85.29% Fate/Defiance / Chapter 28: [Confidence]

章 28: [Confidence]


Chapter 27 [Confidence]

By theMadLad

Beta: Old man of the mountain, Kira (The Court Jester)

Icarus had finally stopped going in and out of consciousness the day before, where he had awoken to a sniffling Atalanta curling up at his side. Her soft green hair covered his face, blinding his eyes and causing him to scrunch his nose from its foul smell.

He then sat up, feeling his stiff muscles tense as he rose. Atalanta's head popped up in response to his movement, like a cat hearing the scurrying of a mouse, she was instantly awake and fully alert. She quickly turned her head to see Icarus, who had sat up and was currently sweeping her hair from his face with disgust.

But she cared for none of that.

"I-Ickaris!" She shouted before tackling the boy back onto the strangely comfortable hay bed. Icarus' expression twisted as Atalanta's supernatural strength squeezed his wounded body, causing him to both groan and flinch in pain… However, Atalanta seemed to not notice, instead choosing to squeeze him even tighter.

He felt like he would die.

Her greasy, unwashed hair then blocked his nose, further causing him to be unable to breath.

H-He couldn't take it!

With a roar of defiance his hand pushed Atalanta's cheek, forcing her face away from his nostrils as he struggled to get her off of him, "A-Atalanta, get off! You're killing me—go take a bath instead!"

But she refused, holding him tight as if he would disappear at any moment.

…And Icarus could do nothing about it, as not only was he weaker than her physically, he was also too injured to resist. He could do nothing but suffer in silence as Atalanta squeezed the life out of him.

Finally, after a few agonizing seconds, Atalanta had finally let him go. Icarus was ready to rebuke her for her actions, but couldn't hold any anger towards her after seeing her tear stricken face. His scowl softened as a strained smile appeared on his face instead.

He remembered that before him—Atalanta had nobody, she was just a lost and lonely feral child living out in the woods.

Him and Paimon were her only family… and he couldn't stay angry at such innocent emotions. She was worried about him, and that was enough to douse any anger in an instant.

It also helped to quell the emotions he held towards the heroes-in-training, as while they had angered and disappointed him, at least Atalanta had never done such a thing. She had only made him proud so far, and even her more annoying antics only endeared her to him.

A moment later she hopped off the hay they were resting on and ran to a corner of the cabin where he spotted the old boar hides he had obtained during his early days in Arcadia. Atalanta walked over to them quickly before reaching under the hides and pulling something out from within.

Icarus immediately recognized it as his backpack containing all the materials and books he had taken from his father's workshop; she also took out Promachos as well!

…He had honestly let it slip his mind, and so he was immensely thankful for her safekeeping it for him.

The green-haired girl walked over to him with excited steps as she dragged the bag and bow across the floor towards him. Icarus had a weary smile from the treatment of the items, but didn't say anything as he knew that she didn't know any better.

He would teach her eventually though.

As she finished dragging them over she stopped in front of him, holding out her head towards him as she tightly shut her eyes with a cute scrunched up nose.

He was initially confused, then…


He patted her head.

As Atalanta purred under his touch, it was only then that he realized that he had already considered her family as well.

Icarus smiled at the thought.


Jason sat in his makeshift tent with a scowl. He had been forced into giving up his cabin to Icarus and Atalanta as a punishment for his antics, Chiron went so far as to force him to hunt his own food and start his own fires!

He even had to set up his tent right in front of them! Didn't Chiron know he was scared shitless of the bird?! No, he definitely did… then it hit him, it was likely because of the little accident he had on Chiron's back.

The thought caused him to blush in shame as he hurriedly did some mental gymnastics to throw it out of his mind.

N-No, that d-definitely never happened—It wasn't as if he actually did anything wrong, he totally didn't deserve this!

Then memories of plotting a sneak attack on someone he didn't even know with multiple demi-gods, attempting to take a little girl hostage… and even p-peeing on his teacher's back came to mind.

A-Alright maybe he was in the wrong, but he still didn't deserve this!

He was a prince! Granted, he was a prince being hunted and was currently in exile—b-but he was still a prince all the same!

…Who was he kidding?

Jason shook his head as he got back into his studies, although he was talentless when it came to training, he still needed to prepare for when he one day took back his birthright. Thankfully Chiron was not called the Wise Centaur without reason, as he had many lessons to teach Jason when it came to ruling.

But then suddenly he heard the opening of the small crude cabin he had once called his home and looked up towards the person in question. Then he shivered as the crazy little girl who had only days ago tormented him with her monster of a bird leveled him a glare.

He immediately looked down, making sure not to make eye contact with her—he had heard that it made some animals aggressive once, and he definitely considered the crazy girl a feral animal he wanted no contact with!

Then he heard the scraping noise of a metallic wing beating down above him and was unable to hold back a second shiver as he heard it land at the girl's location.

T-That thing was right above him the whole time?!

…He had to force himself not to think about how it was likely watching him all night.

Jason expected the girl to say something to him, maybe even attack, as it had been the first time they had met since that day. Ever since Icarus had been injured she had not left the room, but other than a disdainful snort towards his direction… nothing.

They just walked off.

He was admittedly a bit curious about what they were up to, but Jason had more of a survival instinct than most gave him credit for so he instead simply minded his own business, focusing back on his studies.

A few minutes later they returned, and Jason was unable to hold back his curiosity as he stared up at them dragging bundles of sticks into his cabin. He lamented as watched them carelessly dragged the sticks, likely leaving all kinds of bark and debris from the sticks all over his floor.

But, he had no choice but to stay silent, a single glance at the bronze bird confirmed the thought.

Then they went inside, leaving Jason alone once more.

…It was some time later that the cabin opened again, and instead of it being the girl, it was someone else instead.


Jason watched him hobble out with a strange crutch on his forearm. On the contrary, he was not unfamiliar with crutches, as he used to be in them quite often in his early days when Castor or Pollux forced him to 'train.' Thankfully, he would only ever wear them very briefly, as Chiron would usually heal him to full health immediately, with few exceptions where he was left still slightly injured to 'build character.'

Damn, he could even feel the phantom sting of uncomfortability from wearing the hard stick under the pit of his arm. The one Icarus was wearing looked much more comfortable!

Then he remembered the sticks Atalanta and Paimon dragged in and matched it with the new crutch wrapped around Icarus' forearm.

Did he just invent that on the spot?

…Was this a genius?!

Jason was speechless, then Icarus took that moment to speak up, "...Are you the one who attacked Atalanta?"

Jason was momentarily confused until the words registered in his mind and he froze. Flashes of memories instantly came to his mind, a broken bloodied Pollux, a bent over and collapsed Castor with despair written on face, even…. a defeated Heracles face down in the ground.

Jason gulped as his stomach dropped.

—Then he ran away, comforted by the fact that Icarus would definitely not catch up.


…Why did he run away?

Icarus watched the panicking Jason escape with an amused expression. Was he scared or something?

He briefly thought of calling out to him, but in the end he just shook his head and began limping over towards the main camp as Atalanta left the cabin with Paimon and quickly came to his side, helping him to walk. Icarus smiled before he glanced towards Paimon, who was watching vigilantly from above. He would have to give the bird a good reward later.

As he arrived he noticed that it was mostly empty, but then he suddenly was approached by Chiron, who had a strange expression… for some reason his face seemed very strained.

Maybe he was constipated?

"Icarus, it's good to see you have recovered." Chiron spoke as his expression softened. He briefly noted the strange crutch holding Icarus' arm with interest, he then looked towards Atalanta with a searching gaze, Icarus watched in confusion as the defensive Atalanta nodded with Paimon hovering protectively above her.

A moment later Chiron tapped him, before pulling his finger away and speaking, "It seems you are almost finished recovering." He glanced towards Icarus, "You only need a bit more rest, and then prepare yourself—we will be headed on a trip to Mt. Pelion a few days after that."

Icarus nodded, amazed at Chiron's apparent skills. Was this what he had learned under Apollo? …And more importantly, how could he do the same?

Then Chiron continued, making eye contact with Icarus as he spoke with a rather serious expression, "I also have some news for you."

Icarus' expression hardened, there was only one news that he could think of that Chiron would be alerting him about.

His flight, and whether the Gods responded to his request for it back.

Icarus prepared himself with disappointment as Chiron spoke, but to his surprise it was not as he expected, "The Gods have agreed to grant you the ability to fly once more, however on a condition."

Icarus' eyes widened in surprise as he exclaimed in joy, "Really?!"

"…Yes." Chiron spoke with a slight grimace, bringing a worrying pause to Icarus' excitement, "The condition is that you must first slay a demonic boar that will be unleashed by Lady Artemis and sacrifice it in the name of Lord Zeus, of course only after you finish under my tutelage."

"C-Could you repeat that for me please?!" Icarus yelled out in dread after he heard what Chiron just relayed to him.

Moments later, the other heroes-in-training seemed to peek their heads out in curiosity at his outburst. They were a bit surprised to see Icarus up so soon, and listened intently for what made the boy who had defeated them with a rather calm demeanor yell out with such vigor.

"…Lord Zeus had decreed that once you finish your training under me, Artemis will release a boar the size of a mountain into this forest… and if you kill it then sacrifice it to him, he will allow you to fly again." Chiron spoke hesitantly after coughing into his fist as the surrounding students felt their collective jaws drop to the floor.

The clearing was silent as Icarus gathered his thoughts. While they all remained stunned before they slowly started to stare at him as he did so.

This was his first real 'quest' or 'labor' sent to him by the Gods, as everything he had done prior was of his own initiative. They might as well have announced his legitimacy as a true hero, and not just a budding one with this quest.

A demon boar sent by Artemis, just slaying one was already enough to cement Atalanta in legend—and she wasn't even the one who did it, she was merely given the credit… and that's not to mention that it was also one of Heracles' 12 Labors.

And he would have to complete it the moment he finished Chiron's training! He would still be a teenager at that time!

…Honestly he wasn't sure he could do it.

Then he slapped himself in the face!

Ever since he had begun his escape from Athens, he had not allowed himself to wane—to lose confidence, he was competing with some of the most blessed and skilled people in all of mythological history… he could not allow himself to doubt, or he would lose the war before the battle ever began.

And he had already promised himself hadn't he? He wouldn't lose to anyone!

So what if it was Heracles' labor? Hadn't he already slaughtered all the Stymphalian Birds? Not even a prime Heracles accomplished that!

So what if he wasn't a prince, or a demi-god—did it matter?! He was fucking Icarus!

Icarus of Athens—a hero in his own right!

The others were stunned at his actions, after all, why would he suddenly slap himself? But seeing his dazed expression slowly morph in response, they refused to speak… as his resolute expression was definitely a sight to see.

…Was this a hero?

Heracles and Chiron smiled at the action.

Castor tightened his fist.

Pollux grinned with anticipation.

…Asclepius was staring at his crutch

Jason wasn't there.

Atalanta gripped his hand.

Paimon laughed… although it sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

Still, he appreciated the sentiment. Icarus then turned towards Castor, who gaped a bit at the sudden unexpected attention, "Castor, when I'm all healed up… I'm going to beat the bitch out of you, and then—I'm going to kill that fucking boar!"

Castor's face turned bright red in indignation, causing Pollux to snicker as a smile refused to leave her face. While Heracles' own smile widened, as for Asclepius… he seemed to be taking measurements of the crutch, completely oblivious to anything else.

Meanwhile, Chiron gave a booming laugh, and not just any laugh, but a deep, full-bellied one… then he spoke, "Well then, let's get to work!"


If you like my stories, please support me on Pátreon, at Pátreon(.)com/theMadLad, where you can find one advanced chapter early right now!

Author's Notes

Chapter done! Shorter Chapter but I hope you all enjoyed it.

I apologize for being late. I was busy this week and I felt a bit sick yesterday from some shit food I ate the day before.

Mostly a recap on Icarus' side of things, but now we see the first steps that Icarus takes to being a hero in his own right. He truly gains pride in himself for the first time—confidence in himself!

Leave a like if you enjoyed, and a comment, I love me some comments!

New Image of Icarus made with the help of Crimson over on Discord, who used an AI to make this sweet art that I edited on top of:

Join the discord at, https://discord.gg/AMyqBN2

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C28
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


