NOTICE: Doubtful but some may recognize this from a different account. I actually forgot the email and pass to that account lol, so I copy and pasted the first chap over to here. You'll see a Pokémon fic as well and I plan to swap back and forth between the 2. With the Pokémon fic getting the priority truthfully. Anyways hope you enjoy!
"Alright Jerry, no hard feelings ya?" I asked though not really expecting a response. Jerry stood there swaying slightly side to side, with an absolutely putrid stench wafting off his rotting flesh. Jerry was dead or alive... I'm not really sure what theory I prescribe to yet, but he WAS alive then he died and came back as this walking corpse.
Usually they attack the first living thing they see to feed, but not me. Walking right up in front of Jerry I take my long screwdriver and stab it through his eye socket. His body collapses to the ground causing the other to turn to investigate the noise. This used to send my heart beating, having all these dead eyes searching for their next meal. Only after a month or so it no longer affected me.
I pulled my weapon out of Jerry and wiped it on his shirt before carrying on to the next walking corpse. For some reason I had always been "invisible" to people, even the live ones. I went unnoticed if I wanted and sometimes even when I didn't want too. But maybe this was preparing me for this moment, the moment the dead decided to no longer stay dead.
Truthfully not much really changed for me except now I'm free to do whatever I want.
Sleep in? Sure.
Break into random people's homes? As long as no one is still in there.
Steal, pilfer, claim, take ownership of, etc etc.
Today I was my "spring cleaning" day. I had been hanging around this neighborhood going from house to house the last month or so just sleeping in one house and then on to the next. Looting what I wanted and eating the food that would go bad before it could. It was a nice life honestly. And even though the dead acted as a deterrent to the average survivor I figured it was my duty, to some extent, to weed out the walking dead.
Don't get me wrong I'm no altruist or Saint, I just know that even I will eventually get bored of all this. Sure I could travel the world, but do I really want to do that on foot? Ya I could steal cars, but eventually it would breakdown and I'm no mechanic. I mean shit I barely know how to change a tire. Plus even I get lonely.
I miss the internet, games, movies and tv shows. If I want all that back it starts with taking out at least a few dead people a day.
That leads me to my current situation. A man in a hospital gown walking down the street with seemingly no weapon? He's either stupid or like me the dead can't sense him. I could call out to him, but you can't be sure about people that are still around during this apocalypse. There are definitely still some good people left, but even good people become different under this kind of environment.
So I take the cautious approach and tail him, slipping behind trees and sticking to houses as I follow him down the street. He seems... injured? He has been stumbling slightly and not moving his left arm as much as he walks. He seems disoriented, wiping his face with his good hand from time to time and looking around confused. I honestly think he's on drugs, but what dumbass would get blasted with the dead roaming around.
Soon he comes upon a bike in the grass and I find out that he's not invisible to dead like me. Unfortunate. Sighing I begin across the road as he stumbles back falling on to his ass due to the crawler with no legs. He looks absolutely terrified and that's normal, but it's something more than that. Almost as if he's never seen one before? Surely not right?
"Hey you. Druggy in the gown, get away from that thing." I whisper shouted as 1 crossed the street. I normally talk out loud to myself when walking down the street since the dead don't register me as food, but this guy isn't like me so I'll be a little quiet for his sake. His head whips around to see me coming towards him and I see some relief in his eyes before the panic comes back. He looks back at the crawling corpse and begins scooting away to stand up with the bike.
Once he was upright again I was already striding past him and lodged my screwdriver through the right eye of the corpse and then ripped it out in a fluid motion. Swiping the brain matter and congealing blood through the grass before taking a spare rag out to finish cleaning it.
Sliding it back into my pocket I turn and look at the startled man in front of me. Keeping my right hand gripped around the handle of my screwdriver in my pocket.
"You mute or something old timer?" I ask as I adjust my ball cap with my left hand to block some of the sun coming through the trees behind him. His mouth opened and closed a couple times before he rasped out a short sentence.
"You.. you killed... her." He looked to my eyes before trailing down to the dead thing behind me. I tilted my head a little as my brows scrunched in confusion.
'Ya?" Turning to look at the corpse over my shoulder before looking at him with a side eye. "You're welcome for that by the way. And where's your weapons? You should know better than to be walking around without some kind of protection nowadays."
"Wha- what do you mean by that?" He asked gripping the handles of the bike and I sigh out loud.
"You been living under a rock or something old timer? Them drugs you've been taking rot your brain that bad?" I ask annoyed
"I don't take any drugs." He bit out with some anger
"Well well, could have fooled me stumbling down the street in your underwear and a gown. Just screaming to the walking dead to come eat you." Gesturing to the dead corpse on the ground. His eyes trailed over it with motion of my hand and he paled slightly which is impressive considering how pale he already is.
"What is going on?... First the hospital seemed like a warzone with dead bodies in bags and a military camp right outside."
"Ah fuck! How did I not think to check the goddamn hospital?" Facepalming I drop my hand to see him startled in front of me.
"Oh, uh sorry for scaring you. Just can't believe how stupid I am. Did it look looted over there? Any supplies, military or hospital?" I take a step forward thinking of all the stuff that could be just sitting there waiting for the picking.
"I didn't exactly look around for stuff to steal from a graveyard." He said with a bit of growl in his voice and I had to suppress my laugh.
"Haha you're really not a druggy are you mister? If you're worried about looting the dead then you must really have been living under a rock."
"I was in a coma. In the hospital and when I woke up everything was like this.
Just yesterday I got shot trying to stop a high speed chase but they didn't know there were more people in the car." He said looking around at everything as if trying to come to terms with it. But I had gears turning with that bit of information.
"Wait you're the cop that got shot, what like a month or so ago? Himes? No..
Rhymes with that at least, damn it's on the tip of my tongue."
"That's it!" I clap my hands together. "The sheriffs deputy Rick Grimes, wow what a world. I can't believe you last a month in a coma during all this." Hands resting on my hips as I think on the chance of such a thing.
"My door was blocked by a gurney when I opened it. Hospital was shot to pieces and that's all I know."
Nodding at his words i suddenly realized how long we had been standing out in the open. Slipped my mind since I've pretty much been able to do whatever I want, but this guy isn't invisible like me.
"Hey we should probably move before of the dead show up. You have a place you're heading for?" I ask and he looks back down the street before pointing.
"Just down the road a ways is my house. I was going to check to see if my family was still there." I shrugged at his words and turned to walk down the street.
"Hop on your bike there and lets go. It's not likely that they'll be there, but who knows maybe they escaped." He had a grim expression on his face but followed along.
"What's your name kid?" He asked as he coasted beside me, allowing the slope of the hill to carry him down the road.
"Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself. Drew. Drew Merrick. Previously a senior in high school now professional looter and killer of the dead." I finish with a smirk.
"Riiight…" Rick drawls as we continue down the street
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