Tang Wei Sheng looked at the little guy who stood before him, with curiosity rippling in his big black eyes.
As he stood gaping at the boy, Tang Wei Sheng could easily trace the resemblances of the kid with the parents.
How's that even possible?
"Uncle, you got a wolf. Look, Yong have a dragon. Mommy made it for me because I'm a dragon." Little Yong pointed at the red dragon plushie that was attached to his bag and excitedly stated.
"You are a dragon?" Tang Wei Sheng's clenched jaw relaxed into a wide grin when he listened to the kid. While growing up, every child has their own fantasies- some of them considers themselves or wants to be their favourite superhero and he just felt that the kid was no different, Tang Wei sheng played along with Little Yong's words.
"Can you make it rain, Dragon?"
Thank you so much to my lovely readers for choosing/reading/supporting EOLK.