"That armor of yours… IT DOESN'T MATTER!"
Nirvana was furious, rushing down by kicking the empty air with a burst of wrathful mandala flames, his two weapons transforming, becoming completely red as they absorbed his wrath.
"Even if you get a new weapon!"
"Or even if you use a new Skill…!"
"The result of this battle will not change!"
Kireina's weapons clashed against Nirvana's, Luminous sword released countless sparkles of light, resembling cosmic stars, while Mammon's axe unleashed explosive demonic flames of both wrath, greed, and lust combined.
"PERISH! {Demonic Mandala Arts}: {First Infernal Naraka: Sanjiva}!"
Both of his weapons merged together, as Nirvana laughed evilly, summoning the first layer not of the hell Kireina and her allies knew about.
But of an even worse Hell, the First of the Burning Hells of Buddhism, Sanjiva!