

A handsome young man, around 16 or 17 years old, walked inside his room on a summer afternoon, the lad was sweating a bit, and judging by his thick leather garments and the sword that he was carrying it was obvious that he spent the whole day training.

Taking his time to clean himself, he dried his shoulder-length silver-gold hair, braided it backward, and wore a comfortable and clean black tunic, all while he was humming a song with a melancholic look in his deep purple eyes.

Whatever he was thinking, his thought was interrupted by three knocks on the heavy wooden doors of his quarters.

Knock, Knock, Knock

"Your Grace, don't forget to sleep early today. Tomorrow we are riding to the Westerlands"

Taking a deep breath, the young man sighed.

"It's fine Ser Barristan, you know that I am always on point, I wouldn't miss it"

He could hear a chuckle from the other side of the door, followed by Ser Barristan's solemn voice.

"Aye Your Grace, it's just that… Your father is not the most patient one."

Closing his eyes and laying down on his bed he replied.

"Aye, I will be there in time, by the way how's mother?"

"She is fine your Grace" Barristan spoke, "She has been very happy with the whole ordeal, now go rest."

The young man turned his back to the door and muttered to himself sarcastically "… I wonder why…" letting out a depressed chuckle he tried to sleep.

He tossed and turned for about an hour, not being able to sleep he got up and walked to a table nearby his bed, grabbing some fruits to eat before he heard flapping sounds by his window. When he turned his head to see what it was his eyes went wide.

A bird, not a regular bird nor a raven, but a bird almost half his size, with red and orange feathers, an elegant beast that almost looked like it was made of fire, settled on the window and dropped a rolled parchment and what it looked like it was a big coin from its beak.

"Hello…" said the young man to the bird, even knowing it would be crazy to talk to beasts, but this one bird, in particular, was very unique and exotic.

He saw the beast eyeing the fruits in his hand with a solemn face, well as solemn as a bird can look, and chuckled.

"Aye aye, I bet that you are hungry," said the young man offering a few berries to the bird, who ate them without a care in the world.

"Hahahaha" he chuckled and tried to pet the bird but almost got his hand pecked "Okay, okay! I got it, no hands… by the seven you are a proud bird, aren't you? But where was that pride when you devoured my berries a few moments ago?" the young man asked teasingly.

He could've sworn that he heard the bird making a "humph" sound while avoiding his gaze, which made him laugh even louder.

Not wanting to have to deal with it anymore, the bird flapped its wings and flew off into the distance, quickly fading from the young man's view.

"Well… that happened…" he chuckled once again before his eyes landed on the rolled parchment that was left on by his window.

Raising one of his eyebrows he grabbed it and laid down on his bed before started reading it.

[Greetings young Targaryen, it's been quite a while since I had contact with anyone of your house, but considering what that big fat oaf of a king did it's no surprise, is it?

I am sending you this message because I judged you of being worthy of your name, for over almost a century your house has been in a terrible decline, I had my hopes up for your great grandfather, but I couldn't reach him in time, I heard what happened on the day of your birth and my condolences.

I know what plagues your mind young Targaryen, it was also the cause of many rises and downfalls of others before you, and yes, I have some answers that you seek.

Find me and you may get them.

Keep the medallion that came with this scroll otherwise, you will never accomplish your task, you have five years young Targaryen, in five years I will get my medallion back and you will be on your own.

I shall give you one hint. "Dragonlord"

We shall meet if fate allows us, I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.

Signed, The First Elven King"]

He finished reading, then he did it again… and then a third time.

'Who is this person? He talked about us like we were old acquaintances, he did say he met others before a… 'fat king'? is he talking about King Aegon IV?! How old is this man?!'

Many questions popped up inside the young man's head and if he had problems sleeping before, now he was certain that he wouldn't be able to close his eyes at all!

Grabbing the item that was left with the parchment and taking a good look at it he saw what seemed to be a house sigil, the medallion was blood red with silver trimming all around it, and a golden dragon etched on the center.

'He said Dragonlord… '

Getting up from his bed, and putting the medallion inside an inner pocket of his tunic, he dashed outside his room and started walking around the huge castle in a hurry, many questions covered his thoughts but he had some hints, this man and his house have met, this man knew about their history, this man knew about their prophecies…

"This man must be recorded in some of the old archives in our library… if he is related to a Dragonlord family like us and met our house before I do not doubt that my ancestors left something about him!"

As he was talking to himself a soft, fragile, and sweet female voice reached his ears.

"Rhaegar, what are you doing this late walking alone around the Redkeep?"

Turning to the side he saw his mother walking out of one of the rooms of the castle, he knew exactly which room it was, the room in which his newborn brother, young Viserys, rested.

"I'm sorry mother, I remembered something that I had to do before leaving for Casterly Rock in the morrow, I can't sleep while leaving unfinished businesses, you know well of that," he said in a soft voice, this woman meant the world to him, and even though they grew distant because of his father's behavior, he had nothing but love for her.

She gave him a loving smile "Is it about those books again?"

He avoided her gaze "Mayhaps…"

She chuckled "A grown-up man still in love with his books, I wonder from whom you got that…"

He shrugged "Probably Great Grandfather, I've heard that he was a very wise King."

Her eyes saddened instantly when hearing about her grandfather, but tried her best to hide it.

"Very well, don't stay up too late, you will be leaving at dawn… mayhaps you will find a lovely lady in Casterly Rock to bring back home and take you away from those old dusty books…" she said teasingly. "But I don't agree with you being alone, I will talk to Ser Barristan to follow you on your studies" she demanded before walking towards her private quarters.

Rhaegar sweatdropped "W-well Mother, Ser Barristan is already busy with his Kingsguard duties, why don't you talk to Ser Arthur instead?"

She stopped in her tracks and narrowed her eyes while staring at her son. "… Sure…"

Walking fast towards the library he spotted an armored man, bearing the Targaryen sigil on his breastplate, arriving slowly. 'How in seven hells did Mother make him come this fast?'

He stopped in front of the young prince and bowed his head "Your grace."

Rhaegar nodded "Ser Arthur, thank you for coming."

"It's my duty, your Grace."

They walked inside the vast library and, honestly, the place had a weird smell as it was filled with dusty books that were hundreds of years old and kept in an enclosed room.

Rhaegar spent the first hour looking around and going through piles of books yet he found nothing. No, he didn't read those books, but the history of the Targaryens in those books was only about their own house, and mostly about dragons and the kings, whatever hint he was looking for was not on those big tomes.

"Your grace, you still need to wake up early…"

Giving an exasperated sigh "Then help me, Ser Arthur, we can double our speed."

The Kingsguard shook his head "My hands must be always free in case of an emergency, Your Grace, I can't protect you if I'm busy holding books…"

Rhaegar stared at his old friend defiantly "Then you can't complain in case I take the whole night to find what I'm looking for, you either help me or stay silent!"

Arthur was conflicted and gave up, it's better to speed things up than have the Crown Prince late for his departure.

After locking the doors of the library for safety, the Knight followed Rhaegar.

"What are we looking for, Your Grace?"

Thinking for a bit Rhaegar replied "Look for old records, not those big history books, something more personal, more intimate… mayhaps a diary? If what I'm thinking is correct… we must look for the diary or some personal notes related to the most well-respected Targaryen Kings, you can skip King Aegon V, you go look for something related to King Daeron II, and I will look for something about King Jaeharys I… try finding something related to Great Granduncle Aemon as well."

He didn't have much hope for Daeron II or Aemon, the note said that they were in contact with house Targaryen for a while, and considering how the word "worthy" was used, he judged that only the best Targaryen Kings ever had contact with whomever this person was, it was crazy to think someone could live that long to actually be in touch with a King that lived nearly 200 years ago.

After 5 hours of searching, he got a few small and thin books, that looked more like personal notes, he found nothing about King Daeron II and this person, and he found nothing whatsoever about his Great Granduncle Aemon, he must've taken all of his private notes with him when he left.

He did find old dusty and half-ruined pages related to King Jaehaerys I, Visenya Targaryen, and surprisingly... Rhaenyra Targaryen, who was never a queen. 'Mayhaps a Targaryen doesn't need to be a King to be considered 'Worthy' by this person after all…' well he wasn't a King either, but he was bound to become one, being the Crown Prince, so he thought it was something related with bearing the Crown.

After spending another hour reading many private records of many stupid and, honestly, pointless blabbering in those notes he finally got a hit, and when he finally got it he couldn't help but curse.

"FUCK!" said Rhaegar out loud

"Your Grace?" Ser Arthur raised an eyebrow; it was very uncommon for Rhaegar to curse after all.

Taking a deep breath, Rhaegar stood up.

"Lead me to my quarters, Ser Arthur, I have to sleep as much as I can, and please... wake me up by any means necessary, I can't be late…" he said with a defeated tone before walking out of the library.

"Yes, Your Grace, leave it to me" he nodded solemnly. "But … did you find anything that you were looking for?"

After yawning, Rhaegar answered, "Yes… after the tournament is over… we will have to find a way for my father to allow me to leave Kingslanding for a while..."

"And where we are going, Your Grace?"

"We?" Now it was time for Rhaegar's eyebrow to raise

"Well, I'm already part of this, and you will need protection anyway, who is better to defend Your Grace than me?" Said the Kingsguard while smirking.

"Just admit it, you are as curious as I am, aren't you?"

"Mayhaps…. So.. where are we going…"

"… To the North…"

KojiSan KojiSan

Hello there dear readers, it is I!

For those who did or still are reading my Madara in the Avatar World fanfic, welcome back! no i didn't forget about you, well things went weird irl and ironically... drawing the characters of my fanfic got me so many comissions that i couldn't really write >_> i did write several chapters that i never posted though, but i will eventually post it again.

The thing is, currently i've been really wanting to write an actual medieval fiction, i thought of doing lord of the rings first, but... i wanted magic, and a magic that does not really breaks the worldbuilding, so.. ASOIAF it is! and boy oh boy i've spent the past weeks doing the world building, watching videos and reading wiki for the sake of this fic.

Honestly i can say that at this point i know more about the history of Westeros/Planetos more than i know about our own world >_>

I hope you all enjoyed my prologue, i wanted to do something different for "First Chapter" other than someone talking to ROB and all that, see yall on the next chapter!

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C0
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


