76.81% Fate/Juggernaut / Chapter 53: 53. Sword of Rupture

章 53: 53. Sword of Rupture

(A/N: everyone knows of Godricks ability to swap places with his halberd. I'm going to change it so that he can just appear where his halberd is, and not have to swap places and recall it. As I've gone back and reread the story, I've just come to the conclusion that it was kind of a random ability that he had. Also, I'm not sure why I did this, and even more unsure of why I'm addressing it now, but I'll be giving Godrick back his ability to release kinetic energy from his armor, and not his halberd. I don't know why I changed it in the past, but I'm taking accountability, and recognize that it was just a bad decision on my part.

Hope everyone understands!

Appreciate you all!)


"Shirou, Illya's in trouble!" Artoria said, still holding her head from where Godrick had smashed her and Archer together.

"Illya?" Shirou asked, perplexed.

"When Caster took me away, a servant named Ivar, and another one named Gilgamesh appeared, and conversed with her. They said something about Illya, and how she was the center of their plan. Shirou, they need her alive to start a ritual to summon and purify the grail, and Gilgamesh is on his way there now!" Artoria said in a rush.

Shirou's eyes went wide as he thought of the implications of the situation. Shirou had a complicated relationship with his "sister" though he still loved her to a certain extent, even though she was now considered an "enemy" Master.

Shirou looked to Saber and then to Godrick, who took off his helmet to shake it of the blood, while also pressing a hand to his destroyed left eye.

He pulled his hand away to reveal that it had been healed, and blinked a couple times until his vision returned. He shook his helmet once more before reaching behind himself, grabbing his tattered shoulder cape, and wiping the inside of his helmet with it.

Feeling like it was enough, he nodded and placed it under his arm, and looked at the young man in distress.

"Please help me." Shirou said, defeat in his voice.

Godrick looked at his mother, who looked at him imploringly, before he finally broke and gave a sharp nod to Shirou.

"Godrick, be careful. I've fought Gilgamesh in the past, you need to be on your guard. He possesses almost every weapon to have existed, and will launch them at you like arrows." She said.

Nodding, Godrick turned to Shirou, displeasure on his face. He motioned him to stand, and get on his back before putting his helmet back on.

"Are you sure?" Shirou asked, uncertain of the situation.

"You need to tell him I have no idea where I'm going. He needs to get on my back, so he can point me in the right direction." Godrick signed to his mother.

After conveying this to Shirou, he finally understood what was happening, and gingerly climbed atop the Juggernauts back as he knelt down.

Making sure he was secure, Shirou gave the all good, and the Knight stood up.

"Godrick," Artoria said, making him look back at her.

"Please be careful."

Nodding, he turned to the direction Shioru had pointed to, and readied himself.

"So… Are you just gonna run there super fast, or are y- AAAAAAAHHHHHH-" Shirou's words suddenly turned into a scream, as the ground around the Juggernaut shattered as he leapt high into the sky.

After a moment in the air, Shirou was able to gather himself, and point to a castle-like structure off near the edge of the forest.

"There!!!" He shouted in the Juggernauts ear as they reached the zenith of the leap.

As they started to fall, Shirou prepared himself for the impact with the ground. But when they landed, it wasn't as bad as he thought, as Godricks legs absorbed most of the force.

However, just as the Juggernaut landed, he took off once more, leaping into the sky.

This jump took them directly over the mansion, allowing them to look into the main hall through the destroyed roof.

The sight beneath them shocked the pair as they reached the zenith of the jump. Berserker was strung up by golden chains, while Illya was standing next to him, pleading for him to do something. A man with golden hair, the same color as Godricks, pulled a sword from a golden ripple in space before he started to walk towards the young girl.

"NO! DO SOMETHING!" Shirou shouted at the top of his lungs.

Godrick materialized his halberd in his right hand before throwing it.


Heracles was motionless as the golden chains wrapped around his body. He tried to break free, but multiple weapons suddenly appeared and impaled his body, killing him for the last time. His body did not disappear however, igniting hope in Illya's heart.

That hope was shattered however, as the man who had been fighting Heracles approached her, pulling out a sword from a golden ripple in the air.

"Berserker!" She called in fear as the man raised his sword and swung.

Pain exploded from her left eye before a loud crash sounded out, followed by a shout of pain that wasn't her own.

She stumbled on the rubble under her feet, causing her to fall to her right where she landed next to Heracles.

She slowly opened her eyes, but she could only see from her right one. She brought her hand up to her left eye, and it came away bloody.

She shuddered as the shock finally hit her before hands grabbed her and started dragging her towards the exit.

"Berserker-" She called softly as she was taken away against her will. She looked up to see her brother, Shirou, dragging her from the room.

"Shirou?" She asked, still in a daze.

"Come on, we need to get out of here before those two bring the whole building down on us." Shirou shouted, finally getting a hand under her legs and lifting her into his arms before running out of the door before looking back at the Juggernaut, who was now in an all out fight with Gilgamesh.

Illya turned once more to look at her Berserker, wanting nothing more than for him to follow.

"Please-" She said under her breath, as red jagged symbols appeared all over her body.

The chains around Heracles suddenly shattered, as the Juggernaut cut through them with his halberd before returning his attention to Gilgamesh. This action confused her, but suddenly Heracles' body disappeared. Not into blue particles, denoting his death, but into blue wafts of smoke. She could suddenly feel his consciousness once more, but he was incredibly weak. So much so, that she feared he wouldn't make it.

She began channeling all her magical energy to him, freely giving him everything. He only took what he needed to sustain himself, which admittedly was a lot, as he had just surpassed his legend and given himself a thirteenth life.

"Please don't die!" She pleaded with her servant as Shirou ran with her in his arms.


The massive knight threw his equally massive halberd at the ground between his sister and Gilgamesh before they were instantly next to the weapon.

Shirou reacted quickly, jumping off of Godricks back as he instantly began to fight with Gilgamesh.

He fell to the ground before dragging himself up and scrambling to his feet as he ran to his sister.

He suddenly slid next to her, as the loose rubble under his feet made it hard for his feet to have traction.

He quickly gave her a look over, seeing a clean cut start from her left eye leading to her nose before it suddenly went downward about an inch, telling of the moment the halberd had met the sword, dragging it down her nose an inch rather than letting it continue to her right eye.

She was frantically clawing at Berserker's leg, quietly calling his name.

He tried to pick her up in his arms, but she fought him as he did, forcing him to resort to dragging her away.

She regained some of her senses as she finally looked at him.

"Shirou?" She asked.

"Come on, we need to get out of here before those two bring down the whole building on us." He said as he finally got a hand under her legs, and hoisted her up into his arms. He started to run for all he was worth, feeling the building around his shutter as the two servants fought behind them.

"HOLY SHIT!" He shouted, as the roof began to collapse, large stones falling around them. He suddenly felt Illya's body go rigid as her red magical circuits appeared around her body. He didn't know what was happening, but all he knew he had to do was run.


He threw his halberd right as Gilgamesh swung his sword. He was a moment late, as Gilgamesh's blade took Illya's left eye before his halberd ripped through his right hand, knocking the sword to the ground.

Gilgamesh gave a shout of pain before the Juggernaut suddenly appeared right next to him.

Gilgamesh suddenly found himself being brought to the ground as Godrick forced his face into the rubble beneath him before dragging him across the floor.

Shirou had leapt from his back a moment before he started his assault, giving him room to move.

He viciously dragged Gilgamesh through the floor before wrenching him up, and giving him an open handed slap square to the face, hearing his nose crunch from the blow.

Gilgamesh bounced on the ground a couple meters away before he stopped, only to have the Juggernaut on him again.

Godricks knee found its way to his face as he was getting up, but a sudden golden ripple stopped it as a massive hammer came out and blocked the blow.

Hundreds of golden ripples appeared around Godrick as weapons shot out all at once, but his blue gems suddenly went dim, and kinetic energy burst from him, throwing the weapons all off their mark.

Some smashed into the ground around him, while others actually hit Gilgamesh himself, though not all that badly.

Godrick threw his fist into Gilgamesh's face once more before he disappeared, and reappeared next to his halberd.

He slowly, and deliberately pulled his halberd from the ground, and with a wave of his weapon, shattered the chains that held Heracles before the servant disappeared.

Gilgamesh was completely taken by surprise at this beating he had suddenly taken, and brought a hand to his face, seeing it coming away bloody.

His hand began to shake uncontrollably as he looked over his body, seeing that something had gone horribly wrong.

His own weapons had hit him. How could that be possible? There was no way he would have miscalculated with the trajectory of his Gate of Babylon.

"How dare you." He spoke almost in a whisper before his voice slowly grew in volume as his anger took over.

"How dare you humiliate me like this, YOU FILTHY MONGREL!"

Hundreds more golden ripples appeared around the Juggernaut before firing their payloads towards him.

He raised his right foot, and stomped on the ground with all his might, shattering everything around him, and sending debris into the air.

Weapons shattered the debris, but it was enough, as Godrick twirled his halberd in his right hand around him, smashing what weapons got through the debris out of the air.

His left arm blocked what his halberd couldn't, and he slowly started feeling his adaptation take effect as the proto Noble Phantasms hit him.

Slowly, very slowly, they began to lose their effectiveness.

Gilgamesh was breathing heavily as he saw the Juggernaut almost unaffected from his treasures.

But suddenly… one got through.

Godrick missed one. A single sword pierced his chest, causing him to stop for a split moment, allowing hundreds of other weapons to come crashing into him.

Another burst of kinetic energy blew everything away as Godrick stood there, a single sword in his chest.

The sword was Caliburn.

He was breathing heavily before he reached up and pulled the sword from his chest, holding it in his left hand as he used his energy to heal himself of all his wounds.

Gilgamesh stopped for a moment, looking at the Juggernaut, a faint curiosity enveloping his heart.

He was disgusted to see this filthy mongrel holding one of his treasures, not to mention one of his favorites. But he couldn't bring himself to continue for some reason, feeling as if something was about to happen that he couldn't interrupt.

Godrick looked at the blade with such anger, his fingers tightening around the blade that belonged to his mother, and then himself.

How did this man have it? And how dare he use it against him.

Godrick could feel the strange power in his left arm reacting to the blade, feeling like it wanted to be unleashed.

He obliged.

'SEVER' He commanded.

Suddenly, the blade became dull like it was made of brittle iron, and he crushed it in his hand, forcing it to become ash.

Gilgamesh suddenly felt the connection to the blade be severed, feeling it being taken from his treasury.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!" He screamed.

Godrick had removed the blade from his treasury, and he had lost it forever. One of his treasures… one of his favorite treasures had been stolen from him by this Knight.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" He screamed as hundreds of golden ripples appeared around Godrick. Golden chains shot from them as they wrapped around his arms, legs, and body.

He struggled as they began to tighten around him. He was able to keep them from going completely tight, but there were too many of them.

Another golden ripple appeared next to Gilgamesh, as a golden hilt slowly emerged from it.

He pulled it out, revealing a drill-like sword with a red and black cylindrical blade broken into three sections.

Each of the sections began to spin in opposite directions as Gilgamesh raised it above his head, as energy began to gather at the tip. Red lightning suddenly sprang from the blade lashing out around him as he began to speak.

"I have never been so disrespected in my life. How dare you steal something from me!" Gilgamesh shouted.

"I will tell you of the beginning. Heaven and earth split, nothingness congratulated creation, my sword of rapture cleaved the world!" He shouted, and the lightning around his sword began to increase, and reality itself began to seem as if it would crack.

Godrick struggled against the chains as Gilgamesh continued his incantation, sudden cracks forming in them as he increased his strength to EX.

"Mortar of the stars, heaven's hell is the eve of creation's celebration.

Now you shall die and be silent!"

The chains around Godrick suddenly shattered as he grit his teeth and gave a sudden burst of strength. It was too late to get out of the blast, so he did the only thing he could do.

He held out his left arm and prepared for the blast.

But it was too much for even him to take.

"ENUMA ELISH!" Gilgamesh screamed as he pointed his sword's glowing tip towards the Juggernaut.

Godricks world turned red as the blast enveloped him, burning his armor away in an instant as Enuma Elish, the strongest Noble Phantasm to ever exist, tore his body apart as a silent scream was ripped from his lips as he fought against power that could rip reality apart.

'NO!' Godrick thought to himself as he felt his flesh begin to rip away. He was struggling to stand as the power bore down on him, but he couldn't give up. The ground around him began to evaporate, and he suddenly fell to one knee. It took all his strength to give one last defiant roar into the oncoming blast before everything faded.

The Juggernaut soon lost consciousness and his arm fell to his side as he was thrust into the ground, Enuma Elish ravaging his body as his skin began to break down.

But a sudden golden light flashed from his left hand, and a golden circle appeared before him.

A woman wearing silver and blue armor held her spear before holding it up above her head.

Golden Light broke from the ground around her and her Juggernaut as she stood in the face of Gilgamesh's Enuma Elish.

"LUMINOSITÈ ETERNALLE!" She screamed as she planted her flag into the ground.

Gilgamesh suddenly felt something push back against his most powerful attack, forcing him to stop.

As the dust settled around the massive crater where his enemy was, he suddenly saw a woman with long golden hair that was braided down her back, with silver and blue armor standing over the Juggernaut protectively.

She looked up at him, anger and killing intent in her eyes as she stood over Godrick's bloody and broken body.

"How dare you hurt him." She said coldly, sending a shiver down Gilgamesh's spine.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C53
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


