46.08% Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man / Chapter 53: The mission is officially dead.

章 53: The mission is officially dead.

P@treon shoutouts -Henry hammond(♾️), Person(♾️) Devor 👑👑(Thank you for being the first member king)

Chris chalich, Danny york

-Coulson POV-

"Parker says, they were there to kill his nephew because they think he knows something" I facepalmed as I told Fury "That still doesn't give us a direction here" but Fury didn't seem to think so as he said "Search for what the information is and maybe you can find the reason" I sigh at fury's decision to make me follow through with a dead case, all because he wants Ben Parker in his team.

I cut the call and got back to searching for my next lead and the intern Ricky seemed to have thought up something as he asked me "What If this Antoniv guy had the information but gave it to Peter?" I looked at the idiot as I asked him "Then wouldn't the kid tell us about it".

But the intern looked at me in my eyes as he said in a low whisper "What if he doesn't know he has that information either?" I open my mouth to retort but find myself falling short of an argument so I admit as I start the car.

"You know what, you are right We will search his house for anything we can find" I start the vehicle and we talk as we head for Ben Parker's home.

"I can't even handle a little violence," Ricky says and I wonder if he was forced into this job by his uncle. "But my uncle keeps saying I have to, that he needs someone he can trust under him"

I nod as I say "The things that we see every month are enough to scare humanity into war, if you weren't afraid of blood and gore the first time you saw them that would have been more cause for concern" Ricky seems to have calmed down at that as he asked me "is it really that common?"

I frown as I ask him "What?" He gestures around with his hand as he says "Death" I look at the small picture of my mother and father as I tell him "Death comes in many ways, the best thing we can do is make sure it doesn't happen because of the same reason again and again".

Ricky looks away into the city as he contemplates it while I drive on until we reach the place, we get out and start to head up to Peter Parker's room where we find a regular teenagers' haven.

Ricky starts looking for stuff under the bed while I search the desk, as I rummage through the frankly random stuff laying about on the desk Ricky asks me "Do you reckon we will find any porno magazines here?" I sigh as I ask him "How do you manage to be the Oldest person in the room while being the youngest person in the room?"

Ricky looked sheepish at that as he asked "I was born in a city that isn't really all that updated on the latest tech" I shook my head as I muttered to myself "Explains his naivety".

We spent another hour trying to find something before I asked him "Tell me, what did Peter Parker wear when he saved Antoniv in the cafe?" Ricky looked at me in confusion as he asked "And I am supposed to know that because?".

I nod at that as I move to search through his whole closet but Ricky stops me with a hand held up as he says "We do have a video of the robbery itself, let's see that" I nod and follow him to the datapad which had all the information on this case.

We play the video and I gotta say the kid acted quicker than most to save that Antoniv guy. Ricky seems a lot more impressed as he says "Did you see how fast he moved? Holy shit" I grin as I say "that is Ben Parkers nephew right there"

I move away to look through the closet for the blue shirt he was wearing and find it in the middle. I take it out and just as I was about to check it for anything Antoniv might have left behind I get a call from fury.

I pick up the call and he asks me "Where are you?" I raise my eyebrows as I tell him "At the Parkers, investigating" Fury tells me something that blew my mind "Get back to LA and brief Ben Parker about the mission".

I couldn't stop my sarcasm as I told him "We haven't found anything yet" but fury soldiered on ignoring my remark "I know the mission is dead so leave it and get back to LA. Tony stark is back from the dead" Now that was shocking to hear.

I ask again just to confirm "Really, How?" Fury explained "That is what you have to find out, did he make a deal with the terrorists, is he coming back with a bomb strapped to his chest, I want the file on every single day he has spent with his kidnappers on my desk".

I cut the call and turn to to Ricky as I tell him "Fuck this mission, we have been assigned somewhere else" he follows me as I throw the shirt aside.

As we get into the car Ricky asks me "So, What's the next mission?" I show him my government smile as I tell him "Persuade a narcissist to tell us about his time of weakness" Ricky grimaces as he puts on his sunglasses before he says "Impossible is what it is" I smile and turn the gear before I tell him "Impossible it is then"

As the car moved away from the Parker residence the blue shirt that was haphazardly thrown onto the bed hid a peculiar little thumbdrive which was peaking out of the pocket.


I ran away as fast as I can without raising suspicion of my powers as V chased me on the sandy beach. She was running after me because I, by mistake mind you, threw some sand in her hair.

"Peter stop before I tell Uncle Ben" I immediately stop and she hits me a few times as I laugh while I try to tell her "We were making the biggest hole the world has ever seen, your hair was a necessary sacrifice".

She continues to hit me as she yells "I know you were digging the hole right behind me so that you could push me in there" I grimace as I ask her "How do you know?" She grins as she says "You were too loud when you were planning it and you thought I was someone else when you were recruiting people to do it"

I frown at that and tell her "Fine you win, way to ruin all the fun" but V had this unnatural glint in her eyes as she gestured around "You bring people to plan my downfall right behind me. You dig my grave as I stand there watching. You throw sand at my hair that will take a ton of shampoo to clean, oh I haven't won yet Parker."

She slowly moved towards me making me backstep and when my feet couldn't find purchase behind me I turned around to notice that I am standing infront of the hole I dug "A prank is won when one of us falls and I am not in the mood to fall today because THIS IS A PRANK WAR" She hit me in the chest with a poweful kick that wouldn't have made me fall if not for the fact that I was unsteady.

I can't use my powers to escape as that would raise suspicion, I can only despair as I fall in slow motion watching as she stands there with her hands on her hips laughing triumphantly. The dark abyss consumes me as my mind supplies my next course of action.

I am Peter Parker, boyfriend to a girl who dumped me, A son to a dead man, A friend to an angry ned, a saviour to a city that shits on me. I will have my vengeance in this life or the next.


I laugh as Peter falls into the hole he dug for me and just as I was about to gloat about my superiority to him Aunt May holds my ear in a twist as she tells me "You could have hurt him" and I immediately show her my puppy eyes which melt her heart as she pats my head while she says "Be careful next time okay".

I nod as she leaves me be but I feel a pull below me, I look down to find Peter pulling me down by my ankle into the hole. I fall down and glare at him, just as I was about to give him a piece of my mind Uncle Ben yells "Children let's go" and we had to stop The Great Prank wars of the year 2008 to get back to our normal life.

We get into our Limo to get back to our hotel. I look out as the beach sets on the Santa Monica Pier passes by and we are back inside our rooms looking through our phones and laptops when the news reporter on TV says something that seems to make Peter happier than he was the past few...days....weeks or something.

"Tony stark is back from the dead"

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C53
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


