16.66% Game of Thrones: Battle of the Gods / Chapter 1: Ch. 1 Death
Game of Thrones: Battle of the Gods Game of Thrones: Battle of the Gods original

Game of Thrones: Battle of the Gods

作者: Krispyk

© WebNovel

章 1: Ch. 1 Death

In a dark alley, there lay a boy a teenage boy bleeding out slowly wondering if it was worth it. If he just ignored the lady that was screaming for help, just walked away but he didn't. most of his life was spent hiding away from others. The young boy named Blake life was filled with horrors and injustice. His mom died giving birth to him and for fifteen years his father took his anger out on him calling him a demon, his new stepmother wasn't any different treating him like he was her slave, that her children were better than him. His body was full of cigarette burns old and new bruises, fractured and broken bones that didn't heal properly. With no one to turn to, he kept to himself waiting for the day he could leave and make his life his own.

Walking down the street to clear his head after getting scolded for his failing grades, he heard a scream. Looking into the alley he saw a woman up against the wall shaking with a man behind her with his hands on her neck laughing in her ear. Blake wasn't a hero or anything he just wanted to do something good for once. He thought he could scare off the man by yelling the police were on the way. But the man just looked up at him with a devilish grin that didn't look like it belonged to a human. Blake was frozen still looking at the situation he couldn't understand what was funny but before he could say anything the man crossed the distance for 20 ft in the span of a second. Trying to wrap his head around what just happened he finally noticed the man's hand sticking through his chest. He just want to be a good person and do something that mattered, but it ended horribly. is this how it ends with his fading mind his last thought was I haven't even had my first kiss I'm still a virgin as he slowly loses consciousness and fades into the eternal darkness of the void. after an unknown time of floating around in the void, he sees a white speck floating toward him. The ball of whiteness collides with him and he's left in a white room standing in front of him is an old man with gray hair and a long beard that reached his knees to match. The old man's presence made him want to kneel in front of him. he already knew from the godly aura around him that this being had to be a God. A god that would judge his life, a sad life that he knew amounted to nothing.

Suddenly the being turned toward him and speaks "Young foolish one you die before your time is up and I am sorry for that"

"What do you mean," Blake asked confused as he didn't understand what the god meant by he died too soon.

"The man you tried to stop wasn't a man he was a demon."

Blake stood there trying to get his head around what he just heard, and it made sense if he really thought about it. How else would someone cross the span of 20 ft in a second and punch a hole in his chest, if they weren't of supernatural origin.

"It's my fault that you died. I was hunting that demon to drag him back to hell but I wasn't fast enough and to make up for my mistake I'll reincarnate you into a world of your choosing with three wishes."

Blake thought for a while about what he wanted. A world of he choosing a world where he would matter, a world where he could make a difference, a world in which he would fight for what is his. It didn't take too long for him to make up his mind.

"I wish to be reincarnated into the world of Game of Thrones," he said.

"Interesting choice." The god said " I thought would be like the others and chose some sort of anime world.

With absolute confidence in his choice, Blake didn't change his mind. And now for the hard part, his three wishes that would make or break his life in Game of Thrones.

"For my first wish, I wish to be born a Lycan with all the knowledge that comes with being one, a werewolf that can spread it through a bite. In my human base form my strength, speed, agility, mind, reaction speed, will, and healing are three times what the norm would be. And while I'm transformed into a lycan form my stats will also be three times my base form. And then the people that I bite, their stats will only be two times the norm. For my second wish, I wish to be Jon snows twin brother so that I have a right to the iron throne. For my third wish, I wish that I have completed control and immunity of ice while Jon has fire. So basically we could use magic but we would have to learn to control it." Blake asked.

Blake stood there in silence hoping that his wishes weren't over baring.

"Hahahah" the god laughed. " I knew you weren't like the others who just wish for overwhelming people right off the back and become OP. I will grant your wishes but I will do you even better. You will be the progenitor of Lycans, the first of your kind. The supreme alpha all under you will be loyal to you and you have the choice to make them a super alpha, a regular alpha, or basic runts of the pack betas and omegas. But be aware that not everyone can survive the bite, so chose wisely about who you want to bring into your pack if you do choose to have a pack, as I can see you've always been a loner. Until magic comes back into the world you will only be able to transform during the full moon. But be aware that transformation will be painful, you will fill the overwhelming pain of all your bones breaking but you will get used to it over time. You won't have your first full transformation until your fifteenth name day. And when magic comes back you will be able to transform on command. Your second wish is easy. And for your third, you will have full immunity from the day you were born but your control over ice will be little to nonexistent until you practice and it will take you years to become a grandmaster and have complete control over it and the same will go for Jon. But I must warn you that every action has a reaction. Your very existence will make the gods of that world wake up and they will choose their champions to keep the balance. You will be blessed by the Old gods more specifically the Wolf God Fenrir. You will be wolf born. Your twin will be blessed by the Lord of Light, he will be dragon born. He will be the progenitor of the dragonkin."

Blake stood there trying to process all the information he had just been given. He was happy that his wishes were granted even if he had to work for them, but he knew that nothing comes for free. But what puzzled him was the thing about the gods waking up and choosing champions. How many gods are out there, who will they pick to serve them. How will they react to his existence, will they be allies or enemies, would they even care? The thought of it scared him but also excited him.

Getting his bearings together "Alright I'm ready" he said.

"Do you wish me to refresh your memory about what's going to happen past and new?" The god asked.

"No," Blake responded. "Although I've watched the show up to the fourth season, I only remember the first season and little snippets of everything else. I want everything to be fresh for me, I want to experience it for the first time for myself."Blake declined.

" I understand and respect your decision. Well, that wraps up everything, let's get you on your way, and good luck." The god waved his hand and everything went black again. "Well, this should be very interesting to see how things turn out." The god said while sitting down on a throne.

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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