30.76% Ghost Rider in Twilight / Chapter 12: Dating.

章 12: Dating.

(A/N: I kinda messed up with the names. English Teacher is Mr. Mason, and the trigonometry teacher is Mr. Molina. I have fixed that. Mr. Mason was that grumpy guy, and Mr. Molina was more chill)

Jack and Alice left the Greenhouse and saw Edward and Bella having a not so nice conversation.

Alice listened closely and heard their conversation.

But then Jasper and Edythe arrived at the scene.

Jack watched as Edward went inside the bus, leaving frustrated Bella behind.

Alice and Jack entered their bus as well— they instantly saw grumpy-looking Edward.

Jasper and Edythe were shaking their heads.

They sat down on the front row, Alice instantly glued her body with Jack.

Their arms and legs touched each other very intimately.

'Ahh... So warm.' Alice thought and closed her eyes.

Jack smiled and closed his eyes as well.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the Forks High School again.

Everyone left their buses.


The final bell rang with nice coincidence, signaling the end of the school day.

''U-Umm...'' Alice fidgeted slightly while standing in front of Jack.

''Hmm?'' Jack raised an eyebrow.

''S-See you tomorrow,'' Alice shyly said— she tiptoed and kissed his cheek.

Jack widened his eyes, but Alice already left shyly towards the car, where the rest of the Cullens were staying.

She high fived with Edythe, and started having their own girls talk.

Jack was surprised, 'Are we dating? I am pretty sure we are... Yep.'

He smiled and mounted his motorcycle.

He watched as the Cullens left the parking lot.

''Jack.'' He heard a chilly voice behind him.

He turned his head and saw angry-looking Jessica.


''Why did that creepy thing kiss you?'' Jessica asked with an angry tone.

Jack's face went cold, ''Excuse me?''

''She is so creepy~ Don't you see it? Sticking close to you like some kind of leech.'' Jessica angrily growled.

Angela stood not far from her and nodded.


Jack started revving the engine— he didn't look at Jessica because there was slight smoke coming from his mouth.

He calmed his breathing and calmed his nerves.

Even though Jessica is a terrible bitch, she still doesn't deserve death.

He turned his head and smiled, ''Excuse me. But Alice is my girlfriend, and I would appreciate if you didn't talk badly about her.''

'Otherwise, I will break your neck.' He thought, but still, the same gentle smile was on his face.

Jessica looked shocked, ''G-Girlfriend?''

''Yup.'' Jack smiled and drove out of the parking lot.

Leaving shocked Jessica behind.


Next Day.

In the cafeteria.

Cullens were sitting on their usual spot and were chatting as usual.

Jasper and Edythe were sitting close to each other, their bodies almost in contact.

Rosalie and Emmett were talking with Edward.

While cute pixie, called Alice was looking around the cafeteria, trying to find a certain black-haired young man.

But then Bella entered the cafeteria.

Edward glanced towards her but turned away soon and kept talking with Emmett.

Bella sighed and joined her friend group, who were talking about going to the beach.

Mike, Tyler, and Eric seemed cheerful while talking about going there.

But Jessica was still angry about yesterday and took a few hostile glances towards Alice.

Shortly afterward, Jack entered the cafeteria as well.

'Fucking English Teacher... I was late once, and now he hates me.' Jack thought with annoyance.

He had to do some errands for the English Teacher, Mr. Mason.

He grabbed his food and was about to go back to his table of loneliness.

But then...


''Ahh... What the f—'' Jack felt something hitting his forehead— he turned his head and saw Emmett pointing towards their table.

Jack rubbed his aching forehead and started walking towards Cullens table.

Alice glared at Emmett.

Emmett flinched, 'I didn't even throw hard...'

Jack grabbed a chair and sat next to Alice.

''Here,'' Jack said and threw the item which Emmett had used, back to him.

Emmett grinned and effortlessly caught the item.

''Hello!'' Alice said cheerfully.

Jack smiled, ''Hey.''

Jack also nodded towards other Cullens, but he still received glaring from Rosalie and Edward.

''Jack... Wasn't it?'' Edythe smiled and asked.

Jack nodded.

''You know what we are... Right?''

Jack simply nodded.

''You don't seem to be scared of us... Aren't you afraid of becoming our snack?'' Edythe slyly smiled and asked.

''Edi...'' Alice looked at Edythe.

Edythe giggled, ''Just joking... It was a joke, brother-in-law~''

Alice and Jack grew embarrassed.

Edward then stood up and started walking towards Bella.

''Here we go again...'' Emmett wryly smiled.

''Jack, since you two are dating. When are you going to visit our house?'' Edythe asked.

Alice went stiff instantly— she kind of remembered now that they hadn't properly confirmed their relationship yet.

''I am fine visiting,'' Jack replied simply.

Edythe grinned, ''So you two are dating, right?''

''Yes, right?'' Jack said and turned towards Alice.

Alice's face slowly morphed into a huge smile, ''Yup!''

Jack smiled, he wasn't entirely sure, but this confirmed it.

''Alice's day of loneliness is over!'' Emmett said loudly.

Rosalie elbowed his waist and covered her face out of embarrassment.

Alice narrowed her eyes while looking at Emmett.

Emmett gulped and went silent.

Alice smiled and leaned on Jack's body, absorbing every heat coming from Jack's body.

With satisfaction, she closed her eyes.

Most of the males in the cafeteria hatefully gritted their teeth at the scene.

Even though Alice seemed weird to many, she was still a very beautiful individual.

And many had small and huge crushes towards her, and she was also the only single girl in Cullen's family.

Rosalie and Edythe had admirers, but they were taken, so most of their crushes ended up aimed at Alice.

But now she is taken, and the male population felt incredible jealousy.

And Jasper felt it all.

Alice, not knowing Jasper's peril, kept hugging Jack's body even tighter.

''A-Alice... I can't breathe.'' Jack said with a slightly pained tone.

''Oh.'' Alice with embarrassment loosened the grip but didn't stop hugging his waist.

''Why do you like hugging him that much?'' Edythe asked.

''He is so warm~'' Alice said, 'And I like his scent, and seeing the other girls being jealous brings me satisfaction.'

She looked at the group of jealous girls and smugly smiled, 'He is mineee!'

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


