21.42% Gaming In The Underworld / Chapter 2: WTF

章 2: WTF

"Ow… my fucking head." 


My voice came out hoarse and cracked like I had been screaming at the top of my lungs. The mother of all migraines pounded at my head making me want to smash my head against the ground. I could hardly remember the last twenty four hours of my day. Flashes of me killing demons and laughing maniacally zoomed through my head. 


'Yeah now I remembered… fuck my life. Menu.' 


There was a pause before the UI appeared. My heart skipped a beat at the floating words. 


System Crash Logged




System Updated


TeslaCo apologizes for any inconveniences and lost progress. Monetary compensation has been distributed to all Player inventories. 









'Hmm, the UI is cleaner and much more organized. I pray to god that I didn't lose any progress though. I'd hate to have lost an entire two weeks worth of grinding.' 


Selecting the first option I held my breath as the screen in front of me updated and changed to display my stats. Only it didn't and another message popped up. 

System has been updated

Bugs removed

Stats have been rebalanced to compensate for Player Level. 

'What the fuck? Just show me my stats damn it.'

Name: Blake Corvin

Race: Human?

Level: 100 Next Level: 0/10,000XP

HP: 1,800/1,800 (1 per sec)

MP: 1,600/1,600 (.5 per sec)

SP: 1,000/1,000 (1 per sec) 

STR: 400

DEX: 100

VIT: 180

END: 100

INT: 80

WIS: 160

Luck: 120


Points Available: 500

'What the fuck?'


My stats jumped, no, they fucking skyrocketed. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to remember the previous day. I remember seeing the levels I should have gained. My current level did not match with what I had supposedly gained through absorbing the levels from the demons I killed. 


'What the hell is going on?' 


I pulled up the 'menu' again and selected the 'Help' button. Several tabs popped up on my screen and I selected the 'Log' option. 

System Updated

Status Screen Accessed

Seeing that it was a literal log of all the activity that the 'system' ran I scrolled up until I found yesterday's activity. Cursing I began to read from the top. 

Applying Changes

System Error


Applying Changes

System Patched


System Updated

User Interface Cleaned

Stats Reset

Stat Points Distributed

Calculating Skill Changes 

Skills Updated

Changes Applied

Skill Points Refunded


System Crash Detected

System Repairing Damage

Damage Repaired 

System Rebooting 


Waiting Player Input…



It was there right in front of me. The activity log didn't go into detail but I could pick up exactly what happened when I tried absorbing all those levels. 


The 'system' must have picked up the large influx of levels and seen it as a bug or cheat. It prevented it and forcefully updated my UI which in turn updated to this newer interface that has extra shit and different functions. 


Dreading what I would see I selected the 'Skills' tab and closed my eyes taking a deep breath. Opening my eyes again I looked at my skills and winced. 


'Of course I'd get nerfed to shit even with my 120 luck stat I'm still getting screwed over. 



Gamer's Mind: (Passive) Lvl. Max

Protects Player from any and all outside influences. Includes but not limited to, telepathy, legilimency, psychoactive drugs, and brainwashing. Player has the option to temporarily disable this skill at will. 


Gamer's Body: (Passive) Lvl. Max

Allows Player to live life as a video game. All damage only affects HP, physical damage to Players body is negated. 


Observe: (Active) Lvl. Max

While activated Player can discern basic information about the targeted object or creature. 


Dungeon Creation: (Active) 

Creates a dungeon for the Player to train or gain experience and loot. Dungeons available increase with Player Level.


Stick and Stones: (Passive) Lvl. 6 (0%) 

Skills: Unarmed Combat and Blunt Force Trauma absorbed into skill. Gain a bonus 10% damage with fists and non-bladed weapons per level. 

Current Boost: 60%


Explosives Expert: (Passive) Lvl. 1 (0%) 

Formerly EOD. Player gains a 10% bonus per skill level to all explosive damage. 

Current Boost: 10%


Berserker: (Active) Lvl. 1 (0%)

Formerly 'Bigger Fish'. While skill is active Player gets a temporary 10 points to each stat. Points given to each stat increase with skill level. (Cost: 10 SP per min) 

Current Boost: 10 Stat Points 


Overwhelming Aura: (Active) Lvl. 1 (0%) 

Player projects an oppressive aura. Targets in area of effect are intimidated and filled with the sense of dread. 

Area of effect increases with skill level. (Cost: 50 MP per sec) 

Area Affected: 100 feet around Player


Devour: (Active) Lvl. 1 (0%) 

Grants the Player the ability to consume the souls of defeated enemies. Imparts a portion of the enemies level and has the chance to transfer a compatible skill of one is available. (Cost 100 per soul) 

Levels Absorbable: 10 

Skills Chance: 1% 


Perfect Cellular Regeneration: (Passive) Lvl. Max

A skill absorbed from the soul of a demon. Grants the Player biological immortality. Non-major wounds heal automatically while more serious wounds heal at an accelerated speed while resting or sleeping. 

'Damn, the skills got patched. I can't exploit them anymore. Well at least I got to keep Devour and I got some sort of healing factor.' 


I got out of bed and stretched before taking a quick shower. My mind was still processing the fact that I had gotten patched because I was being greedy. I had lost the speed boost skill but gained an equally broken skill. I was still annoyed at being denied the chance to become disgustingly overpowered early.


I made myself a small breakfast with ingredients I purchased from the 'store' and ate quietly while contemplating my next move. 


'I could always continue to grind. I can still absorb levels, and get loot.' 


I had unlocked a new dungeon when I cleared the demon area. I was curious as to which kind of 'Angels' would populate the new dungeon. I was hoping it was the freaky 'eyes and wings' only type angels or at least some sort of non-humanoid versions. I wanted to put off killing sentient humanoid creatures for a bit longer. 


I knew I'd have to kill people sooner than later. Especially with the world I was in. There was no doubt in my mind that I'd eventually run into one of the two supernatural creatures and I'd have to dirty my hands. 


The thought of being a vampire did cross my mind. However being severely allergic to UV rays and having to join some edgy coven didn't sound too appealing. Neither did the second option of being a werewolf. Even with the ability to change at will, there was still the deadly effect of silver and the unfortunate fact that vampires hunted werewolves actively. 


I sighed and shoveled the rest of my scrambled eggs into my mouth before dropping the plate in the sink and checking my wall clock. 


'The sun had risen an hour ago, I should be able to explore the city without much worry.'


I had been putting off exploring for a while. One, I hated New York and two, I didn't want to risk getting entangled with the plot.


'A walk always cleared my mind in my past life, it's also a good habit to familiarize myself with the local community. Besides I need to go to an ATM to withdraw all my money should I need to make a run for it.' 


I purchased a shoulder holster from the 'shop' and put it on. Slipping the Sig P226 into the holster I followed that by tucking two spare 15 round mags into the mag pouches on the opposite shoulder. I could easily slap someone's head clean off with my strength stat the way it was but having the weight of a gun was comforting in ways I couldn't begin to describe. 


[Time Skip: Later that afternoon]


I sat down at a cafe and watched as people walked on by. I sighed as I spotted another couple smiling and holding hands. In my previous life I had been too busy working and trying to keep myself afloat that I had neglected forming any real relationships. Any other guy would have been bitter, and a part of me was bitter at the fact that people around me were happy. Those were illogical thoughts that weighed me down so I immediately cast them out of my head. 


'I came here to live my life how I want not to carry over my shitty previous life.' 


I downed the rest of my coffee and left a ten dollar bill on the table as a tip. Standing up I wove my way through the crowd and made my way back to my apartment. I had never been to Brooklyn in my past life, hell, I made a conscious effort to avoid ever going to Brooklyn. Navigating the unfamiliar streets would have been impossible if not for the new Map function I discovered on my 'system'. It also confirmed that the UI was indeed invisible to everyone but me. I had the map pulled up to the top right of my vision and I had set a checkpoint to a location labeled 'home'. 


The day had been productive, starting with me going straight to the bank and closing my account here. I withdrew the few thousand dollars 'Blake Corvin' had and stuffed the cash straight into my inventory which had caused me a minor heart attack when a notification popped up out of nowhere. 




'Alright, that's should be all the money this guy had.'


I discreetly put the small stack of hundred dollar bills into my inventory under the impression that I was putting it in my pocket. There was a loud chime that almost made me jump and a notification popped up in my face. 




Remaining Money in Inventory: $24,576,823,576


'What the fuck! Where did all this money come from?'


I hastily made my way to the restroom and jumped into an empty stall. Taking a seat on the toilet lid I opened my menu and navigated to the log again. Scanning around the activity I stopped the second I saw the notification. 


'At least they were generous with the monetary compensation. Still, this is a ridiculous amount of money. I don't think I could even spend it all if I tried.' 


I heard another person enter the restroom and I my hand went for my gun out of instinct. The man used the urinal before washing his hands and leaving. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding and continued to look at the obscene amount of money in my inventory. 


'Well, at least I know that there's no limit on how much an item stacks. While I have it open I might as well get rid of junk.' 


I spent a few minutes selling off the junk I had in my inventory and breaking down crap I didn't need. Soon I had cleared off a good chunk, freeing up more space in my storage. I pulled up the menu option and clicked on my inventory. 


A storage space contained in a pocket dimension accessible by the Player. Only non-living things can be put into storage. Any item placed in storage will be locked in stasis for the duration it's held in the inventory. There is no limit to the amount of items in a stack but storage is limited. Storage space can be expanded through purchase in the Gamer's Shop. 

Current Storage Space: 46/1000 

While I had the UI still pulled up I navigated back to the 'shop' half tempted to buy a bunch of unnecessary shit that I didn't really need. I smiled at the thought before pulling up the 'Inventory Space' option. 

Extra Storage Space: 

Price: $100,000 per 100 slots. 

'Pretty cheap for what it is… I've got money to burn.' 


I dropped four million dollars without any hesitation and watched as a notification popped up after I confirmed the purchase. 



Remaining Money in Inventory: $24,572,823,576

It was a worthwhile purchase, now that my storage space was increased by another 4,000 slots I didn't have to worry about running low on space. A month ago if you had told me that I would willingly spend four million dollars on microtransactions I would have laughed in your face. Now here I was spending millions on storage space without flinching. Shaking my head I left the restroom and walked out of the bank.  


'Maybe I should look for a new house, I'd love to actually own a house and with the amount of money I have I could buy a big fuck off mansion.' 


Flashback End

In the end I did end up going to a realtor to look at available properties. The suited bastard had the audacity to sneer at me when I came in. Then again I was dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt over a black hoodie. I was tempted to pull out the P226 and put a bullet in the smarmy asshats head but Gamer's Mind pulled me away from that train of thought. 


Still, I felt a little petty so I bought the gaudiest fucking mansion I could spot stepping out only to discretely purchase a stereotypical silver briefcase from the 'shop'and fill it with ten million dollars. Well over the six million the property and land around it was worth but just enough for me to chuck the briefcase at the realtor and walk out of the office after signing the deeds and paperwork. 


I had left the realtor gaping after telling him to have the place cleaned out 'cause I would be moving in within the day. 


Back in my apartment I stuffed all the new furniture I had bought into my inventory and scrubbed the place clean of any signs that I lived there. Looking around one last time I sighed.


'Finally I can enjoy my early retirement.' 

[Scene Break] 

I had been living in my newly purchased mansion for almost three months now. Along with the mansion I had also purchased a Rolls Royce and hired a personal chauffeur. The dude was ex-special forces so he also doubled as a bodyguard of sorts. Not that I really needed a bodyguard. 


I had also staffed the mansion with two maids and a chef. Carla and Lucy were students from the local college that I had hired to clean the house and maintain the grounds. They both were thankful for the job and pay I gave them. I felt a bit of empathy for the two since I had also been a college student at one point so I knew how it was to struggle to pay off loans. Cody was a retired Michelin star chef that I hired to cook meals. His wife had recently died from ovarian cancer and racked up a huge medical bill. Everyone was vetted by James, the bodyguard/Chauffeur. James had been kicked out of his home by his ex wife after his final deployment. 


Needless to say I felt sympathy for each and everyone of the people that worked for me. They all got generous paychecks and great benefits from the company I had started that sold affordable healthcare. An idea that I had once I realized that I was just sitting on a large amount of money. 


I still went dungeon crawling of course, I still hadn't entered the Angel dungeon but I was planning on doing so that evening after I had dismissed the staff. While I waited curiosity got the best of me and I pulled up the UI and opened the 'options' menu. 


Font Size

Font Color



'Interesting, the update cut out a lot of shit from this tab. I'm assuming 'extra' is some sort of a 'next page' option'


I selected it and the screen changed displaying a separate page dedicated to precise details. 

Expand Stat Details

Activate Quests

Disable UI

World Jump

'World Jump' was grayed out, like the dungeons I must have to finish up to a certain point in the story before I could change worlds. Which also meant that I had to involve myself in the plot, something I didn't think I was quite ready for yet. 


'Disable UI' seemed pretty self explanatory. I guessed that it would either turn the UI transparent or more than likely shut off the 'Gamer System'. Whether it was temporarily or permanently I didn't want to know so I made a mental note to ignore the option completely. 


Then there was the 'Quests' option. I didn't know what sort of tasks it would give me. For all I knew it could assign me some mundane quest like 'cook some breakfast for the first time' or some completely ridiculous task that involved fighting gods or something. I would leave that for later once I gained a few more levels. 


The final option was the least risky looking. Selecting the option I looked around only for nothing to happen while 'Expand Stat Details' turned into 'Hide Stat Details'. 


'Must have something to do with my stats then.' 


Pulling up my stats my eyebrows shot up and I took in the extra information now present. 

Name: Blake Corvin

Formerly known as Blake Savage in the previous life, took over the life of Blake Corvin. Current host of Gamer System, CEO and Founder of LyfCorp a medical research company that also provides healthcare. 

Race: Human?

Blake Corvin is a descendant of Alexander Corvinus. His blood contains the key to perfect the hybridization of bloodlines. The Gamer System also grants the ability to evolve.

Level: 100 Next Level: 0/0XP

Current level cap reached, Player must evolve or prestige to unlock higher levels. 

HP: 1,800/1,800 (1 per sec)

(Vitality x 10)

MP: 1,600/1,600 (.5 per sec)

(Wisdom x 10)

SP: 1,000/1,000 (1 per sec) 

(Endurance x 10)

STR: 400

Your strength dictates how much damage you can do and how much damage you can resist

(Damage Output 400%, Damage Resistance 40%)

DEX: 100

Each point increases overall movement speed. 

(Current Speed 50%) 

VIT: 180

END: 100

INT: 80

Increases your capacity to understand and retain knowledge. 

WIS: 160

Luck: 120

(Locked) You have been blessed by a higher power. You cannot add points to this stat. It will remain a constant in your ever changing life. 


Points Available: 500 

You gain 5 points to allocate to a stat for every level you gain. 

The information I learned from my stats wasn't something that I didn't already know or couldn't figure out on my own. However, it was nice getting confirmation of the things I already suspected. I leveled out my Wisdom stat to an even 200 and dropped another 20 points into my Intelligence stat evening it out at 100. With the remaining points I dropped 220 into my Vitality bringing it up to an even 300. With the remaining 80 points I dropped it all into my Dexterity stat bringing its total to 180. I looked at my stats again after I disabled the extra details and smiled, it was time. 


I was considering distributing the rest of my points but remembered the description mentioning evolution and prestiging. I noticed that I could actually select the question mark next to the 'Human' label. Upon clicking it a previously unseen menu appeared. 

Prestige Options:

Select Secondary Class


Selecting a secondary class will reset all your stats, skills, and levels. You will be unable to access your previous class until you reach the max level of your new class. Your points will be refunded but reduced by 80%. Unspent points will be unchanged. 

Reset Character Level

Reset your level back to 1, this will not affect stats or skills. Each new level you gain will take twice as much experience than the first time you reached that level. 

Change Race

Change your race to any available unlocked race

(Available Races: Human)

The different classes were easy to figure out, though I was surprised that the option to reset my level back to square one was even an option with the secondary class option available. They were basically the same thing except for the fact that one wouldn't affect skills or stats. I chuckled a bit at the Race change option. Though I figured it meant more on species than actual ethnicity. 


'I'd gain more with selecting a new class rather than resetting my level to 1. Fuck it, I guess my decision is made.' 


Selecting the first option I picked 'Fighter' as it was the only choice that was unlocked and closed my eyes as I felt the effects take place. Pulling up my new stats I balanced at the steep drop but sighed in relief when I saw that I still had a decent chunk of points to spend. I reactivated the 'extra details' option before looking at my stats again and immediately spending all 212 points I had left. 

Name: Blake Corvin

Race: Human? Class: Fighter

Fighter Class grants a 10% bonus damage to all unarmed attacks for each level gained. 

Level: 1 Next Level: 0/10,000XP

HP: 1,000/1,000 (1 per sec)

(Vitality x 100)

MP: 1,000/1,000 (.5 per sec)

(Wisdom x 100)

SP: 1,000/1,000 (1 per sec) 

(Endurance x 100)

STR: 45

Bonus 10% damage to all melee attacks for every point. 

(Bonus 450%) 

DEX: 45

Bonus 10% in all martial arts learning speed and a speed boost for every ten points. 

(Learning Speed 45%, Movement Boost 45%) 

VIT: 45

END: 45

INT: 45

Increase study speed and knowledge retention by 1% for each point.

(Study Speed 45%)

WIS: 45

Luck: 120


Points Available: 0

I sighed to myself, 'Time to move on to the skills.'



Gamer's Mind: (Passive) Lvl. Max

Protects Player from any and all outside influences. Includes but not limited to, telepathy, legilimency, psychoactive drugs, and brainwashing. Player has the option to temporarily disable this skill at will. 


Gamer's Body: (Passive) Lvl. Max

Allows Player to live life as a video game. All damage only affects HP, physical damage to Players body is negated. 


Observe: (Active) Lvl. Max

While activated Player can discern basic information about the targeted object or creature. 


Dungeon Creation: (Active) 

Creates a dungeon for the Player to train or gain experience and loot. Dungeons available increase with Player Level.


Stick and Stones: (Passive) Lvl. 6 (0%) 

Skills: Unarmed Combat and Blunt Force Trauma absorbed into skill. Gain a bonus 10% damage with fists and non-bladed weapons per level. 

Current Boost: 60%


Overwhelming Aura: (Active) Lvl. 1 (0%) 

Player projects an oppressive aura. Targets in area of effect are intimidated and filled with the sense of dread. 

Area of effect increases with skill level. (Cost: 50 MP per sec) 

Area Affected: 100 feet around Player


Perfect Cellular Regeneration: (Passive) Lvl. Max

A skill absorbed from the soul of a demon. Grants the Player biological immortality. Non-major wounds heal automatically while more serious wounds heal at an accelerated speed while resting or sleeping. 

Surprisingly I didn't lose as many as I thought I would. The skills that were left were the ones involving unarmed combat. It pained me to see the Devour skill absent from my list. That would have helped level up my new class much easier. 


'I guess I should be thankful for the fact that I still have everything in my inventory and the fact that I can still access the more useful skills.' 


Feeling like I had wasted enough time, I stood from my chair and opened the ID options. Seeing that I was once again a lowly level one I picked the Zombie option and entered the dungeon. 

[Time Skip: 8 weeks later]

Two months, I had been grinding for two whole months and I still hadn't regained all my lost levels. I had cleared the zombie and demon dungeons hundreds of times now blasting them apart with my guns. The XP gain had slowed to a snail's pace. It was almost painful watching the measly points trickle in and do absolutely nothing. 


'I've been shooting so many fucking enemies why haven't I gaine- OH FOR FUCKS SAKE I'M ACTUALLY STUPID.' 


I had been killing the zombies with guns. 


My new class was a Fighter. 


Which specialized in Unarmed Combat. 


Something I hadn't done.




'God damn it fine! Another two months it is.' 

[Time Skip: Another two months]

Dropping the battered Demon corpse to the floor I let out a sigh. I had finally reached the level cap for the fighter class. I had lost count of how many demons and zombies I had pummeled to death with my fists. I had ignored the two skills I had gained as a 'fighter', instead focusing on leveling up as fast as I could so I could safely enter the Angel dungeon. The Duke of Hell demon I had just killed dissolved into balls of light before I could loot the body. A single coin was left in its place and I frowned. A notification popped up and I began to read the message.


Congratulations Player!

You have defeated your millionth enemy and have unlocked the Gacha System. Mobs will now have a chance to drop Gacha coins. You can find the Gacha at th-


Slashing my hand through it I dismissed the notice. Of all the cliches that could happen this was the worst. 


'Of fucking course there's a Gacha. Was it too much to ask to not have a literal gambling function to this system?'


Activating the observe skill I went to confirm what the coin was. I cursed under my breath when I saw what it was. 


Gacha Coin (Mythic) 

Chance to draw a random mythic item from across the various multiverses. 

Can be sold at the Gamer Shop for $10,000,000,000.00


I was almost tempted to sell the damn thing, almost. But once again my curiosity got the best of me and I picked it up. Navigating to the 'Gacha' menu I selected the 'Roll' option. A slot for the coin formed in the UI. I inserted the coin into the slot and frowned as a colorful screen replaced the soft blue I had set my UI to. 


I watched the prize wheel divide into millions of different options and chuckled at some of the items that could potentially drop. There was everything from a fully functional Gundam to Excalibur, I even caught a glimpse of the Lament Configuration before the 'prizes' got too small for me to make out. Then the wheel spun without my input, I felt like I had sat there for an hour watching the damn thing spinning nonstop. Finally it began to slow down and stopped on what looked like a bejeweled Sovereign's Orb. As I tried to get a better look I didn't expect the damn thing to pop out of the UI. Barely managing to catch it I looked at it and couldn't help but giggle. 


Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch

"And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, 'O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." 

Effect 1: -20,000,000 HP to all enemies in a twenty foot radius around the blast. Enemies outside that range suffer 2,000 points of damage per second for five seconds. 

Effect 2: Grenade returns to inventory after use and cannot be used again for '24:00:00'

Effect 3: Due to origins as a 'Holy' artifact, will deal an additional 100% Damage to undead and demonic creatures. 


'Fuck… this is a guaranteed kill. Too bad I can only use it once a day.' 


After receiving the game breaking weapon I had second thoughts about the Gacha. Sure it literally proved my point about handing out world ending weapons but it also had the potential to really help make my life so much easier wherever I went. 


'This is how Gacha addictions start.' 


I mentally sighed and dropped the 'Mythic Item' in my inventory. Pulling up my status menu I finally looked at my stats now that I had reached level 100 again. Seeing that I once again had 500 points to distribute I decided to keep up the balanced stats and evenly distributed the points to all my stats. 

Name: Blake Corvin

Race: Human? Class: Fighter

Level: 100 Next Level: 0/0XP

HP: 12,800/12,800 (1 per sec)

MP: 12,800/12,800 (.5 per sec)

SP: 12,800/12,800 (1 per sec) 

STR: 128 DMG: 1,280 per hit (STR x 10)

DEX: 128

VIT: 128

END: 128

INT: 128

WIS: 128

Luck: 120


Points Available: 0

"Not bad… not bad at all." I thought out loud. 'Now let's see those Skills.' 



Gamer's Mind: (Passive) Lvl. Max

Protects Player from any and all outside influences. Includes but not limited to, telepathy, legilimency, psychoactive drugs, and brainwashing. Player has the option to temporarily disable this skill at will. 


Gamer's Body: (Passive) Lvl. Max

Allows Player to live life as a video game. All damage only affects HP, physical damage to Players body is negated. 


Observe: (Active) Lvl. Max

While activated Player can discern basic information about the targeted object or creature. 


Dungeon Creation: (Active) 

Creates a dungeon for the Player to train or gain experience and loot. Dungeons available increase with Player Level.


Stick and Stones: (Passive) Lvl. Max  

Skills: Unarmed Combat and Blunt Force Trauma absorbed into skill. Gain a bonus 10% damage with fists and non-bladed weapons per level. 

Current Boost: 1000%


Overwhelming Aura: (Active) Lvl. 28 (0%) 

Player projects an oppressive aura. Targets in the area of effect are intimidated and filled with a sense of dread. 

Area of effect increases with skill level. (Cost: 30 MP per sec) 

Area Affected: 280 feet around Player


Perfect Cellular Regeneration: (Passive) Lvl. Max

A skill absorbed from the soul of a demon. Grants the Player biological immortality. Non-major wounds heal automatically while more serious wounds heal at an accelerated speed while resting or sleeping. 


Iron Skin: (Active) Lvl. 48 (89%)

When active the Player gains a 10% damage resistance buff for every level of the skill. Only applies to physical damage. 

Damage Reduction: 480% (Cost 62 MP per min) 


One Punch: (Active) Lvl. Max 

Obliterate your enemies with a single punch. 

Damage: SP Reliant (Cost Varies on SP) 

Stacks with other skills affecting Unarmed Damage. 

That last skill had the potential to be extremely deadly if I played my cards right. Looking at my stats again I smiled at the leaps and bounds I had made. The Angels wouldn't know what hit them. 

[Scene Break]

"Lucian, I think we may have found the one." 


"Pray that you are right Singe, we're running low on resources and I doubt we'll have the time to gather more."


"This is the one Lucian. I can feel it."


"You said that about the last one. Look how that turned out." 


"We've had our people watching him for months now. The movements he's made, the people he's interacted with, he knows something." 


"Fine… tell me about this, Blake Corvin." 


Singe smiled at him before giving him all the details on their latest target. Apparently Blake Corvin had been a lowly medical student at the local clinic. The man had one friend, Adam Lockwood, who stated that Blake had failed to show up for work months ago and had somehow started up a company on his own. Which should have been impossible with what he was getting paid at the clinic. Singe theorized that Corvin must have come across a great deal of money from someone who knew about their world. That would be the only logical explanation for the man to disappear from the public eye. Lucian grew hopeful as Singe continued to give the information they had gathered about Corvin. The man apparently had a soft spot for sob stories and had hired three people to work at a mansion he had purchased. The realtor had been all too happy to give the information he had pulled on Blake Corvin. Saying the man was rich was an understatement. Apparently Corvin had handed the man ten million dollars without blinking to pay for a six million dollar property. Lucian didn't think even the vampires could have thrown that kind of money around without a second thought. As Singe finished his recounting Lucian stood from his seat. 


"We'll head to find a way to draw him out of his home. Contact Adam Lockwood again, see if he can be of any help." 


"It will be done… also Raze was looking for you. Apparently your spy in the coven has some news." 


Lucian felt a smile creep onto his face. "Good, that means their elders are in their way." 


Selene looked at the target she had been shooting for the past two hours while imagining that it was Kraven's face. She felt her anger begin to dissipate as she took a few more calming breaths. Contrary to popular belief, vampires did have functional bodies including a beating heart. 


She had spent over six hundred years being stuck at the age of nineteen. Over her long life she had learned that being stuck at nineteen wasn't as great as it was made out to be. For one she was a constant mess of emotions, emotions that she was meant to have complete control over. Two, despite having the chance to carry out her revenge against all the Lycans as the filthy beasts had killed her family, the time in between hunting the beasts was filled with nothing. Nothing, except listening to Kraven attempting to convince her to be his mate. 


She didn't even know why Viktor had left the cowardly man in charge of their coven while Elder Amelia traveled to the other covens. It was quite literally in his name, Kraven. A name she remembered, that was only given to those who ran from battle. Yet somehow the man 'defeated' the Lycan leader Lucian. He had even bragged about his victory and displayed the brand he had flayed off of Lucian. 


To be quite honest, she didn't really believe him. She saw him spar and it was quite pathetic. Still she was loyal to Viktor, and if Viktor said that the sleazy bastard was in charge, then she would respect his orders.  


"Selene, Kraven wants to speak with you." 


She fought the urge to deny the request. "What does he want?" She glared at Erika who didn't flinch at her gaze. 


"He says that he has an assignment for you. Apparently the Lycans are getting too close to our territory." 


"So he's aware that Lycans are moving and still he does nothing?" 


"Not for me to say. He just wants you to deal with it, and I know you hate being stuck in here." 


Selene frowned, it was no secret that Erika had a thing for Kraven. She didn't put it past the cunning woman to try something. Viktor had given them orders to lay low while Amelia moved between covens. They had moved from their home in Hungary when the mortal government had gotten too close to discovering their hidden mansion. 


They were currently living with the New World Coven in New York. Not that she really noticed much of a difference. The architecture was similar as well as the weather. The only difference was the city was crawling with werewolves and Kraven refused to do a thing. The coward didn't even bother sending out the Death Dealers to deal with Lycans that got too close to their blood banks. She watched the blonde leave, holstering her guns she threw on her coat and left the compound. It was high time that she went hunting again. 


Erika watched Selene drive off and smirked, it had been easy convincing the bitch to leave with mentions of werewolves. Kraven didn't even need to know that Selene had left. Now she had him all to herself. 

[Scene Break]

With the new dungeon cleared for the sixth time I slumped in my bathtub soaking in the warm soapy water. Turns out the Angels in the ID were the creepy bastards from Legion. It helped knowing that the humans they possessed were dead. It had been hard to stomach at first, killing all the people, well, killing them again. 


After a while I made light of it knowing that I was 'avenging' these people. Even if it wasn't really the real world, and that they were all just randomly generated NPCs. I found out that the mobs in the dungeons were all randomly generated when I encountered two identical possessed humans on the same day. With observation I confirmed that the two had the same name but were different levels. This confirmed that the dungeons pulled 'assets' from the real world and used them as references for mobs. I discovered that everyone I encountered in the real world had the chance to appear in the dungeons when my old landlord appeared and I got the pleasure of blasting the bastard with two dozen Dragons Breath shotgun shells. 


After the fifth time I had cleared the 'Angel Dungeon' I had discovered the 'endless' function and I had spent the better part of a week leveling everything I could and finally reaching level 100 for the rogue class. I wasn't too big on magic so I saved the mage class for when I actually needed it. Pulling up my stats I smiled at the obscene numbers displayed on my UI. 

Name: Blake Corvin

Race: Human? Class: Rogue

Level: 100 Next Level: 0/0XP

HP: 2,500,000/2,500,000 (1 per sec)

(Vitality x 1000%)

MP: 250,000/250,000 (.5 per sec)

(Wisdom x 1000%)

SP: 250,000/250,000 (1 per sec) 

(Endurance x 1000%)

STR: 250 DMG: 1,250 per hit ( STR/2 x 10 )

Bonus 10% melee damage for every point.

(Current Bonus: 2,500%)

DEX: 250

Bonus 10% effectiveness for all stealth related skills and sneak attacks for every ten points.

(Current Bonus: 250%)

VIT: 250

END: 250

INT: 250

WIS: 250

Luck: 120


Points Available: 0




Corvinus Bloodline: (Dormant) 

As a direct descendant of Alexander Corvinus, the founding father of immortality, your blood contains the unique properties that allow for perfect hybridization.  


Fountain of Youth: (Tainted)

After drinking the blood of Ban (Seven Deadly Sins) you have gained a permanent 4x multiplier to your HP. Since it is impure this perk will disappear in the case that you are completely drained of blood. So long as you have a drop of blood in your body you will keep this perk



Gamer's Mind: (Passive) Lvl. Max

Protects Player from any and all outside influences. Includes but not limited to, telepathy, legilimency, psychoactive drugs, and brainwashing. Player has the option to temporarily disable this skill at will. 


Gamer's Body: (Passive) Lvl. Max

Allows Player to live life as a video game. All damage only affects HP, physical damage to Players body is negated. 


Observe: (Active) Lvl. Max

While activated Player can discern basic information about the targeted object or creature. 


Dungeon Creation: (Active) 

Creates a dungeon for the Player to train or gain experience and loot. Dungeons available increase with Player Level.


Stick and Stones: (Passive) Lvl. Max 

Skills: Unarmed Combat and Blunt Force Trauma absorbed into skill. Gain a bonus 10% damage with fists and non-bladed weapons per level. 

Current Boost: 100%


Explosives Expert: (Passive) Lvl. 1 (0%) 

Formerly EOD. Player gains a 10% bonus per skill level to all explosive damage. 

Current Boost: 10%


Berserker: (Active) Lvl. 1 (0%)

Formerly 'Bigger Fish'. While skill is active Player gets a temporary 10 points to each stat. Points given to each stat increase with skill level. (Cost: 10 SP per min) 

Current Boost: 10 Stat Points 


Overwhelming Aura: (Active) Lvl. 1 (0%) 

Player projects an oppressive aura. Targets in area of effect are intimidated and filled with the sense of dread. 

Area of effect increases with skill level. (Cost: 50 MP per sec) 

Area Affected: 100 feet around Player


Devour: (Active) Lvl. 67 (10%) 

Grants the Player the ability to consume the souls of defeated enemies. Imparts a portion of the enemies level and has the chance to transfer a compatible skill of one is available. (Cost 100 per soul) 

Levels Absorbable: 10

Skills Chance: 67% 


Perfect Cellular Regeneration: (Passive) Lvl. Max

A skill absorbed from the soul of a demon. Grants the Player biological immortality. Non-major wounds heal automatically while more serious wounds heal at an accelerated speed while resting or sleeping. 


Iron Skin: (Active) Lvl. 83 (0%)

When active the Player gains a 10% damage resistance buff for every level of the skill. Only applies to physical damage. 

Damage Reduction: 830% (Cost 30 MP per min) 


One Punch: (Active) Lvl. Max 

Obliterate your enemies with a single punch. 

Damage: SP Reliant (Cost Varies on SP) 

Stacks with other skills affecting Unarmed Damage. 


Healing Ray: (Active) Lvl. Max

Casts a healing beam of light that heals the target for 10% of their health for every second it's directed at them. 

(Cost: 1,000 MP per second) 


Shadow Step: (Active) Lvl. Max

While active, Player is rendered invisible to the naked eye. Player will still produce sounds and scents. 

(Cost: 100 SP per second) 


Et tu? Brute?: (Passive) Lvl. Max

Player deals 100% more damage with daggers and short swords. Bonus 200% damage to stabs into the targets back. 


Diminished Presence: (Active) Lvl. Max

While active, Player fades into the background of their surroundings blending in with the crowds. 

(Cost: 10 SP per second)

Broken, it was the only word to describe my Stats, Skills and Perks at this point. But that was the ultimate goal. To be so powerful that I could live my life how I wanted to without the risk of someone endangering me. I was fully prepared to face whatever this world had to throw at me and I couldn't be more happy. 


Grinding had gotten rather boring and I was itching to get a piece of Selene, the goth mommy. I had spotted her slinky around the subway a few days ago glaring at some rugged looking men who I assumed were werewolves. With the Diminished Presence skill none of them had noticed me being a third party observer. 


Drying myself off with a plush towel I quickly got dressed and buckled on the modified hidden blade I had pulled from a Rare Gacha. On the topic of Gachas, I had collected quite a few coins of varying rarity. I took a quick look at my collection as I pulled up the 'Activate Quests' option. 


Gacha Coins:


Mythic x 3

Legendary x 2

Rare x 7

Uncommon x 12

Common x 10 

There was no specific item category it would pull, it was always random. I had been lucky to get several useful items after I pulled the Holy Hand Grenade. I had gotten A Chalice of Ban's Blood, a Vial of Phoenix Tears, a set of Rinnegan eyes, and an actual Maramusa Katana. 


I drank the blood immediately after learning what it was I only found out later that it didn't give me immortality but just a boost in my HP. The Phoenix Tears I was saving, I wanted to test if they could cure vampires and werewolves of their blood curses. The Rinnegans I had absolutely no idea what to do with. I never watched Naruto and even though my system said I could implant them safely, I held off because I didn't know exactly what they did. The sword however, was safely tucked away in my inventory which was now cleaned and organized. I had purchased a warehouse to store all the junk in so that I wasn't carrying a bunch of unnecessary shit. 


Testing the wrist blade that I had modified by putting a silver alloy plating on one side I slipped into my cozy leather jacket and clicked on the confirmation. 

Enabling Quests

Scanning for Available Quests…

Scan complete…

Starting: Underworld (2003) Main Questline


Quest: 'Caught in the Middle' started



Visit Clinic: incomplete

Survive Werewolf Ambush: Incomplete 

Escape Capture: Incomplete



Walther P99 (Automatic Variant)

Unlocks 'Selene' Questline


Not Possible

'Huh, that's the first time I've ever seen a quest that was impossible to fail. Maybe it is because it's a main quest?' 


Shrugging I holstered my P226 and its spare mags. I had gotten a concealed carry license from the sheriff's office months ago. Despite not wanting to be in any sort of system, a CC license was a great excuse to carry a bunch of guns and seemingly pull them out of nowhere should I need to. 


The rewards for the quest weren't anything to write home about but I was getting tired of killing demons, zombies, and possessed fucks. The challenge of killing werewolves and vampires sent a tingle down my spine as I stepped out of my door. It was currently midnight and I had already dismissed my staff. They didn't need to know that their employer had a hard on for killing things. 


Drawing up my hood I made my way to the entrance to the subway. Activating Diminished Presence I weaved through people and focused on finding my way to the Clinic that the old Blake worked/studied at. After some digging I had learned that the original Blake had been a medical student of sorts. The dude was getting paid to study which was a bit surprising since he was basically a glorified intern. Still he was paid, not much, but just enough to afford the shitty apartment I had found myself in. That was it, he couldn't even afford to eat. The original Blake probably died of starvation before I ended up here. 


I walked through the doors of the Clinic and ignored the chime of a notification as I noticed a familiar face. Not in the sense that I knew the character. Familiar in the way that I recognized the actor who played the character in the movie. 




'Fuck shit. Act natural.' "What's up Michael?" 


The man's eyes brows furrowed. 'Shit that wasn't his name.' 


"Blake, where the hell have you been? People have been looking for you." 


The man ignored my blunder, "Relax Captain Cold, I'm fine. Just here to clear out my locker." 


'Real smooth Blake. Why don't you shank him while you're at it.' 


"What's going on man? Did you find a job or something?" 


"Something like that, look I'm a bit busy. Let's catch up over beers later. I'll tell you all about it." 


The man nodded and I cast Observe on him as he walked away. 


Adam Lockwood Lvl. 16

Race: Human

HP: 100/100

SP: 70/70

Allegiance: Lucian, Werewolves

Status: Spy


'Cheeky bastard. He's with the werewolves. I always thought he was suspicious as hell when I saw the movie. Now I know why.' 


Hearing a commotion behind me I cursed silently for letting my guard down. I moved back and faded into the shadows of a corner using Shadow Step. Three men who I had no doubt were werewolves stomped past before stopping and looking around. 


'Fuck I forgot about smells.' 


I moved fast and tackled the closest one before slitting the man's throat with my hidden blade. The other two roared and tore at their clothes. Staff and patients ran around me panicked. Dodging a nurse who was barrelling towards me I shoved her out of the way just as a fully transformed werewolf flew past and crashed into the wall. I drew my P226 and put five hollow point rounds into the werewolf's head before turning and barely dodging a swipe from the last wolfman. I looked down at the nurse who had passed out during the ordeal and grinned. Sensing no one else nearby I reupholstered my pistol and took out a lead pipe from my inventory. 


The werewolf skidded to a halt mid charge and eyed the pipe in my hand. I grinned evilly at it before breaking out into a run. The wolf panicked and ran from me as I chased it down the corridor. Unfortunately for the werewolf I was much faster. Even without using my skills I could outrun a train. Which really said something about my stats. 




The sound echoed through the empty corridor making me stifle a laugh as I bashed the werewolf over the head with the pipe. 


'Oh that never gets old.' 


I felt the wind shifting behind me and turned just in time to be tackled to the ground by a leather bodysuit wearing vampire. I silently buffed Gamer's Mind to 80% and stared at the drop dead gorgeous woman startling me while pointing a gun at my head. 


"Who are you!" She demanded. 


I looked at her eyes which were glowing an electric blue and smiled. The goth mommy had found me. 


"Bit rude don't you think?" Motioned at her weapon


"Answer me!" She didn't budge. 


"You know who I am, Selene. " I whispered her name and she hesitated. 


Seizing the opportunity I flipped the position and disarmed her while pinning her arms over her head and smiling at her shocked face. 


"While I'd love to stay and chat with a beautiful woman such as yourself,'' I heard sirens approaching the Clinic. "But I really must go." 


I dodge the knee she threw at my balls and entered the 'Empty Dungeon'. I had been right in thinking that it was a mirror dimension of the world I was in. I had tried seeing if I could 'teleport' by moving through the dungeon and exiting once I reached the outside world counterpart only to find myself back where I had entered the dungeon in the first place. Even if I couldn't use it to seemingly move around in a blink of an eye it was still useful for training in the use of my more potent weapons and laying low while still being able to explore the 'world'. 


I gave it several hours before I exited the dungeon and made my way home. My first quest could have definitely gone smoother, but I couldn't have asked for a better outcome. Not only did I manage to test my strength against the werewolves but I also met Selene who was surprisingly weaker than expected. Then again I had basically finished a ton of 'side quests' before even starting the main storyline. I made it home just as the sun rose, taking a quick shower I jumped into bed and closed my eyes. Organizing the day events I ignored the notification chime and drifted off into sleep. 

[Scene Break] 

Her heart was beating fast. Well, fast for a vampire anyways. She quietly snuck back into the mansion and went to her room. Locking the doors behind her she stripped out of her clothes and took a shower. 


'Who the hell was that?' 


The man the Lycans had been following since he got off the train had easily killed the transformed beasts. Not only that but he had also bested her. Given, she had been taken by surprise but the fact still remained that she had been overpowered. 


'Was he even human? The Lycans seemed to think so according to the one I interrogated a week ago. They were looking for some human named Blake Corvin.' 


She stepped out of the shower and blushed at the memory of the man pinning her arms and making her feel helpless. She was the most efficient Death Dealer. She didn't feel helpless. She shoved the emerging emotions deep into the pit of her soul and glared at herself in the mirror. 


'You've killed countless monsters. Regardless of what he is you will find him and figure out how he plays into all of this.'


She continued to stare at her own reflection. 


'He called me beautiful…'

next chapter
Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


