57.39% Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man / Chapter 66: Need to get back Ned.

章 66: Need to get back Ned.

3 days later


I yell out "Aunt may, where is my Chemistry note book" She yells from the kitchen "It's behind the juice mixer 3000 you made" I set aside the giant lawn mower with a plastic bowl attached to its blades to find the notebook. I take it out and look through my notes for the Summer Homework, who even gives summer homework nowadays? I was free of all subjects for the entire summer but Mrs Henderson just had to give us summer homework.

I called Ned "I said don't call me," he said and I had to sigh as I ask him "Come on Ned it was just a one-off thing and I was drunk" but he shouts out loud "You asshole, people were stopping me everywhere and asking me to take a picture with them for a week, even now people ask me to sing when I'm in restaurants." I was confused as I asked him "And that is bad because?" He sighs as he tells me "You have made my introverted life a living hell" I feel bad about that because I can understand how much it bothers him to interact with unknown people.

But he is too polite to decline their requests so I immediately apologize "I am sorry Ned" and he just grunts as he tells me "It is as you said, we were both drunk.." I smile at that before he asks me "..so what did you call me for?" My smile becomes stiff as I ask him "Do you happen to have the answers to the Chemistry homework" The line stays silent and I tell him "I'll change the answers up a bit".

*Tring*Tring*Tring* "The line has been disconnected, please try again later"

"Fuck that son of a bitch oh my God, why did he have to betray me right when I needed him" I watch as my world falls apart when Mrs Henderson calls me to the front and humiliates me for not finishing my homework of all things. I should have known, I should have created an AI just for this, I stopped myself because I thought JARVIS was enough.

Wait, that's right, JARVIS I can call him up to solve this for me, I took out the card Tony gave me and the call was picked up by Pepper who said "This is Pepper Potts, Tony Starks assistant, what can I help you with" I quickly say hi "Hi Pepper this is Peter, We met when you gave us a lift to our hotel, can I talk to Tony for a second please" She sounded surprised as she told me "Oh, he is currently very busy, so you will have to wait til..... 3:00 in the afternoon, is it an emergency". I frown as I think of why she is being so accommodating to me.

I thought this was Tony's number but surprisingly it was Pepper who picked up the call. Wait a second, does Tony even have a personal number? I frown as I ask her in a last-ditch effort "Can you connect the call to JARVIS" She stays silent for a while before she says "I'll see what I can do" and I wait for a minute before I hear a British accent "Hello, Mr. Parker what can I help you with" I get excited as I tell him "Hello JARVIS, call me Peter and I need your help with something really important, I will send you the Pictures and you need to tell me the answers".

I don't know how an AI can sound unsure but JARVIS said "Sure, sir" as if he was very unsure of his answer, I sent him the questions of the Homework and smiled as I waited for the answers for a while.

*Tring*Tring*Tring* "The line has been disconnected, please try again later"

"Fuck this shit, I'm making my AI" I mutter to myself in disappointment as I put on my backpack before I run out with a single slice of bread in my mouth to get that fresh Anime protagonist feel. I get on the bus and find Ned sitting with Flash. What the fuck? Did I fall into a mirror world or something? What is going on here? I decided to not question him right now, as u sat beside MJ.

"What happened to him?" MJ looked up from her book where she was drawing a picture of melony for some reason she said "You mean flash" I nodded and she said "He is good now" and went back to her drawing but I kept on looking at her expecting her to explain herself and when she didn't I asked her "And?" She looks at me weirdly as she asks me "And? What else do you want, he cleaned up his act and people like him now" I get confused as I mutter to myself "Are we in a different timeline?"

She chuckles as she continues drawing "It is a big change" I nod and put that thought aside as I think of ways to get Ned to be my friend again. When he started talking less and less on call, I thought he was busy during the summer trying to woo Betty Brant but now I know he has been wooed by Flash of all people. I watch as he keeps looking at the front of the bus even as he talks to Flash.

I follow his eyeliner and find Betty sitting there and I grin as I form a plan to give him a nice gift.

-Tony POV-

I was working on the new arc reactor which would run more efficiently than before at the cost of more palladium in my chest when JARVIS told me "Mr.Parker has requested my help sir, should I help him" I wondered what made him ask for help from JARVIS so I ask "Already? Ask him what he wants help with" I get back to my work of tuning the thrusters to work with the new arc reactor when JARVIS informs me "Mr. Parker has requested my help to complete his chemistry homework"


"JARVIS cut the call," I say calmly and he replies "I already did sir" I nod in satisfaction as I mutter to myself 'Who knew giving access to a multi-million dollar AI to a teenager would result in him asking it to do his homework' I shook my head as I focused back on my work for a while before Pepper entered the lab and yelled at me "Tony get out of your Man cave and take a shower now" I grin as I tell her "I would if you join me" She swats my arm aside as she says "I got a call from Peter" I nod "I know".

She looked curious as she asked "What did he ask JARVIS anyway, I didn't even know he could get angry" I laugh as I tell her "He asked JARVIS to do his chemistry homework" Pepper holds back a smile as she says "Teenagers" and I agree as I nod along with her.

As I finish the final tuning on the thrusters, Pepper asks me out of the blue "Why are you concerned with a teenager anyway?" I grin as I tell her "Before you call the FBI. No, I'm not gay"

She hits the back of my head before asking me in a low whisper "Why?" I look at the picture of my parents as I tell her "Peters parents were kind of like and uncle and aunt I never had." I take a deep breathe as I explain "When mom and dad passed away, I was in a dark place, I thought the world has ended and before I knew it I was burried in drugs, alcohol and women. They were the ones who pulled me out of it and showed me a path I could follow to get the most out of life without being a waste of space".

Pepper held my face in her warm hands and I realized how cold I felt until now, I held her hands as I said "She held my face just like this as she told me what the future might hold" Tears started to form in my eyes as I say "I didn't listen, I pushed them away and before I knew it they were gone too" I sigh as she tries to wipe away my tears and I let her do so for a few seconds before I tell her "The same thing happened with JARVIS, he made me realise more of my flaws and set me straight" Pepper smiles as she says "What about the alcohol and women?".

I chuckle as I tell her "That's where you came in" Pepper looked touched and I had to say 'one point to gryffindor' as her smile widened before I asked her "Will you leave like everyone else" She looked sad as she said "Never Tony" as she kissed my forehead and hugged me. I wouldn't say I believed her but I did promise myself that I would always be tere for Peter, a kid who lost his parents far younger than I ever did. I look at the picture of my father and mother as I think to myself 'I owe them that much'.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C66
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


