can hopefully finish these fucks."

"Sounds like a nice plan." Percy sighed getting a bit restless.

"We're almost there." Assured MM.

Percy hummed hoping that the trip wasn't too exhausting for Carter.

Soon enough they were settled back inside the HQ. Percy taking some time to walk in the city.

"Hey!" He turned to MM who clearly suddenly remembered that Percy could hide his face. "Sorry, kinda of a sucker for rules." He chuckled.

Percy lingered seeing the man working on a dollhouse.

"You have a daughter?"

"Yep, wonderful little girl." MM answered staring longily at the doll house he spent several grueling hours assembling. It was finally completed dusted and painted. Yet the father was not smiling.

"Hey." One of Frenchie's men stopped next to him.

"Yeah?" He asked confused.

"You got a little girl right?" The man nodded.

"Give her this." MM said nodding at the dollhouse before sitting down.

Smiling happily the man picked up the house while profusedly thanking MM. Stating that his daughter would adore it.

It made Percy smile albeit a bit sadly.

"You'll see her again."

"Yeah and how do you know? Is seeing the future another one of your damn super powers?" He huffed sounding drained.

Percy chuckled "no, but now that little girl has a badass super hero here to watch over her daddy to make sure she'll see him again soon." Percy replied pressing a comforting hand to MM's shoulder as he left the hideout.

Meaning every word he had just spoken.

As he walked throught the city the strange occurences weren't done with him today.

A phone booth rang, ignoring the fact that Percy didn't even know those were still a thing. No one was there to answer it.

His instincts, or as Percy would call it, his bullshit radar warned him that this call was for him and him alone.

Sighing the son of Poseidon answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Go to the cafe near main street. The Homelander themed one." Ordered a heavily modulated voice.

"How about the Starlight themed one, I bet there's enough bright shit there to help me not see whatever bullshit your about to bring to the table." Percy shot back bluntly.

A red dot suddenly appeared on his chest.

"Oh that's just adorable, so one what makes you think that bullet can even hit me? Two what makes you think I won't just tear the building he's on down like a fucking lego set!"

"Because I do believe that you are a reasonable person young man. Came in a calm smooth voice, completely different to the demanding modulated one Percy was speaking too moments ago.

The dot dissapeared. "You'll have to forgive me for that. Our departments can often go overboard."

"Who is this?" Percy coldly demanded. "That can come later, now please go to the cafe. There will be one there for you. How do you take yours if you take any?"

"Enough sugar to kill a horse whipped cream and blue sprinkles, if I find anything else than blue sprinkles you'll hear from me."

The man let out a chuckle from the back of his throat. "It shall be done and don't worry, it's too crowded for him to do anything and I can only take so much of his incessant whining."

Just like that the man hung up. Leaving Percy very much confused as to what was even happening.

Nonetheless he obeyed sorely driven by his curiosity.

When he found the cafe the windows were covered. Homelander's face was everywhere even plastered on the we're closed sign.

It looked so much like a trap Percy's instinct nearly screamed at him to turn back, but he needed to know what was happening. Make sure it wouldn't affect anyone negatively.

He opened the already unlocked door finding the cafe completly empty. At the exception of a single booth where the coffee he requested stood innocently with another cup.

Percy sat down all of his senses on high alert.

"Do you really think someone like me would stand for this?"

Percy nearly jumped and looked behind him. Homelander smiling down at him. His eyes blank and wide, Percy knew that look all too well. Immortals often looked that way when they were about to lose patience for his disrespect.

"There's a seat right over there." Percy replied lazily gesturing at the booth in front of him.

Chuckling Homelander sat down. "So your the little boy i've heard so much about?" Condescendingly asked the leader of the seven.

"Yeah although I don't know about the little part, you know coming from the guy clearly wearing a suit padded to look like muscles." Percy shot back hiding the smirk behind his cup of coffee.

It was enough to make Homelander's smirk tremble a little, but much to Percy's dissapointement not enough to wipe it off his smug face.

"You do know the only reason your alive is because I will it so?"

"Oh my god." Percy gasped in a clearly fake frightened voice. "Is 'the' Homelander threatening me? Whatever shall I do!" He cried pressing the back of his hand to his forehead like a masculine Arthurian maiden.

"You know I wonder how confident you'll be with your eyes burned out of your skull." Homelander said in a happy voice. "You beat up a bunch of supes, my people and now my lover and now you think your invincible?!"

"You mean the nazi?" Percy asked genuinely surprised. "You know it kinda makes sense your both banging. Also as someone who's been invincible before believe me it's overrated."

Homelander scoffed "you think I care about that? I'm above the Nazi's, people and even all of the supes on this fucking planet. Including you."

"Is there a point to this? Or are you planning on boring me to death?" Percy asked taking another purposely loud sip.

Homelander smiling used his heat vision to turn Percy's coffee boiling hot, but the son of Poseidon downed the scalding liquid like nothing happened.

"Refreshing." Smirked Percy setting his cup down.

"Now you see i've had a long week. Seriously put yourself in my shoes i'm ripped from my home people have been trying to kill me nonstop and now there's this self entitled man child with a god complex threatening me. So again, get to the point, because unlike how you clearly believe I have better things to do than talk to some nobody."

Percy saw the glimpse of red in Homelander's eyes and got ready for a fight.

Homelander took a deep subtle breath. "I've heard quite a lot about you. The real you from let's say a friend. Now I don't care about the whole demigod bullshit there's only one true god one man in the sky and that's me!" He growled pointing at himself.

This gained Percy's attention. So he was in league with whoever was the reason he was sent here. This complicated things.

"Every delusioned men believe themselves gods, right before they're reminded of just how human they are." Percy replied "but you didn't invite me here to rant did you?"

"No." Softly replied Homelander his smile returning. "Your getting popular, too much for my taste. So i'm going to make a deal with you. We're gonna fight soon. When you crack and you will you can tell me where and when."

Percy internally smirked at his confidence.

"I'll hold you up to that, but who am I kidding. People like you have no word."

"Good good" Homelander smiled getting off his seat. "Your days are counted Perseus Jackson." Faster than the human eye could follow the superhero flew out of the building.

Deep down Percy agreed, it wouldn't take much longer before a confrontation he wasn't that patient.

Homelander's days were counted.

He was going to die and Percy was going home.

The son of Poseidon merely hoped that no one would get hurt in the process.

¹amie --> Friend.

²famille --> family.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


