65% Game of thrones: The Adventure Ned Stark / Chapter 13: Charpter 12 UMBER

章 13: Charpter 12 UMBER

" " Dialogue

' ' Internal thought

«» Written note or letter

*** Scene break

() Author's explanatory note

"Damn, at what moment did we think it would be a good idea to leave without guards? We're lost," said Harrion.

"Hahaha, we're not lost, friend, we're exploring. I can feel there's treasure around here," I said as I followed a green light ahead of me.

After advancing half a kilometer, we stumbled upon some stone ruins.

"Wow, my lord was right," exclaimed Cerwyn.

"Haha, you get used to it over time when it comes to treasures. Ned has a better nose than a hunting dog."

"Hey, he's a wolf, better nose than a wolf," I replied.

As we slowly advanced through the ruins, I couldn't help but notice that the construction was very old.

"What do you think this is, Ned?"

"I don't know, maybe a fortress, but it seems abandoned," added Harrion.

"And too far from any road," Harrion added.

"Well, it seems we're the first ones here."

Near the main tower was a metal door engraved with runes. It was covered in vegetation. Upon opening it, we were greeted by darkness and a musty smell.


We walked, searching by torchlight, and then I saw them in a corner of the storage room: several ingots of gold and silver, covered with a tattered cloth.

"Hey, come see what I found!" I shouted.

Currently, we were gathered around a campfire.

"Well, apparently, it was an arsenal or something like a safe haven. Judging by the seals, it seems to predate the conquest."

"You know, a while ago, I found a tablet that talked about how the Kings of Winter hid troops to resist in case the dragons attacked. So it seems not all were dismantled, they just forgot about it."

"No, apparently, even though they knelt, they were wary of any dragon treachery."

"It seems we're rich then, hahaha. Or at least I'd like to think so, but we're close to the territories of both the Umbers and the Karstarks. I don't think your father would be pleased if we didn't inform him."

"Decided then, tomorrow we'll send the guards to inform the Karstarks and the Umbers to come find us in the Marches. They also have to understand something: nobody goes to the depot before we reach an agreement. Not even you," I said as I looked at the Karstark guards accompanying us.

"Understood x8."

The next day, the riders set off for the fortresses. As for us, we returned to the road to reach the meeting place.

"Who goes there?" Cley shouted, raising his bow.

"Relax, they're ours."

From among the trees appeared 5 people, led by a tall man.

"My lord, we were expecting you earlier."

"Haha, well Duncan, it seems we got a little lost on the journey."

"You made us go in circles to hunt for treasures, you mean, haha."

"And from what we found, I don't see you complaining, haha."

"Well Duncan, lead us to the others."

Meters ahead, in a clearing, was a walled camp with stakes of a meter and a half.

"Welcome, my lord."

"You arrive just in time for the meal, care to join us?"

"Doesn't sound bad at all, Caleb."

"My friends, I present to you Caleb, vice-captain of my personal guard."

As we ate with the guards, I sat by the fire next to Duncan.

"I see there are more than I thought, Duncan."

"That's right, my lord. When Bandon's soldiers heard we would escort you, they decided to join us, so now we are 50 people as their escort for the rest of the journey."

"Excellent, we'll wait here a few days. I found something we need to retrieve. When we're done, Lord Karstark and Lord Umber should be arriving. For now, rest. Tomorrow we have work."

"Very well, my lord."

The following days were spent removing and counting what was in the depot: 350 gold ingots, 320 silver, several thousand pikes, leather armor, and bows enough for an army of about 5 thousand well-armed men. We found what were supposed to be boxes of food and grain, but it was already just a black, fetid paste. The most impressive thing is that we found 2 scorpions; the rope was brittle, but the rest worked fine.

On the fourth day, the lords of Last Hearth and Karhold arrived, as well as their escort of 20 riders each.

"Young Starks, it seems troubles follow you."

"Welcome Lord Karstark"

"Haha, I thought I would receive you in my fortress and not have to search for you myself," spoke Lord Hoarfrost Umber.

"Haha, that was the plan, lord, but it seems I found a welcome gift."

"Now, boy, tell me why we're here," the rider said nothing, just that I should hurry.

"The same, boy, I've never seen someone so scared but unwilling to speak."

"It seems, my lords, we found a treasure right between your territories."

"A treasure?"

"Yes, Lord Umber, quite a few things. That's why I called both of you to discuss what to do with it."

"Well, if you found it, then it's yours, I won't fight over a few gold dragons."

"Even if I tell you there are more than 200 thousand dragons, my lord?"

"By the old gods."

"Heh, I take back what I said, my lord, who should I fight against?"

"Haha, that's exactly what we're trying to avoid, my lord."

"Very well, very well, I won't fight with anyone."

"What do you suggest, Lord Eddard?"

"Well, since we found it and it's not in either of their territories, I suggest half be for us while you share the other half. We're talking about 220,000 dragons, so you'll have 60,000 each and we'll take the rest."

"Haha, I suggest we fight instead; the winner takes half."

"So that's how it is, Lord Umber has too much confidence in you."

"Hahaha, of course, I won't lose to anyone.

"Very well... Men, formation!" I shouted.

With that, 50 people marched in formation from the camp. As I drew my sword, I asked Lord Umber, "Alright, my lord, are you ready?"

After that episode, we continued negotiating peacefully. In the end, each lord would have the equivalent of 40,000 gold dragons in ingots and half of the weapons. We would keep 140,000 gold dragons in ingots, as well as the other half of the weapons. Once that was settled, we went to where the things were.

"Wow, boy, I don't know if it's your luck or our stupidity that we never saw this tower."

"Hahaha, I don't know what to say, Lord Umber, it just happened."

"We could also refurbish it and use it as an outpost to watch over the Marches."

"You're right, my lord, we'd have to clear a path, but it would work great for watching over your lands."

"It seems we need to talk, Hoarfrost."

"Yes, we do."

Much to their chagrin, my guards would depart for Winterfell with the cargo without Harrion and Arturo's share. Once there, they would send Cley's share, and I would see them in two moons in Glover's territory. We would depart with the Umbers.

"Brother, I may not be as good with numbers as you, but 350 gold ingots are more than what you said you found."

"...Five percent."

"You know hiding money and lying is...

"Ten percent."

"Deal, I don't know anything."

"By the way, next time you find a treasure, it's better if only the two of us go, hahaha."

"You don't have to remind me, this time there were too many people to eat it all alone."

"Come on, you have enough for ten castles."

"I know, maybe it's time we put some of your ideas into practice."

"Which one are you referring to?"

"The Western Navy, brother."

"But you said we need a port and a castle."

"I know... How about we give Benjen in Sea Dragon Point?"

"Hahaha, we'll build him a castle as a birthday gift."

"No, I'll build him a castle, the port and the ships will come from your share."

"Alright, father will provide the land and the name, so it's fair."

"When do we start? After Glover's, they seem to believe that part belongs to them because it's vacant."

"Remember, Brandon, you inform out of courtesy, you don't ask for permission.


"Why do you think we got away with the treasure? We divided it out of courtesy, nothing more. If we want it all, they can only bow and grit their teeth, but it's not yet time to assert dominance; it's time to build goodwill."


"The Umbers are excellent warriors, but they are terrible builders. Last Hearth is on top of a mountain, the paths to climb can't even be considered paths. I can see the defensive advantages, but it's very bad for anyone who wants to come in to negotiate. In this small climb, they almost lost their cargo three times."

"Our stay with the Umbers was quite peaceful. When the Umbers found out they now had money, they threw a party that lasted a week. The best part of staying."

"One thing I noticed is the hatred the Umbers have for the wildlings. It's not as severe during this generation, maybe because there hasn't been a significant wildling attack for 50 years, since Raymun Redbeard led an attack on the North in my father's grandfather's time. It doesn't mean they don't hate them, but the truth is there's nothing but stories about the wildlings. Maybe if I manage to strengthen the Wall and prevent more incursions, as well as prevent things like the kidnapping of the Glover's daughter, I can soften the resistance if I want to bring them south of the Wall."

"Although I already have a plan for that," I said as I looked at Mance.


A few days before we set off for the mountains, we received a visit from my father, Lord Rickard Stark. This unleashed another party, as according to Jon Umber, they hadn't received their lord for a generation. After a night of partying, where my father, as usual, had to participate in a fistfight with some Umbers and liters and liters of beer, my father called us to Lord Hoarfrost's solar.

"Lord Stark, Lord Hoarfrost, tell me how I can help."

"Thank you for coming, Eddard. First of all, I must say that Lord Umber can't stop speaking wonders of you."

"Hahaha, of course, Rickard. If someone gives me 40,000 gold dragons, I'll compose a song myself, hahaha."

"Thank you for your kind words, Lord Umber."

"Well, son, the reason I came and the reason I called you is to hear your version of what happened with the Skagosi. Lord Karstark has already told me his version, but I need to know what plans you have or what course of action you propose."

"Father, we need to rally the banners discreetly. We managed to stop the Skagosi intentions, but if someone paid for them to attack the Starks, they won't stop after a failed attempt. Besides, Skagos hasn't been under Northern rule for a long time. "

"I don't think the King will tolerate the North gathering its armies."

"You're right, father. That's why we need to send an envoy to explain the situation in Skagos. I know he won't care about the situation in the North unless we give him a reason."

"And what would that be?"

"A reason so powerful that it would even send support for our war, said Ned as he showed an object wrapped in cloth."

"I don't understand. A rock? What would we gain with that?,"said Lord Umber

"This, father, this is a dragon egg. We just have to make the king believe that there could be dragons in the Skagos volcanoes."

"But you're crazy. What would we gain with that, Eddard?"

"Knowing the king, he won't entrust the enterprise to the North or share his suspicions. He will send his own armies from the South. He will try it secretly and fail because he doesn't know the North or its waters. Don't forget that we ourselves had to pay a great price to take the islands when it failed…"

"He will have no choice but to sponsor the North under the pretext of pacifying the region. That also gives us the possibility of gathering the army, training it, and rearming a fleet."

"But when he finds out that there is nothing, we will be doomed, " said Lord Umber.

"That's why it's very important that the envoy neither confirm nor deny the rumors. The envoy only carries the egg as a token of devotion. The rest will be taken care of by the rumors."

"I understand. After taking the islands, we can deny knowing it was about dragons."

"He only has to hold out for a few years long enough to strengthen us. If we can extend the campaign until before 276, we'll be fine. Who knows, maybe we'll really find dragons."

"But son, what war are you preparing for?"

"For all wars, father, from all sides, maybe against more than one enemy."

After that meeting, we spent several days waiting at Last Hearth. It turns out that the mountain clans would come to pick us up; the mountain has too many paths and turns for us to navigate ourselves.

My father will join us when I mentioned the possibility of a gold mine; he couldn't return to the North without confirming my suspicions. I think in large part it's to prevent me from getting lost in the mountain looking for things.

It was good to have father with us; some projects, like the Marine Dragon Point, we were able to accelerate, so he will accompany us to Deepwood Motte to inform the Glovers.

I left the Umbers with plans for better road construction, as well as the promise to send them more cattle for their lands. They will be the first house where I will test a system of boats to move towards the sea. I want to implement them throughout the North, but some rivers are too fast or narrow for now; I'll see how it serves here.

My father informed me that the reconstruction of Wintertown is complete, so he will send the builders to plan the new castle on the coast. He also decided that it would be Maege Mormont who would be in charge of administering the castle while Benjen grows up.

After waiting a week, the Wulls arrived; apparently, the mountain clans decided to gather in the lands of the Liddle Clan to receive and host us.

With that, we set off to the mountain, as it seems to be becoming a habit. Lord Umber sent his heir with us, Jon Umber, who hasn't yet earned his title of Great Jon but is already almost as big as Duncan, and both are still growing. I just hope to grow as well; I don't want to stay at my 1.66 like in my other life; maybe a respectable 180 or more would be good. As we followed the river upstream, I couldn't help but notice that I hadn't read the Cave Diary in a long time; maybe while we travel.


Brandon Stark's Diary:

It is said that the kings of old were powerful wizards and accomplished sorcerers. They were just and brave until the war came, along with the migration that brought us here.

My ancestor was the first human to reach this continent inhabited by giants and children of the forest. He did so in peace and without wanting to fight. The gods gave them land and welcomed them to the northernmost part of the continent, a frozen but fertile land. There they created a human kingdom, renounced their gods, and converted to the Old Gods, benevolent and kind nature gods. They ruled justly and the kingdom grew, but they never ventured south, never ruled outside the land they were given.

After a few centuries, others began to arrive, but not peacefully. They came with swords and fire, burned the Heart Trees, and displaced giants and children of the forest, but by mandate, we did not interfere in the fight. This war lasted two millennia until, summoned by the gods, we made the pact. The war ended, the First Men adopted the religion, quenched their thirst for conquest, and settled in peace.


Hello, readers. Double chapter, thank Ovleer in the comments.

Thank you also to everyone who comments and provides constructive criticism. Improvement thanks to all of you.

With this, we advance on the journey of the North. I want to introduce the houses so I don't have to do it again. Go ahead.

With this, we start a new diary. This one, unlike Edrick's, will not be disorganized and will tell a story in a linear way.

As recommended, no real-money equivalencies, but some data:

Gold Ingot: 15 kilograms = 800 dragons.

Gold Dragon: 21 to 15 grams in weight.

The same applies to both gold and silver.

And yes, Ned ended up with much more than others, ha ha!

Finally, as always, if you'd like, you can invite me for a coffee or something similar.


next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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