43.9% Fallout 4 Infinity / Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Sector Two

章 17: Chapter 17: Sector Two

Arriving at the base the Vertibirds landed, I did not take a single Vertibird this time after being ambushed by the Institute I had brought a large force this time when leaving Sector one.

Having a bigger force to protect me from and Hidden threats and be ready for anything that might go wrong, I arrived back in the base, I may have separated from the larger group but Higgins and Captain James had demaned I be followed my at least two Assaultrons at all times even in base and even though annoying I will allow them to to do it. I made my way to the War Room to start working on the next plan of action. Along the way I stopped at the Robotic bay and let Jade give any robots that she has been carrying to the Repair team and the weapons and Synths are to be taken up to Wallace and the engineer team to see what they can learn from them if anything at all.

Walking into the War room Higgins spoke.

Sir? (Higgins)

I know, being a leader I need to stay and work on keeping the place running from the back nice and safe away from conflicts, it would be like that if I did not have Jade, but I have Jade and that makes doing the next step harder for anyone else but me. (Brendon)

Yes Sir, what is your plan? i will help keep you safe when we leave sector one. (Higgins)

How are the recruits? (Brendon)

We have 78 Civilians that joined and have been training, none of them look to be doing anything out of the ordinary besides the routine I have set and even pushing themselves to get better seems your speech had made them want to improve more. (Higgins)

Good, they will be joining me on my Mission, Higgins you are going to keep the next batch that will arrive under strict watch like this one and if anything looks out of place to restrain them and ask them questions, just don't kill them on getting the information. (Brendon)

Sir! (Higgins)

I will also need 500 for this next mission I need 22 Bots, 10 Assaultrons, and 10 Sentry Bots, and two Repair Bots for the Bots when damaged, then add another 400 Robots being 150 Assaultrons, 125 Sentry, 125 Sniper. (Brendon)

This is going to be a large Campaign mission, use the Radio and contact me when needed it should still work in sector two, Jade can connect to radio signals so getting information is possible and I can make a Radio and respond back. (Brendon)

Sir! Be safe on your trip! (Higgins)

Keep this place safe in my place, and get the Builder bots to start removing and building concord accordingly to the plans and set up the farm lands also accordingly to the plans I have provided. (Brendon)


{Three days later.}

Standing before a force of 500 on a higher platform, the troops had to carry thier tents, Store Food, Water and sleeping Bags for each person and having ammo and Guns lots of weight on each recruit if not for the training then they would have been tired by now, but the wasteland is not a kind place for people and having to fight the harsh weather and beasts the people here are stronger then the other world. Seeing everything has been prepared.

We are on a Campaign Mission! We are to move to as many Settlements throughout our journey and help them, not to gain anything but support in return if they agree that is, and if not then we move on after we helped, we are to help and not to kill, but when attacked fight back or die! Remember your training and fight back if it's you or the enemy, I hope it's the enemy that loses and you winning! (Brendon)

Welcome to the first Infinity Guardians Battalion! Commander Red as a Sentry bot you are slower but more power,you will lead Company Red that will be 100 of you under his command this is the heavy Company so ones that have heavy weapons doing more damage but slow will follow him!

Company Blue! Commander Tom will be leading this Company the ones that are not heavy but also not light to move fast will follow him!

Company Green! Commander Lucky will be leading this company, being a new commander and being a scout bot you will be leading the top 100 fastest troops!

Company Yellow, lead by new Commander Life, being a Mr Gutsy you will be command of a mixed unit of all three heavy, medium, light team!

Company Purple my personal Company when we need to split up at anytime, Company Purple will be with me having the best of the best also a mix of all but the Recruits will be in Company Purple! (Brendon)

Now that everyone knows where you are set! Make sure you have everything we leave in Five Minutes! (Brendon)

Leaving the platform, I returned to the base and entered the war room.

Sir, we have all the settlements marked down for you, Transferring the data over. (Higgins)

Data Received! (Jade)

I will be heading to Sector 2 next and clearing it out, making a base there and once it's setteled working my way to Sector Three. (Brendon)

I don't know if I will be going to sector three right after finishing Sector two but while I am gone hold the base down. (Brendon)

Sir! Be safe. (Higgins)

Waving, I left and made my way to my room and checking on the Deathclaw egg, Jade Spoke after looking at the egg.

Masster, It will be hatching in a day or two. (Jade)

Then I need to bring it with us then. (Brendon)

I picked the egg up and walked out as I held the egg I returned to the Battalion, watching them organized everything in 5 minutes and was ready to go I yelled out to all the troops in one go through the radio.

Ready! hope so, we are traveling for a long journey we can't take vehicles the ground is to uneven and I don't want to fix it on the way just yet so we are walking! (Brendon)


Marching out Star base and passing the traders and people all walking around they all stopped and looked at the huge force of 500 moving. Heading to Checkpoint A-5 the Checkpoint next to Star base the Railroad bridge, passing through A-5, the force moved east and passed Bots that have been collecting scrap and returning it to the base. Arriving at the T road there was once a pre-war IFV that was there but it was collected and returned to Star base with the barricades and many other things being rebuilt and fixes up.

Going left, the Battalion came up to a Landfill, Getting attacked by 50 or so it fell like 50 of Mole Rats, the Troops killed them quickly and no death or damage was taken, heading past the Landfill after it was cleared and moving on, following the road, two miles and quarter the road split left and right, Following the right road and not getting off, the Battalion stayed on the road, I had a place already in mind to set up as the base for Sector Two so before starting the helping spree of the Civilians I needs to get to the base, as we are moving a Trader walking to Star base was shocked at seeing a huge force moving his way, but a scout bot had already told him before hand that Infinity Guardians are passing by if he doea nothing he will be fine but seeing it personally he was stunned by it. I had the Scout to inform the Trader there will be a base being set up and he can bring supplies there and it will be bought. And even tell other traders. He left to spread the news of a new business deal going on with Infinity Guardians.

As the Infinity Guardians Battalion is walking for two miles we are attacked.

{Gun shots}

Beetles are attacking! (?)

I did not join but watches the Commanders lead the troops. There is three Beetles attacking there armor is deflecting bullets but the Sniper eye bots energy weapons melt through it. The beetles fly short rang as they land the ground shook from the impact, they moved fast and the Shell held strong against the bullets, but when the laser flew it made a hole and Green Blood poured out of the wounds, there the commanders sent the eye bots and they flew above raining red lasers down onto the beetles they where killed.

Beetles? Not expecting them but not surprising who knows just what things live in the wasteland now, the beetles was what? 4 meters big? They are slow for there side but fast when doing burst flight and makes up with how strong they are, able to withstand three grenades before getting killed or few lasers. [Brendon]

Jade, every enemy we come across make a description and the size of them and save it to make a wilderness survival guide for the Recruits to read. (Brendon)

Will do! (Jade)

I better information the troops they did not even prepare right away when the beetles attacked.

This is just the beginning! If you are not prepared to be attacked at any second you will be taken by surprise and killed! Any time it is quiet and nothing attacking! That is the most dangerous time! Your enemy is planning on attacking keep that with you at heart if you get used to the calm and relaxing quiet you will be unprepared when attacked! They might be looking at us right now preparing to attack when you let your guard down! Don't allow them the chance! Lets keep going! (Brendon)

Jade Collected the Beetles before leaving and like all other things killed along the way as normal.

Walking for what seemed to be three miles or even four, a + Road appeared. Going straight East and following the road, another set of Beetles attacked and this time they attacked with the sniper team first and took the shell out and then finished them off, it used way less ammo and more effective, I nodded seeing them improve and the Battalion continued only to be attacked by more and more Beetles along the way, I let Jade Collect anything that she seems to deem worthy to collect and that seems to be everything so the road is clear of any cars and vehicles along the way.

Coming up to a T in the road a dead caravan was seen, the troops moved and looked around ready for an ambush, Jade collected the materials they had and they continued on East, still being alert for anything trying to kill them or

ambushing them.

More Beetles! (??)

Another attack from Beetles but everyone is alert and the Beetles got killed quickly.

Master! You have leveled up! (Jade)

Thanks, Jade, remind me when we have the base set up. (Brendon)

Continuing on, I stopped the Advancing troops half or less mile walk, from a small town a hospital on the left and buildings on the right, I seen a Super mutant and their alarm pets walking around scouting the area.

Commanders, we will attack from all sides at once, they have yet to see us lets use that, Commander Red you will draw there attention to you, attack first but only when I give the order. (Brendon)

Commander Tan take your force and attack from the north side of the sown going South.

Commander Lucky will attack from the south flying over the buildings and using the buildings roofs as cover to rain lasers down.

Commander Life circle around and attack from the East side coming into town, lets clear this town of all enemies and regroup in the middle.

I will stay here with Commander Red and support him if needed. (Brendon)

As the commanders moved around the town Red was given the Green light and started the attack, Grenades rained down like a carpet run small explotions alerted the super mutants and there dog alarms yelled out even though it is not needed and that triggered the first attack Super mutants started attacking some have mini guns and rained bullets at us Lasers fell from the aky to the Super mutants below vaporized a few but they started attacking back forcing the sniper team under cover, then attack came from the north and the use of the buildings as cover they started getting pushed back to the east, as they are I seen a red flashing light and quickly pulled my PSG1 out and looked down the scope seeing its a suicide super mutant my heart jumped and quickly relayed to shoot it and also shot at it, the forces shot from all sides and a huge Explosion took place that even far away felt the shockwave it was a Nuke and the super mutants next to the suicider was killed by the blast becoming burning Bodies or parts, this noise brought a building down as Beetles stormed out of it and started attacking the troops, they got damaged from the unexpected attack but organized quickly after they appered.

For the next seven minutes of battle the super mutants coming out of the hospital joined and being attacked from all sides they died soon after, but the East force has been delayed, and just now arrived as a radio contacted me.

Sir we have been attacked by Ghouls, we have finished them off but was delayed, we are here now and joining the battle. (Life)

Good. (Brendon)

There the attack from behind the three way became a four way direction attack on the last remaining Super mutants and they are unable to defend from all sides was killed quickly.

As the battle was dying down the troops moved in and made sure the super mutants are all dead and as we checked the last outside a teams was sent into the buildings of the town clearing them all, most things are already dead as they got drawn in from the noise.

Seeing the town was secured I did not stay and we moved on. passing Medford Memorial Hospital now empty of enemies we entered the center and rested for 30 minuts, all injured was taken care of in this time, Jade provided material to repair all the damaged done and once everything is done we continue our journey. passing the buildings and keeping alert nothing attacked until we got to Med-Tek Research on the left.

Ghouls! (?)

I thought we cleared them, it seems there is more I side, sorry sir for the bad information! (Life)

Bad information will get people killed and even a company killed, as a commander you can't make these mistakes. (Brendon)

Yes, Sir! Will not have it happen again! (Life)

Looking to the left and seeing 30 Ghouls insight with just a glance, with everyone else opened fired, I just hold my egg and watched, the bullets ripping them to shreds Sentry bots did the most with their guns blazing off the Ghouls charged and waved back and forth out of the way of bullets like the matrix and when the Ghouls arrived before the sentry bots and hit them it made a loud ding sound but that was it before they got killed rather quickly its just they are is such huge mass they can overpower smaller groups if we where not in a large force it would have been worse.

Leaving once more and heading southeast on the road, a signal was detected by Jade.

Master, there is a Signal if you keep going the way you are it gets stronger. (Jade)

Continuing on the signal got stronger and finding a destroyed building in sight Jade spoke.

Master the Signal is there! (Jade)

Moving to the Destroyed building, and finding the distress beacon and Brotherhood of steel remains, I remembered the Quest to find that Brotherhood solders that survived the only one survived from his squad.

Not Important right now, lets continue! (Brendon)

Returning back to the road and moving on, the same way East as before, a mile walk later and a roundabout appeared with a huge tree in the center with leaves fully green and healthy, taking a right and another right heading south for four miles and quarter no attacks along the way, coming up to a + and one of the marked settlements called County Crossing, we did not stop, and moved South we did draw the attention to the settlers as we passed with the troops, another for half a mile down the road the place I have selected to be the base for Sector two arrived on the left.


Seeing the sign National Guard Recruitment Office it is mostly off and hard to read but still there, I nodded and yelled out to the troops.

This is going to be our base! There are enemy's everywhere inside and around! I want this place cleared of everything that will attempt to kill us before night fall! (Brendon)

Yes, Sir! (Troops)

LordSpecter3366 LordSpecter3366


Updated: 06/4/2020.

next chapter
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