As we were only a few seconds from reaching the gigantic blood forest, with trees tower over one kilometer tall and which was so dark inside we could only see the mist coming out of them and hear a few roars and screams, I checked the system a last time.
It did say I had a lot of treasures and also the ability to choose my Class and Subclass, right? So we might as well check the later right away! Andromeda seemed a bit desperate for me to check, so I am guessing she worked hard on the System.
"Andromeda, dear. Are you the one handling the Origin System now?"
[Yes, well, all three of us.] She answered.
[I am also here, my dearest.] That was Astraea, the System Master's daughter.
[Me too. Ah, please find Frank quickly, he's in a bit of a pinch right now.] This is obviously Frank's System.
"So you've become the three Administrators?" I wondered. "How is the System going, and how's little Origin?"