21.12% Fate in Denial (Fateverse) / Chapter 15: Saber Alter

章 15: Saber Alter

This is more difficult than I thought, As someone who started anything Fate related with the original visual novel, Saber still is one of my favourite characters.

And now she is standing in front of me, it's hard to not just fanboy, and pull her into a hug and cuddle…

Especially now when she is in that gothic clothes.

"So, Kiritsugu truly betrayed me," Artoria said in a monotone tone.

"He didn't have much choice in that matter." I shrugged at her, trying to sound nonchalant.


"I suppose...odds were not on his side. Tell me...Master, what do you want with all this?" She asked me while pointing at Morgan and Berserker in spirit form.

"To get the Third Magic which will help me take over Mage Association, and eventually the world."

There was little to no reaction from her when I said that.

"Don't you need to slay other Servants until only one is left?" Saber Alter pointed that out, not even reacting to the whole 'taking over the world' part.

"Not at all, I only needed to slay one, the rest of them are just fuel to trace the deceased Servant to the throne," I explained to her with a smirk, her eyes slightly widened when I said that.

"I see, if it's the truth then you will have access to the throne…meaning you will be able to resummon me even if I decline to be your Servant this moment." She said with realisation.


"Aren't you a heroic type? Don't you wish to save humans?" Morgan asked with a distasteful voice.

"Oh? what do you mean?" Saber asked while ignoring the jab at her.

"What I am saying is that humans are destroying the world in ignorance, in their short sighed lifespans they don't understand the consequences of their actions." The pale blond witch said with a slightly angry voice.

"You are blessed by my counterpart are you not? Do try using your senses and tell me what do you feel from the planet itself?" 

Saber Alter frowned slightly seeing how angry Morgan was.

So, she looked away and closed her eyes for a second, while the two of us waited for a Dark Saber.

"...You are right, the world is… more disgusting?" Artoria said with realisation and same time with disbelief.

The King of Knights probably was disappointed in herself that she did not felt this before, or she selectively ignored it.

"Correct, now that you know that, let me tell you my husband's intentions," Morgan spoke with a somewhat arrogant voice, she on purpose prolonged and sharpened the word 'my'.

"As you can probably guess, we wish to fix what is happening to the planet, and if humanity doesn't agree with our methods then we will use excessive force if need be." 

Saber Alter eyes widened for a brief second before returning to a stoic look.

"I see… you will conquer then the world? Is that even possible with Third Magic?" She asked with a doubtful look, many people tried to do in some fashion.

"Oh dear little sister of mine… you didn't even realise that my husband is already special?" Morgan asked that with a disappointed look.

Artoria's eyebrows twitched, as Morgan 'jabbed' her again.

"What my wife is saying is that I already possess first magic, that is the reason why I can sustain multiple Servants, in fact with my current body I could run Apocrypha event single handily without support." I pointed that out with a smirk.

"Apocrypha event?" My pale blond wife asked curiously.

"It's when Holy Grail War turns into Great Holy Grail War when two factions duke out with seven Servants each," I explained to both of them.

I could see fascinated look on Morgan's face while Artoria looked somewhat interested.

"Can it happen here?" Morgan asked with a thoughtful look.

"The leylines here are too weak to support such grand ritual." I shrugged while saying that.

My wife pouted for a second with disappointment then looked at Artoria waiting for her.

"I see… Master…"

Saber Alter that moment summoned her sword and looked at it for a second before looking back at me.

Her golden eyes looked at me with intensity before they were filled up by resolution.

She then dropped on one of her knees…goddam...is she is going to give me an oath of some sort?

"Master, as long as you remain true to your goals, my sword is yours." She said while giving me her sword.

Is this for f*cking real? It's one thing when I Knight does that, but a King? She is basically…

I already saw a victorious smirk on Morgan's face, she was super pleased with herself, now that think about this, Saber's Alter form is far too subdued.

Did Morgan… traumatised her In that battle?

"Oh, little sister are you implying that your Master is your... King?" The pale blond wife of mine asked the darkened version of King Arthur.

"...I am, I know from stories that True Magic is one of highest mysteries in the world, performing miracles...I already experienced that personally…" 

Damn, Artoria jabbed back at her! She implied that my wife would have not won without my help!

Morgan's eyebrow twitched. But, she didn't say anything, the victorious smirk on my wife's lips didn't leave.

"You do realise that if you accept him as your King you accept me as your Queen as I am his wife." The pale blond witch showed Artoria the ring she had on her left finger.

"No, you are my King's Fiance at best." The darkened Saber said to her as she looked at my hand for a second.



"It seems I have to start planning my wedding then," Morgan said with narrowed eyes, while Saber looked pleased with her second jab.

"Right, you two, enough jabs for one day," I said while taking the sword.

The moment my hand touched the handle some sort of judging feeling washed over, it reacted with my Fae blessing.

Seconds later the sword hummed and greenish-blue symbols glowed.

"It seems you can wield my sword, as expected of my Master." Saber hummed happily.

"Of course, he is my husband after all." Morgan chipped in.

"You mean Fiance?" 

Both of the blondes looked at each other sparks crackled in their eyes.

Is this my future? I do wonder how Chaldea Masters are dealing with armies of ego-filled Servants under their control.


"What a powerful mist, I can't even see what is in front of me, it's like I can't trust my senses!" 

"It's likely connected to myths about mists in Britain." Magus Killer said to his wife as they were standing in a designated area where Ren has said he will meet them.

"Are you sure we can trust them Kiritsugu?" Irisviel asked with a concerned look.

"No, we can't. But, we can trust in his distaste for your family Iri, and his pride in his family, he after all promised on his family crest." The Magus Killer explained.

Irisviel could only nod, it took most of the night for her to wrap her head around what happened to Saber and their efforts for the war.

All those years of preparations squashed in a single night by a Sorcerer, Irisviel is no stranger to the concept of True Magic. But, being at receiving end worked like a wake-up call to what these beings can do, and why her family has been pursuing for the past several centuries.

The pair didn't need to wait for long as mist 'magically' split in half showing a way for them to walk.

Both of them looked at each other and started walking where the mist was guiding them.

Kiritsugu Emiya quite hated to be in such receiving end, no power over what he can do, no Servant and his weapons are pointless in this place.

He was going to the den of a Sorcerer with three heroic spirits under this mage control, while he only had a handgun for protection.

Eventually, they arrived in front of the mansion, and they were greeted by a somewhat familiar face.

Irisviel can see the relation between these two, only that this 'older' sibling, was much more terrifying than the one she used to be around.

"Well, well we meet face to face Irisviel von Einzbern." The Caster class servant spoke to the woman with silver hair.

"Y-You are…Caster… Morgan...?" Irisviel said with no amount of trepidation.

Where King Arthur is synonymous with Knight, Morgan is synonymous with a Witch.

Their legends were that just that widespread.

"The one and only, and I know you wanted to call me 'le Fay', which stand for 'the fairy' but that's not my name, my name is just Morgan, The Fairy Queen, I am not just 'a Fairy' like in Greater Human History." Morgan was feeling generous after a fantastic morning and seeing Red Dragon bending her knee to her Husband. So, she satisfied their curiosity which she regularly wouldn't do.

"How can someone even summon a real Fae?" Irisviel asked with disbelieve, she expected Caster to be a 'different' Morgan. But, not bonafide Fae Queen! That's like summoning Vivian herself! Something akin to summoning a Divine Spirit for a Grail War!

Kiritsugu was not different his mouth was slightly opened.

No wonder Saber lost… it's like using a chainsaw to kill a chicken… an overkill!

"Quite simple actually, and impossible for a regular human, my husband used panhuman Morgan staff's shard, regularly one would summon her. But, he used so much prana that it would have made Morgan's vessel unable to contain it. So, grail selected a Morgan strong enough to contain that much prana," Morgan explained to them.

"Impossible, vessel are prepared by the grail beforehand, not at the summoning!" Irisviel shook her head, what she heard did not made any sense to her!

"You are corrected on that front. Only that my vessel is altered one." Morgan waved her finger with a smirk.

Making Irisviel and Kiritsugu eyes widened.

"You two forgot that this ritual was created more than a century ago, my husband already call it an outdated magecraft, while he has not cracked everything yet, he knows how command spells and Servant vessel work." Morgan continued to spill the unimportant beans to these two.

"... That explains how you finished Archer off…" The Magus Killer said with realisation.

"The bulk of the theory for the chains was provided to me by my husband, rest was easy." The pale blond witch shrugged then motioned for them to follow her.

There is the reason why she is doing such grunt work, one is that it's her fault that they were doing preparations for the ritual so late.

Turns out her seduction worked too much, and they spend most of the morning in bed, after that it was talking with Artoria and breakfast.

By the time they realised it was time for the meeting. not to waste too much time Ren just send out Morgan to do grunt work.

While the witch protested, she was... outvoted, not too shocking, as Saber had gleeful look when she agreed to her master instantaneously, after all, Democracy is where everyone is allowed to vote.

Thus a crusade to destroy this… thing, was born in Morgan mind, she will wipe off this disgusting thing…

Called Democracy!

It's either blow up the USA or return to the ancient past, Athens more precisely, and just nuke it with her Lordless Camelot.

And if remnants of Machine Gods appears just nuke them too, she already did it once, she can do it again…

Morgan let them to a special room where the ritual will be held.

The room was empty apart from two specially prepare beds which had multiple runes inscribed on them.

It didn't looked that it was finished as there were around ten Homunculi drawings, finishing the ritual.

"You two here, good." Ren looked at the new arrivals.

"The preparations for the ritual is almost done." He pointed at the two beds.

"W-What is this?" Irisviel asked while standing close to Kiritsugu.

"I will give you a new body, as the one you have now is breaking down while holding the Lesser Grail." He casually explained making the guests slowly open their mouth and close it.

What can they say to him at this point?


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