/ TV / Game Of Thrones: True Threat From The North

Game Of Thrones: True Threat From The North オリジナル

Game Of Thrones: True Threat From The North

TV 3 章 14.0K ビュー
作者: slingincoke2


詳細 目次


a young lord, 15 years old, his name Anoriaon FearStark, an off shoot branch of the Starks, the young lord of Throcatore castle and his uncle Ser Ianñ will show the othe houses if the north why the first word of their name is Fear.

the young lord gets visons and a small fraction if a distant gods power and memories, will he use this knowledge and power to good use? or will he lead a conquest across the continent of Westoros.

how will the Lord who wields helberds react to his dangerous surroundings?

2 chapters every 3 days

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作者 slingincoke2