71.42% Gamer: Dimensional Mercenary / Chapter 10: Harry Potter 9

章 10: Harry Potter 9

"Pop Rocks." Said Michael and the gargoyle moved to the side. He stepped inside the dark and almost empty office of the Headmaster. It was very early in the morning and the sun had yet to rise, but Michael figured the situation was urgent enough that Dumbledore would understand. Hopefully, something would notify the old man that someone had stepped inside his office, otherwise he would be waiting there with the red chicken.

"Fawkes." Muttered Michael, looking at Dumbledore's phoenix, who was sitting on its perch. This was the first time he had seen the old man's familiar and he observed him closely. With his crimson feathers and long golden tail, Fawkes looked like a mixture of a parrot and a peacock. It wasn't what he expected from a phoenix, but it had most qualities of one. Or at least it should have.

Fawkes gently lifted of the perch and flew around Michael. His beak opened up and a pleasant sound filled the room. Fawkes' song made Michael feel better and it inspired him. It made him feel like they had a chance in what's to come.

Ever since Michael found out exactly what's the Burning Legion, he lost almost all hope. If their leader, if Sargeras, arrived on Earth, then they were all doomed, the world would get destroyed no matter what. How was one supposed to stop a Demonic Titanic God, who could cleave the world in two? There was nothing anyone on Earth could to do to prevent Sargeras from doing so if he arrived here.

However… Michael's thoughts changed into more optimistic ones as Fawkes dropped on his shoulder, singing right next to his ear. Thirteen wouldn't have sent him here if Sargeras was going to arrive or if there wasn't any chance for him to stop the Burning Legion. Even at his peak, Michael had no chance to fight against a being who could destroy planets. He had a chance, THEY had a chance, but they will have a tough battle even against the lower ranked demons of the Legion.

Raising his hand, Michael scratched Fawkes' plumes. "You think your master will come soon?" He asked, receiving a slap on the back of his head from the bird's wing. "Got it. You think your pet will come soon?" A cheerful sound came out of Fawkes, telling him that was more like it.

"I see you are getting along with Fawkes." Turning around, Michael saw Dumbledore, dressed in bright green sleeping robes, he really had a very peculiar fashion sense. The headmaster had entered the office from… somewhere. He saw no door behind Dumbledore, but it could very well be hidden.

"I have good news and bad news." Informed Michael before Dumbledore could say anything else. The old man looked at Fawkes, who was still singing pleasantly next to Michael's ears and quickly came to a conclusion. 'The bad news outweigh the good ones.'

"I know of Tom's horcruxes and their location." Said Michael. After he realized what they were going to face in the future, he rushed his Occlumency, ignoring most memories and looking only for those which could help him in this world. He would have to go through them in the future, but the urgency that came from knowing about the Burning Legion forced his hand.

'That's good, great even!' Thought Dumbledore, but waited for Michael to continue.

"I know of a way to destroy them, two ways in fact." Dumbledore was getting even more excited. Finding the horcruxes and destroying them was the hardest part in dealing with Tom. As long as they deal with them, handling Tom would be almost easy.

"I even know where Tom's wraith from might currently be." Again, this was another set of good news, but Dumbledore started feeling dread. If the bad news outweighed the good ones, how bad could they possibly be?

"Dealing with Harry situation would be difficult and risky, however." And there it was, the bad news, thought Dumbledore. "The only I know of is a Killing Curse to the face and hope the spell destroys the second soul."

Yes, that was definitely the bad news. Dumbledore wasn't Tom, and he wasn't going to use the Killing Curse on child. He'd rather not use the spell at all if possible as he had avoided using it all his life.

"I would leave that to you to handle. Maybe you could contact your friend to see if the soul could be pulled out with a ritual or something like that." Dumbledore nodded. He had actually already done so, and seeing how Fawkes was here, he should have received a response.

"And now I'm going to be blunt." Michael paused and Dumbledore started feeling dread again. "When it comes to the demon invasion, we are totally and utterly fucked."

"How bad?" Asked Dumbledore with a pale face, realizing this was the actual bad news. Michael so far had been confident and sure of himself, but now his tone had changed.

"The Burning Legion as they are known, have already destroyed worlds much more powerful than this one." Michael wasn't completely sure on that front. It could be that Sargeras had recently created his army. Or maybe it was after he destroyed a world or two? Possibly the Burning Legion had been beaten by Azeroth and it was at its lasts legs? Or worse, it could've won and destroyed Azeroth. Michael wasn't sure, but it was better to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

"Other worlds?" Questioned Dumbledore. That alone gave him a better understanding of Michael, and his theory of time travel now looked less likely that what he assumed.

"That doesn't matter right now." Michael waved him off. "If you have any strong container that could hold a horcrux, grab one and follow me."

"Now?" Asked Dumbledore. "Where would we be going?"

"One of the horcruxes is in Hogwarts." It took a few seconds for Dumbledore to process his words before he shouted. "One of them is in Hogwarts?"

"That's what I just said." Replied Michael.

Dumbledore took a deep breath and walked over to his desk. He looked at the parchments and a box. Quickly, he scanned the messages he received before picking up the box. "Let us go."

"We are going to the seventh floor, so you might as well lead the way." Michael said, as he didn't know how to get there with Hogwarts' confusing paths. Dumbledore nodded and took the lead. Though he wondered where on the seventh floor they were going. The only thing of note Dumbledore remembered was a room filled with chamber pots he once found when he really needed to go to the toilet.

"Why do we need the container?" Questioned Dumbledore as they walked.

"The two ways I know of destroying a horcrux is either with Fiendfyre or with Basilisk venom. Both will end up destroying the item, and I wish to preserve the artifact if possible." Explained Michael. Rowena's Diadem was hidden in the Room of Requirements, and he wanted it for himself. Supposedly, the artifact would enhance his wisdom when he wore it, and he wished to test that theory.

"Basilisk venom? That would be very hard to acquire." Mused Dumbledore.

"Not really. There's a thousand-year-old one under Hogwarts." Michael's words froze the Headmaster in place. Robotically, Dumbledore turned to him with frightened eyes. "What did you just say?"

"It's sleeping in the Chamber of Secrets." Answered Michael. "It should be safe for now, but I want to kill it in the future. It should provide some valuable resources for us."

"And you know where the Chamber's entrance is?" Questioned Dumbledore.

"Girls bathroom on the second floor. The one where Myrtle died and where Tom created his first horcrux." Dumbledore froze in place yet again.

'There was never any hope for you Tom, wasn't it? To have created your first horcrux while still being a student. And to think I believed you could change.' Dumbledore always knew Hagrid was innocent of killing Myrtle, but he had no way to prove it.

"We would need a Parselmouth to open the entrance. Or maybe Fawkes could teleport us inside." Continued Michael, interrupting the old man's musings.

"A Parselmouth?" Questioned Dumbledore. "I don't know if there are any of them left in Europe. Not after the bad reputation Tom brought to that magical talent. Quite a few of them in India, though." India exported a lot of snake poison, which was used in creating antidotes. Their Parselmouths played an important part in that matter.

"Harry's one." Dumbledore was surprised yet again. "Not sure if it's his own talent or because Tom's soul. Either way, he could open the entrance for us. We would also need him down in the Chamber as well if we wish to explore the place fully. There's a chance he might even be able to control to the Basilisk."

"The Potter's were never known for that bloodline." Muttered Dumbledore. "Though James' mother was a Black. It's possible, although very unlikely. Either way, I'd prefer not to bring Harry down into the Chamber where a Basilisk might be sleeping."

Michael frowned. Without Harry, he wasn't sure how to open the Chamber of Secrets. He would have to convince Dumbledore as he really wanted to harvest the Basilisk for what it was worth.

"What about the other horcruxes?" Asked Dumbledore.

"One, Hufflepuff's Cup, is in vault in Gringotts. I believe I might be able to convince the goblins to take it out. Hopefully, we won't have to break in." Said Michael. Dumbledore didn't think the goblins could be convinced of that, but he stayed quiet for now.

"Another one, Slytherin's Locket, is in…" Michael tried saying 12 Grimmauld Place, but the words never left his mouth, and he frowned at that. "Hmm, we might need Sirius Black for that one."

"Black?" Asked Dumbledore with a frown. "He's in Azkaban for betraying the Potters by telling Tom of their hiding location and killing Peter Pettigrew." He clearly remembered that the Potters planned on making Sirius as their secret keeper.

"You really think so?" Questioned Michael. "From what I know, he wasn't the Secret Keeper. It was Peter and he should be alive. Might even be here in Hogwarts as Percy's pet rat. Peter's an animagus, all of the Marauders were animagi in fact. Except for Remus."

"Are you sure of that? And Percy? You'd have to be more specific. I might be Headmaster, but there are hundreds of students studying in Hogwarts. I can't possibly know all of them by their first name." Said Dumbledore.

"Percy Weasley." Answered Michael. "Come to think of it, the Marauder Map should still be in Filch's office." Dumbledore took note of this Marauder Map, but he frowned.

"Weasley? That can't be. All of the Weasleys died about a week before the Potters. From what I know, Arthur put up a great fight, taking down more than a few Death Eaters and even summoning the Sword of Gryffindor to his aide, like a true Gryffindor." Dumbledore informed him. That's how Tom managed to get his hands on the sword after all and almost succeeded in making it a horcrux as well.

Michael paused in his steps. This wasn't how he remembered it. 'The Weasleys should be alive. How is this possible?' Then it struck him, and he remembered something Thirteen told him. 'Mine is already known as the unlucky one where events tend to… be unlucky.'

"Fuck." Michael cursed out. His information wasn't even completely accurate with that in mind. 'The fact that Tom had a made a pact with a demon should've made it obvious. I can't fully rely on what I know from the movies.'

"What's wrong?" Asked Dumbledore, starting to get even more worried, if that was even possible at that point.

"I… have information of possible future events. However, the Weasleys were alive for them. This could complicate things, but hopefully, the horcruxes would still be in the same locations." Explained Michael, deciding to be truthful. There was no point in hiding information as that wouldn't be helpful.

"I would like to hear about that later, but we've arrived at the seventh floor." Said Dumbledore.

Michael looked around and asked. "Do you know where the Troll Tapestry is?"

Dumbledore nodded and led him there. He then watched Michael walk up to the wall opposite of the tapestry and begin walking side to side. Moments later, a door formed on the wall and Michael turned to him. "This is it." He said and opened it.

Entering inside, they were greeted to the sigh of thousands of all kinds of items. Furniture, cauldrons, books, almost anything one could think of could've been found inside.

"We are looking for Ravenclaw's Diadem." Informed Michael. "If you know a spell to detect dark artifacts, you should use it. Otherwise, we have to search for it manually."

Dumbledore took out his wand and pointed in the air. Since he knew exactly what they were searching for, he only needed to summon the object to him. However, nothing happened when he cast the Summoning Charm.

'Hmmm. The diadem is either protected or not here at all.' Concluded Dumbledore. 'Or maybe…' He pointed his wand at a random book in his sight and tried summoning it, but his spell failed yet again. 'So nothing in this room can be summon.'

Dumbledore waved his wand once more, this time casting a spell that detected dark artifacts. This one was successful, but there were multiple such items in the room.

"There are many dark artifacts in this room. Be mindful of what you touch." Dumbledore said, seeing that Michael was already rummaging through the items.

"While we search, you could tell me of the other horcruxes." Continued Dumbledore as he started manually looking for the diadem. So far, Michael had told him the location of four.

"The fifth one, Tom's Diary, is with the Malfoys." Said Michael and frowned. "Arthur Weasley should've pushed for a dark artifact search in the future and flushed it out. Lucius would've secretly given it to Arthur's youngest, who would've brought it to Hogwarts. We will have to find a different way of getting that one in the future."

'Breaking in the Malfoy's house and just killing them would be the easiest way.' Thought Michael, but didn't voice it out loud. He would wait and see how Dumbledore would decide to handle that one.

"The sixth and last one… I'm unsure if I should tell you about it." Continued Michael.

"Why?" Asked Dumbledore and turned towards him.

"It's heavily cursed and you end up killing yourself with it." Informed Michael. Dumbledore stayed quiet waiting for him to continue. To the old man, that just didn't make sense. He was an experienced wizard, so why would he kill himself with a dark artifact if he already knew it was a horcrux?

"The Resurrection Stone is attached to it." Explained Michael.

"Oh…" Dumbledore muttered. That made sense. In his youth, he desired to collect all three of the Deathly Hallows. Depending on the curses placed on the object, that desire might get rekindled if he sees the Resurrection Stone. Not to mention he would use the stone to speak with his sister once more… and apologize. Dumbledore needed to ask for forgiveness for what he did after her death.

"Speaking of the Deathly Hallows, I want to gather all three of them." Continued Michael. Initially, he didn't care that much about the optional objectives, but now, after realizing how much a threat the Burning Legion could be, he wished to complete them. He needed every bit of power he could get his hands on.

"The Master of Death. Do you wish for that title that much?" Asked Dumbledore. He once believed in that story in his younger days, he really did. Gathering all three was something he dreamed of back then, but now however, he thought it was just that, a simple fable.

"That's a bunch of horse shit. One can't become the Master of a conceptual being by just collecting a few artifacts." Michael quickly said. "I need the Deathly Hallows because require every bit of power if I want to have a standing chance against the demons."

"Is this Burning Legion that dangerous?" Dumbledore asked and stopped his search for a moment, looking at Michael.

"Think of it like this. Their leader is a Titanic Demonic God, strong enough to destroy this planet on his own. If he arrives, we stand no chance. Hopefully, a weaker army gets sent to scout out the place first, so we can quickly deal with all of them and destroy all of their portals. Still, even the lower-ranked demons will be tough to handle." Explained Michael, looking at Dumbledore with a serious expression on his face, trying to convey exactly how dangerous the Burning Legion could be.

"And you believe the Deathly Hallows would give you a boost?" Asked Dumbledore.

"They will." Michael answered confidently and returned to his search. Dumbledore didn't reply as he processed his words, and they continued looking for the diadem in silence.

Shortly after, Michael spotted a discolored old tiara. The moment he gazed at it, he had the urge to pick it up and put it on. Ravenclaw's Diadem supposedly increased the wisdom of whoever wore it, and he really wished to know if that was the truth. It could help him so much, and Michael reached out for it. However, just before he touched, he stopped himself and shook his head.

"I found it." Michael called out to Dumbledore and noticed the old man was already behind him, silently staring.

"You resisted it." Dumbledore said as he waved his wand at the diadem. It floated in the air and he put it in the box he brought with him.

Michael didn't reply as he took out his own wand. Casting the Tempus Charm, he found out it was slightly past six. He had almost an hour to check out the Room of Requirements and what it could do.

"Do you believe in Gods?" Dumbledore questioned afterward, the description of the Burning Legion's leader still fresh on his mind.

"I do, but I'm unsure if there are any on this planet." Answered Michael. They certainly existed in Liorderat, however they were very restricted on what they could do. The Gods had their own planes and could grant blessings to their followers, but they couldn't physically descend on Liorderat.

At one point, Michael had prayed to them, asking any of them for some kind of support. All of them ignored him, including the Human and Elven Gods, except for just one, Sith, the God of Misfortune. That one took great pleasure in Michael's misfortune and even granted him a blessing, that made his life even more difficult. He was glad that blessing hadn't carried over with him.

"The Cloak of Invisibility rightfully belongs to Harry, and I plan on returning it to him." Said Dumbledore after a moment. "You will need to speak with him about it."

Michael nodded. It won't be easy, but he would find a way to convince Harry. That is, if the kid doesn't die from removing Tom's soul from him or somehow gets killed. Thirteen's words about events tending to be unlucky were still on his mind.

"The Elder Wand… will only accept you as its Master if you defeat its current owner in battle." Continued Dumbledore.

"Then I will just defeat you in the next few years." Dumbledore blinked a few times. Michael spoke those words with confidence, certain that he would defeat him in the future.

"We'll see." Dumbledore said, allowing a small smile to form on his face as he groomed his beard.

"And the Resurrection Stone… I don't think anyone would mind if you take that one." Continued Dumbledore. "But for now, I would be returning to my office." He had a horcrux to look into after all.

"I'm staying here for the next hour. I need to figure out what this room could fully do. It's supposed to transform itself to whatever a wizard needs it to be." Michael said.

"I might have to check it out in the future as well." Dumbledore mused, very interested in this piece of magic. 'Whatever a wizards needs it to be? My, my, the founders truly were incredible wizards.'

"Also, contact your friend with urgency. I'd like to have the set of rituals as soon as possible. Hell, ask him if he could configure a better set for me." Michael said before Dumbledore left.

"I will." Nodded the old man and exited the room. Michael had proven to be trustworthy, informing them about Harry's situation and about the rest of Tom's horcruxes. Severus and Alastor were still suspicious of him, but Dumbledore trusted him fully after this. There were still many questions he wished to ask Michael, but finding out how to safely remove Tom's soul from his horcruxes was currently his top priority. Not only because some of those artifacts could be useful, but because Harry was one.

Left alone, Michael turned his attention to the room. Supposedly, it was able to transform into whatever he required at the moment. Currently, it was filled with all the lost items in Hogwarts, but after he closed his eyes and focused on what he wanted, the room transformed. Opening his eyes again, Michael was greeted to the sight of five training dummies lined up in front of him, each armed with a sword in their hands. Of to the side, swords of all sizes were lined up on the wall.

'If only they were slightly smaller.' The moment that thought passed through Michael's mind, the swords on the wall changed shape, reducing in size to fit him better. He picked up one of them and gave it a few practice swings before walking up to the leftmost dummy. The second he neared, the dummy clumsily took a swing with his sword. Michael easily blocked it with his own and struck back. His sword dug inside the dummy and almost got stuck there. It attacked him back, but he simply stopped the dummy's sword with his hand, using his Aura to protect himself.

'Interesting.' Thought Michael as he unlogged his sword and chopped off the dummy's hand. Now disarmed, it simply stood there motionlessly.

Moving to the next dummy, it attacked him the moment he neared like the previous one. This one swung its sword much more skillfully, but it wasn't anything special. After a few exchanges, Michael disarmed it like the first dummy by chopping of its hand. Continuing to the middle one, it swung its sword with practiced ease. For this one, he had to try and it took him a good minute to deal with.

Michael moved to the forth one, and he was finally met with a challenge. The dummy was not only skillful with its sword, but its swings were also fast and powerful. Whenever he tried blocking the attacks with his Aura, he felt it drain by a good amount.

'It really provided me with dummies with Novice to Master skill level.' Thought Michael in excitement as he continued fighting with the forth dummy. This was just his first test and the room had already proved to be invaluable. He was definitely going to be spending a lot of time here.

For the next ten minutes, Michael continued sparing with the dummy, but he couldn't disarm it like the previous three, mostly because it was tougher than them. His sword kept bouncing of its body whenever he hit it.

'I've been training ever since I arrived here, but I'm still too weak.' Michael thought, unknowing that he was stronger than most adults already. However, with his current strength, he just couldn't pierce through the dummy's tough skin.

'But that's what my Aura is for.' Michael stepped back. He looked down at the sword in his hand and focused his Aura. It slowly flowed into his weapon, taking its sweat time. A couple of minutes later, he managed to cover it entirely with his Aura and turned his attention back to the dummy. It attacked him once he neared, and he had to focus hard on keeping the sword covered with his Aura. However, he held it there with willpower alone and started exchanging blows with the dummy. After blocking one of the strikes, he swung his sword hard and cleaved through the dummy's arm, disarming it in the process.

A pleasant sensation filled him afterward, and Michael just stood there for a moment, basking in the feeling. Opening his eyes, he brought his status with a mental command.

[Michael Wynneiros

Body: 5

Mind: 6

Soul: 7]


Aura Manipulation(Adept)


Spell Casting(Apprentice)


Potion Crafting(Apprentice)

Sword Mastery(Expert)



Magically Gifted]

Body and Mind had both increased by one, and Aura Manipulation and Sword Master had also increased to the next level.

'Good!' Michael was pleased with that. Seeing his progress so clearly displayed to him was very satisfying. Without hesitation, he turned to the last dummy. His Aura shrouded him and also covered his sword, this time with much more ease. Stepping towards the dummy, Michael was caught off-guard by how quickly it swung at him. It was surprisingly fast, and he only managed to react on instinct, raising his hand to stop the blow. The attack drained the majority of his Aura, and he quickly stepped back.

The last dummy was obviously far above the other four. If his body was stronger, maybe he could handle it, but definitely not at his current strength. 'Train with the Expert dummy until I can beat it without Aura.' Michael's plan for the near future was set. He checked up on how much time he had with Tempus, finding out he had about twenty more minutes. He could still experiment with the room for a bit more.

Closing his eyes, Michael focused on what else he wanted. Opening his eyes, the dummies had been replaced with five other ones, three of them held sticks that looked like wands, while the last two were empty handed.

Michael grinned seeing that and got to work, thinking how much he was starting to love this room. The first two dummies were easy to handle. Michael was easily able to dodge their spells were firing his own at them, mostly his Severing Charm as it was the strongest spell he currently knew.

'If only they could move around as well.' Michael's wish was granted immediately, and the third dummy started moving, dodging his spells while firing its own at a rapid pace. That settled it for him. The Room of Requirements was definitely the best thing Hogwarts had to offer, and he still hadn't explored all of its capabilities. Michael was having so much fun, and he would've forgotten that he was supposed to go to classes today, if his stomach hadn't grumbled. Dejectedly, he left the room, promising to himself that he would return as soon as possible.

GrreedyGoblin GrreedyGoblin

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