44.18% Games We Play -Shaman / Chapter 19: Father of Dragons

章 19: Father of Dragons

One could feel the tension in the city. The reason for that is the 100 thousand Dothraki horsemen outside the city walls.

The marriage between the Khal and Daenerys is supposed to happen soon. But the Barbarians were already here. And they have been milking the city for a while now.

"I have heard things about the Dothraki…cities would give tributes to them. If the Khal doesn't like them they would kill them either way, truly savages."

Margaery said to him as they were walking through the streets. Looking at the sights and buying things they like.

"It's called waging war in the most primitive way. The only difference is that in Westeros you would send a note that you are at war for something and you would do similar things anyway.

In the Dothraki's case, they would just attack and kill you before taking your things. The only difference is that you give some sort of legitimacy to your war."

"It sounds like you are on their side." She said that with wide eyes.

"I like the straightforward way." He said with no care.

The group spends several days exploring, and at the same time, Raynor learns about the surroundings and the situation of the City.

He was wondering when the marriage was going to happen. The Wolf King was happy to learn that he was on time. If he was any less late he would have missed this fantastic opportunity.

"I will be crashing their wedding. I suggest you either watch it from afar or I will unsummon you."

"We will watch it from afar. This is an opportunity we don't want to miss."

Some of the ladies had worried looks but they did nod. Not all of them are as adventurous as Margaery or her cousin Elinor.


Raynor looked at the expanse of tents, North from Pentos at a cliff. The scenery was fantastic for a wedding. However, this being Dothraki's wedding made the beauty shrink considerably.

Because there are fights to the death and orgies. The people were wild. There were large bonfires, drums, and dancing women…in the middle of the dance guys would jump in and start fucking… it was happening everywhere…

A random thought popped into his mind when he was walking towards the wedding.

He never was in one yet! Here he was in Game of Thrones for over 5 years and he never was in a wedding! Holy shit! In a franchise known for political weddings, gore, and wars. Sure he did the last two but the first! He missed it somehow!

'All that free food!'

Out of nowhere, he got extra pissed off…

So he summoned Ice. The Stark Heirloom Valyrian sword.

He will cut his way!

With a simple hand motion, he summoned his wolves.


"Time for you to feast boys! We have horses and their fuckers for dinner!" As Raynor said, the slaughter has begun!

Wolves are perfect against Horses, the sheer nature of predators and their prey is advantageous for the bloodthirsty wolves!

As he said he proceeded to charge at the wedding party.



When Daenerys heard the howls her whole body turned stiff and her expression paled. Wolves…those are the howls of the wolves.

In the middle of her wedding?

She dearly hoped that her dreams were false but she was wrong as she saw tens…if not hundreds of wolves charging into the Dothraki…their horses started to run away from fear while the men were in not that great position…they are either fucking, or drinking…or drink fighting…

The wolves were like knives butchering through them.

Khal Drogo next to her stood up and started to scream something in his language. He pulled out his bent sword.

Deanerys heard about these weapons before, they are good for chopping heads off but they are useless against Plate Armour.

As Drogo tried to attack the wolves they would dodge him and instead run away to attack other Dothraki.

This made the Khal wonder off…

Leaving her alone…

Though not for long as soon enough she saw a fully leather-dressed man with a long smoky sword walking towards her.

He was surrounded by large wolves. They all were looking bloodthirsty and deadly.

'That sword… It's Valyrian steel.'

As he approaches Drogo lunges at the leather-dressed men from the side.

But the attack was stopped by the Wolf King's hand!

'H-How Strong is he!?'

"Is this it? The Famous Khal Drogo. The one who has 100 thousand Screamers… I am disappointed."

Just like that he pushed the Dothraki sword back and then what happened next is something Daenerys will remember for the rest of her life.


Sounds of breaking bones followed next. Khal Drogo's limbs were broken one after another until he was laying on the ground with broken limbs.

The Wolf King didn't kill Khal Drogo, instead the wolves pulled it back close to her.

As the Hunter himself approached the Westerosi Knight she just met and stood in his way.

"Ser Jorah Mormont." The leather-dressed man said indifferently.

"You know of me?"

"I know everyone. Being a Greenseer has its advantages."

"Then you know that I want to return the favour for killing my aunt, Niece, and everyone else from my home, the North."

"I see. Then let me finish what Lord Stark should have done. As you see I have his blade. He used to execute traitors with this sword."

"You don't deserve to wield it!"

"I don't ask the opinions of a dead man."

Where Dany expected some sort of long battle, all she got was a single exchange where the Westerosi Knight swifty lost his head.

It flew off in a trail of blood. It was…nearly instantaneous!

After killing the Westerosi knight he walked over to the guests who were watching this with utter horror and disbelief.

They were all high members of Pentos society. Including her brother!

"Illyrio Mopatis. Hand me over the Dragon Eggs."

"T-T-They are with the rest of the gifts!" The fat blond man pointed with his oily finger next to Daenerys. There was a pile of gifts of all sorts.

"You're going to resurrect them, aren't you! Join me! And I can give you Reach or North or Both!" Viserys, who understood what was going on, quickly made himself visible. He thought this was the perfect plan!

"Give me? With that? You are a nicely dressed beggar, with a big B. The only thing left to your name is your sister which you almost sold.

Right, Drogo?"

*Pained Groan*

"See, He agrees." The Wolf King said with a nod. His words made Viserys' expression look as if he swallowed a lemon.

"Y-You can't speak with your King like this!"

As Viserys said that the Great Wolf looked around as if looking for someone, his wolves did the same thing.

"Are you talking to me?"

"Of course you! Do you think I am a joke to you?"

"Gods, you are one dumb cunt. No wonder you Targaryens are almost dead house. With a King like that, a Dog being crowned a King is a better choice.

Hey Deimos, do you want to be a King?" The Wolf King asked one of his wolves. The Black thing shook his head. It was a massive wolf In Daenerys eyes.

"I guess you are right. Ruling sounds boring."

The wolf nodded, before looking around to eat something.

"Y-You…" Viserys tried to say something but he didn't know what to say which wouldn't sound offensive.

"As you can see I have no respect for a delusional Beggar. Though…if you want to join my kill number I don't mind. I already killed three Kings. You can be my fourth."

Here it was her brother realised that he was playing with fire which could burn him.


"Good boy. No go back and play with dolls somewhere else. I have things to do, dragons to resurrect. Victory party to prepare. I am a busy man." As the Wolf King said he walked over to where her gifts were placed.

It was quite close to Daenerys who was still sitting as if she was nailed to the pillow. She was honestly terrified that he would just kill her randomly after seeing all that carnage.

Though nothing happened as he only took the eggs and another wolf started to drag Khal Drogo away.

Why does he need Khal Drogo? Why did he left her…

At that moment Daenerys realised something! What will happen to her after this!? Viserys will be even more delusional, mostly likely to drop into madness, Illyrio won't care for them! After this mess…

'Did that dream tell me to go with him?'

Honestly, it's better to be with him than be with Dothraki… it's well known that Khal usually shares his Wife with his blood riders.

This made her feel shivers go down her spine.

So, without wasting time she jumped from her seat and proceeded to catch up with the Wolf King!

"Dany! Where do you think you are going!?" Viserys got over his fear when he saw that his sister was running after Hunter.

Daenerys ignored her brother as she got quite close to the leather-wearing hunter by this point his wolves already surrounded her.

"What is it Daenerys Stormborn?"

"...I wish to come with you." The silver-haired girl said with a small amount of hope.


As he said that he turned around and looked at her, she already noticed that he no longer had the wooden chest with the three dragon eggs.



Raynor looked at Daenerys. She was more beautiful than the Tv version. The clothes she was wearing were simple one-piece dresses with nothing underneath it. He could see her nipples poking through the thin material.

"If you wish to come with me then you are giving myself to me. You won't be getting any special treatment, you will be serving me instead of me serving you.

In turn, if you are a good girl, one of the eggs I got will hatch into your dragon.

If you are diligent enough I even train you in magic. Do you agree with my proposition?"

Her eyes widened to a large degree and she swiftly agreed.

"Yes! Of course! I agree, My Lord!"

"...Heh… oh I see…"

For a second he had a curious expression as he walked over to her. Daenerys has a confused look as well.

He then grabbed her chin and made her look at him. Then he forcefully kissed her.

That moment Raynor could feel how she stiffed his kiss but then his magic started to flow into her.

'It worked… I knew it!'

After he finished the kiss he pulled back and looked at her. The girl in question had a rosy look.

"...W-What was it? I feel…strange…"

"Ritual was complete. It appears it worked because you were no longer considered under Viserys but Drogo, and I have defeated him, brutally.

This was enough for the War Totem to accept it and for me to take you as my spoils of war.

He explained to her while holding her chin and making him look at him. And yes, her lilac eyes were very gorgeous.

"...It was magic?"

"Yes, now let's go… you do want to see a Dragon being born into the world, don't you?"


As she agreed, he wrapped his free hand around her waist and made her walk with him.

"D-Dany! Where do you think you are going!?" Viserys screamed at the leaving pair.

He could not get close as wolves were in the way.

Still, he persisted but it was getting annoying and one of the wolves got close to him. This made Viserys backpedal several steps. He didn't see but another wolf was behind him.

The beast didn't do anything, instead, it crouched, and acted like an obstacle that Viserys didn't see.

As Daenerys' older brother was backpedalling it hit the wolf behind him.

Dropping on his ass.

This was what the wolves needed as they went on him and started to piss on him. From all directions.

"Ahhh!!! disgusting! G-Get off me!!! How dare you!!!

Ewww! Fuck!!

Get off me!!!

Did you just shit on me!?"

*Snickering in Background*


Margaery looked at the silver-haired girl in front of her.

This was Daenerys 'Stormborn' Targaryen. She didn't expect that Raynor would pick her up like this.

While she felt some dread from this, she was quite excited to have her as well. More girls the better for her health.

"So…why did you drag this savage all the way here?"

The girl asked him as they were outside Pentos. From her understanding Dothraki already left.

The whole 100 thousand horsemen just rode off after Drogo was defeated.

The Khalasar, or the horde, only respects strength, if the leader is beaten or can't ride his horse anymore, he is no longer the Khal.

Easy rules.

So Margaery is wondering why he brought this broken half corpse with him.

"To sacrifice. The Dragon eggs no longer hold life. So another life is needed. In this case, my friend Drogo over there will be my sacrifice."

"I-I see." Margaery nodded in understanding. Though she was more interested in seeing Dragon eggs.

"In the meantime take care of Dany. She is my new girl."

"As you wish."

While Raynor was preparing for the ritual Daenarys was surrounded by Margaery's girls.

"Let me introduce myself to you." The Golden Rose started first.

"I am Margaery Tyrell, these are my cousins and Ladies in waiting Elinor and Alla Tyrell. Followed by Alyce Graceford and Mira Forrester. We all are bound to Him via His magic same as you."

"C-Can you all use magic!?"

All five of them looked at each other.

"...No…not yet. The reason for this is that magic is quite sparse. Lord Raynor has been working diligently to bring it back for some time now."

"With dragons resurrection it will be even faster is it not?"

"Yes. I think it will."

After talking about magic for a bit Margaery breached the subject of how things work around here.

Now that Baratheons are not around, Robert dead, Targaryens can return to Westeros. Though the thing is…Is Raynor even thinking of returning?

The Brown Haired girl for a moment thought of scheming…but all of her schemes so far were discovered and she was punished brutally for them. Not in the way Lord's punish their subjects or things like that. No, Raynor shows his way of punishing…

It leaves her most of the time into a drooling and horny mess. She did learn her lesson. So she will be an obedient girl and treat Daenerys like a sister.

"Since you will be staying with us you need to learn a few things…"

Margaery pulled her closer as they proceeded to walk toward the small camp it was built for them.

The girl opened up about Raynor's fertility magic. How some of the girl's tactics don't work. In truth he is waiting for them to be naughty so that he could exploit them and fuck them to sleep.

Apart from that the Golden Rose opened up about things he expects from them. From dancing, singing, and flirting, how he likes to be pampered, and how he pampers in turn.

Daenerys was quite baffled to hear all this from a Westerosi Lady.

The Targaryen Princess studies the customs of Westerosi and Andal. About Lords having only one Lady wife, Knighthood, Faith of Seven. What she heard was more like culture from Essos than Westeros.

"I know the look. But let me put this as simply as possible. We can't beat him alone. I tried…several times before, Elinor tried, and Mira tried. Alyce and Alla didn't even try; they knew it was impossible to beat him alone."

"...Beat him where?"

"In bed."


Raynor placed the black and red egg on Drogo's stomach. The guy was knocked out from all the pain and he was dragged through the ground by the wolves.

After doing all the preparation the Wolf King started the fire in the pyre.

'Honestly, it doesn't surprise me anymore, been in wars, killed people, crashed a barbarian wedding, and blew up a castle, a city.

And now I am cooking a person to bring a dragon back.'

As the fire spread the Wolf King reflected on all the stuff he did.

And how much he will do in the future.

"Do you think this will work my Lord?"

"Highly positive, Khal Drogo's life force is one of the best. That horse fucker was gifted physically. With this sacrifice, the dragon which should be born from this should have that Khal's life force."

As Raynor said, he started to sense something from the pyre.

By this point, all the girls left the camp and came to watch the pyre. The one who looked at this the most was Daenerys. She was transfixed on the flame.

After the fire consumed the wood, the Dothraki Khal's body. Raynor called forth water and started to rain above the pyre.

His senses told him that it was enough.

As the fire slowly settled down, the Wolf King moved in and used the wind to blow away all the smoke.

What he found was a small black reptile thing. It was pure black with some red undertone. Red eyes, it was the size of a kitten. It had two pairs of wings and a long tail.

When Raynor saw it he grinned from ear to ear.

He then summoned some of the Stag meat and got close to the little dragon.

The thing was ferocious as the small thing tried to attack him and the meat he brough.

But, it was just adorable at this point as Raynor started to use his Beast Taming.

Though curiously…there was some resistance even with the dragon being just recently born!

'Huh… not bad… from now on you are Verrmax'


'If I was Ash I would jump around and show the dragon while saying 'Caught new Beast!!!' How ridiculous is that…'

He snorted to himself while gently lifting the little dragon. The thing already started to dig itself into the raw meat.

Then he walked out from the pyre, by that point the Tyrell guards were on their knees…

"We greet the Father of Dragons!!!"

"We greet the Father of Dragons!!!"

"We greet the Father of Dragons!!!"


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