11.88% Forbidden Alpha / Chapter 11: Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 12 "Forgive"

章 11: Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 12 "Forgive"

Blake wrapped Ally up in her bed and began making her chamomile tea in order to calm her nerves. Since, her breakdown, Ally hadn't made a sound which concerned him and her mother dearly. Helen had been organizing her clothes and tidying her bedroom to bide time. Still, in shock from her daughters return, Helen wouldn't stop watching her. Once twins, her children now looked like strangers to one another, Ally's eyes and hair while mesmerizing encourages Helen to recall the day, she birthed them.

The day she'd endured 14 hours of agonizing labour to see them, while her husband didn't come to see her once. Impatiently, he waited to see his child but was very surprised to see his wife wasn't finished after having one child. Blake was the first born, as she cradles him with joyful tears streaming down her face the agonizing pain returned and doctors started to scramble around her.

Helen, "What is it? What's wrong!"

"Miss King were not done here we believe there's another on the way. Push!"

Doctors tried hard to encourage her but after Blake's birth she struggled to keep up her stamina. Helen didn't even know that her daughter had been growing inside her this whole time and even the doctors couldn't understand it. Hearing the commotion Alpha King stormed in to hear his wife screaming in agony once more. Standing in the doorway he watched as doctors tried to do everything, they could to save the second child. Ally was born seven minutes after Blake but was extremely weak, Helen didn't even see her face before the doctors rushed her off. Blake was handed back to her, she held him close and thought about this surprise.

Alpha King followed them to the post-natal care centre and watched his child be hooked up to a ventilator in order to keep her alive. When, told of the news he would be having a son, he was overjoyed to finally have a suitable heir considering all his other wives had only given him daughters. But there was something about this child that peaked his interest. Not only did Ally never appear on and scans, but she had miraculously survived despite her weak state. Alpha King stayed in the room with his daughter until the nurses came to request, he see his son. Reluctantly he agreed and made his way to his wife.

Helen lay exhausted in her bed still cradling her perfect baby boy, his pitch-black fine hair was softer than silk and when he opened his eyes briefly it was like peering into the Mediterranean Sea. Alpha King stood watching her for a while then began babbling, clearly intrigued about his secret daughter.

Helen, "What is it? Boy or a girl?" Helen asked excitedly. Alpha King frowned but was slightly joyful it wasn't another male. The sibling rivalry for the Alpha role was a brutal fight he knew all too well.

"Girl." Helen smiled a wide grin and cuddled Blake in closer.

"Peculiar isn't it? The fact she appeared out of no-where." Alpha pondered but those types of concerns didn't worry Helen. If she was alright, she didn't mind this surprise.

"The nurses told me she's on a ventilator and she's fighting really hard to breath on her own. Does she look like him?" Alpha King nodded.

"Identical, she's just smaller. You've done well Helen." With that Alpha King kissed his wife on the head. Helen froze up with this sudden affection, even to the present day she never understood why he did that. Naively she'd like to think he had feeling towards her but that was the only slither of affection he'd ever shown her.

Three days later Alpha King had barely seen his son and instead stayed in Ally's room not even taking his eyes off her for one second. Sadly, her condition was declining after the doctors concluded she'd inhaled some amniotic fluid during the birth which weakened her lungs. Alpha King couldn't understand why he had this attachment to this child, like a inner voice calling out to him to stay with her.

Helen had regained her strength and came down to the post-natal ward to see her miracle daughter. Alpha King watched her cry as she approached the ventilator, he knees wobbling still weak from her ordeal. Helen was dumfounded to see her husband watching over this child with his life.

"Don't worry she's a fighter, she wouldn't have made it this far of she wasn't." Alpha King said reassuringly.

"I just want to hold her, she'd perfect." Helen said pressing her hand on the glass surrounding her daughter. Alpha King stood up and looked at Ally closer admiring her porcelain skin and night black hair. This inner desire to help her kept resonating within him, pulsating through his body.

"Quite the saint isn't she, making a sudden debut like that." Helen's eyes lit up at his words.

"It's perfect, I've been trying to settle on a name for her and I think I have it." Alpha King looked up intrigued and listened.

"Ally, it's the Celtic word for saint. It means light, which could be fitting for her." Alpha King cracked a smug smile while listening. In truth, he likes it and felt it did suit her even though he hadn't even held her yet.

Helen had named her son Blake which meant Dark and fair after his cotton wool hair. Another three day had passed in the post-natal ward and both Alpha King and Helen hadn't moved and inch. They even brought Blake's cradle in, so he could stay with his sister. Whenever they were both in the same room, they would somehow become more active. Through further observation, whenever Ally was struggling to breathe Blake would also start to breathe heavier. Their bond was something unique indeed.

"I can't believe it; do you think he senses her struggle?" Helen asked in shock. Alpha King nodded his eyes lit with amazement.

"I've heard of twins having a strong bond but not like this." Alpha King thought for a while about it. As they both watched the two bundles breath in sync Blake began crying from nowhere. Almost simultaneously, the ventilator began beeping loudly. Doctors and nurses rushed into the room asking them both to leave and Alpha King could feel his heart shatter.

After a painful twenty minutes Alpha nails were practically bit down to the bone. Helen cooed at Blake to calm him down after he'd relentlessly cried throughout the wait. Alpha King stood up when a doctor exited the room, his face lathered with grief.

"I'm so sorry we did everything we could b—"

"DOCTOR!" as he was about to tell Alpha the words, he dreaded a nurse began frantically shouting from the hospital room. Alpha rushed back in to the office and heard the sweetest sound he'd ever had the pleasure of hearing. She was crying, breathing on her own.

"This is a miracle, she flat-lined. You have one strong daughter their sir." He said joyfully patting the Alpha on the shoulder.

Helen reminisced the memories of Ally and smiled to herself while still pottering around. The way the Alpha cherished her when she was born, Ally had brought out a hidden kindness in his heart and even if he showed affection just that one time. Helen was grateful for her daughter. Helen also loved the bond Ally and Blake shared, it was like no other. As Helen was dazed in her memories Ally had been silently studying her for a while, feeling angst whenever she saw her mother smile. What could she possibly be thinking to smile at a time like this?

Blake walked over to Ally and handed her the cup of tea.

"Thank-you." She said quietly favoring the honey undertones, as the hot fluid ran down her throat. Helen snapped out of her daze and stared lovingly at her daughter. It was rare for Ally to accept help from them, usually if her mother even looked at her with sympathy, she'd quickly correct her. Blake was also sorting through the room when he knelt and banged his knee off the table. He rubbed it and hissed in pain before carrying on. It was a cognizant act of carelessness, something only Ally could detect.

Ally felt her whole body go stiff and glared at the cup in terror. Helen noticed her sudden change in behavior and walked closer to her.

"Ally?" Helen said. Blake also looked at her still rubbing his knee. Ally looked at her brother with tearful eyes and Blake felt his heart break. This was a look of utter defeat, like she knew something he didn't.

"I didn't feel it…" Ally said softly. Helen and Blake looked at each other confused as to what she was implying. Ally began biting her lip and clutching her arms fighting the pain inside of her. Blake went to caudal her, but she pulled away from him. Suddenly her head shot up and she grabbed the scolding hot cup of tea with shaking hands. Helen and Blake both stepped back, seeing the cup was still steaming, a burn would be discomforting.

Ally's eyes were glued to Blake, Blake's eyes widened as Ally poured the scolding tea all over her. Crying in pain she sat scolded, but her eyes never left her brother. Blake and Helen were afraid, this was too out of character for Ally.

"Ally what the hell are you doing!" Helen shouted in anger at her daughter who was acting recklessly. Ally scowled at her.

"You didn't feel it! Why can't I feel it…" Ally whimpered Blake eyes also began to glisten at her words. Since they were born, Ally and Blake could always feel each others pain, which is why they had such a close bond. They worked as one to ensure the other stayed safe in order to protect each other. Sadly, after Ally's re-birth the connection had been severed and they were no longer connected. Blake walked exhaustively over to his sister and placed his hand on her cheek, stroking it gently. Heat radiated off her and Blake could feel the deep heat pulsating from her face.

"I don't need a connection to know when your hurting Ally. It's okay." Blake placed his head on hers and stroked her hair. Helen finally understood what was going on and moved began to cry. That bond she was so proud they had was severed. Blake hadn't felt it since Ally completed the trials but didn't want to burden his sister any more by admitting that. Ally gripped Blake tight and cried on the shoulder.

"I'm tired Blake. I'm so sorry for burdening you like this, this is my responsibility. I've been so naïve with myself, I've wasted my life. I've spent the past year wasting away blocking everyone out in my grief. When the man I loved, didn't even want me." Ally cried and began babbling without careful evaluation. It hurt her more than loosing him the fact he had loved a lavish life as the enemy while she was left alone to suffer. What hurt her more than anything was when she looked at him her heart still beat the way it used too. I hate you, I love you. There wasn't a difference anymore.

"Sis, what are you talking about?" Blake asked concerning. Ally tried best to swallow her words, but she couldn't keep it in any longer.

"Isaac's alive. Living as a vampire under the Lang organization. I saw him today, he was a stranger to me." Ally said quietly. Blake hugged her tighter and clenched his fists. The man who had beat his father was none other than Isaac acting out of revenge from his sister's death. Blake thought into his memories of Isaac and recalled Isaac had a single freckle underneath his right eye, the same eyes he saw staring back at him in that office. Helen also felt a bout of anger, that boy had abandoned her daughter, leaving her to wallow in her grief while he lived lavishly in the Lang mansion.

"Mom, could you look after Ally while I'm gone. I have some business to attend too." Blake's dark and cold tone left Ally staggered. This was the first time she'd seen Blake this angry in a long time. Helen obeyed and sat next to Ally's bed with her legs crossed contently.

"Blake, what use will it do, don't act so uncharacteristic on my behalf. I've said to him what I needed too, just leave it be." Ally pleaded.

"I refuse that. I'm sorry." His words lingered as he stormed from the bedroom. Ally hit her head in annoyance for admitting such inner thoughts. It would devastate her if Blake got hurt on her behalf. Ally went to stand up but was aggravated to see her mother standing in-front of the door.

"Don't act so motherly, your wasting your time." Ally said bitterly. Helen just smiled and held her ground. Ally rolled her eyes and tried to walk around her mother, but Helen pushed her back onto the bed. This sudden bravery of hers was a hindrance and Ally was growing increasingly agitated.

"Move out of my way." Her tone was evil and resonating and even though Helen was afraid she still didn't move.

"Ally let your brother do what he needs too. You're hurt please just lay down." Helen's tone was stern, and it made Ally smirk.

"You're both as naive as each other. You both think acting boldly will influence the way I view you. Do you think I have admiration for you, after standing up to me? Or admiration for my brother going into a vampire clan alone. Don't be so ill-minded mother, I like it better when we don't talk." Ally's tone was sharp delivering each word with care. To her surprise her mother's expression didn't change and she continued to smile.

"I'm proud of you Ally." These sudden words made Ally's eyes widen in shock. Daunted by her mothers change of attitude, Ally sat unenforceable on the bed looking for an escape.

"It doesn't matter what happens to you, for other people's sake you will always rise up from the ashes. Your tongue is something I can't compete with, but I just want you to know even though you resent me I still love you." Ally began tearing up at her words. Helen had wanted to say those words to her daughter for a long time but was never brave enough to do it.

"I never resented you, I was disappointed in you mother. I know strength when I see it and you were so strong, I aimed to be like you until you let that monster rip it away. You were such a waste." Ally closed her eyes in admitting the truth, after today events she didn't want to hold back anymore. If she kept it to herself, she would explode.

"Please, let me retrieve my brother. It's not safe for him to be entering such a place without allies." This time her voice was desperate, soothing things over with her mother was a good start but something she wasn't ready for yet. Blake was and always will be her main priority. Helen thought about her words for a second and then reluctantly stepped aside.

Ally stormed past her and ran outside but his car was no longer there. Ally shook her head in anger, her only option was to run and beat him there but was unsure if she had the strength. Ally was exhausted but couldn't listen to her body, even when it came to herself she was stubborn. Ally started running with everything she had.

--------------------Lang mansion--------------------------------

All three men sat drinking whiskey still stunned by Ally's words. Dash was trying to ignore his heartbreak and kept a stone-cold expression on his face. Aiden kept glaring at him looking for reaction while Joseph looked at them both disinterestedly.

Joseph, "I told you to wait, your both idiots. I need to keep an eye on Ally, she probably has a price on her head for killing Lucian." Dash raised his head at his father with a concerned look. It hadn't even occurred to him how angry their community would be to hear the king was dead.

Aiden, "What can we do she told us to stay away and she meant it. She resents us." Aiden admitted defeated. Joseph began to chuckle.

"Something funny father?"

"Ally doesn't resent you Aiden, she resents what's been done to her. I listened to her metaphor from an external point of view and found a lot of hidden meaning in her words. You two are so enthralled in wanting her to love you, you completely mistook them." Joseph said this with a smile and Dash and Aiden both looked at each other curiously.

"You both are dear to her which is why she's taking it upon herself to leave. Trust me she'll be back, she needs you both. The sun is needed for survival and the clouds are there for when the sun becomes too bright. "it was strange hearing his analysis of her words, they were both so hurt they didn't even consider whether or not she needed them.

"Your implying she needs us? What could she possibly need from us, she's strong and smart enough to survive on her own?" Aiden said coldly.

"Your missing the point. That girl had been alone and hurting for a long time, now she has two people who care about her deeply. Ally doesn't have to be alone anymore, perhaps she'll open up in time." Joseph was just speculating but Dash suddenly appeared hopeful and smiled at the thought he could talk to her again.

All three halted their thoughts when their ears pricked up at a car engine outside of the mansion. They shot up in alarm but Dash raised his hand while sniffing the air.

"Looks like Karma's here." He said modestly. Aiden also sniffed up and could distinctly smell wet dog. It was a wolf.

"Stay here let me deal with this." Dash said calmly before making his way the entrance. He stood calmly for a moment trying to decipher why Blake was here. The strong bellowing knock at the door answered his question, he wasn't here peacefully that was certain. Dash sighed and approached the door.

Opening the door slowly he was met with Blake's icy face, riddled with anger. Before a word could escape his mouth, Blake punched him metrically knocking him back a bit. Dash sucked the blood from his bloody lip and nodded in acceptance. He was surprised such a passive character had that in him. Dash walked outside and stood face to face with Blake whom was shaking in anger.

"I guess I deserved that. It's been a long time Blake." He said it quite politely despite his very soul almost being unhinged from his fist. Blake stood silently questioning whether to hit him again. Blake wanted him to provoke him, so he had an excuse to retaliate.

"Aren't you going to fight back?" Blake gritted his teeth glaring at Dash's red eyes. His dyed black hair and strong physique was surprising to Blake. He recalled Isaac's sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. The picture of envy in the wolf community. Ally was right, he was a stranger.

"If I do your sister will probably kill me. I'll pass." Dash spoke to him like a friend as if nothing had changed. Truth being since he dated Ally back in the pack house him and Blake were very close. Both worked together to protect her.

"How can you speak to me like that? You're a cold-hearted asshole Isaac. I'll kill you for what you've done to her." Blake said tearfully. Dash frowned at him, Ally must have told him about everything. Which was very unlike her, usually she'd do anything to keep her emotions to herself.

"I left for her sake Blake something you couldn't understand. You think I wanted to leave her. You think I wanted to become like this?" Blake had hit a nerve and Dash was growing agitated. Why couldn't they just hear him out before condemning him. Blake tutted at him.

"Did you think she wouldn't accept you while she writhed in pain every night? I've watched over that girl while you sit here drinking whiskey and feeding from people, you make me sick Isaac." Blake raised his voice which alerted Aiden and Joseph. Both stood at the door watching the argument unfold. Aiden was in awe to see Ally's identical twin arguing in her honour, it was like watching Ally all over again.

"Brother?" Dash raised his hand dismissing Aiden while he stared intently at Blake.

"How do you think she'd feel you standing here right now?" Dash said tauntingly. Blake thought for a second and felt a slither of fear. What would she do?

"I don't have to explain myself to you. I admire you coming here, and I understand why you hate me, but I think it's best you leave now." Dash said coldly, calmly warning him. Blake clenched his fists again ready to throw another punch.

"Blake King!" a voice like thunder echoed in their heads, the air turned humid around them. Blake felt his heart jump at he familiar voice. All three spun around to see Ally standing, breathing heavily with shaking legs.

"You should be resting." Dash said calmly. Ally scowled at him then directed her eyes towards Blake. Her eyes burning in anger.

"I'm giving you three seconds to walk away. How could you be so f*cking childish brother! "Ally's voice stuttered as she fought back tears seeing the faces of the men who betrayed her for the second time that day.

"Why are you still playing mother Ally. You're an eighteen-year-old girl act like it!" Everyone stood frozen as Dash shouted at her. Ally looked at him in disbelief to hear him raise his voice at her. Did he not value his life?

"The fact you have the audacity to say such things to me means you really have no interest in living. Address me like that again. I dare you." Dash smiled hearing her finally talk to hi directly. This provocation had worked, even if she said hurtful things to him, he enjoyed it.

"Ally?" Joseph asked concerned. Ally was shaking beyond belief; her nose began bleeding once again. Running all that way had pushed her body too hard.

"I'm fine." She said weakly struggling to keep her eyes open. Blake immediately realized that this was his fault, his sister was barely surviving as t was and he's yet again made her suffer.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" Dash said angrily. It killed him seeing her like this, so weak and vulnerable.

"Why?" she said smugly.

"Every time I let my guard down for second, I get hurt. Look at me. I'm not the girl you fell in love with Isaac. Aiden I'm not that strong headed girl you admired in that courtroom. Blake, we don't even share the same blood anymore we may as well be strangers. I'm this broken, fragile girl with nothing left, and your all responsible for that! I've fought for all of you, and in return you betray me every single time. What more do you want from me? Why do I still stand here fighting you all?" Everyone stood in awe to finally hear her desperate thoughts. Thoughts she'd drowned out in fear they would eat away at her soul. The boys didn't know what to say anymore.

"Why can't you just let me go?" tears streamed from her face, this was the first time Dash had seen her cry in a long time.

"I can't let you go. You might think that selfish of me, but I can't Ally. You're the reason I'm still standing here. I'm so sorry I caused you this pain, I really am. You don't have to forgive me that's not what I'm asking. I'm asking you to let us help you." Dash said the words so sincerely it touched Ally's heart. This calm soothing voice she'd cherished long ago was whispering in her ears.

"Please Ally." Aiden said desperately. Ally thought about it for a while, maybe she could heal with time? What if one day she could find it in her heart to forgive them?

"If I stay. Promise me you will never hurt me like this, all of you. If you can't promise me that then I let, go right now." Ally said painfully. Almost instinctively all three males fell to their knees and bowed their heads.

"I promise you." They both incoherently and Ally smiled to herself.

This reassurance was all Ally ever wanted. All three of them loved her in some shape or form and Ally knew, she could never survive without them.

"I'll return tomorrow to discuss Lucian's case. Joseph I'm trusting you to assist me on this, the council will be confused to see me alive. As for you three you're on thin ice, for your own sake try not be piss me off." There was a light taunting tone to her voice which caused Aiden and Dash to smile. This girl truly was something. Joseph nodded happily. Ally took Blake's hand and led him back to the car.

The Lang members watched as the siblings drove away. Aiden had a strange look on his face, he was stunned she'd agreed to come back after everything.

"Are we being played?" Aiden joked.

"No, for once I genuinely think she wants to see us. Looks like the competitions on brother." Dash said playfully punching Aiden's chest. Joseph face-palmed himself before sighing in relief.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you lasted the day. Tomorrows about business not seeing which one of you can win her over." Joseph was displeased but secretly joyed to see this excitement on both brothers' eyes. He hadn't seen them this happy in a long time…

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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